《Making of a Gentleman》Chapter-36: Risking everything


John didn’t have time to welcome his people .His whole body was covered in sweat .He gritted his teeth , clenched his fists and closed his eyes. Anyone could see ,he was in lot of pain. John didn’t know whether it was from Dara or technique or both.

Dara felt immense joy while torturing John. He asked calmly “Tell me everything you know about the microchip . Otherwise I will add more cruel notes , pain will increase many folds.”

People from sun school felt helpless .Their faces were distorted . Their fingers were tightly wrapped around the trigger. They wanted to pull the trigger and save their future leader but they knew it was useless. Their young master was sitting duck on enemies hands.

John didn’t respond to anything Dara said. In fact John didn’t hear anything .His entire attention was focused on the pain inside. His whole body started convulsing. He gripped his head tightly with his 2 hands and collapsed on the ground.

Dara didn’t expect that John’s will power was so weak . Suddenly he felt disgusted torturing a week soul.

Jaden mocked sun school “Look at your future leader. He can’t even bear a small torture , how can he shoulder burden of becoming a clan leader. He is just a looser with pathetic soul . Here my advice , just go back where you came from. We will pretend as if you never came .”

Many people in sun school felt intense humiliation. If it was not for their future leader’s safety they would have attacked the enemy long ego . Although they knew ,it was simply a taunt . They couldn’t help but loose some respect for when they saw how he was convulsing in pain.

John didn’t know that his actions were degrading his image . Even if knew he wouldn't care as he was in a critical period of learning the technique. It was like millions of ants eating his brains alive. The pain he was feeling was thousands of times greater than what Dara’s could inflict with a single cruel note.

[Congratulations user. You have successfully integrated the technique that can break soul barriers of low grade]

John heaved a long sigh in his mind. Currently he was still feeling some pain in his brain l but it was entirely bearable .He knew it was from Dara.

To everyone’s surprise , John got up calmly .Looked at people around him with a smile “It’s time to end this.”

People suddenly felt like they are looking at a completely different person. Dara’s jaws dropped to the floor. Jaden face twisted beyond recognition. Sun school people’s mouth opened so wide that a living chicken could be fit in.


John’s soul left his body and directly smashed the soul barrier. It didn’t break but cracks appeared everywhere .

When John’s body fell on the floor ,people instantly understood that John’s soul has left the body. Sun school people rejoiced but when they saw how calm their enemies were ,they realized something was wrong. Without any useless words ,everyone left their body.

But when they came outside in soul form, what greeted them was a barrier and a soul ramming it with full force. Everyone including sun school people dumbfounded.

“How can this be ? These bastards has already placed low grade soul barrier . Who is that person that is foolishly trying to break the barrier.”

Another person from sun school replied “He is none other than young master , what is he trying to do ? Doesn’t he know that it is impossible to break a soul barrier with brute force?”

Some Moon people laughed out loud but when they saw the cracks forming on the soul barrier their facial muscles stiffened. Even Jaden and Dara felt like they are witnessing something remarkable .

“A soul that is not even ascended to Devata realm breaking a soul barrier of low grade . Are my eyes playing tricks ? Hey , slap me once so that I can wake up. Oh shit ,I forgot you can’t since you are a soul.”

Similar talks started everywhere. People form Moon and light school forgot that they had a mission and immersed in witnessing a legend.

Jaden on the other hand snapped out soon and screamed “Guys it is the power of the microchip .There is no way he would learn something like this in this lower realm. Lets attack him before he breaks the barrier and ascend to Devata realm.”

Many people finally snapped out from their daze. Their eyes started glowing with greed . Sun school people started panicking and immediately went to support their future leader. They were not ready to loose a leader who had immense potential.

John on the other hand was just testing his technique. He could instantly break the barrier but he was getting used to the new technique and being in soul form .Flying in the air in soul form felt so free and liberating.

When he saw other souls around him he could differentiate between them right away. Sun school souls were yellow , Moon school souls were red and Light school souls were green. He didn’t dare to delay any longer and used his full power to shatter the last piece of barrier. John didn’t wait for others to catch up .He flew away with everything he got.

