《Tainted Scorpion》Chapter 5. The Dainty Flower Lady


Chapter 5 The Dainty Flower Lady

Main Character’s POV (Point Of View):

“Wow, I had a blast tonight. Though I didn’t climax much, it was fun.”

[Spssssh!] In the shower, my tainted body was being drenched underneath a flowing stream of water. The viscous bloodstain belonging to the men in black was quickly washing away from my flesh. As for the severe wound inflicting my side, it was still pouring out vital essence. However, I ignored it briefly for when I was finished showering.

For the time being, I continued the great cleansing of my voluptuous curves, getting rid of the feculence which plagued it. Stirring into a trance, I began reminiscing about the macabre series of murders that I caused at that fat gangster’s mansion.

“That little girl was staring at me with much fright in her eyes. She reminded me of when I was younger. I probably should have put her out of her misery instead of letting her agony prolonged. Oh, well. That’s none of my concern anymore. I’ve already completed my given mission. Speaking of which, how come I haven’t received the notification yet?”

Remembering something of greater importance. I turned off the flowing water, pushed the transparent curtains to the side then stepped out of the bath fully nude. Since I lived alone in my own space I enjoyed the freedom of my bareness.

“That old foggy better not be delaying my payment.” Before exiting the bathroom, I picked up a short towel from the rack which I wrapped around my dark tresses.

My living space wasn’t anything overly luxurious. I wasn’t one of those fancy girls who craved lavish décor. My home was simple yet elegant. It had all of the necessary components to ensure my comfort.

Wearing nothing but a damped towel over my head, I travelled to my bedroom where I picked up a specially built earpiece from my desk. After sticking the device in my ear I press the On button, reached for my encrypted phone then sat on the edge of my bed with my legs closed. Yes, I hid the exposer of my privates from you perverted readers’ imagination. No va-jay-jay for you guys tonight. Sorry :(

Anyway, when my earpiece finally connected to my mentor, I questioned him about my dry bank account. “Hey, sensei why have I still not receive any water? I’m thirsty after pulling off such an arduous task. Is it not your duty to quench my thirst at a crucial time like this?”

“About that, it’s impossible for me to pour your agreed water at the moment, Tainted Scorpion.”

“Impossible? I don’t understand, sensei. Are you going to leave my throat dry?” [Cough! Cough!]

“For the time being, you will have to endure your dehydration. It appears that the client has updated the terms of their contract.”

“What?” I was so pissed off when I heard this. “Why wait until I’ve completed the job to change the terms of the contract? Have you informed those demon bastards just who exactly they are dealing with? I will let them experience the terror of hell if I have to.”


“I am fully aware of your dubious nature, Tainted Scorpion. I was your instructor after all.”

“Then why are you…?”

“Calm down and let me finish. The client has already decided to double your gallon of water if you complete the updated task by tomorrow. He wants you to abduct Mega Pop’s daughter from police custody and bring her to a specified location.”

“Seriously?” My face twisted with painless agony as my brain continued decrypting the ridiculous vibrations travelling into my ear. “They want me to kidnap a little girl now? Don’t they have a lot of cops on their payroll? Why don’t have one of those dirty bastards do it?”

“It’s not my duty to question the client. Will you accept the updated task? If not I can still transfer to you half a bottle of water as compensation.”

“Ahh, geez! Forget it, sensei. I’ll accept the job. Tell the client to expect my arrival tomorrow.”

“Alright, I’ll send the details to your smartphone. Have some rest now and make sure to take care of that side injury.”

“Okay. Huh, how did he know?” After being reminded by my mentor about my injury, I glanced down at my side to discovery my pristine sheets being stained with blood. “Gosh, I forgot all about the bleeding. Now I will have to replace this sheet. I loved it so much too. Guess it can’t be helped now. Onwards to the secret room.”

I got up from the stained sheet while applying pressure to my wounded side. I teetered to the wall behind my bedframe; pressed my right palm against a painting which was decorated with multiple series of hands. Shortly after interacting with the coded painting, my secret room began revealing its presence. The walls started coming asunder in a systematic motion. The unveiling process scooted my bed to the utmost corner of the room.

The entrance to my secret room was now entirely exposed. As I stepped inside, the walls closed behind me. This concealed space was my getaway spot where I often visit to clear my head, also it was a laboratory of sorts. My combat gears along with my armour were neatly tucked away on the glass shelves in the corner. A dim ultra-violent light with a mixture a fluorescence was infixed in the ceiling. I got these bulbs specifically installed to aid with the germination of the rare flora life growing within.

Cascaded across the back wall of my secret space were dark embodiments of arachnid flowers. These plants were my lifeline and sustenance which maintained my beguiling nature. They were extremely rare, moreover, elusive to acquire. These were the plants that I mentioned earlier known as Dark Bloom Orchid due to their virulent characteristic.

Dark Bloom Orchids possessed twisting thorny stem which produced scorpion-sharped leaflets of pitch-black quality. If their dark petals were to come into contact with human skin it will manifest a poisonous embrace that could lead to that person detriment. Even though it was a toxic plant, it had remarkable medicinal properties that cope well with my tainted constitution. This was why I had a bathtub replete with Dark Bloom Orchid’s essence sitting in the centre of my secret room.


