《Terror Infinity Remake》15 Crazy People
Up on the surface, Chris had seen the new Objective, they had to leave Racoon city in less than 12 hours, he didn't know why, but since the system said to do so, they couldn't do otherwise, this time there wouldn't be someone else doing the mission for them, after all the others were still inside the Hive.
-So you got a mission to leave city in the next 12 hours?
-And how are you supposed to do so, you're not even inside the city, you're not even in the suburbs of the city
-But the mission said to leave the city, I don't know how far will be alright
"Probably far enough to be safe from nuke"
The Red Empress intervened in their conversation, causing everyone to go silent.
"Can't you hack the missile's launch or something?"
Kaplan was going insane, his parents lived in that city, how far could they could go in 12 hours?
"Are you for real, they're going to nuke the entire city?"
Rain asked, not believing in what she was hearing, she knew that umbrella corporation was bad by now, but not to what extend they would go. This was simply unbelievable, destroying a whole city just to get rid of their dirt, that was insane.
"So how do you expect us to leave?"
Alice asked, causing everyone to stop and listen, the Red Empress had insanely well calculated plans, but right now she faltered a bit before speaking.
"There is no viable escape without loses, the perimeter around the city has already been sealed, this mansion is no different, nothing can escape the city until the helicopter I ordered arrives, you've 4 hours to call people and tell your goodbyes, I cannot stop this incident, but after this there will be no umbrella corporation and I can promise you that every single one of them will see justice in the eyes and hope they were dead"
The Red Empress said, this however didn't bring them happiness, it was like saying that they couldn't even save the people they cared about.
"Kaplan where do you think you're going!"
Rain shouted as Kaplan was about to leave the room, it's been almost an hour that they had returned to the mansion, but things only became more and more desperate and depressing.
"Are you people for real?"
The one asking was the Commander whom they had hostage.
-Do you think we're joking?
-The company would never nuke a city!
-When how about this mansion?
-That's too close to the city!
-Then let me ask you, what would you use an underground secret facility to make?
-How should I know what a pharmaceptical firm would make, the cure to cancer?
"If zombies and monsters are a cure to cancer then I'm the Pope!"
Kaplan turned and said in a fit of rage.
"Your holiness please get out of here, you're lowering the level of our discussion"
Rain told him, but right now she only wanted to go for a drink, before the world was destroyed.
"Are they for real?"
The commander asked the people that didn't leave the room, but his answer came not too long after as the radio sounded.
"This is Fog, I repeat this is Fog, we had a bunch of rabid soldiers that begun to bite the guards, we tried to dispatch them, but they refuse to die"
The soldier seemed panicked.
"Tell them to shoot at their heads"
Alice advised him, but the commander was skeptical, thinking that they were just rabid, maybe they could be cured, when however he heard the first scream on the radio, he made up his mind.
-Shoot to kill, aim for the head!
-Roger that! shoot to kill, Headshots only!
"Tell them to inspect their injuries, anyone who's been bitten or scratched by the zombies should come here, we still have some of the cure, although I it only works 30minutes after the infection"
Alice said and looked towards Olga whom was carrying the case with the virus and the cure.
-This is Raven, what's your status Fog?
-This if Fog, the hostiles have been terminated
-Inspect for Injuries during the fight, anyone that came into contact with the zombies even a scratch or a spit from the zombies is to report to HQ imediately, that's an Order!
-Sorry sir, we killed the two guards that were injured out of fear, next time will do
The commander didn't know to laugh or to shout, either way it wouldn't bring the dead back to life.
"So you stole the cure and turned the place upside down?"
The commander accused them of being the perpetrators, since he didn't know who Spence was and truth be told they did take the cure and virus with them.
"Think what you will, but once you see the news on the TV, your jaws will drop"
The two little red girls teased him, but there seemed to be a TV in the room, a huge Plasma TV. The commander didn't even turn it on, but the Red Empress did, what he saw was a quick documentary of what the Hive was made for and some of the experiments that were being done inside, some even on humans. Then he was Shown a Licker, from the biologic weapon experiment, a monster that would replace soldiers like himself.
