《You and I, me and you》Chapter 11 - Late winter


“Gah, it’s so hot… Please hun, can you turn on the aircon…?”

Beside me with a huge gap in the middle, my husband whined about the heat. I passed him the ice pack I was using while I searched for a fan.

“...we can’t dummy… It’s broken, I told you to have it cleaned weeks ago!”

Pulling out a short fan from deep in the wardrobe, I plugged and faced it towards us.

“Yeah, sorry. I got lazy and I forgot all about it because work piled up.”

He says so, passing the ice pack back to me.

“Next year, let’s live somewhere colder. Agree?”

He stood up to take ice cream out of the freezer.

“Yes, AGREE!”

From behind I sensed Lex standing, watching me put on my shoes.

“Wanna come with?”

I asked looking at him filled with curiosity. Then he stopped for a bit and finally nodding in agreement.

I guess he got bored staying in the house the whole day? We really should go into town so he can wear proper shoes.

He stared at me for a bit with a face that clearly asks “What’re we doing?”

Although he’s very quiet for a little boy, minute expressions from his face gave everything away. How cute for my son to not have a poker face…!

“We’re not gonna do much. I’m just gonna check the garden, harvest some veggies, then smoke and cure the rest of the meat from the ice house near the waterfall. So bundle up, you might feel colder.”

Seeing as he only had a coat to wrap around him. I removed my scarf and wrapped it around his neck then took a basket and 2 cloth bags placed beside the door.

We walked using the cleared walkways I shoveled before.


After a bit of a walk from the kitchen back door, we arrived at a small garden I made right behind the house.

There laid a couple of raised garden beds and another covered in my pseudo-plastic. On the raised beds, spears of asparagus grew and full bunches of winter greens like spinach, lettuce, mustard and such grew magnificently under the winter sun.

I waved my hand to call upon a small drizzle to water the garden beds. Although I didn’t have to wave my hand, but for visualization-sake, it felt like I had to.

I mean, it feels easier when you associate magic with actions...

“Looks like we can harvest some more asparagus.”

I said cutting a couple, enough for a dinner for two and placed it on the basket.

Then I moved to the winter greens. Lex followed closely while making sure not to stumble into anything.

Awww… My son is so thoughtful…!

I cut a couple of bunches from the garden beds and placed them together with the asparagus.

“Are you okay with spicy stuff?”

I asked picking a couple of young mustard leaves. Since it’s almost spring and the mustard leaves are still young, it’ll have a milder flavor compared to mature ones.

“I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m sure whatever mom makes will be delicious!”

He smiled sweetly while tilting his head.

Oh dear, I’m sure that my son would definitely make a lot of ladies fall for him!

As my mind filled with nothing but praises for my adorable son, I continued to gather vegetables like carrots, radishes, and peas.

Once I filled the basket, I stood and turned towards the ice house.

I held Lex’s hand to help him walk since compared to the garden, the ice house is a bit farther. I built it in an underground cave near the falls so it remains cool even in the summer.


A good couple of minutes walk towards the waterfall, a metal door stood with a dome-shaped structure attached to it.

As I opened the metal door, a sudden wisp of cold air, brushed from the inside of the ice house.

“Do you want to wait outside?”

As soon as I asked, he shook his head.

We descended slowly while helping Lex descend from the iced stairs. It was a long descend almost a good 12-meter deep or 47 steps exactly going down with 2 sets of stairs.

Our steps echoed until we reached the landing and although it cannot be compared to a cold winter night, it was able to keep the ice blocks I made, intact.

“Wait here.”

I made Lex sit on a wooden stool in the corner beside a table that was set up where a couple of salmon and trout laid silently.

There on the table where a huge fillet of salmon sat, I cut a chunk big enough to fit the cloth bag I brought with me, then I picked a ham with the bone-in that was hanging on the ceiling and a slab of meat which I placed in the other cloth bag.

“Let’s go?”

I hung the ham over my shoulder and held Lex’s hand on the other. Slowly we ascended the stairs from the cold ice house.

I would’ve carried more but I won’t be able to react fast enough if we slip or if anything ever happens, so I might need to make another trip tomorrow…

“Cold wasn’t it? Want to help me with smoking next?”

Seemingly excited with his glimmering eyes, he sheepishly smiled and hummed while we walk back to the comfort of our home. Spring is almost here!

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