《The Journey of a God: Book 1》Chapter 5: The Fair Maiden


Once at the gate, everyone but Seth started to fall back asleep. Griffin and Gonza were curled up together across two seats. Borris was seated in the chair at the end with his arms crossed over his chest. Austin and Jade were leaned against one another across from Borris. Anne was seated next to them using her shield as a pillow. All the while, Seth was seated with his back to the wall, hands clasped at his chin. He was hunched over with his elbows on his knees. Seth was focused on a woman not three rows away from them. It was the woman that he’d seen while listening to the airport. As she faced him, Seth could see that she was far more beautiful in person.

Every so often, she would glance over at Seth and he would smile when she blushed. For about ten minutes, it was a glance, look away, over and over. Seth was enjoying the encounter, until he noticed that two of the people sitting directly in her vicinity were huge men in blacked out clothes. Then he noticed that there were two similar men now seated next to him. All four stood at the same time and started to move on them. Seth mouthed for her to stay calm, but she seemed confused as to why. Then the two next to her gripped her by the arms and lifted her bodily out of her seat. When they got to Seth, however, Seth didn’t budge one bit as they tried to lift him up from the seat. One drew a knife and put it to Seth’s rib cage. Seth just smiled as he stood and shrugged off his trench coat. Both men jumped back a few steps, not because Seth towered over them, but because he had swords and knives strapped all over his upper torso.

The man with the knife tried to stab Seth, but the blade simply broke against his skin. The other went to punch Seth but Seth grabbed his fist and squeezed. The man groaned with pain and went to his knees. Slowly and painfully, the man heard his own bones cracking as Seth squeezed on his fist.

Seth’s eyes never left the woman as the two men were holding her off her feet. The men were now looking in awe or utter shock at Seth. The look on the woman’s face was that of resistance, so Seth started walking toward the men. On his way Seth nudged Borris’s knee. “Watch the stuff.”

Without even opening his eyes, Borris responded, “Ok, try not to destroy the building.” Then he rolled a bit so that his closed eyes were in direct line to Seth’s bags and coat.

By the time Seth got to the end of the aisle, every other person aside from men in black and the woman had fled from the gate area. As he walked, the two behind him got confident enough to try again. This time, they tried to tackle him at the same time. Seth simply leaned back and elbowed both of them in the face. Seth’s eyes were still focused on the woman, now in awe herself.

Then all twelve the men in black shed their coats, to reveal an assortment of weaponry. The only one remotely close to Seth’s height wielded a flail. Most of the others had swords or individually unique weapons. One had a pair of tonfa, with blades at the ends. Another had a katana, with a ball and chain hanging from the hilt. What Seth found funny was the fact that airport security was nowhere to be seen.


As Seth looked over the group of men, his eyes fell upon the woman’s. She was terrified and was looking into his eyes in fear. Seth nodded to her and closed his eyes as a warning that shit was about to fly. As he looked back up, she nodded and closed her eyes.

In a flash, Seth threw the six throwing knives attached to his rib cage. All six making their mark in the foreheads of an enemy. Then Seth charged forward, grabbing the ball at the end of the flail and smashing it into the man’s face, caving in his skull. The next three leapt on top of Seth, but he launched himself to the ceiling, crushing them against the concrete. The last two swung their swords at him, but Seth just let them shatter. Then he swatted each of them across the face, sending them flying to the left and right. Then there was only one, who still had the woman, putting a gun to her head. The woman was crying, eyes closed, in the man’s grip, which pissed Seth off to no end.

Before the man could even react, there was a knife embedded in his wrist and Seth was upon him. The gun dropped to the floor, and Seth gripped the man’s throat with one hand, slowly lifting him off the ground, away from Jessica. How do I know that her name is Jessica? Seth thought to himself, before asking the man, “Who sent you?”

Jessica drew one of the swords out from Seth’s baldric and stepped back from him as quickly as possible. Then she opened her eyes to see the bodies strewn about and froze. Seth pretended not to notice and continued interrogating. The man only got out, “The Dark King.” Then Seth threw the man across the open space, to smash into a wall.