Lastly he was shown a discussion from his own supperior whom talked about nuking the city and not to let anyone out of the city, including their own men.
It was only natural that he would go mad with anger. They were throwing him way like a used tissue, he would have non of this.
"This is Raven! Everyone begin retreat proceedures! We are going to Raccoon city!"
The troops didn't know why, but they were happy to hear his message, even more the troops that had just returned from the Hive. They didn't even have enough troops for the purification of the facility, all they could do was gather up and leave as they awaited for further orders.
"There are three infected soldiers among your troops whom are beyond saving, please dispose of them"
The Red Empress said as she showed at the large Screen the three soldiers that had arrived from the Hive, all three were infected, but were still healty or at least looked like they were. The commander called them to the HQ, saying that they would be given a cure, but when they arrived, they were shot instead, when the other asked about it, they were told that the cure didn't work, it was too late.
"What will you be doing?"
The commander asked Alice and the others, looking at the twin red Queens with some jealousy, he would have loved that toy, it simply had too many uses, but he thought that they probably couldn't be taken too far from the hive, since he couldn't see the huge A.I. core anywhere, but he did wonder how those images were floating.
"Commander! Please take me with you! My parents are in Racoon City!"
Kaplan said, making the soldiers behind the commander somewhat confused.
"Soldiers we've been had, the Higher ups have decided to nuke Racoon City with us inside, but I'm not going to let it be, I won't force you to come with me, two APC can go try their luck in leaving, but I hope that you will act like soldiers and help evacuate Racoon City with me"
The speech was touching and many men decided to help, while others said it wasn't their problem and said they would leave, in the end however they couldn't even fill one APC vehicle.
Kaplan and Matt were the only ones going with them as the rest decided to wait for the helicopter to arrive. They told their goodbyes and the convoy left for racoon city not to be seen again, it wasn't that Alice and the others didn't want to go, but Alice had different plans, she wanted to go back to the Hive and escort those idiots hiding in the Red Queen's Chamber to the surface.
Chris didn't know if it was such a good idea, but Mike and Chrysa agreed that they should help them, even if the others were assholes, they themselves should not act like-wise.
With the Hunters and most of the zombies dead, there was nothing inside the Hive that could hinder Alice, also having the cure was always good.
As they left the train, Alice came out and immediately squashed a roach, this was the last infected roach, which had after a long time escaped the facility only to be seen by the hawk-eyed Alice and squashed before it could do any damage.
The view at the train station was insane, fires still burning, the smell of burnt flesh, wood and gunpowder. Chris regretted not taking a gas mask with him, it was insane to even imagine how much the place had changed, when they had originaly passed through here, it was desserted, the second time it was full of soldiers and this time it looked as if it had passed through hell.
"Did you come to give me a ride?"
Nick was at the entrance waiting for them just as they arrived, Alice would have loved to give him a bullet, but she just ignored him, the others just followed behind her.
Nick stopped Chris and asked.
"What's the plan?"
"We're escorting everyone out of here, there's a nuke coming and I don't think they will survive survive down there"
Alice answered instead of Chris, but Nick begun to laugh at her comment.
"What's so funny!"
Rain burst in anger, she more than anyone wished to simply kill this guy.
"Don't misunderstand me, it's just that what you're doing is completely pointless, inside the Safe Piece even if the whole world was destroyed, they would still survive, the safe piece is a seperate dimension in of its own"
Nick explained, causing them to look at him with a lot of disbelief, not understanding why he was out, if it was such a safe place.
"Well it's almost the most safe place to be, you see there was this announcement that they were going to burn all the oxygen in the facility, which is probably the only way to kill us in the safe space, since it doesn't provide fresh air"
Nick explained their questions before they even asked him to.
"So you came out for a walk? For some fresh air?"
