《Absolute Power of the Imagination》The Start


The Start

Oh god where the hell am I, I can’t see shit. Oh wait he

did say something about reincarnation so is that what he was talking about. I hope I didn’t get lucky because if I got reincarnated into a wealthy family there would be a lot of pressure on me for inheriting a company or something like that. It also wouldn’t be fun to crush other companies because if I start wealthy they will have an expectation so they won’t be as surprised. Ok so how do I get my system to get working, I guess…

[Hey! Is there an A.I.] I thought

[Hello master](A.I.)

[Cool, ok so can you guide me on how to look at my status] I continued my thought conversation

[Yes master, you just have to say or think, “System open”](A.I.)

[I guess I’ll try to get used to thinking it open,”System open”]I thought




Strength: 0





[Umm, so I’ll just call you Violet ok, by the way what are the normal stats of an adult male, and why is my name Lilac, it should be Jake?] I questioned

[Yes master, The normal stats of an adult male are 100 health, 100 stamina, 10 strength, 10 dexterity 1 intelligence, and 15 agility, the reason why your name is Lilac is because your now mother named your baby body Lilac.](Violet)

[What’s the intelligence of Einstein?]I asked


[HOLY SHIT! I’M A 100,000X SMARTER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA] I laughed at that realization

[Correction, master you are 99,999.1X smarter than him](Violet)

[HOT DAMN! That’s still so much fucking smarter that I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. How did that happen?] I asked


[The creator said it was a award because you were bold for stating your desires right away.](Violet)

[Wait, creator? You mean that was GOD!] I exclaimed

[By your human culture, yes](Violet)

[OH MY GOD(literally), if I could get on my knees and thank him I would.] I said

[By the way, how long has this body been in here?]

[It has been in here for 9 months](Violet)


[It has been in here f-](Violet)

[Stop, when am I getting born]

[In 2 hours](Violet)



[Make a liquid that gives me the knowledge of the best acting skills in existence]


[Now put it into my body]

[Yes, it’s in](Violet)

[UGH, uh jeez, that was fast]

[Master that was not fast it’s been 2 hours](Violet)

[I guess that’s why I can hear a female and I feel air… OW SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!?]

[Master it seems that you are being aborted](Violet)

[FUCK YOU MOTHER AND FATHER, Violet make a liquid that puts my body together and fully revives me a day after every time I die so I’m immortal and then put into my body]

[Yes master, done](Violet)

[Ok, my mother if I ever find out it’s you after I die and come back and I will kill you and I swear on that oa-]

~A day Later somewhere in a dumpster~

[-th, wait where am I]

[Master, you are in a dumpster](Violet)

[Damn, so I really did get aborted, Violet, put a liquid in me that gives me 1000 strength and agility]


As that happens I feel this immense amount of energy in what I think are my muscles.

[Ok, so I’m gonna try to jump out, annnnnnd, lau- AHHHHHHH!?!? HOLY SHIT HOW FAR DID I GO!]

[You went up 60 meters](Violet)


[By your standards, yes](Violet)

[Wait… Can I die from this height]




~1 day later~

[-it, so I died I’m guessing]

[Yes, would you like a liquid that makes you unable to be hurt from heights]

[Yes please]

When I look around I realize that I’m in a alleyway, I guess my adventure starts now

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