《The Journey of a God: Book 1》Chapter 4: Departure


By the time morning came about, Seth had spent several years in the dream realm. He’d built several worlds and had overseen many battles and wars. He’d honed his skills with just about any weapon and understood everything about war strategy. In a night, Seth had become a strategist in the full sense of the word, at least in his imagination.

When he came back to reality, Seth sat up in bed to find Kerana at his feet, face covered in blood. She was fast asleep and he knew that she wouldn’t like him waking her. So, Seth slowly slid out of bed and didn’t wake her. When he stood up, he saw himself in the mirror and saw the infinity symbol on his chest. He had hoped by the smallest of margins that it all had been a dream, but he knew that it was real and that he would have to rise to the occasion. He still wasn’t sure what he was going to have to do or decide, but he knew that he couldn’t just leave the world how it was. If there was something dark in the background looking to destroy everything, he knew that he would be one to face off with it till the bitter end.

After looking himself over, Seth walked over to the main house. Everyone was still asleep and the game of monopoly was still on the floor. He passed them by and went to his parent’s room. Seth’s parents were still under the covers, as he walked over to the dresser and tried to find some clothes that would fit him. His father was the only person he knew that was close to his size. After finding clothes that fit him, Seth carefully lifted both his parents out of the bed and brought them outside, to the base of their willow tree. It was where they had stated on many occasions that they wanted to be buried.

He took a shovel from the shed and dug a single hole in the roots of the tree. He made sure that the hole was exactly six feet deep, then he carefully lowered them into the whole. Before placing the dirt over them, Seth stood at the foot of the hole and put his hands in his pockets.

“Lord, I’ve never really done this, so please just hear me out. Please take very good care with these two souls. They lived in happiness and they deserve to rest in peace with that same happiness.” He paused as he thought of what would actually be said at a funeral. “Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. May you find peace in the afterlife.” As he said the last statement, he made a cross in the air with his right hand.

As he filed in the hole, it still puzzled him that he hadn’t cried at the thought of his parents dying. His dream world had been the only place that he’d showed those emotions. It was almost as if he was becoming detached from the world. It terrified him.

Just as he finished filling the hole, Borris walked out of the house. He strode over to where Seth was with his parents grave and stood in silence. There were no words to be spoken as they stood, side by side.

Then Seth turned to Borris, “Wake up the others. We’re leaving.” Then he teleported to the garage and started getting the SUV ready.

Borris just sighed and started walking inside again, “He’ll be like that for a few days maybe. I had to deal with that when ma went. Huh? Never thought I would be helping the One get through something like that.” He opened the door to the house and snickered, “Time to get up love birds!” The night before he’d made the comment during their game and Anne had swatted him across the face for it.


Once everyone was awake and Seth had the SUV loaded with gear he’d found in their garage, they all piled in and got on the road, with Borris driving, but Seth had something else that he needed to do before they left. He went out to his room and found that Kerana was awake and waiting for him on the porch. “I’ll have to go now. I’m leaving this place under your protection until I return. Can you do that for me?” Seth asked her.

Without even skipping a beat, Kerana hugged his leg and sprinted off into the woods behind their property, “Of course I can.” And she was gone, taking care of herself as she always did, but this time she stayed around the house of her master.

Then Seth got into the SUV and gave Borris directions that weren’t to Idaho Falls. They went down a few back roads then a dirt road, that led to a new neighborhood. It had hard ball roads and all new houses. They stopped in front of a single-story white house with a couple of pine trees in the yard. The driveway was curved so that it led to the garage.

Seth had them stop at the road and he got out. When the three of them tried to follow, Seth put up a hand, “I have to do this myself. Please just wait here.” Then he strode up to the front door. Before knocking, Seth heard the giggled laughter of Jade and his sister, Austin. He didn’t know how, but he was able to tell which heartbeat was Austin’s. He shook off the feeling in his gut and knocked on the door.

Jade’s mother Debi answered the door. She was wearing her usual Hawaiian shirt with a pair of cargo shorts, “Oh, hello Seth. I thought that Austin was going to be staying for a couple more days?”

Seth cleared his throat before answering, “Well, some stuff has happened, and Austin’s stay needs to be cut short. Mind if I come in?” He had his hands clasped behind his back.

“Of course, Seth.” She opened the door fully, so that he could walk in. “So, what happened? I hope everything is alright.” She had her arms crossed and a worried look was on her face.

“Actually, you’re going to want to hear this to.” Seth was waiting by the door as he heard the rushed footsteps on the stairs. Austin and Jade appeared across the dining room on the top of the stairs to the basement.