Rain mocked him, but Nick just smiled amicably and laughed it off, making her even angrier than before.
"There's 8 zombies left and your friends have already left the Red Queen's chamber and are currenly wondering around the facility like lost chicks"
The Red Empress stated, since she could see everything that was going on inside the facility.
"Well I'll be leaving you now, I hope your mansion has a car or two"
Nick jested, since he knew that a mansion in the middle of nowhere must have at least a considerable amount of cars.
"Just don't take the red sports one"
Alice warned him.
-Why is it your favourite?
-No, it's in dire need of service
Nick didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Rain enjoyed the irony of the moment as he left feeling somewhat defeated.
"Is the red car really broken?"
Rain asked out of curiosity.
"Nope, that's my car"
Alice said and the both laughed it off as if it was their victory, a small victory, but a victory non the less.
At the time George and the others were wondering around the facility, they had followed Nick's example and as if miraculously couldn't find a single zombie, but neither could they find an exit, they were trapped in a huge underground maze.
"Couldn't they have some maps or safety instructions?"
Jonas complained as they had spent a lot of time just walking around pointlessly.
"I doubt they would care about safety instructions in a top secret facility, just can't imagine a safety inspector ever reaching this place"
Jason joked, it was a good way to lower anxiety and lift the morale of the group.
"I'm sure we passed this coridor before, but last time, those doors over there were open"
George suddenly stated, causing everyone to stop in their tracks.
"Is it the Queen?"
Hera suddenly asked and as if momentarily, half of them fell to their knees and begun to ask for her forgiveness, still thinking that she was angry with them, no knowing that she simply let them be for all that time, not even looking behind or caring for what happened to them.
"Queen please forgive our transgretion, we won't do it again!"
Even George begun to pleed, at the moment they needed all the help in the world, they couldn't even return to the safe space and had no idea where Nick was.
"Please follow the open doors, you should arrive at the Elevator"
The speakers announced, making them really grateful and happy as if they had suddenly found purpose in life.
Once they arrived at the Elevator, the next announcement sounded.
"Head to the Right and take the Left door, pass through the Licker facility and you will arrive at a long hall, from there head left and you should see some stairs"
The people were now confused, they thought they would just take the elevator out, not knowing that the shaft was literaly full of debris, the roof of the elevator was like a floor for it to sit on making the elevator itself unable to go up even if it wanted to.
The felt terrified as they walked through the Licker breeding facility, there were all sort of destroyed containers and corpses lying around, they were shocked to see Spencer's corpse there, shot in the head and lying there without any weapon.
Going up wasn't hard, the problem was the next anouncement.
"Stop at floor C-8 take...you will arrive at an open elevator shaft"
The instructions were rather complicated, but 5 heads were enough to find the open elevator shaft, there were two ropes hanging there and it looked rather dangerous to climb them.
"What are you waiting for, tie yourselves to the ropes and you will be pulled up "
The instructions came, but they were paralyzed by fear, some more than others. Using those ropes to get to the surface would be great in theory, but not many would dare do so in reality, it was insanely dangerous and if you didn't have trust in the person pulling the rope it became twice as dangerous.
"I'll go first, to make sure that the rope is secure"
Jonas said as he begun to bind himself with one of the two ropes and then jumped into the shaft. Once the rope felt heavier the people at the top begun to pull him up, it was a haphazard climb since much of the shaft was damaged and he was lucky not to his his head on something.
"Next, hurry up we don't have all the time in the world"
The Queen begun to bicker and the four people left begun to question if Jonas was safe or not. George wanted to go next, but he was shoved aside by Jason.
"If you use the rope first it might break"
Jason shouted and He took his place next to Xiao, whom had already tied herself to the other rope not giving Hera the chance to say a word.
Unlike his boasting however, once Jason reached the shaft, he froze, his eyes out of phase as he looked into the deep darkness of the shaft below, maybe he forgot he had acrophobia or because of the adrenaline rushing he just thought he could make it.