[Toss!] I took the damp towel from my head then climbed up into the virulent bathtub. The moment my injured flesh caressed the dark wetness, it began to fizz, moreover, ripple erotically. With this disturbance, a painful sensation absorbed my body. My veins began to pop with a dark ambience as my rejuvenation ensued. The feeling was so intoxicating. I soaked my bombastic bod in the Dark Bloom Orchid’s bath for the rest of the night.

[Bubble! Bubble!]

At daybreak I came out of my secret room looking truly refreshed, my prior injuries were no more. Since it was still early I decided to postpone my nefarious duties for later. In light of this decision, I donned myself in regular plain girl’s apparels to conceal my secret identity.

I was wearing a pleated flowery dress which covered my ankles; a loosely fitted blue blouse which kept my tasty cleavage hidden; moreover, my dark tresses were cascaded along my shoulders and I wore a dorky glasses accompanied by a straw hat to accentuate my feminine delicacy. This was the entirety of my disguise for the new day.

Below my apartment complex was my beautiful flower shop. I loved flowers ever since I was a little girl. Their freshness and multiplicity nature always kept me entranced. Therefore, I coaxed Master Odok to set this shop up for me.

After filling my stomach with light breakfast, I went downstairs to open my establishment. Since it was still early I didn’t get a lot of visitors, hence I tend to my morning chores by cleaning up the place also, set up some lush flowers on display shelves out front.

[Swoosh! Swoosh!] While I was sweeping out accumulated dust from my shop, I spotted the arrival of my part-time assistant. She was holding a carton tray along with a posh purse in her hand.

“Good morning, boss Anna. You’re up early. Here I brought you some coffee.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Ember.” I gladly accepted the warm drink from my minion’s grasp. This gorgeous outstanding lady was also a member of the Assassin league of Black Scorpions who served under me. I sometime beseech her assistance on difficult jobs that required more than one head.

“Hey, Anna… I heard you receive a big job yesterday, how come you didn’t rope me in?”

“It wasn’t that much of a big deal. I got the job done in no time at all, however, the damn client upgraded his terms at the last minute and now I have to do a bonus later to get the rest of my payment.”

“That’s ridiculous. Does Master Odok knows about this?”

“Well of course. He was the one who told me.”

“Oh, so then do you want my help on this bonus job?”

“Not really, you can look after the shop while I’m away.”

“Alright, boss. Speaking of the shop, has your boyfriend visit you already?”

“What boyfriend?” When I heard this ridiculous enquiry I gave Ember a strict glare.

“Come on boss don’t be like that. You know who I’m talking about. That cute guy who always buys a flower from you every morning. It is so obvious that he has a crush on you.”

“Tsk, don’t even mention that annoying man to me again.”

“Oh, sorry. I forgot that you don’t like weak men. Hey, isn’t that his car parked across the street?”

“Huh?” I followed the trajectory of my minion’s gaze to the grey vehicle parked across the street where I recognized a familiar figure stepping out. It was indeed the unsavoury presence of the man Ember and I was just conversing about. I saw him walking across the street coming over in the direction of my shop.

He was donned in his regular lame suit which covered most of his forearm. How did he expect to entice me in that get-up? When our gazes met he waved towards me while issuing a greeting.

“Hi there, Ms Anna. How are you today?”

“Not bad and you kind sir?” Uh, I kindly reciprocated his greeting with a forced smile to maintain my pure façade. I could discern the mocking snicker from Ember who was watering the flowers beside me. I gave her an austere glance which she tacitly understood to keep her big mouth shut.

Fixing my sight back on the annoying man I asked: “Mister what brings you to my establishment so early in the morning?”

“Come on, Ms Anna you don’t have to be so formal with me. You can just call me by name.”

“Your name?” I completely forgot this man’s name, he must have told me a thousand times during his multiple visits to my shop, but it was a habit of mine to not memorize the names of weak men. To not make it seem so obvious, I fiddled with my shades while secretly glancing at my minion for assistance.

“Oh, Mr Shaw don’t just stand there in the sun. Come on inside.” My assistant took the initiative to bring the man inside. I followed closely behind them.

“Your name was Ember... Stone, correct?”

“You remember my name. How sweet. I thought you only had eyes for my boss.” This shameless woman was actually putting me on the spot. “Please remind me again, what is your full name?”

“Ah, it’s a bit embarrassing. It’s Deleon, Deleon Shaw.”

“Oh, Deleon Shaw? What a beautiful name.”

“Deleon Shaw?” When I re-registered his girly name I had to scream internally. No wonder he reeked of pungent vagina. His feminine name actually fitted well with his weak complex. This cute man was definitely not my type. I reckoned he couldn’t even squash an ant with his nice guy act. I preferred my men burly and raw. Someone who could violently defile my complex and make me feel intense pain. Not a wimpish man that would massage my feet at night and sing me a damn lullaby. No, no, not this tainted lady.

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