Seth turned and brought his hands up slowly. Advancing, he unsheathed and dropped the rest of the weapons on his person. When he got to where Jessica was standing, Seth spread his arms wide and said, “Do you really think that I would have done all that just to hurt you?”

Her eyes started to tear up again and she dropped the sword. She slowly staggered forward and hugged Seth, “Why do I know your name? What’s happening?” She stammered in between tears.

Seth hugged her close and sighed, “I don’t know but I know that I know your name as well, Jessica. No matter what happens, know that I will protect you with all of my being.”

She slowly withdrew herself from Seth’s hug and smiled, “Whatever happens, know that I am here for you.” Then she jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms around Seth’s neck. Seth accepted the hug with a smile.

“Looks like Seth’s finally found one.” A voice blurted from behind Seth.

Jessica lifted her head from Seth’s shoulder, “Who is she?”

Seth sighed and set her down on her feet, “That is my rather annoying sister, Austin.”

“What did she mean by saying, ‘Finally found one.’?” Jessica stepped back and produced a pouty face that made Seth want to kiss her.

“Well …” Seth scratched the back of his head as he tried to think of what to say.

“What she means to say is that Seth has never found anyone he could love.” Everyone but Seth jumped at the sound of the voice. Jessica jumped right up into Seth’s arms, like a scared five-year-old.

“Hello, Elania.” Seth said calmly as he cradled Jessica in his arms. “I bet you can explain why I have these sudden … feelings for Jessica.” Seth finished, finding it hard to admit that he had feelings for Jessica. He couldn’t help but notice that Jessica was blushing.


Elania chuckled, “Yes, I can. In the prophecy of The One, there is but only one woman that he can place his love, and that one woman alone. I am not surprised that you have already found her, Seth.”

Seth looked down into Jessica’s eyes and she smiled up into his. Then she did something that Seth could only dream of. Jessica leaned up and kissed him. Seth was so flustered that he could actually feel the heat in his cheeks. Seth kissed her back and for a time, they were alone in their own world.

Everyone else decided to let them have the time alone. Everyone went back to their seats and waited for the flight once more. Elania stayed right where she was watching the happy couple. Once they had finished, Jessica was snuggling into Seth’s chest. Elania moved forward, “I am going to get her guardian angel to give her the ability she was meant to have.” Without waiting for a response, she was gone, but only for a few seconds. She returned with a man next to her.

“Hello, I am Jacobs, and I am your guardian angel, Jessica.” The man stated as he walked over to where Jessica was still snuggling with Seth. “This will only take a moment.” He tapped her on the forehead, where a bright light appeared for a few seconds. Jessica’s eyes began to vibrate to the right and left, as if she was reading something at a million miles an hour. When the light diminished, Jessica fell unconscious in Seth’s arms. Seth lifted her in a cradle and glared at Jacobs expectantly. “Her ability is a superconductive mind. It improves her strength and reflexes, but her main ability is to electronically tap into any information anywhere. It’s called the Power of Knowledge.” He leaned in and kissed Jessica on the forehead. “Do take good care of her, Seth. I know she means the world to you.” And he evaporated into thin air.

Before Elania could leave, Seth asked the question in his head, “Why doesn’t Jessica have the same ability as I do?”

Elania smiled, “Everyone has a very different affinity for power. Jessica has the affinity for knowledge and information, while you have the ultimate affinity for courage, strength, and the highest amount of honor.” Elania stated it as she evaporated before his eyes.

The moment she was gone, a swat team came into the gate area, led by an airport security guard. Seth just turned to them and folded his arms in wait. The team surrounded Seth in a circle of pistols and shields. Borris, Anne, Griffin, and Gonza were outside of the circle, but Ashley and Jade were standing behind Seth. Borris opened one eye to see what Seth’s reaction was, what he saw was a slight nod from Seth. An unspoken message went between the two and Borris nodded back. Making noise only audible to Seth, Borris woke the others up. Seth set the now awake Jessica down on her feet.

Out of the men, a lone security guard walked out to Jessica and tried to drag her out of the circle. Jessica promptly flipped the grip and broke the man’s elbow with a quick jerk. She was as surprised as everyone else. Austin walked up to her and gave her a fist bump. The man gritted his teeth and walked back to the security of the circle, gripping his right arm in pain. Another man advanced, but he stopped ten feet from the group. “You are under arrest for the murder of these men.” He indicated the bodies spread everywhere.

