《Transcendence》Chapter 18


Atama, Agra, Gehgor, and the wolf moved into the Monki Tribe.

It was a twice bigger than Atama's original tribe. They had wooden huts and even some stone ones. They did not use tents like Atama's tribe. These guys were more advanceded. They even had some metal armors! How rich!

Moving into Monki Tribe was like moving in from a low class town to a middle class town! How amazing!

Everyone watched as Boli lead the group into the tribe.

The peoples whispered to each other and gossiped.

They were like, "Woah, are these the survivors of that one tribe that was wiped?"

"These guys can't be ordinary if they survived!"

"What happened to that guy's arm?!"

"Wow that lil' boy is so handsome!"

Atama couldn't help but being embarrassed. He was popular, yes, but now he was the center of the center of attention! Atama was super humble so he felt super uncomfortable being in the lime lighting.

The group led by Boli was led to a medium sized hut that would fit the four comfortably.

"Wow, thanks you so much, Boli." Gehgor said.

Boli laughed and was all like NP bro.

While everyone was settling in, Atama finished early. It's cuz he didn't have any belongings, and Agra insisted on him meeting the village kids in teh tribe.

"Make new friends" She ordered kindly.

Atama wasn't one to disobey the elderly so he did go out to meet the new kids.

Atama walked out and met with teh wrong crowd.

They were big kids - the tenagers.

They had tattoos all over their bodies, even their tats had tats.

They drank some liqor too. They couldn't be good, no way Atama thoughts.

"Hey, new kid, nice tats. How long did it take to finish?" One guy with gray hair and right cheek piercings that were so much it looked like chainmail armor talked spoke to Atama.


Atama shook his head in confusingsion.

"A couple minutes, I guess."

Everyone was like: (O_O)

"Only a couple minutes?! So you skipped sketchings and plannings and just went in freestyling it?! You madman! NArly!"

Atama was more confused. Was that a compliment or insult?

Atama gave nervous grin and walked away without speak ing anymore.

As he walked, the tenagers whispered.

"Wow, so cool!"

"We not even worthy for goodbyes and stuff!"

"That there is a dragon amongst mortals!"




Atama kept walkin' lookin' for more friends, but when he saw the "good" kids, their parents would drag them away after spotting Atama's scary appearance.

Atama looked himself oveer.

Was he really scary?

He had blood red hair and his blood tats made it look like his veins were bursting... but that wasn't scary, was it?

And then Atama got punched!


Atama was sent flying! He smashed into a hut!

Atama was grogilly gettin' up and looked upp in time to get his nose smashed by a 'nother punch!

Bleeding now was Atama's nose....

Ouchie! Why he do this?

But it wasn't a he, Atama. Don't assume gendies. This was a she.

A petite lookin' gurl with long ink like hair and a fair complexion held her steaming fist. It was like there was fire qi in her knuckles!

"I'ma a beat you to assert my dominance!" She declared!

Then she pulled out some nun-chucks and started swingin'!


Atama dodged.


The hit hit the building real hard. If it had hit Atama's head, he would've had a dent for sure!

"Don't move!"

What this crazy chick saying?? If I don't move I'll die!

Atama's eyes sharpened.

If this girl is going to want to kill me, then I have to fight with my life on the line too....

Atama prepared a martial arts stance and faced the berserker girl.

"Ho ho ho? You gonna fight back? I'm ready too!"

She also got ready to fight.


Atama bent his knees...

Then he turned around an ran with all his might!

The girl: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Why he runnin'?!

This is a legit survival strategy! Running isn't cowardly nor cheating!!!!

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