《Tainted Scorpion》Chapter 15. Tainted Deception!


Chapter 15 Tainted Deception!

“Please! Please! Don’t hurt that man anymore. I promise that I won’t resist. You said that you want money right? How much is it?” After these drunken thugs heard the words ‘How Much’ and ‘Money’ in the same sentence, they immediately shifted their focus onto me, moreover, the groping arms of their leader stopped mushing out my fabulous breasts.

“So you’re willing to pay up now? Since you resisted at first the price just went up to 200,000 xells! Either you fork up the money or your body will be eaten by us. What will it be, flower woman?”

From the lust in his eyes and by the ridiculous amount of money he requested me to pay, I could tell that this man wanted to ravish my sweet fleshy va-jay-jay. However, he was not a worthy man on my list of conditions. For one, he was an ugly brute; I felt no hint of pain from his provocative advances; his dick was already erected and pressing against my ass. By how violently he was throbbing through his pants, I reckoned he wouldn’t have last long against my tainted touch; he was also drunk as a bat. Men who abused liquor constantly usually have weak stamina. This man had too many negative qualities for me to fully list them all and don’t get me started on his goons. They were even worse than him.

Not only were these men ten times detestable, but they were also affiliates of the Demon Triad. The same assholes who landed me in a broken state. If it weren’t for my trusted minion’s help, I would have been sucking on Satan’s immeasurable demonic schlong already. In light of this reality, I decided to give these men my pure unfiltered love though they weren’t worthy.

“200,000 xells doesn’t sound that expensive to maintain my safety.”

“Right? If you run out of money after paying us, you can just ask your sleeping boyfriend over there to pay you back. He looks competent enough.”

“Then I’ll pay you the money, but there is a slight issue.” The thugs seemed upset when they heard this.

“What issue? You’re not trying to pull our leg are you, lady?”

“No, no. I would never. After you guys visit my shop this morning, I did some research on the Demon Triad and found out a few scary things. You people are not to be trifled with so I will definitely pay up whenever you demand it. I would even offer up my pure body if you want.”

“Now you’re speaking my language! If only the other taxpayers were as compliant as you then they wouldn’t have to suffer a beat down every time we come around to collect. Plus you are even offering up your body. What more can a guy ask for?”

“What more indeed.” I said to the men coquettishly. “Did you know?” I placed my mouth closer to the ear of the dissidents’ leader. “I’m still a virgin. My hymen had never been penetrated by a man before.”

“What? You mean to tell me that your boyfriend hasn’t fu*k that juicy pussy yet?”

“Nah-uh.” I shook my head while dying from internal laughter. These lug-heads actually fell for my innocent act. Men were a lot easier to deal with than women. These warm dicks only know how to stand erected whenever they spotted a moist vagina. I used my proficient knowledge of seduction to continue messing with these horny thugs.


I lifted the tail-end of my skirt and briefly showcased my cute undies. I was wearing gold panties with cat embroidery. A cute pussycat was concealing my untamed pussy. “I’ve never been touch down there before. Can I ask you, strong handsome men, to do me a favour?”

“Yes! Yes! We’ll do you a favour anywhere!” Their mouths portrayed a drooling beast that was starving for sex. “What do you want us to do?”

“I want to eat you boys alive. Will you let me? If you do I’ll give you double the amount you asked for. How does 400,000 xells sound?”

“400,000 xells? Are you serious?”

“Well of course. You don’t believe me?” To wash away the thugs’ suspicions of my duplicitous nature, I ventured to the register behind my counter and prepared 120,000 xells.

“Here is 120,000 xells in cash. I’ll hand you guys the rest if you let me eat you up Well, how about it.”

“Yes! Yes! I’m not a great businessman but even I can see that this offer only has pure benefits.” The man quickly grabbed the 120,000 xells out of my hand and began sniffing it. “There’s nothing sweeter than fresh paper.”

“Now that you’ve accepted my offer, follow me.”

“What’s where are we going? Weren’t you going to let us fu*k you here?”

“My shop has already been vandalized enough and that man you knock unconscious might wake up and catch us in the act, plus this place is too visible to the public. What would the passer-by think if they caught three hunky men gangbanging a defenceless florist?”

“She has a point. So where to?”

“I now a great place a couple of blocks from here. It also has an ATM close by where I can deposit the rest of the money after we’re done. Please follow me.” I led the thugs out of my shop and commenced treading along the sidewalk. I could hear the excited breaths of the men who were sharing up the money amongst themselves. There was no doubt in the back of my mind that they wanted to ravish me. I played the role of an innocent florist until I lured theses thugs into a secluded dark alley. The moon wasn’t visible, hence the perfect time and place to give these men my dying love.

“Hey, is this the place? Isn’t this area a bit too dark? How will we be able to poke your tiny hole in this thick shade?”

“You don’t have to worry about finding my golden orifice. I will be the one making all the love tonight. I hope you thugs brought lots of condoms, for what I’m about to do to you will leave your bodies drained of essential essence.” Finish speaking, I gave my gorgeous back to the horny trio while stripping myself bare. When I was taking off my undies, I heard them bickering amongst themselves.

“Condoms? Did any of you dogs brought condoms?”

“No! Who even use condoms in this day and age? That only kills my dick stimulation.”