“It was out of self-defense.” Seth stated out right as he pulled Austin and Jessica behind him.

“We saw the video. You weren’t using self-defense. I suggest that you come along peacefully.” The moment the man finished, rifles were leveled on them, from all around the circle of shields.

The girls were huddled behind Seth and he told them to stay down. Seth then cracked his neck and all of his knuckles. “If you’ve seen the video, you’re in with them.” Seth indicated the bodies as he said it. “Also, if you’ve seen the video, you know that’s never going to happen.”

“Very well then.” The man retreated back behind the line of men. “Men, switch to live rounds.” Seth could hear all of the change of magazines and rounds being slammed into the chamber. “Fire!”

Seth closed his eyes and brought his arms out wide. He could hear the triggers being slowly pulled back and the hammers sliding forward, just before slamming into the firing pin. There was a flurry of shots and the sound of concrete being smashed by rounds. Then it was all over, all the rounds spent. When Seth opened his eyes, there was dust everywhere like a cloud of smoke. The girls still huddled behind him, not a mark on them.

The swat team thinking its job was done turned away and started back out of the terminal. Then they all heard the low chuckle that escaped Seth’s lips. Every man froze and slowly turned around. The chuckle grew into a laugh and then an all out fit. Seth calmly walked out of the dust cloud as if nothing was wrong. The only sign of a skirmish was his now torn and tattered shirt, hanging off his waste. His heavily muscular upper body was bare for all to see. He tore the rest of the shirt away and tossed it in their direction, “That was my favorite shirt.”

All the men took one look at Seth and bolted for it. As the last man went around the corner, there were screams from all of the men. Seth gave no interest in pursuing them, so he walked over to the customer service counter. The woman behind the counter was still curled in a ball in one of the corners. She had no idea that Seth had walked up to the counter. When Seth tapped her on the shoulder, she gave a start before getting to her feet and straightening her skirt. “Wh-wh-what do you wa-want?”

“Has the plane arrived yet?” Seth asked with a smile.

“Y-yes, your plane had arrived.” She answered.

“Good.” Seth waved for her to get back down and she obliged. Seth turned from the counter and looked to the ceiling, “There’s room for a few more if you three are up for it.”

Everyone but Borris was confused at the statement, until one of the air vests fell from the ceiling. Two figures dropped from the hole, dressed in black. The first was a tall woman with brown hair braided down her back. She wore black leggings with a black baldric, with an assortment of throwing knives and swords. The second was a short figure that covered his face with black cloth. Seth could tell that it was a wiry boy under the cloth. Blonde hair fell out from behind the cloth, just longer than shoulder length. He wore close to the same set up as the woman, except that he only had a single sword strapped to his back. Along either thigh were six identical throwing stars.

The woman stepped forward, “I am …”

“Ali, the Lady of Death and soul bodyguard to the Kings of the Ninja Courts.” Borris said it as he rose from his seat he walked over to where they were. “You are one of the last bijanir left, a very rare race that can remove limbs at will. What on earth are you doing here?” Borris crossed his arms and waited for an answer.

The woman walked over to Borris and stood in front of him chest to chest. “This must be Borris Schmidt, one of the High Council members of the Dark Court. A race known as god born because your father was Hades and your mother was a human that turned into the Raven Queen, am I right?”

At first, everyone was dead silent, thinking that they were going to draw weapons and fight. Then, slowly a smile crept onto their faces and they burst into laughter and gave each other a bear hug. “How’ve you been Ali cat?” Borris asked in the embrace.

“Just fine. How bout you Borrsy?” Ali asked back. They separated and kissed a long full kiss.

“I’m doin great.” Everyone was laughing except for the boy in black and Seth. Jade and Austin were giggling in the back about the nicknames that they gave each other. Seth was thinking about three couples in one day and whether or not it was a coincidence.

Then the boy cleared his throat with a scowl in his eyes. Everyone in the room went silent and Ali went to a knee in front of the boy. “I apologize Sir.” Ali said as she lowered her head.