Austin ran to him as if she hadn’t seen him in years, “Seth! What are you doing here? Also, how did you grow so tall overnight?” She went to hug him, and he stopped her. “What? What’s going on?” Her happy demeanor vanished from her face to be replaced with one of worry.

“You need to sit down.” Seth said it as he led her to the couch by her arms. When she resisted, Seth stared her dead in the eyes, “You need to sit for this.” As he stressed the word, her face started to look terrified. She was shaking as she sat on the couch. Seth tried to find a way to say what needed to be said. “Last night our house was attacked, and mom and dad … were killed by the man who attacked.”

Austin seemed to shut down as she heard the words escape from Seth’s lips. “Mom … and … Dad? They’re … d-dead?” Tears were streaming down her face as she slowly dropped into depression. Then her eyes flared with anger. “Where is the man who attacked them?!” She gritted the question through her teeth.


Seth didn’t even hesitate, “I killed him after torturing him for information.”

Suddenly Austin’s rage and depression were gone, and she was just sitting there staring at Seth. She didn’t say a word, she simply sat there motionless. The silence persisted until Debi stepped up to Seth. “Tell those three to come inside. I’ll get the massage room ready.”

Before she could turn, Seth scowled at her, “Do you really think this is the time for a massage?” His fists were balled, and he was trying not to strike her across the face.

Debi simply chuckled, “This isn’t going to be the usual massage.” She snapped her fingers and Seth was covered from head to toe in flames. His clothes were ashes in seconds and he was left wearing a white godly robe. Debi released a small chuckle before crossing her arms. “So, it is true. You’re the One.”

Seth was looking himself up and down before he waved out the window. “Why am I not surprised that you are in on this as well?” Seth strode over to the massage room and waited. Jade sat on the couch to comfort Austin.

The door opened with Borris, Anne, and Griffin striding in. Borris took one look at Debi and instantly back stepped out of the house and shut the door as he went. Everyone could see him still back stepping to the SUV, before getting into the driver’s seat and placing his hands open on the steering wheel, at ten and two.

Griffin and Anne simply watched him with mild curiosity, until Anne saw Debi and bowed deeply. “It is an honor to meet the witch of the eternal fire.”

Debi nearly face palmed herself before standing Anne up with flames. “Please don’t do this.” Then she saw the look of awe, shock, and betrayal on Jade’s face. “Oh … surprise. You’re in a family of witches.”

Jade was speechless as Debi pushed Seth into the massage room. She stripped his robe off and lay him on the massage table. Her hands burst into flame and she started the massage. Seth had to admit that it wasn’t like a normal massage. In a normal massage, you could feel her hands on your skin and how they were rubbing the tension out of every muscle. Now, Seth could feel every fiber of his muscles being eased out of tension. Her fire was soothing to every cell of his being. The flames danced around his back and washed away the pain.

Once it was over, Seth was left a pile of putty lying on the massage bed. Debi left him there because he was entirely unconscious. She quietly shut the doors to the massage room and put up a barrier of silence. She strode into the living room and found everyone sitting and staring at her. She clapped her hands together and sighed.

“Alright, ask your questions.” She said it to everyone because everyone had questions for her.

Jade stood up first, “Witch of the eternal flame?” She crossed her arms and took on a look of sass.

Debi rubbed the bridge of her nose, like she was trying to get rid of a headache, “That is a stupid name that I was given when I was made the queen of fire.”

Jade’s eyes shot wide open, “Queen of fire!?” She put her hands on her hips.

Debi put up a hand, “I went through the witch trial of the seven queens and won out the fire. I can explain everything about magic to you later or someone else can. Does anyone else have any questions?” She waved her arms wide as she stated it.

Griffin lazily raised a hand, “Why do you have the aura of a demon?” He didn’t seem angry or scared, simply curious.

Debi turned to him with fear in her eyes, “How can you tell that?” She was furious with him.

“I’m part of the order of the fallen. In the initiation we are given the ability to see magic so that we can defend against it.” Griffin threw up a peace sign and chuckled, “Nice to meet you demon queen of the eternal fire. My name is Griffin and I’ll be accompanying Seth on his path. I hope you can cope with that.” After introducing himself, he leaned his head back and started sleeping.

Debi’s head cocked to one side and she smirked, “Order of the fallen huh? Never thought I would see one of you here.” Her eyebrows went up in surprise as she realized that she’d never actually met a member of the order.