Others followed him like streaks of light. John asked Eva anxiously


‘Eva where is the Realm Gate?’

[Dear user , once you leave the Earth atmosphere your soul will be automatically pulled by the Realm Gate .You won’t have to do anything and your enemies can’t do anything when that happens. All you need to do now is survive till you move out of the atmosphere. Although they can’t use their soul power within the atmosphere ,they can try using unknown treasures ]

John understood his situation much better now . Jaden and others also understood their situation and without any hesitation started using treasures to stop John from leaving the atmosphere. Sun school no longer held back ,they also used all sorts of treasures to protect John until he leaves the atmosphere.

While travelling up John took a quick look down and found that sun school fighting with other schools . He didn’t understand the value of treasures or their uses ,he could only see colorful fireworks . But deep down he knew that once he get caught up in the fireworks ,he will be dead.

John opened his reward panel to check for anything useful.

[Reward panel,

Inventory : 2 lottery tickets.

Map of Devata realm(3D). Secrets of Devata realm. Invisible cloak ]

‘So I have won 4 times out of 12 times . That is not bad. Moreover rewards seems high quality .Eva is right as I level up the quality of rewards also increases. If I had used my lottery tickets when I was in low level ,I would have got some wasteful knowledge like hacking. Although hacking really helped me this time. I doubt it has any value when I move to Devata realm.’

‘Eva give brief description of all rewards.’

[Map of Devata Realm (3D)

Details: Currently locked ,when the user reaches Devata realm it will be automatically unlocked]

[Secrets of Devata Realm.

Details: Knowledge of various theories and legends of Devata realm]

[Invisible cloak

Details: Every soul has a distinct signature mark that is difficult to hide. But Invisible clock hides that for 1 minute.

Cooling time :2 hours]

John was satisfied by the harvest this time. He calculated his speed and the distance to reach the atmosphere . He had only one chance to use Invisible cloak considering its long cool down time and he had to make sure that his timing right.

Various schools continued their battles but Jaden was calm. He used a treasure to quickly shake off all the people and came very close to John and said with a crafty smile.

“John ,you can’t escape . Stop your resistance and die . I will look after Erika don’t worry.”

John was taken aback . He didn’t expect that someone would be able to catch up so soon. He realized that other party is from Moon school by his color of soul . Without any choice he activated invisible cloak and disappeared .

Jaden who was following him couldn’t help but rub his eyes.

“What happened ? Where is he? Don’t tell me he used some sort of invisibility treasure ?”

Jaden’s surprise was entirely normal. In his eyes John was a country bumpkin from lower realm .Even he didn’t have the ability to get his hands on high grade treasure like invisibility ,let alone John who hadn’t even entered Devata Realm.

Everyone finally noticed that John had disappeared like smoke . Sun school rejoiced while others became furious . They have invested thousands of years for searching the object but just when they had their hands on it , prey disappeared . How can they not be furious?

Jaden on the other hand didn’t give up . He continued moving up . Just when he thought to give up ,he spotted John again. Jaden rejoiced at his luck and immediately rushed increasing his speed .

John knew he was very close to reaching the end of the atmosphere but didn’t loose focus. He had learned from his experience that anything could happen within a few seconds . Letting his guard down just at the sight of finish line may lead to wasting all his previous efforts.

Jaden finally caught up with john . John on other hand became anxious . ‘Just a few more seconds.’

Jaden didn’t say any nonsense this time and directly activated a sealing treasure .

John screamed in his mind ‘ Eva what should I do ?’

[ User , I can boast your speed a little but it comes with a heavy price. You won’t be able to use the system for a period of time and can’t use any of your rewards till the system restarts. You may not understand what this signifies so ,let me warn you .

You will have to face troubles in the Devata Realm all alone. You may not be able claim the leadership in sun school because of no proof . You may even die before the system restarts]

Jaden’s seal already started to envelop John . There was only small gap which can close at any moment . Still he was 5 seconds away from the end of atmosphere. John gritted his teeth and commanded Eva without any choice.

Suddenly John’s speed increased exponentially . Jaden on the other hand was dumbfounded . Jaden had no time to use another treasure. He stood there like a stone and watched John to escape from his seal and soon the atmosphere .

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