《Ultimate Item Trade》Interlude/World Building


How the world was created and what the churches of the world worship.

Once there was a pair of brother elementals. Light and Darkness. They were bored just exsiting with nothing to do so they decided to build a world together. They created 2 elemental brothers, and 2 elemental sisters to help govern the world they created.

Sister Fire - made from Courage and Fear

Sister Water - made from Wisdom and Recklessness.

Brother Wind - made from Generosity and Greed

Brother Earth - made from Peace and War

Each element made up part of the world, with each of their personalities affecting it. The history of the world started out with humans evolving because the elements created the world for fun, and out of boredom, so they watch slowly as beings came to be from their creation. There are multiple theories about how the races were made, each repected church with there own story.

Church of Fire believes that the race of Dragons were created by the Fire elemental, this is believed by most dragons as well as the magority of the church. While dragons have the most courage they do fear anything they don't know about.

Church of Water believes the the race of Merpeople were created by the Water elemental, And most merpeople follow the Church of Water. The merpeople are of the curious sort, and in their younger years are adventurists, constantly exploring the vastness of the sea. The young Merpeople are reflected upon the water elemental for their recklessness, while the older merpeople are widely known for their wisdom after years of exploring the dangers of the sea.

Church of Wind believes the race of Nymphs came to be, personifications of the wind, through gentleness and fierceness. The Nymphs are an odd sort, turned into two faction, though they both follow the Church of Wind, the church is the only thing between wat between the two factions. One faction is the Generous type widely helping other races for their support, while the Other faction of Greed, taking everything and focus on strength, deafeating their enemies with pure force.

Church of Earth believes to have created the dual races of Orcs and Dwarfs, of the two they were originally supposed to be borthers and help each others tribe, but through many mistakes on both sides they have become sworn enemies. Dwarfs build colonies underground protected by the walls of the earth. they are the best in finding new materials, and forging great weapons from the ores that they mine. Most Dwarfs are the peaceful type to the other races, focusing on being artisans more than the trifles of the other races. Orcs on the otherhand, Were nomatic, constantly moving their tribe to multiple new locations. Orcs did not like the peacful nature of the dwarves and they split off to explore the continant. Orcs started multiple skimishes with other races, often getting beaten back as a result. Orcs usually now fight within their own tribe for high positions and for mating.


There are many theories on how the races of demons and humans came to be, and they are only slightly different from each other.

In an explanation taken from the Church of Light.

Believers of the Church of Light believe the the Light elemental created humans, but the Darkness Elemental corrupted them to start killing others, though pain and suffering. to uncorrupt the humans the Light Element created Angels to help out uncorrupting the humans. After a war between the Angels and the Corrupted Humans, one situation known as the Great Betrayal.

The war stopped and another two races were formed. The light elemental stopped battling and the darkness elemental stopped as well. They seemed to stop fighting but in reality all they did was stop interacting with the world they had created.

The Church of light however continued to fight corrupted humans by their new term... Demons. The Church of light believes all believers of the Church of Darkness are corrupted and must perish.

In an explanation taken from the Church of Darkness.

Believers of the Church of Darkness believe that The Light and Darkness Elemental worked together in the creation of humans, as well as having their hand in the creation of the other races for being the two original elementals. Humans were born with equal ammounts of light and darkness, and were free to choose anything they wanted to do, they had the freedom of that choice.

When humankind began to use more darkness then light, the Light elemental began to bias them and did not think that they should have any darkness in them, and would show favor to humans with more light then the darkness. The Darkness Elemental thought that the Light elemental was being unfair, and would award the dark humans on his side favor as well.

When the Light element heard this, the light element created Angels to vanquish these "corrupted" humans. Most corrupted humans weren't completely evil beings, they just made some choices that they believed would be for the greater good, but they didn't know they would end up shunned from the world. (Example: Sloan was a bandit but he only robbed merchants to feed his crew)


The Church of Darkness still exists and is mainly worshiped by theives and bandits and other races in hiding from the Church of Light.

The Great Betrayal [Church of Light] (The Great Revelation [Church of Darkness])

In a big city town, there lived a son of a poor woodman named Drew. Drew was a mischievious little kid, stealing from the market to feed himself and his father. His father was the honest sort and when he asked his son where he got the food and money each day, Drew would say he ran errands around the city. Drew grew up lieing to his father and stealing from others. the Darkness in his heart was bigger than the light but only for the good of himself and father he would always tell himself.

Drew's father then died when Drew was only 17. Drew was distraught with no job as stealing was always easier then buying things normally and getting a job so Drew became an thief. He was a robin Hood, stealing from rich merchants and gining the money to the orphan kids in the town. That went on for 5 years until angels started to visit the world.

Drew was cought, by an angel named Faye. Faye was a kind angel, a bit different from the usual justice filled ones who only care about darkness being brought. Faye would talk to Drew and didn't think his stealing was the worst thing in the world. Eventually Drew and Faye fell in love. A totally new thing as angels generally did not like any human much less "corrupt" ones. Drew moved out of the city and lived in a log cabin with Faye far away from the troubles of the world, a vacation just for the two of them.

Together they hadf a child, Drew decided on naming her Aria, after a sweet lullaby. Peace didn't last long however. when Aria was only 8, the Church of Light found out what happened and killed both Drew and Faye, but Aria managed to escape. With her mind crippled from the death of her parents she accidentally created monsters from her fallen tears. all of the animals became "Corrupted" their good getting outweighed by Aria's tears and they attacked the nearest city in a stampede.

Aria then went into hiding while the animals destryoed what was the first cathedral of the Church of Light.

(In the Church of Darkness it is said that Aria then became the Savior of the Church of Darkness, but no known knowlege references that she was.)

The MC and the System's relation to this World

The MC and the Systems connection is like a Remote controled Drone with one of its Propellers gone. The system randomly finds Hosts and makes trades with them, and through the system the MC can see the world though the drones camera. The MC resides in an alternate empty dimension, only able to watch the world through the system but is unable to do anything except enhance the items though trades.

The MC is relatively neutral in the world, helping everyone regardless of their background though the MC's Past life makes him kinder to people suffering and children. The Elementals cannot do anything to the MC, because he is not connected to the world itself, only through a guarded system, so the MC is uncaring to the churches in general, but mostly cares about making equal trades and watching the world, seeing how the world changes due to the Items given.

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