As everyone contemplated what they had just heard, the door to the massage room opened and Seth stepped out, completely naked. Before anyone could even realize it, a pair of cargo pants, a t-shirt with the symbol of the gods on it, and a pair of steel toed boots materialized on his body. He glanced in the mirrored doors and found that his hair was pale white and his eyes were a gleaming red. His muscle had been enlarged and toned to an even higher standard. He had to be well over seven feet tall. He gripped his hands with the new power in his body. It terrified him once again.

Debi was all giggles as she looked him over, as was Anne. “You will be even more formidable now.” Anne stated.

Seth just strode over to the couch and picked up the motionless body of Austin. Jade followed as he went out to the SUV, “We are leaving now.”

Griffin and Anne were up and ready to go before there was any time to think. Debi, however, stood in the door waving goodbye to them. Jade instantly walked back to the house. “What are you doing? Aren’t you coming with?”

Debi shook her head, “No, I am staying here for when the Dark King arrives. There will have to be someone to protect this place.”

“Who the fuck is the Dark King!?” Jade shouted at her mother.

“Someone that you can’t fight against now honey.” As she said it, a puff of smoke entered Jade’s nose and she passed out. “There you go. Now get some rest while you travel the dimensions.”

Anne came out of the SUV and carefully picked Jade up and brought her to the car. “I will make sure that she is looked after.”

Debi chuckled, “When she wakes up, you’re going to be the one needing to be looked after.” She waved them off as the SUV left the area. “Be safe, child.” She made a cross in the air with fire and it evaporated toward the car. Then she looked to the skies with a scowl, “Teach her well Musalon. She’s even more powerful than me.” She put up a hand, shifting space with her magic to move a spell book into the bag that she had packed for Jade. Then she turned and walked back into the house.

On the highway, everyone but Seth and Borris were passed out. Anne was laid out in the bed of the SUV. Griffin was laid out in a cocoon of his own wings across the pilot seats. Austin and Jade were passed out on Seth’s lap in the back seat. Borris was in the front with music playing on some headphones. It must have been a good tune because he was thumping away on the steering wheel.

The whole trip so far, Seth had simply been thinking about what was to come. Everyone they met would more than likely try to join their group if they knew of the legend. That put Seth on edge because it was the easiest way to infiltrate his ranks if he created an army.

As he thought, Seth glanced out the window and his thoughts immediately shifted to a new subject. A lion the size of an F2500 was running alongside them. Seth instantly thought of running behind it and was teleported to the outside of the car. He was roughly the same height of its back but was still keeping pace with ease. He saw the SUV swerve a bit when Borris noticed Seth outside of the car, but he corrected and was back on track.

Seth ran to the front of the lion and smiled, “Hello there. My name is Seth.” He waved to it like they were strolling at a park. The Lion ignored him and continued running. Seth took that offense and tugged on its tail.

The lion jumped and transformed into a golden man before hitting the ground running. “Why did you do that?!” He demanded.

“You wouldn’t say hello, so I got your attention.” Seth was smiling still and waved again, before putting his hand out for a handshake. “Seth Conwell, how do you do?”

The man morphed and stopped in his tracks. Seth gripped his wrist and pulled a golden skinned woman into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her face was utter astonishment as Seth cradled her like a baby. “My name is Gonza and I am a tri-demon of the underworld. I pledge my soul to you from now until the end of the earth.”

Seth simply shook his head as he teleported back to his spot in the car. Austin and Jade were cuddled together on one side of the back seat and Seth smirked at the feather cocoon that was Griffin.

“What’s so funny? Do you like?” Gonza waved her free hand at her slim figure.

Seth chuckled before knocking on Griffin’s cocoon. The wings slowly unfolded to reveal Griffin lying across the seats, “What do you need?” He trailed off as he saw the naked form of Gonza, which was a sight to behold. Gonza had the body of the perfect model, with plenty of curves. He cleared his throat and made an attempt to straighten as much as he could, “What can I do you for?”

Gonza chuckled as Seth waved a hand over her, “What do you think?”

Griffin’s cheeks flushed and he sputtered a bit before asking, “In truth, Sir?” Seth simply nodded for him to continue. Griffin cleared his throat and he looked into Gonza’s eyes, “You’re the most beautiful creature I have ever had the privilege of laying eyes upon, and I hope that one day you can find room in your heart for me.” He said it calmly but his face was the shade of a cherry.

Gonza froze, in awe of what she’d just heard. Never in her life had someone not under her spells gave her such a compliment. Their eyes were locked as they smiled at each other and Seth slowly lowered Gonza into Griffin’s wing cocoon. She pulled the wings over them like covers on a bed and they began to laugh and giggle under the mound of feathers. Seth just smiled and leaned back in his seat.

