《Terror Infinity Remake》3 Them and Others
As hours passed everyone begun to crave for something else, not food nor toilet. It was the soft touch and the safety that came with having a man by your side. It sounds like bullshit, but both men and women have instincts and those instincts were now in full bloom as danger came closer, as the hour to begin the mission came closer and closer.
Nick encouraged his survivors to have sex with the "Heroes", saying that it might be their last time, they should at least die satisfied. The survivors were mostly women and they begun to select their partners, problem was that only the handsome ones got to be selected. Chris was still running when he was coastlined by a female hand and fell down and was raped by a crazy military girl, who shouted as if it was the best sex in her life so that someone specific could hear her.
Chris didn't know what to make of this, but as a man he couldn't not enjoy the soft side of a woman at some point, he even came on top and her moans became more genuine as she was shocked herself to find that he could make her feel this way. He was like a tireless monster that wouldn't end before her whatever she did, it was as if he was insatiable. What started as a petty revenge had become more than she could handle, before long she was tired and he was still hard, cell vitality sure has its uses.
"What are you waiting for, I told you the whole system won't let you have a child, It's 100% safe, I've been here for ages and nobody has ever given birth in this space and believe me they've tried"
Nick said as he pointed at Chis and Christin, who were still doing it.
It wasn't long that everyone had a partner and some were at a loss, since the women were fewer than the men. The problem however came afterwards, because some women begun to act as if they owned the male they went with. Normaly it would have been an accepted fact that they had something, but this wasn't normal, this was a death game where each moment could be their last.
Those clingy women had to accept that this was a one night stand and nothing more, as hard as this could be to accept, there was no love in this sort of behavior, it was only physical.
Time passed by when they were preocupied and most of the time they would keep doing excersice while the new players did their best to plan what they would be doing, so far there was only one plan, follow behind your group leader, ignore Chris.
The plan was rather simple, they would have 7 days of complete freedom from the monster either way, so it only makes sense that it would be used to travel around meaning that they wouldn't be anywhere near the cast, or at least that's logical to presume, otherwise with their knowledge it would be simple to find the second video.
As the hours passed, Chris found himself at the other side of the I own you now camp. Christin, was no better than the foxy lady, all that changed was that he now had another woman bothering him with stuff about plans and how they should be more like the others and survival this, survival that.
"Why can't you be logical?"
Christin shouted at him as she run out of patience with this super dense guy, who hadn't stopped training to listen to her and she was bored out of her mind seeing him running back and forward, even Nick had finished his training, only Chris was left doing this boring repetition of running back and forth, again and again, faster and faster.
The time for entering the mission came closer and closer, one hour was left and everyone was tense and tired of seeing Chris going back and forth, only adding to their stress.
Tian shouted as he tried to coastline Chris once more, only to find that Chris evaded his armbar as if it was nothing, while still running at almost full speed, but he stopped not long after as he lost his step.
"What's up with you people, don't you know that the more you train the better your stats will become!"
Chris was also tired of them watching him instead of practicing.
"We've already practiced enough, if you continue, you will have no energy for the mission!"
Tian shouted back, saying something logical, but not what he really wanted to say deep inside.
"So what, I still have loads of Cell vitality to spent"
Chris said looking at his Cell vitality that hadn't even reached down to 180 from the 200 it was before.
"Tian is right, Chris you shouldn't use up all of your vitality before the mission, maybe you will want to raise some other stat rather than just speed, what will you do then, it will be too late for regrets"
Nick intervened, playing the peacemaker.
"I still have 180 points left, what do you want from me, it was your fault that I ended with 200 vitality!"
Chris shouted back enraged, he could have added to his other stats instead, but he had to tell him to add all his points in vitality, ending with a wooping 200 points in vitality, even his beard had fallen as he was rejuvenated to the form of a teenager, he wouldn't be surprised if he gained height as well.
There was tension building, but it was all pointless, because there was a little red fairy who played a major role in Chris' decision making.
