《Terror Infinity Remake》16 Success in View
The mansion was mostly peaceful, unlike Racoon city where a huge evacuation effort had begun, the soldiers did their best to inform everyone about the evacuation plan.
More than 20.000 people were told to flee the city under the threat of a gun, the soldiers didn't even bother to explain that the city would be nuked, it wouldn't have worked either way.
Back at he mansion, Players and NPCs were trying to pass their time as they awaited for their escape vehicle to arrive, the Red Empress informed them that there was a 98% chance of success, meaning that it was almost imposible to fail all they had to do was two simple things, stay put and wait.
Nick was more than happy with leaving the plan to the A.I. and doing nothing, while relaxing in a mansion. The others had more mixed feelings, for them it felt strange, from one moment they were afraid for their lives, then relatively safe, then on the run again, it was a weird full of bumps, with its ups and downs.
Nick had gotten too used to this lifestyle, it wasn't unusual for players to enjoy themselves during these missions, especialy when they are given too much time to do a task, which could have been done in hours or even minutes.
Chris was lying in bed, a bit sleepy, but unable to sleep due to all the noises comming from next door. Hera was having her havings as Jason burged into her room while she and Jonas were having an affair going, what followed wasn't consensual and Jonas did get his comings as well.
It was weird to hear her first shouting for help and then shouting out of excitement and arrousal.
As for Nick, he spent his time lying on a chair and looking outside with a glass of alcohol, waiting for their ride to appear, ignoring everyone that might approach him.
Chris was surprised when someone knocked at his door, he thought a bit before going to open, only to be pushed back by a rather strong arm. He felt as if his wound would open from the force, but seeing Olga's face in front of him pushing him into the bed, her breath smelling alcohol, while wearing a rather revealing dress.
"Are you afraid of me?"
She asked while holding him down.
-Last time you held me down was to saw my hand off
-It was useless anyways, now I'll make you mine!
-You're drunk
-Shut up before I saw something else off as well
-You do know that I will disappear after the mission is over
-So what? just remember to leave me a small fortune before you leave and me and the baby will be set for life
-How am I...
He had no retord to that, right now he was in possession of an A.I. that could literaly hack any bank in the world, with a single command, her account could be filled with cash, just by taking 1 cent from every person in the world, she could literaly become a billionaire overnight.
"You don't like me? Is that the problem? Then what if I spiked Alice's drink, would you fancy her? or do you like crazy girls like Rain?"
Olga said seemingly serious, of course in her drunken state one could argue that she didn't mean what she said.
Not long afterwards however she begun to strip him of his clothes, she didn't seem to care about what he wanted at all and she was seriously strong for a woman. As a one armed man he would find it difficult to push her back, but there were ways, he could still use his legs, problem was, what did he have to lose?
The experience was insane, mostly because they discovered that they were both inexperienced virgins, trying to do all the crazy stuff they'd seen done in porn. In general however he was under her mercy, feeling as if she did him and not the other way around, the most however concerning thing was when she tried to bite his shoulder right where the wound was, causing it to open right in the middle of their session.
She spent considerable time stoping the hemorrage moments later and after they finished, they really needed a drink. Both of them, were rather disappointed, because their first time wasn't as majestic as they had imagined it to be.
"Sorry for cutting your hand off"
Olga suddenly said as he stood up to go get drinks from the fridge, more like a minibar really.
-Was that an apology?
-Nope, just talking to myelf
-What is the case with the virus and cure doing in the mini-bar?
-Is that where it was, I thought I lost them after I begun to drink
-Are you for real?
-Just relax, you're too uptight, how about another go?
-You do know that my wounds will open again
-Then lets play the doctor
She said as she threw the sheets away revealing her naked body. Although she was no top model or a beautiful actress like they regularly used in movies, to Chris she was still a goddess.
A pity that she wasn't really his type, in reality no real woman could be his type, since he was in love with anime girls. Unlike real people anime characters had no visible flaws in his eyes, since he knew that any flaw the character had was the result of some artist's mistake or done deliberately to be there for some other reason.
At that time somewhere far away at a secret facility the people there were going amok.
-We have to shut down the super computer, we've been completely hacked!
-But if we do so, we will lose part of our data, it might even cause an error to occur within the system
-But we've lost, the estimations were wrong, if we let the Red Queen take over the facility she might decide to kill us all! This is a battle to save the world!
The supervisor and the others were told that the Red Queen had gone berserk and was trying to destroy the world, be it the fear of the unknown or them seeing too many thrillers, they believed them.