“This is going to be one hell of a trip, Borris.” He saw Borris had his ear buds in and chuckled, “You didn’t hear a word I just said.”

Once they arrived at the Idaho Falls Airport, Seth exited the SUV quietly because everyone was asleep, even Borris. He went into the main building and approached one of the ticketing booths. The woman behind the counter smiled as he came over. “How may I help you today?”

Seth smiled in return and leaned on the counter, “Hi, my name is Seth Conwell and I need to book a flight to Russia for seven people.” When he finished, the look on the woman’s face was of fear and shock. Seth chuckled, “Let me guess, my parents already have something set up for me.”

Slowly, she nodded her head. “Yes, please, follow me.” She stepped back from the counter and walked around to lead him away to a service entrance only for employees. She opened the door and went in.

The room was uncannily dark, but Seth strode in anyway. Once he was through, the door slammed behind him and he could feel more than see six men beating on him with a bat. He didn’t feel them connecting but he could feel their presence. Since they weren’t doing any damage, Seth just crossed his arms and stood there. After roughly five minutes of trying to beat Seth, the lights came on and Seth could see the woman with her hand on the light switch fifteen feet away. She seemed calm, until she saw the six men standing around Seth with baseball bats. She jumped in the air like she’d been physically struck.

“What do you think you’re doing?! He could have killed all of you.” She slapped a couple of them on the face before turning to Seth, “My apologies for my fellow employees. They have been on edge ever since your parents came to us a few months ago.”

Seth put his hands in his pockets and nodded his head, “They tend to do that.” He strode over to where she was, and she waved him through the door next to the light switch. It was an investigation room with the table facing the door. Seth sat on the opposite side and put his feet up on the table.

“If you could wait here, your parent’s lawyer will be along shortly.” Then she shut the door and Seth was left to silence, but he could still hear everything that was going on in the airport.

The moment the door closed, Elania appeared in the room with a grimace on her face. “I am sorry about your parents. As an astral being, I can only interact with you.” She seemed to sit in the opposite chair and waited for him to say something.

Seth only sighed, before he looked her in the eyes, “I figured that was it. You being a guardian angel and all. Was it you that put it in my head that we were headed to Russia?” He clasped his hands together on the table.

She chuckled a bit, “Yes, that would be me. I gave you the information that you needed for the future.”

Seth chuckled to himself, “I thought so. It’s easier for me to realize when you are intervening in my path. I don’t mind though, because you haven’t led me astray so far.” Then his brow furrowed and he asked the question. “Could you look after the rest of the group for a while instead of me?”

Elania’s brow furrowed and she nodded, “Of course, you are already on the right path. I can look after the others, but I will not be able to intervene with them, only observe.” She stood up and vanished.

Seth leaned back in his chair and started to simply listen to his surroundings. He could hear all of the employees in the next room getting back to work. Then he could hear the everyday humdrum of the airport. He could hear every individual foot step on the tile floors. He could hear the shuffle of clothes against skin. He could even hear every individual heartbeat, as if he were putting his ear to every chest. Then, all of the sounds fell away until he was listening to the sounds of only one individual.

As he listened, every sound started to produce an image in his head, until Seth could see a woman walking toward one of the terminals. She was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a plaid shirt, with a white under shirt. She had a pair of Nike sneakers on with no show socks. She had medium length brown hair and her skin was smooth. How did he know that? She had light brown eyes that he could lose his way in. How did he know that? The fact that he was understanding information that shouldn’t be possible through hearing alone puzzled him for a minute, until there was a knock on the door.

Seth’s eyes popped open and the lawyer came in. He was a simple fellow with thin set lips and a pair of wide rimmed glasses. His suit was a simple make that probably fit him like a glove. He placed a briefcase on the table as he came in. Then he placed a small box on the table next to it. The box had all kinds of languages on it, but that wasn’t what was strange about it. What was strange was that Seth could understand every language on the surface.

“To start, I am sorry for your loss, Seth.” The man’s voice was gruff as he sat in the chair on the other side of the table. “My name is Johnson Carrol and I’m your parents lawyer.” As he introduced himself, Johnson pulled out a few papers and laid them out in front of him.

Seth read the top title, “Last will and testament.” Seth just sighed as he smiled down at the paper. “They just knew everything didn’t they?” He slumped down in his chair and relaxed.

