《Transcendence》Chapter 17


Pam! BAm! Phlam!

A five year old or so kid was getting physically abused by a gangsta lookin' G rabbit.

It was pitiful. No contest at all.

Left hook. Right hook. Body slam.

Nothing missed and all did critical hit dmg.

If you ignore the fact that the kid was getting bodied, then you would instantly know that the kid was... strong!

Who else but a strong person ccould take so many stronk hits and still not be defeated? Atama of course!

Wow so awesome! GJ Atama!

"Fall for me!"

G-Rabbit Bart did a round house kick and blew Atama away!

Atama was hit into a tree and broke through it because the force was too much! Ouch! Is his spine okay?

It was! Atama stood back up!

Bart let out a sigh. He needed to finish this soon because he needed to take a poop.

He points behind Atama.

"Hey, watch out!"

Atama turned around, but when he did, a rock smashed into the back of his head!

Atama held his head in pain.... Normally a skull would be cracked open by such a hit, but Atama's head was his strongest body part! Afterall, that was the last of his original body! That was the only thing that survived when Darth fought the evil monster!

"Tch, stupid rabbit, tricks aren't for adults! Fight me properly!"

Atama clenched his fists and ran like a untrained brat (Which he was) towards Bart.


Atama was a naive brat who thought yelling increased his power level.

It did!

Atama went from lvl 5 brat to lvl 50 supremo! This next hit would decide the matcch!!!! JK, Atama still too weak.

Atama hit air, and Bart appeared behind him suddenly like ninja!

Karate chop is what Bart did. He hit Atama's neck in the back and knocked him out.



Atama fell down pathetically in a silly pose.

When Atama woke up, he was alone.

Huh? Where's Mastah?

Wasn't this kinda dangerous? Leaving an unconscious child in the middle of the jungly forest?

"Oh what this?"

Atama saw a note on the ground.

Come back same time tomorrow. More training then.


Atama's training was done for today. Okay.

So Atama went back to get his fishies and dragged them back up the mountain to the cave. When he got there, he saw a new face. It was a fit, middle-aged man with a kind face. He had a shaved head and had an axe by his side. He was drinking some tea with Gehgor and Agra. Unlike Atama's tribe who had tanned skin, this guy was white.

Who's this guy? He looks stronk.

Atama immedietly simulated if Gehgor could beat this guy in a fight.... probably not. Gehgor is missing an arm now.

What about Mastah? Most probably. Bart was a super strong master after all!

"Ah, Atama, that's a lot of fish you've caught." Agra pleasant surprised when spotted the five year old child with a whole bag full of fish.

"Atama, this is Boli, he's the head hunter of the Monki Tribe." Gehgor gestured to the middle-aged dude.

"Oh, so this is the Atama you talk about." Boli smiled to Atama.

Atama puffed his chest out and carried the fish into the corner of the room.

Apparently the adults was talking about joinging, or at least forming an alliance with the Monki Tribe. The Monki Tribe was long time friend of Atama's tribe.

Atama snacked on some fish while the adults talked business.

The Monki Tribe agreed to let Atama's group use the tribe's facilities and even a hut if they wanted. They would even be allowed to eat some food when it was meal time. In exchange, Atama's group had to help with the gathering and hunting once every two weeks/14 days/.5 months.


These weren't normal hunts, though. These were Demon hunts! They hunted things like the Blue Demon that Atama fought earlier! IT was dangerous hunts!

Of course, Agra was too old to hung and Atama was too young. The only one actually hunting would be Gehgor.

Atama and Agra would just have to help prepare equipments for the hunts.

After business talk was done, Boli took out a jug of fire water (wine) and drank with Gehgor.

And that was how Atama's life took a turn for the next few months.

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