Once she decided on giving up on training, Chris could do nothing but obey the little brainy thing, the A.I. was a lot more diplomatic in its decisions, it knew it had to balance Chris' interactions with the others and make him come to an understanding with his own situation, if it wanted him to survive. His situation was shitty to tell the least, he would be unable to use all of his vitality to raise other stats and his relations with the others were those of mere acquaintances.
The A.I. could tell that his chances for survival weren't as good as he believed, it even told him, they were below 50%, thus making him a bit tense and irrational over training.
The A.I. however hadn't calculated well the human factor of how his workout would affect the others arround him, causing them to feel underprepared and vulnerable, unready for the task ahead of them, Tian speaking up was to raise the morale of the entire group, not just for himself.
This was when the Red Empress decided to lie.
"arguing and continueing training is counter productive, you have to rest until the mission"
She said, causing the mob of idiots to feel victorious, but in reality what she was doing was trying to bridge the gap between them.
In the A.I.'s point of view The closer he was with the team, the more chances there were of his survival. After all there is strength in numbers, even if the enemy is a supernatural ghost.
Reason states that team oriented games are better when in a team, even during the previous mission it tried its best to form a team of players for him, but because of the NPCs taking a liking to him, it turned into a tragedy, where he could easily be dead if not for some dodgy rules and his will to survive.
The time for the mission getting closer and stress only rising with every moment, people were going crazy with uncertainty, some begun to warm up again, just to have something to do. Chris was puting his backpack in order, there wasn't much inside, some money, some clothes, some toilet paper, a bit of what he might need to survive, a tiny first aid kit, a survival knife, the food he had inside was long looted by the others whom hadn't eaten anything for hours and sex does drain one's energy.
Chris was the only one whom brought out food for everyone, Nick and Tian both said they had no food or items, refusing to even use their inventory. They had decided upon it beforetime and everyone but himself had agreed on not using their inventory until they finish the first mission, after all it's hard to make them believe them if they showed them this ability. It would be easier to turn them against them, but Chris was a simpleton, once he was asked he simply answered their questions, causing uneeded confusion among the new players, who had no inventory as of yet, no way to tell that there was even an inventory to begin with and in turn made them doubt his words. He was however a crazy person that thought they were inside the matrix, so they couldn't tell if he was an ally or not, especialy after being fed by him, while the others didn't have any food, probably eaten it all themselves before the mission had even begun.
Why they didn't feed new players was simple, because it was a waste of points, if even half of them survive it would be considered as a good run.
"Veterans are categorized in stars like followers, if you have a stat of 200 you're worth 2 stars, if you have a stat above 200 you're 3 stars, because there's a limit that determines if you're human or not, after 200 you enter the super-human domain"
Tian explained once more for Chris alone, since he wasn't with them when he had explained to them the exact same thing.
"So you're saying that there is a way to boost Cell vitality above 200?"
Chris asked rather ethousiastic, not knowing why himself, since the shop didn't allow him to go above 200.
"To go above 200 Cell Vitality? Well maybe the completed T-Virus would do just that, unless of course it turns you into the green hulk or a zombie"
Tian said seriously, without even joking, it was completely possible to become a monster, but it wouldn't be the most preferable way to survive, after all most NPCs don't react well when seeing a monster, their first reaction is always to kill it and ask questions later.
Tian was honestly thankful for Chris asking him questions, since the others would also hear him out and he would get points because of it.
Chris was overwhelmed by the number of questions the Red Empress had, but many of the answers he found insane to even think about, like willingly becoming a zombie, it sounds so stupid if you think about it, but as you think deeper into what being a zombie really means, if you disregard the rotting flesh and thirst for blood, it means you're immortal.
There were many thoughts that moved him away from reality, just moments before the mission begins, this last hour before the mission begins looked short when you have questions, the new players didn't know what to think of him and the others.
If Tian and Nick were leaders, then Chris was an outsider, he wasn't part of the group, or more like refused to be part of the group, although in reality he was part of them, want it or not, they were in this together.
"What do we do now?"
Christin asked him as the time for the mission was getting closer and unlike David, she didn't know what to do next, she mistakenly thought that Chris was a veteran like the others, not understanding that he was a noob like them to this game of life and death.
