《Making of a Gentleman》Chapter-8: Everything will be ok


“Hello kid , are you the one who called ambulance in the morning ?” A deep male voice came .Other party seemed like an Old man.

John tried to recall his morning and got surprised .”Yes ,I was the one who called” If it was his former self he wouldn’t admitted it even if he died.

“Aha.. aha…..good , good, good I am glad you did. You see it is my granddaughter in that car .Not only you saved my granddaughter but also mine. I wouldn’t have lived any longer if she had died.’ Sad, melancholic voice lingered in the voice.

John didn’t know what to say “I am happy to know everything is good .I was just a passerby ,I am sure that anyone could have done the same thing”

Immediately he heard teeth garnishing “No ..no …Benefactor no one would have called. Now a days no gives a shit .”John was shuddered by the other party’s anger. He started thinking how to disconnect the call but next words made him surprised.

“Benefactor ….is it possible to meet you once? I am curious to know more about my life savior.” John could hear that other party was genuinely happy and wanted to express his thanks. If it was before he would have turned down the request but now….

‘I am only concentrating on improving myself .Lets give opportunity to others to express their feelings .Then only can I be truly considered as human’ .Unknowingly John started forming his own thought process regarding his life .

“OK sir as you wish . Please decide on a day and place .I will be there.”

“Good ,good…how about …tomorrow 11 am ? I have noted your location co-ordinates .I will send you a car to pick you .Is it OK ?If you have any work we can postpone. “ John could hear nervousness from his words .John didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“I am free sir , lets meet up at 11 am .Take care sir.”

It was incorrect to say that John was uninterested in the meeting in fact he was slightly anticipating tomorrow’s meeting .Currently he didn’t have any connection or contacts if a big problem pops up ,he would crumble. Value system can only help to regulate his behavior not others and environment.

[Congratulations user for unlocking new Value RESPECT and gaining 10 points one all Values .Eva hopes User to continue his hard work]


[Name :John(level-0)

Values : Truth ……………exp(30/100)





Note: If user’s experience goes negative ,Eva will self destruct]

John felt slightly astonished ‘How did I unlock RESPECT? Probably… during the call. I just followed my heart. So key to this Value system is following heart. I remember my virtual teacher telling that Values influence our actions. Now I feel that opposite is also true, actions influence our Values.’ He smiled at his new insight and nodded with satisfaction.

It was already late. He thought his Mom would be worried So he decided to look for Uncle Peter next time . He took some vegetables along the way before he went home .He thought about the consequence of his death earlier that day.

Cold sweat started forming on his forehead. ‘ Mom would have died the moment she came to know my death. I am her everything .Thinking about it now …. my decision was very impulsive. I should not do that again. My problems seemed big and unsolvable at that time but it was just matter of changing perspective and aligning new Values.’ He marveled at the power of Value system.

“Mom I want to say something to you” John shouted the moment he entered his home. He decided to tell all his experiences that day including his attempt to suicide . He didn’t want to fool his mother any longer. ‘One lie leads to another and finally the web of lies almost strangled me to death.’ He was Lamenting about his unfortunate events as he strode to living room.

He saw his feeble Mom lying on the broken bed .His heart ached . He decided to wake her up for dinner “Mom get up lets eat dinner together.”

He didn’t get any response . He suddenly had a bad premonition. He came near his mom and placed his hand on her head. He found she was burning up and her breathing seemed hastened. She was like a candle light on a wind .Anytime it could turn off.

John immediately went to the kitchen and brought some water and a cloth. He immersed the cloth in the water and placed on her forehead. He called her mom in a hurry “Mom....mom don’t leave me alone .Look at me …..”He still didn’t get any response. He immediately called an ambulance .They told him that it would arrive within 15 minutes.


‘15 minutes ….15 minutes ….will she be able to hold on?’ He placed her head on his thigh and observed her face with full of sadness.

She was not a beauty but an average looking woman but she had a strong determination to see her son succeed .If anyone was in her place ,she would be already died because of exhaustion .

She sacrificed everything to her son’s future including her health .John suddenly felt like a sinner after thinking of his impulsive action earlier that day. “Mom I am so sorry…..I won’t let you leave me alone.”

Suddenly her breathing got hastened . John didn’t know what to do .His brain started to look for any clue from all his knowledge from movies ,experience but all in vain. He suddenly remembered the system

“Eva tell me what should I do.” He didn’t bother to hide his voice this time .He was truly in desperation .

[Dear user , I have searched your memory and didn’t find anything useful .]

John tried to open suggestion panel

[Suggestion panel

Life is……

“Fuck this suggestion. I don’t have time for this.”

John hurriedly placed back his Mom on the bed and ran to the nearby neighbor house. He knocked the door impatiently several time. Finally an old grandma opened the door.

“Grandma ,grandma ..my Mom has high fever and suddenly her breathing became disorder ,I don’t know what to do . She is extremely in feeble condition. Please help me.” His shyness , cowardliness were thrown into ditch. His eyes were red and hairs were in disorder .He was like a mad beast that could do anything at that moment .He was even ready to hold her leg if she refused.

Grandma agreed readily without any queries. She had good relationship with John’s Mom, so, she knew him too. She hurried to John’s home with all her strength.

When she saw John’s Mom ,she sighed sorrowfully. “Kid ,close the door and wait outside .I will have to change her cloths .Don’t let anyone in.”

John mechanically nodded .Grandma was like a saving stick appeared in the middle of the ocean. He immediately closed the door and stood like a guardian outside the door. His stomach started making sound since he hadn’t eaten anything since morning. His entire body was shaking wildly because of anxiety .He didn’t care about anything at that moment except his Mom.

He was tempted to call that rich person from earlier call and ask for help. But he knew that It won’t be as fast as the ambulance . ‘Let me check on the ambulance first.’

“Hello , I want to know where is the ambulance currently ?My Mom’s condition is pretty bad. She may not hold on long.”

Other side “Sorry sir , currently your ambulance is stuck in traffic .It will take at least 1 hour to reach your place . Kindly wait.”

“What? 1 hour ?are you kidding me ? She will die for sure .”John became furious.

“Sorry sir , we are unable to do anything.” Other side was sympathizing as if he could predict the patient death.

John disconnected the call and almost threw his phone but he knew he can’t be irrational at that time.

“Shit my remaining battery charge is only 2 % ,I can only make one last call.”

He looked at the closed door and clenched his fist . He didn’t want to give up .He knew how important a rich man’s favor was. Initially he wanted to use it for Jake’s problem but….

“Fuck this life .Why is God playing with me ?”

He dialed hurriedly “Hello ……….”

John suddenly felt like his entire world turn into black and lost control of his body . He fell forward. His phone slipped out of his hand and fell nearby. On the other side of the phone “Young man …young man .What happened?”

John tried hard to speak but voice didn’t leave his throat. He tried to move his hand but his hand didn’t listen to his command . He tried desperately to open his eyes but couldn’t control the exhaustion . One part of the brain screamed him to get up ‘Get up john….get up or you will loose your Mom ’

But other part of his brain started comforting him ‘You are tired .Sleep ….everything will be OK when you get up’

John couldn’t control his urge to close his eyes and blanked out . His phone ran out of charge in the next moment …..

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