Johnson sighed, “Yes, they did.” He lifted one of the papers to read and began, “To Seth James Conwell, I, Daniel James Conwell, leave my knife and sword collection. I also leave my armor to you. Soon you will know why I left you these.” He put the paper down and lifted another. “To Seth James Conwell, I, Christina Marry Conwell, leave the house and the SUV. I also leave you the contents of the bag and the tin box in front of you.” He slid the box over to Seth and then got to his feet, to reach into the other room and produce a simple hiking bag. “They were very explicit in the fact that you were the only one to see the contents. I will return in a half an hour.” After saying it, Johnson left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Seth lifted the bag and placed it beside him before sliding the tin box over to his side of the table. He could identify every language on its surface, German, French, Italian, Russian, and even Greek, Seth understood every word. They all said the same thing, “The One.” He lowered his head and thought of all the challenges that would come in the future. Slowly, Seth opened the box, by the handle on the one side. What he didn’t notice was that all of the symbols were transferred onto his upper torso, imprinting there like tattoos. On the inside of the box, he found all kinds of money from different countries, Russian rubles, British pounds, Turkish leer, Chinese yen, even Arab Durham. The other objects were what he was more interested in. There were identical necklaces alongside the money, over two dozen of them. The necklaces were pure gold with the infinity symbol in the center of them. The only difference between the necklaces was the coloring of the infinity symbol. There were six colors of the six elements, air, earth, fire, water, light, and darkness. The colors interlocked with the gold, almost as if they were one material.

Seth removed the Russian rubles and the necklaces, pocketing them in a trench coat that he materialized. Then he took the box and placed it in the main pouch of the bag. As he did, Seth heard footsteps coming toward the room. He chuckled and placed the papers in the bag as well. Then he leaned back in his chair and waited.

The door opened and Seth heard the familiar click of a round being chambered in a gun. Johnson stepped through the doorway and raised a 9MM to Seth. Seth simply chuckled. Johnson smirked, “What’s so funny?”

Seth sat forward in his chair and looked up at the man, “Just one question that entered my head. Why?” Seth wasn’t panicky or scared. He wasn’t even angry.

“I know your parents. They were very rich people and I know that they left something for you of great value in that tin box. You were even the only one to be able to open it.” Johnson shook the gun. “What was in the box?!”

Seth smirked, “There was money, but it was from other countries. Then there were some necklaces but that’s none of your business. Do you know why?”

Johnson laughed, “What are you even talking about? Nothing matters as long as I have the upper hand.” He shook the gun again and Seth chuckled.

He waved to the gun, “You call this having the upper hand? This is definitely not having the upper hand.” Seth stood and placed his hand over the barrel. Johnson tried to fire but the slide was back just far enough that the bolt was jammed. Seth gripped the weapon and yanked it from Johnson’s grip, tossing it to the side. “This is called having the upper hand.”

Johnson threw a punch at Seth and without thinking Seth punched him in the face. Not realizing it, Seth caved in the man’s face. He dropped like a sack of stones and Seth sighed. He knelt down beside him. Why did you cast your life away for suck a small thing? He closed Johnson’s eyes and crossed his arms across his chest. Lord, please forgive this soul for trying to take my life, for I believe he had his own reasons to do so.

Seth patted his trench coat and the bulk of his father’s knife collection was materialized on the inside of his trench coat. Every knife had a place on the baldric that he made for them. An intricate vest with knife sheaths so that the blades wouldn’t pierce anything he didn’t want. He shouldered the bag and opened the door.

The employees were waiting for him with baseball bats raised. Seth sighed, “Do you guys even remember me walking in here?” He walked for the door and they simply stayed out of his way. The woman from before had the tickets in hand by the door. Seth smiled, “Thank you, I hope I never have to see you again.” Then he exited.

As he walked out to the SUV, Seth reached into the bag to get the half of the Will that was for his sister Austin. There had been another sheet with Austin’s name at the top. When he reached into the bag, however, he only felt emptiness. He looked into the bag and was surprised to find a house inside. He stepped to the side of the hall and removed the bag. He slid himself in and dropped to the floor of the house. It was a two-story house inside and Seth was still trying to come to grips that he was inside of a backpack. He noticed the sheet on the floor and picked it up. He climbed out of the bag and back into the airport.

He zipped the bag shut and shouldered it, as he started outside. Once he got to the SUV, Seth woke everyone and got the gear that was in the back of the SUV out. There was a pack for everyone but Seth, which didn’t surprise him in the slightest. After handing out the gear and giving Austin the Will, they all headed into the airport. Everyone was a little groggy, but when they showed the tickets, security let them through without even checking for weapons.

He constantly saw Austin looking over the sheet with tears in her eyes. He knew that his parents cared for her immensely. He also knew that she was far better with numbers and was more mature than he was.

The seven of them were a sight to see as they walked for their gate. Seth leading a group of odd individuals like a team leader of some kind.

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