《Absolute Power of the Imagination》Prologue


Hello my name is Kirito, just kidding that would be stupid my actual new name is Lilac mostly because my mom's favorite color was purple and it's a shade of purple. But my old name was Jake and and yes I did die, but I died after someone shot me in the dick, yep and it was as bad as it sounds and the worst part was that I didn't die from blood loss right there and then, but it was in the hospital from shock because they didn't have any anesthetics or something to knock me out and put in silicone balls and had to staple it close while I was awake. Man did I scream. I'm surprised I didn't pass out from the pain. I don't know why I was shot I only knew that I was at a bank so i assumed there was a bank robbery happening.

When I died I was just above the whole planet like I could see the whole planet and I knew I was dead. How else would I have seen the world so clearly even if I was on drugs I've only gone on google earth a couple of times and only looked at drawings of the earth on those maps that they show you at school.

Anyways I suddenly saw somone in white hovering towards me and he looked real clean and healthy and I assumed he was a angel or some spirit then he started talking.

"Hello there young man, that was a painful death but I've seen worse but it looks like you've won the lottery"(?)

"Huh? What lottery, I literaly got shot in the dick!?"I yelled at him

"No, not that but something I start every 100 years"(?)

"Well whatever, what kinda lottery is it?"I questioned him


"You get to wish 3 wishes!"(?)

"Like a genie?"Again I questioned him

"Yeah, so what do you want"(?)

"Ok, so I want the ability to make any with my imagination, a game like system that are in novels, and a A.I. to help me with the system to guide me."I ordered as if I was at a fast food place

"Sure, and done. So I will be reincarnating you into a male baby but it will be randomized what kinda family you will have."(?)

"Wait wh-"

And before I could've finished I was sent flying towards earth at an incredible speed.

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