One by one the umbrella super combuters were now all hacked, this was the last one that wasn't shut down, their last defence against the Red Queen's plans, in their minds they were the heroes, saving the world, all they however accomplished was delaying the inevitable and that for not even 2 full hours.
They simply didn't have a strong enough computer to put up a fair fight, they really wanted to know where the A.I. was getting all that calculating might, it felt as if they were using a laptop to fight against a super computer, not impossible, but it would be hard.
Suddenly they got a phone call, it was from the other groups, whom had already reported that they had shut down their Super computer and were now trying to reset it, but there was no luck at all.
"What's your situation?"
-We're going to shut it down, we've lost
-Wait, in 10 minutes some experts will be arriving at your location, try to keep at least a foothold inside the system, don't let her win!
-It's pointless, all we can do is hold her for another few minutes, but if we do so, she will take over the computer
-Do you question my order!
-Chill man, we've just following protocols, we can't let that machine get its hands on sensitive data, even if we will have to destroy it
-You idiots, if you destroy all the data on your side as well, what will we do once we finaly win, those data will no longer be reclaimable, those protocols were made for when all 10 super computers were operational at the same time, since they worked as backup for one another
-You're right, but we have rules
"You're so stupid"
Suddenly the voice inside the phone changed to that of a girl and the room's alarm begun to sound as the sprinklers begun to release poisonous gas.
"This Bastard was buying time...Agh"
Every single person in the room tried to leave, but the doors were locked, every single person died and the super computer was still on, the Red Empress had won, the next moment 9 other facilities nearby faced the same fate, the computers by themselves going on and in less than 10 minutes Umbrella was under the A.I.'s control.
Next begun a massive gathering of information from all around the globe, the Red Empress wanted to be in control of every variable, she was literaly trying to predict the future. In space, every umbrella satelite begun to work to accomplish her goals, she litteraly acted lightning fast, taking the whole world by surprise, as all media were hacked and everyone was forced to see what the umbrella corporation really was.
Every umbrella operative was then given a call by the A.I., they were given an ultimatum to surrender or be convicted for crimes they didn't even know where being commited.
The higher ups were going insane, because they were given a different ultimatum, they were to surrender to the police and confess their crimes, doing otherwise would result in their termination, or as she stated it "Otherwise I will shut you down".
The situation was developing so fast that nobody could have foreseen the situation, the world was this good day taken hostage by a myterious A.I.
All their sensitive data and weaknesses were taken hostage by the A.I., their bank accounts, their under the table deals, everything was on the line.
The governments of the world one good day learned that they had been hacked and at the mercy of a machine that had the voice of a little girl.
There was only one man that was laughing and quite proud of his achievements, he was the creator of the A.I. "Dr. Charles Ashford" as he and his daughter were alive and safe as the virus never escaped the Hive.
Back at the Mansion, Chris was dragged by Olga to see Rain and Alice, he didn't understand why she wanted him to go until they reached the room. He could faintly hear Rain's moans from inside, like short meowing sounds as if a kitten asking for more.
Olga shamelessly barged inside, dragging him along, Alice was a bit alert at first but seeing Olga she didn't mind it too much. Both women were in their underwears, one wearing green and the other black, Alice was licking and sucking onto Rains most private parts.
Alice was surprised when Olga begun to take off her panties and lick her down there. She felt good and continued to do Rain, even harder than before, as hard as a tongue can be.
Olga, when she considered that Alice's pussy was ready, pushed Chris into the fray, pointing at it. Chris was reluctant, but he was already hard, he simply couldn't not participate in this, a pity he put it into the wrong hole.
Alice screamed as his fat cock made its way into that tiny asshole, it was forced all in with a single thrust, causing Rain to feel even more arroused by hearing that scream.
They turned Alice around, while the dick was still inside her, as if trying to drill it into her, Rain then took off Alice' top and begun to play with them, while Olga already naked put her pussy right into her face, all the while Chris was still fucking her ass. Each pound causing some reaction by the other, until she stopped reacting and he was forced to go higher into her pussy.
Alice tried to protest, but she was under their mercy, it was an insane moment as she whom was always the one in control, was now in a helpless situation, even worse however at some point she felt arroused by it.
Once Chris Ejaculated he took it out, only for Rain to approach him, saying.
"Now it's my turn!"
She put his dirty dick in her mouth and begun to work on it, trying to make it larger again. While Olga was trying to fit a bottle into Alice's ass.
