《You and I, me and you》Chapter 17 - Magic


“Are you okay Lex?”

I ran towards the fallen figure in the middle of a small crater.

I’ve been trying to teach Lex how to control his mana, but for some reason, his mana explodes like it’s rejecting him.

“I’m okay, I’m not hurt. It’s just mud, I think…”

“...before—, were you able to use magic?”

I referred to his past life.

“No, I don’t think I did. I think I just poured pure mana onto the sword [He] gave me.”

“Hmmm… If that’s the case, I need to teach you science!”

He tilted his head.

My son is so adorable—!

“Lex dear, listen to Wilma well. I’ll just be gone until tomorrow at most, okay?”

“Can’t I come?”

With puppy-dog eyes he looked up at me, pleadingly, which made my heart melt.

When did this rascal learn how to use that? Was it from Skoll? Should I just take him?

“Why not take him?”

Gael suggested like he’s reading my mind. He’s one of the first friends I made after my first visit here in Mimok. A long-lived elf that loves winter.

“We won’t even be in the front lines, we’ll be at a safe distance to heal the injured.”

The red-headed elf reasoned out. The mercenary guild commissioned me to be a healer. Since I’m not registered as a mercenary, I wasn’t forced to fight at the front lines, but due to my reputation with magic, they requested that I help out since they lack doctors and healers.

“What if we’re attacked?”

“I’ll be with you, my job is to protect you after all. Just have him ride one of your wolves so we can easily flee if needed.”

“Mom, you taught me how to at least use defensive spells so I can at least protect myself!”


“Alright. I guess I’ll worry less if you’re somewhere I can see you.”

“Do you remember the two types of magic I taught you, Lex?”

We walked through the forest with Lex on Skoll’s back, while up front, the knights and mercenaries march on with their weapons on hand.

“Two types…?”

Gael commented from the back. He and a couple of mercenaries were in charge in protecting the rear together with the other healers.

“Yes, ummm… one is mana manipillulation and creation!”

I rubbed his head at the mispronounced word. Although he acts too mature at times, I’m glad he can still act his age.

“It’s ‘manipulation’, say it with me…”


“Good Job!”

“How did it come to that?”

The red-headed elf asked, curious about our discussion.

“Hm? How? Well… how about Lex explains it?”

He walked beside us ready to listen.

“Umm… you see, mana manipulation means that you use mana to form something or move something, like levitation, defensive spells, wind magic and umm… healing magic--! While creation magic means you create something, like fire, water and earth magic…”


Dumbfounded at the knowledge, Gael had a look of disbelief.

“Well, I read in the libraries in Mimok that certain people has one or two stronger elemental attributes than the rest of the elements. For example, elves have stronger attributes with wind and water, dwarves with earth and fire, and so on… But in truth, this is a myth and this only happens because they’ve lived with those elements for so long that those are the only ones they know.”

“So it’s possible for me to use ice magic…?”

Gael stopped in his tracks and questioned himself in disbelief.

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