《Making of a Gentleman》EPILOGUE


There was a massive tower built in ancient architecture not seen in any part of the Earth .It was surrounded by layers and layers of walls as if the tower needs utmost protection . There was 4 pillars on each side at the top the topper guarded by 4 men who looked as if they were stone statues . They exuded some sort of invisible magical fog that covered the entire tower.

At the top of the tower few people were gathered in a hall in a circular fashion . At the center there was an elevated ground where four elders sat in four direction facing each other . At the center of the elevated ground there an empty throne which looked lonely as if it was waiting for its master for a long time.

All the elders wore white cloths and looked as otherworldly creature with strange white glow emanating from them . All the people in lower platform looked at them with a sense of respect and reverence. No one dared to make any sound and sat as if they were statues not people.

One of the elder suddenly stood up and in a aggressive tone said , “Fellow guardians and clan members , we have already waited for almost thousand years it is time to select our clan leader. I know that we still have 4 years for the deadline placed by our farmer supreme leader but the current situation is not favorable for a wait and watch approach .Moon school lunatics are creating more and more chaos .

Yesterday they almost breached our inner defense . We need a bold and decisive leader as soon as possible .Without him I am afraid our millions of years research and knowledge would end up in our enemies hand, it is just a matter of time. I propose one of us Elders to take up the role and make our Sun school walk once again in the path of glory.” He looked at the other 3 elders seeing their solemn expression sat back with a satisfied expression .

People outside the sacred ring expected this outcome as chaos in the Devata Realm has reached new heights recently for unknown reason .One of the elders named Lee calmly spoke,


“Elder Roy is right but it is not up to us to question the supreme being’s decision. Although he is no more in Devata Realm , his vision and direction has never been wrong. We will be making a sin if we cast aside his wishes .”

Roy’s face suddenly twisted .He knows all the implications but he had no choice to push because he had already invested too much in creating chaos inside Devata Realm , he even went as far as colluding with Moon school to launch a sneak attack on Sun school.

Yesterday Roy got a shocking news that Supreme being’s successor had already left lower realm. If a new leader takes the throne his thousands of years plan would go drainage. Since he had superior network and many lackeys in lower realm , matter of John hadn’t reached the upper echelon but it was just a matter of time.

Roy stood up again “ What elder Lee said is true but chaos won’t stop just because we deny .Vision of our Sun school goes beyond the rule of supreme being .Without the foundation of our ancestors there will be no Sun school and that foundation is getting cracked by the devious forces .Should we just sit aside and see our Sun school burn in hell or improvise and make a rational decision to save the blood and sweat of our ancestors ?

Moreover we are not disregarding our last supreme being order as we have waited for 996 years expending all our resources to search for his successor .Unfortunately destiny has other ideas. All we doing is speeding up the inevitable work which we be doing 4 years later and be doing so if we can save our school foundation ,why not ?”

All the hesitations of Elders and people around seemed to have dissipated like dark clouds in the sky. Roy received gazes of respect and worship from people inside the hall . Many people in the hall started to see Roy as a new leader with incredible charisma. Lee had no other words to refute Roy .


He knew that today Roy will become the next leader as other Elders were already bought by Roy with a hefty price. It is not that he has plans for throne but he respected previous leader and even became his right hand man in administration at his time. Without his efforts to stall the voting for all these years ,Roy would have already become the next leader.

Roy beamed with a smile when he saw Lee unable to refute his words. He silently snickered inside his heart. He has waited for this moment for so long and almost drained his wealth . He hated Lee for his overly righteous attitude but he didn’t show outside . He had already decided to get his revenge once he became the leader.

After a little thought Lee said casually “Elder Roy’s concern for Sun school is commendable . I have no more objection and I am sure other elders also think the same . Let’s take this decision for voting as usual but I should make it clear that ceremony for crowing happens only after 1 year from voting. This is the rule set by our ancestors to scrutinize the crown candidate for his worthiness which can’t be bypassed under any circumstance.”

Although Lee lost power after last leader gone missing ,his words still garnered weight in the Sun school . Two elders who had already sided with Roy didn’t want to get into the bad book of Elder Lee. They nodded sincerely . Roy had no choice but to follow this too as he couldn’t go against ancestors wish which he made use just now.

Voting happened in a traditional manner with a verbal consent . Roy emerged as crown candidate by 3 against 1 votes .Assembly also decided to search for new candidate for elder within 1 year . Instead of increase in power Roy’s authority decreased as a result.

As per the Sun school rules ,crown candidate will be free from political work for 1 year and had to undergo series of tests to successfully become the supreme leader. But the status of crown leader brings many benefits that can easily make up for the lose in authority .

Roy became ecstatic inside but on the outside showed his calm self as if saying power doesn’t change his mindset easily. Image of Roy exponentially increased in the minds of people . Even of choosing next leader doesn’t happen often , it is regarded as a day for festival. While many thought of celebration ,some people worried about the gift that needs to be prepared for the crown candidate to remains in his good book.

While all these happening inside a luxurious Mansion , many beautiful maids circled around a girl playing sitar who covered her face with a white scarf and only her eyes could be seen outside which looked as if they could see everything in the universe. Her every motion was like a flow of water , smooth and graceful .

Her every tug of string stirred hearts of young maids . Even though it was not their first time , they were unable to move and stood rooted like sculptures. If any one of the maid came to Earth she could topple a country and ruin people but their beauty dimmed compared to the goddess seated on the elevated platform .

Although no one could see how she looked like ,her charm and beauty could not be hidden inside her dress. She had closed her eyes and playing playing a tune which was sad and melancholy . It was as if she was waiting for someone for a long time and her heart has become lonely without love.

Suddenly her eyes opened up like a spark of lightning . He rhythm got affect for the first time in her life . Maids who were listening attentively abruptly awakened from their dream. Everyone looked at the platform at the same time.

“Finally he has arrived ……”

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