Rain was a monster, once she made sure it was hard, she stuck it right in, riding him as if he was a horse. Not caring about what the others were doing, going harder and harder on him, it was probably the most insane moment in his life and it didn't stop until all three of them were satisfied, he was sucked dry by the three women, who didn't even care about protections, Chris was shocked to hear from the A.I. that all three women were now pregnant.
It was insane to even think about it and as a man he really wanted to take responsibility for it, but he had no idea how. All he could do was order the Red Empress to give them more money than they could ever spend.
The Red Empress simply laughed at his orders and told him she would take care of it, that he didn't have to worry about anything.
The World was in chaos, while they were having their fun in the mansion, The plane carrying the Nuke was still on its way, there was no way of stoping this bomber as it had no electronics whatsoever, it worked mostly on manual controls and it was really stealthy, so even if you wished to stop it, you wouldn't know where it was, but one entity did.
By making the calculations based on all the data on this mostly experimental bomber, the Red Empress had acquired its most probable coordinates, next she send orders to the military of the nations over which it flew and one of the fighter jets discovered this huge behemoth of a plane, flying at a height that was insane for a plane.
The first shot was a warning and the pilots of the bomber plane, begun to decelerate and lose height. They knew full well that they had failed, they couldn't figure what they did wrong, but before long the bomber was captured and its cargo and purpose questioned.
The world went crazy after they learnt about this stealth bomber, it was insane to even think that such a thing existed and even worse it was trying to nuke a mansion near a fully populated city.
The Umbrella corporation was over and the people in Racoon city, whom just a moment ago were being told to flee were celebrating, because this news was being broadcasted all over the world.
The commander of the small umbrella force that had gone rogue was also relieved, since they hadn't even been able to evacuate even a 10% of the people when the message was broadcasted.
Only Kaplan was somewhat angry, because he thought he had been deceived, if they had such an ace up they sleeve, why didn't they tell him?
The truth however was that the people in the mansion were completely oblivious towards what was going around the world. The Red Empress kept them in the dark, as she went on with her own plans.
George, Xiao, Mike and Chrysa were playing cards, they had a lot of time and they were catching up with all that had happened, it was was a nice change of pace, as non felt guilty for relaxing. They didn't think they could have such a time, it was insan how much this game had changed them, Mike and Chrysa seemed more mature and less afraid of danger now, while George seemed really determined to become the protagonist of this story, as for Xiao she too had made her decision, she would try her best to survive.
Jason, Jonas and Hera were also sitting down, over some drinks, the later two apologizing for their behaviors and admiting that he was the boss of their group. Promising that this would never repeat, Jonas having a panda eye and Hera having bruises all over her body from Jason's harsh threatment.
What they had to decide upon was simple, would they be players or survivors?
"Do you think it's possible to survive just by relying on the others?"
Jason asked seriously, truth be told he was one of the few that understood why Nick jumped out of the safe space and into the fray there, because he was forced to do so.
"I believe that out of us only you can become strong, me and Hera can only support you if you would like it?"
Jonas said, trying to manipulate Jason into thinking he could do it, although deep inside Jonas knew that it was impossible, after learning that Jason suffered from acrophobia, it was impossible for him to survive, even if he tried to, a fear of heights is an insane weakness to have.
"I believe that we should stay united and only that way we can survive"
Hera said, mostly out of spite for Jonas, it was his idea to act against Jason in the first place, it was all his fault.
"I believe that unless we become as skilled as Nick, it's impossible to stay as layed back and just survive"
Jason's words struck a nail in the head, it was true, if Nick wasn't as strong as he was, he probably wouldn't have been as cocky or confident that he could survive.
"Then what do you propose?"
Jonas asked, now having a better opinion of Jason, at first he saw him as nothing more than muscle for the team.
"I believe that we should wait until after the mission is over to formulate plans of action, right now we're all useless"
Jason said, making the other two re-evaluate their own assumptions, it was evident that Jason might yet become the leader they needed, he might not have a mind for plans, but he was more level headed than themselves, maybe with some polishing he would become the leader they needed, staying by his side, might yet be a wise decision.
Time passed and Nick could see a huge transportation Helicopter heading towards the mansion, he felt both relieved and thankful for his good decision making, if he hadn't gone back to the mansion, he might have been in trouble.
Everyone was alerted by the sound of the Helicopter landing next to the mansion, at a clearing. Their ride had at last arrived and their objective accomplished with flying colors.
- End1357 Chapters
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