Hera looked at him and he fell back, away from the rope as if it was the devil. Hera didn't even go to console him as he took his rope and jumped, being pulled up with insane speed, which caused her to suffer an injury, a terrible scratch at her thigh, which had to be cared for.
"Are you alright?"
George asked him rather concerned, although he was an asshole, he did see him sort of a rival and after learning from Nick that he could become handsome by just spending some points, he wasn't even jealous of him anymore.
"I can't do it, I though I could..."
Jason was crying, as silent tears driped out of his eyes, he was tired, tired of acting all tough, tired of trying to antagonize others, he just wanted to go home to his parents and his luxurious life style, he regreted being bored with the life he was so used to, he regreted shoving George aside.
"This is not a game, stand up, I'll help tie you with the rop and we will jump together, even if you faint there'll be others there for you, we're a team after all"
Hearing George's voice, Jason was inspired, but he was too afraid to stand up, he was afraid of failing others expectations, he was afraid of being left behind, he was afraid of death.
"Close your eyes and stand up, I'll make sure that we all make it out alive, after all I'm the leader of this group, we all decided on it"
George said and helped him stand up, the other closed his eyes and waited, he felt the noose on his vest and then he was led by the hand towards the unknown. The whold process of going up only lasted less than a minute and he didn't even know how he ended up there, he wanted to thank George, but his egoism didn't allow it.
"I owe you one"
Was the only thing he told him as he made sure to wipe his tears off his face.
"Was he crying?"
Rain asked, lacking any and all consideration for his face, causing some people to mock him as a crybaby, especialy after the shit he pulled, for all that bravado he showed, he turned out to be a disappointment that couldn't even stand for himself in front of Nick. Jonas was at the forefront of this movement and now he and Hera were berating him the most, as if they had excomunicated him or something, standing further away from him.
"What's up with them, did you have a fight?"
Mike asked his, not knowing anything that happened down at the safe spot, he didn't really care, but he and Jason did have some talks before and he wasn't as bad as he made himself appear, he just acted a lot like a spoiled brat at times. Jason refused to answer and just glared at the two traitors once, causing the two to stagger and whisper in a less audible manner, visibly afraid of him.
"I'm now activating the self destruction sequence"
The Red Empress said, causing everyone to feel a sense of dread in their hearts, thinking that at any moment there was that possibility. Only to discover that all the sequence did was destroy the Railway to the surface, it did nothing else, there was no drama at all, just making the facility no longer accessible, this was probably why the Umbrella corps didn't use this option, it was pointless, since they wanted to reclaim the data the Red Queen had, the data on the virus.
While they were waiting at the luxurious manion, Nick found out that the mission wouldn't be as easy as he thought, there were soldiers in his way of clearing the mission. All he had to do was slip past them, but he had no way of doing so, their uniforms were different than those of the troops tht entered the hive, like the one he was now wearing.
There was only one way and that was to return back to the mansion and ask those noobs if they had a way out of the city. The mansion was close to the borders of the City and was the best base of operations.
Nick Rode his bike back to the mansion, he refused to risk his life to pass through the blockade and he did need a refuel before he headed towards the city in search of a better vehicle than this 4x4 Jeep.
The others were rather surpised to see him back at the mansion.
"Did your ride go well or did you just for a walk again?"
Rain mocked him, since unlike him they already had an escape plan, multiple plans to be exact.
"Oh, I just came back because I missed the sound of your voice"
He said, the next moment a bullet was shot but it missed big time.
"Tsk, I missed"
Rain said, but she wasn't even aiming at him, she just wanted to scare him, which didn't work as he didn't even flinch.
The whole group was back and they now begun to talk about their loses so far, out of the 11 players, only two had lost their lives, the old man and Dawn were the only loses, which by Nick's standards was a huge success, it showed that they had potential, after all they had already made the mission more difficult than it should have been.
An easy mission normaly only has 3 objectives, but now who knew how many objectives they would have to complete, before the system was satisfied.
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