"Just chill, if you are to die, you will die, if it's meant to live you'll live, just do what you want to do and don't regret your decisions"
Chris said, honestly, not understanding her confusion and helplessness, her loyalty to the country and duty to survive and report all this to her higher ups.
"You...don't understand"
She said as she nibbled on her nails, trying to relieve her stress, sitting next to him, who was still stretching and doing some exercise, uneasy and completely unlike how he made it sound, he was prepared to die, he was ready and at the same time, he wanted to survive, he wanted to see more of these adventures, more of these missions.
The last mission for him was like a dream, an insane adventure that he passed half of it knocked out, another half losing his virginity and last of all as a rampaging monster, helping his lovers escape in a wild rush to die for them. Thinking of them, made him wonder what they were doing now, but it was impossible to go back to them, even though there were other resident evil movies and the chance of seeing them again still existed if he lived long enough.
Of course it evaded him that it might not even be the same universe anymore, meaning that it would be near impossible to meet those same NPCs again.
"Can't you be a bit more caring?"
Christin complained as she nudged him, furious that he didn't give her due attention.
It was really weird how from being a dejected virgin of a man, he suddenly after entering the game, became the object of desire so many times. It was unthinkable before, but now he looked like a handsome teenager that could easily become a model in our modern world or an actor if he had some luck.
Now he felt elated, it felt as if he was the protagonist in a fairy tale, as if there was nothing that could really threaten his life. This feeling had no clear reason for being there, it was more like the feeling of elation from getting first place in a sport, rather than surviving a horror game of life and death. The others had the same feeling, but to a lower degree, those that hadn't felt threatened during the last game felt even more elated than Chris, since they understood that as long as they survived, they could do whatever they liked in this strange game of life and death.
You have to understand that unlike Nick and Tian whom took this "game" seriously, the others weren't yet trully initiated to the horrors of this "game". They hadn't felt the despair those that died felt, those that had felt even a hint immediately sided with Nick and truthfuly didn't understand this "hero" thing, like at all. They thought it suicidal to try and finish these missions, it would be much safer to just wait it out, even if the alternative was being killed by Nick, it was preferable to the torture they had experienced during the last mission at the hands of the NPCs.
The time was now to decide on which side one would take and only Chris wasn't on either side, like a loner talking to the little A.I. fairy as if it was the only living thing there after finishing questioning Tian of course. They could all tell that he wasn't thinking strait, but the new players couldn't tell why.
"Chris you have to decide now, will you be a hero or a survivor!"
Tian gave him an ultimatum and Christin who sat next to him was also interested in his decision.
"The only way to survive is to do the objectives, why even ask?"
Chris asked back, causing Tian to laugh, because his logic was so wrong that he almost wished to correct it.
The clock said 10 minutes remained, it was the final countdown and Chris was unwillingly accepted into the hero group. Christin was unhappy with it, since David was in this group as well, but found solence in the fact that they didn't have to take orders from Tian and the others, since Chris wasn't trully part of their group, it was more like there being two hero groups rather than one, they had the same goal, but would move seperately.
"Are you sure we'll make it?"
Christin asked him once more for confirmation, it was the only thing left for her, especialy since his guns were too big for her hands and the weapons proved to not be enough in the first place, most of the people didn't get a weapon in the end, since Tian didn't have enough guns for all of them.
David was given an assault riffle while Tian himself took a pistol, they were all ready to go, some were unhappy with the fact they didn't get a gun, but thinking that they would stay behind the armed people, filled them with hope of survival.
Minutes twindled as the time for the mission came closer and closer, their surroundings begun to become clearer, they could see tons of monitors surrounding them, it was evident what would happen once everything materialized, it was no surprise that all the monitors were on and showing the cursed tape. Some closed their eyes, others like Chris didn't care about it, since he was waiting for the first objective to appear.
=Objective No 1 - Reach Aidan's home within the time limit of 168 hours=
They were given 7 days to find this "Aidan" person, whoever that was, it could be the little boy or an elderly man, it wouldn't be a surprise since this could be version from another world, which non of them knew about.
Ringing noises sounded all over the place as telephones begun to ring, someone was foolish enough to lift one, hearing the eerily familiar "seven days".
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