“I don’t have any either. I used the last of my rubber back at that brothel.”

“Fu*k it. We’ll just take this bitch like how God intended men and women to be fruitful and multiply.”


“So we’re going raw? Fu*k yeah baby!”

“Wait, who’s going to do her first?”

“What are you limp dicks babbling about? We can all enjoy her at the same time.”

“How so, Bugwo?”

“Simple, in total, we are three dicks and she has three juicy orifices. Since you splurged most of our money back at that whorehouse, you’ll take her mouth, I’ll take her virgin pussy and Chad can have her ass. How does that sound?”

“Not a fu*king bad idea.”

“I don’t mind. I’ll take whichever hole on her body I can get. Even her ears and nostrils would be fine by me.”

“Then it is settled then. Let’s get naked also. This alley is well hidden so I doubt that we’ll be interrupted.”

“Yeah baby, let’s have some fun tonight!”

“Hush, stupid. Keep your voice down.”

“Sorry, sorry.”

I overheard everything which the men had spoken about, they didn’t necessarily try to hide their sexual intentions. After getting rid of the last bit of clothing from my body I made sure to fold them neatly and tucked them somewhere safe where they wouldn’t be dirtied.

“Alright boys… since you’ve run out of condoms, the floor will have to swallow all your spunk. Let’s start the festivities shall we?”

“It’s about damn time we get this show on the road. I’m so stiff right now I can’t even think straight.”

“That is expected when you’re exposed to my bombastic figure.” I flick my hair behind my back as I bit down on my fingers seductively while striking a very sexy inviting pose. “So, who should I drain first? The longest dick step forward!”

[Thud! Thud!] “That’s me!” As I spoke I recognized the ring leader dashing towards me with his slithering python erect. His size was definitely no joke. His python was practically kissing his knee cap.

“Wow! I’ve never seen such a wild anaconda before. Where did you catch that monster, from the Amazon?” I gasped in amazement to stimulate his ego.

“Fu-ha-ha-ha! Indeed! I went down to Brazil and stole their biggest anaconda. Be careful, I trained this bad boy pretty well. It might eat you up until nothing remains of your vagina and I don’t want to be selfish to my boys. They deserved to taste you too.”

“I agree. That vicious anaconda of yours might dismantle my untouched va-jay-jay which is why I won’t go easy on you.”

[Whoosh!] Finished with the useless chatter I commenced my brutal love-making to the longest dick that I’ve ever come across in my entire life. “Get over here!” I abducted the ring leader’s schlong within my tight grasp and pressed him firmly up against the cold wall. [Boom!]

“Woah! Easy there! You’re a bit rough! Are you sure this is your first time?”

“Indeed.” [Grip!] I used my free arm to squeeze his neck with enough intensity to halt his breathing, subsequently, I clamped down on the base of his throbbing anaconda then rip it off his body. [Splurt!] A fountain of blood began spewing out from his wounded groin.

“The fu*k…?

“Hush!” To prevent the junk-less thug from screaming further, I skilfully utilized his own anaconda and stuff it down his throat. He gagged on his throbbing length until he choked to death.

“Waah! What the hell did I just witness?”

“That whore just kill Bugwo with his own anaconda? How is that possible? Who is this chick?”

“This is bad! Let’s get the hell out of here, chad!”

“Y-yeah! Let’s split before she kills us too!”

[Thud! Thud! Thud!] I spotted the remaining thugs dashing to the exit of the conceal alley. To prevent those lug head from alerting the passer-by, I slipped into the darkness using my Shadow Crawler ability. My dissolved self quickly closed the distance between the fleeing men. I rose out of the shadow ahead of them then viciously stamped their neck with my finger.

[Boom! Boom!] Due to the sharpness of my nails, my fingers created a deep hole in their necks. From those newly formed apertures, their blood began draining like a hose without end. To further add to their misery I severed their erected pythons then stuffed it into their virgin asses.

“Muah! Muah!”

“Huh? What was that? I didn’t hear you.” The thugs tried to voice their discontent with me, however, they couldn’t get their words out. I watched as they succumbed to the Lure of Death exactly as the protagonist from that book, Medieval Terror.

“Whew.” I took a breather to mitigate the lust in my pulsating groin. “My body is drench in blood. I better clean up here before getting back to the shop. That girly man is probably worried sick about me.”

“Hm?” Glancing around my environment, I noticed that a lot of excited flies were swarming the dead bodies. “If I leave them like this they will surely attract the Demon Triad’s attention. I should summon my venomous children to clean them up for me.”

I pricked a piece of my finger then tossed my tainted blood in the darkness. “I beckoned thee, Mother Gaila.”

[Whoosh!] From the splash of blood on the floor, a radiant glow emanated to form a blazing spell diagram. Gigantic scorpions began pouring out that dimensional graph to do my bidding. They quickly cleaned up the bloody corpses from the dark alley then disappeared back into the blazing graph.

This was a top tier mystical technique that I learnt from Master Odok. It uses the spiritual attributes of ancients organisms left behind by true demons who used to roam the earth. Whenever I used this technique it drained a portion of my life force. I didn’t quite understand the terminology either but I was adept enough to pull off this technique. Master Odok had a lot more mysterious techniques locked away in his private reliquary. There were lots I still didn’t know about him, he was such an unfathomable and enigmatic being.

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