“You should be.” Was all the boy said.

Then Borris walked up to the boy and crossed his arms, with a confused expression on his face. “The real question though is why Prince Kaythanos, son of head Council member Akamon is here?”

The boy stepped back, astonished at Borris’s bravado and knowledge of him, “How dare you utter my name in such a place.” Kaythanos blurted as he raised a hand to strike Borris. Before he could throw the blow, however, an iron grip clamped onto his forearm and he couldn’t even move. He turned his head to find Seth towering over him. The Prince only being five feet tall was a child compared to Seth’s seven feet.

Seth leaned down so that he was face to face with Kaythanos, “I wouldn’t care if you were God himself. I would throttle you over my knee right here for slapping a grown man for such an immature reason.” Seth said as he released the Prince’s wrist and watched as he stepped back a few paces.

“I … uh.” Kaythanos’ eyes were locked on the symbol on Seth’s chest. He knew who he was talking to. “I was just trying to fulfill the roll that was given to me. I am a Prince of the dimensions.” He tried to sound honorable and tough, but the words came out shaky. He plopped down in one of the seats behind him.

“Do you think that’s Princely behavior?” Seth turned to the corridor, where a man garbed in a black cloak was skulking, covered in blood.

The man smiled and started walking down the corridor, “No, I don’t, but that is what his father expects of him.” He put out his hand for a hand shake. “My name is Kasakierin, nice to meet you.” Then he saw the symbol on Seth’s chest and chuckled, “Ah, I see we’re in the presence of greatness.” He mocked a bow toward Seth.

Borris jerked Ali behind him, “Seth, get away from him, you can’t trust him.” Ali grabbed Borris’ arm and pulled him around to face her.

“He’s with us Borris. The King himself has tasked him out.” She hugged him close to calm him down, “You’ve been gone for so long that things have changed.”

Seth walked over to the Prince and put a hand on his shoulder to comfort the kindred spirit. “I wouldn’t know from my own experience, but I would think a truly great King, or any leader for that matter, would follow his heart and stay true to himself.” Seth brought the Prince’s chin up with a nudge and said, “Not try and be someone they aren’t.”

Without warning, tears came to his eyes and Kaythanos jumped forward to give Seth a hug like a little kid. “Thank you.” He sobbed into Seth’s shoulder.

Seth hugged him and patted him on the back. “You are very welcome.” Then he peeled away to look at the group that had been assembled.

As he looked them over, Ali and Kaythanos got to one knee and pledged themselves to him. Seth just stared at them, thinking of how many times this would happen in the future. Then he glanced over to Kasakierin, the only one who hadn’t pledged themselves to him. Seth smirked, which Kasakierin wondered as to why. “What’s so funny?”

Seth looked him over from head to toe, noticing that he was wearing close to the same coat as him. “Nothing really, you’re just the first one to treat me like a normal person.”

Kasakierin just bowed again, “That would be because I’m not your average immortal either.” They both chuckled, ignoring the astonished looks they were getting.

Everyone in the room was astounded by the two incidents that they’d seen. No one had ever calmed the Prince before let alone have him thank them for it. Austin and Jade were the only ones who knew what it was like to have Seth comfort them in a time of pain. He had helped Jade when her father had passed and helped Austin countless times in the past. Then, no one had ever thought that there was someone that Kasakierin would find his equal. To everyone from a different dimension, history had been made on two occurrences within a minute.

For a while there was only silence, until Borris walked up and said, “You know for only being fifteen, you’re one of the wisest people I know.”

Kaythanos reeled back in his seat staring at Seth, “You’re only fifteen?”

Seth stood to his full height, “Yes, I am.”

Kaythanos bolted upright and ran to Ali, “We found him, we actually found him.” The Prince was practically jumping up and down. The delay of the reaction was what confused Seth.

Ali just smiled a knowing smile, “I told you we did but you didn’t believe me.” Ali walked over to Austin and whispered, “That was quite a change over just a few words.”

Austin chuckled, “Yeah, he has that kind of effect on people.”

After everyone was finished introducing themselves, they were on their way to the connection flight in Alaska.

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