《Great Green Empire》Cargo Ship, S.S. Lapras!!



Once they step on the wooden bridge, an ear piercing creaking sound was produce attracting the attention of the fleshes.

"what th- run! they're rushing towards us!!" with a simple shout Rance and his group rush to the ship.

The couple react late, they almost caught, a ax handle block the flesh pushing them to the water.

"Big bro Gelo! sister-in-law Ashley! run! take Zeke, I'll hold them back!" Rance hop on front. He slash his ax, five Flesh were beheaded, they fall kneel down. Another group of Flesh, they try push those beheaded flesh, after Rance slash those flesh he turn around fast enough to build a momentum.


With a swish the second wave of flesh were beheaded. They slump to the first group flesh forming a wall.

"Rance! four legged! ten meters ahead!" Josei shout, warning Rance to be ready.

The spinning momentum, like a ballerina, he hop back while spinning, the four legged flesh jump above the wall! He acted fast enough, he slanted his body side ward a little. The ax swipe diagonal! hitting the abdomen of the flesh.


The flesh cut into half! The other flesh is far enough for him to run, he continue his spin he swipe his ax upward then jump forward, the momentum of the ax and it's weight help him advance faster.

They run to the cargo ship, holding their breath. When they are on the deck, Rance shouted.

"Bloom! Cherry! launch Grenades on the ladder!!!" he look at the deck. "There's nothing on the sh--! f*ck!! Mom! Sis! flesh Crows!! shoot them down!!!" with a rush he commanded. He pull out his gun on his waste.

*bragang!!!!! the ship shook a bit. Cherry and Bloom turn around they pull they're pistols shooting crows down.


bang ! babang! ta! ta! ta! ta!

Bloom launch grenades in the sky where the flocks of crows are. *hooop* she steadied his body then focus on the grenade. *kachak! bang* clank!* bragang!!* burned flesh drop one by one.

•1 hit! 1 kill!, the heck where's the the title notification?!• After calming himself his chuni activated again, •It's lucky Old man Josei though us martial since I was five!•

He turn around and observe the ship. "Uncle Kong, please check if it is possible to run this ship!"

The ever silent old man nodded and turn around. He enter the sealed control area, observing. After making sure that it is safe and there us no sight of flesh around, he operate the ship. Turning the lights and equipment on the ship.

"ohhh!! uncle! Is there a cctv camera on the ship?! please check, we don't want it if some accident happens when we try to explore the ship."

Kong turn a device on, then nodded to Rance. They observe the situation on the deck.

On the deck Gelo and Ashley got scolded by mom and dad. After that Josei becomes more alert he observe the situation. Bloom, Cherry and Ellen is in the nose of the ship resting . same to Gelo and Ashley, they reloaded the magazines. They put a metal arm guard with spikes. They change their shoes to a blade boots! Shut guns on their back. They looked at Zeke affectionately. "The next time a fight occurs, mama and papa won't be drag anymore. I won't let you die on front of my eyes"

Hugging Zeke's small body a warm sensation spread everyone on the ship.


five hours later.

"hey! hey! everyone's calm down? okay let discuss something. The ship is safe seems like it does not attract those flesh because there's no sign of living. There is a couple of speed boat if something happen. Aldo I checked the cargo files, It has a lot of food!" Rance shout with a joy and excitement on his face."Let's proceed! this cargo ship is now belongs to us! and I decided to name it S.S. Lapras! ha ha ha!! I know It's a great name, right?"


Briant snorted" hah!? are you f*cking kidding me? big brother?! Are you okay!!?" with mocking voice. " ne! ne! big Sis, take out his medicine, his chuni is affecting his way of thinking again!"


"Bloom! Cherry! help me feed him the medicine!" ellen with a gloomy face.

"woah! so he does have the nedicine!" Cherry said amazed.

"hey! hey! Bloom don't you dare? I will pay you back tonight if you got near!" He look at Bloom urgently, then look at his sister and brother. He is enraged! "What's with you guys?"

"Pff. ha ha xD so Uncle really is a chuni?!" Zeke laugh out loud rolling on the ground.

The gloomy atmosphere turn into heart warming view.

Two hours after, they started to move, first they left Josei, Rance and Kong to guard the ship. Gelo, Ashley and Zeke go to a container full with grains. Bloom and Cherry went to the container of dried meat. Ellen and Briant look for drinking water. After they collect everything, Ashley and Gelo started to cook. Then Kong, Briant and Rance go to the bottom of the ship, refill the ship's fuels.


2 o'clock PM

On a settlement of ZFC, Gunden have serious look on his face. Earlier in the morning Gun shots can be hear everywhere. Explosion can be hear from time to time. The settlement camp shook. Everyone where being uneasy. •what happened? Is the explosion made by those brainless mobs?! f*ck I need to calm down!!•

"Rasp! you're from brazil right!!" Gunden becomes irritated and ask the skinny man.

"Yes boss. Why?" he inquired. •what the? He asked out of no where. what is he thinking, zi'm getting nervous.•

"Do I need a reason to ask? Go make the people take anything for them in order to fight! metal pipe, Club, machete! Don't let them wield fire arms, they may turn theur back on me!"


"What are you doing? Stop it already! get them ready!!" Gunden shout louder!

"Y-yes Boss" because of fear of being squash he run immediately.


In the training Camp.

"Everyone! take a rest and go to weaponry! take anything in order to defend your self!!"

All of a sudden they become restless. Their heart beats fast. they become uneasy.

"hey! hey! isn't it too much?!" it's just the first day!"

"Yes! this is too much!"

"That monster is too much!! He is more crazier than those zombies!"

"Enough with your complaints!! we wi-"


"Sir Rasp! A group cheetah zombie is running at high speed!!!!!" a running soldier were in panic.

"f*ck!!! everyone, get ready!! Pull yourself together!" Rasp try to calm everyone down. Because of a sudden explosion, and the news the soldier have, everyone have been sent into panic.

" f*ck it all! Run"

"I don't want to die"

"Rem! Risa! I need to save them!"

On the residential area, the girl come out of bath, seeing the people panic, she also started to panic.

•What the hell is happening?•

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