《Terror Infinity Remake》12 Bonding Experience
George sat awkwardly next to Xiao, hearing the moans of exstasy from Hera and Dawn. It was as if one was trying to outsound the other, but there was nothing they could do about this feeling they both had.
When in times of peril, there's this weird urge to reproduce, since you know you might die soon, it's not even a perverted feeling, it's biology at its finest, as your life becomes stable and safe that urge becomes less and less noticable in society.
In our modern society sex has become a simple pleasure instead of a way to reproduce and now in the direst of straits for survival, it has become an outlet for all the stress and anxiety that they felt.
"Do you think we'll survive?"
George asked her, unsure himself about the answer, at the moment he hoped he could be like one of those protagonists in those novels, whom could achieve inhuman feats, a super hero that could save everyone.
"I'm sorry George, I don't see you that way, I really tried to see you as a boyfriend, but I just can do this!"
She said out of the blue.
"It doesn't matter, after all we might die after the next 20 hours, at least we can die honest to ourselves, I too didn't like you that much, you were just the most atractive to me person in the group, you understand, right?"
George said with a smile, trying to be as honest and amiable as he could.
"What do you mean you didn't like me!"
Xiao suddenly burst out shouting.
-Well it doesn't matter right now, after all...
-Shut up, is it because my breasts aren't big enough!
-No it's not about looks, you know it's...
-You piece of fat shit, how dare you call me short!
It was a really weird experience for George as the short girl had stood up and begun to shout at him hystericaly, first in their common language and then she went into chinese language. He had no idea what she told him, but it begun something about her grandma saying to her something in chinese, she didn't even go on to explain what it meant.
In the end of her outburst she begun to cry as she undid her bra and showed him a new word, while shouting "Look at them" and he stood there paralyzed looking at her twin peaks, completely erected and as if asking to be sucked.
He begun to doubt himself as a man, because he resisted all urges to touch the young girl that was having a nervous breakdown. She grabbed his head and shoved it into the ravine, it was an insane joyride that he could never have expected happening at that point he gave up to his primal urges and to her shock begun to suck on her nipples, causing her to become distressed and unable to figure out how she should react.
The kiss that followed wasn't her first kiss, but it was his first, it was so lackluster and pathetic that she just had to take the lead here as well, it was a matter of pride!
Sticking her tongue into that fatty's mouth, was disgusting, but also pervertly arrousing, it was like doing something crazy that normaly you would have never done, like trying an exotic coctail.
Once however she felt his arms at her hips, she knew she had to stop this, it was no longer funny, things had begun going south, she tried to push him away, but her strength wasn't enough to move the mount of flesh before her, he was at double her weight at around 100k, while she was only 50+, it was impossible for her to push him away.
She begun to whisper "No" into his ear as they were both falling to the ground and he was reaching for her forbidden forest, she hadn't even shaved and it was bushy and unsightly down there.
Little did she know that his own forest wasn't any better kept, they begun to sing a weird sonata where "no!" and "yes!" would sound every time she felt good and bad, all acording to her momentary feelings.
The others looked at them rather disatisfied as if they had a new rival appear in their race for the first place. Hera was the most exhausted, because she was happy to have two cocks to herself, she wanted to do all those crazy things she saw in the movies, but hadn't calculated her own endurance or rather had overestimated her own abilities.
She lay flat while two guy used her as they liked, turning her into something less of a human and more as a sex toy, she didn't even know why she agreed to this or how it came to be so, but she regretted it non the less.
Dawn was probably the most vengeful as she glared at Nick full of hate and then at everyone else, she had after all been raped, while the others were sort of consenting to it happening, nobody did anything to stop this from happening.
At this point she knew she had sided with the wrong group and hoped she had left with the others, Nick didn't even care for what she thought as he was smoking after having sex with a pretty girl.
Dawn however didn't care anymore, she took her clothes and went for the ladder, she would not stay there with them a moment more. She wore what remained of her clothes and charged out, Nick didn't even stop her as she went up the ladder opened the hatch and popped her head out, in front of her was the ugly mug that belonged to a monster, god knows how long it had been waiting there or what it was even doing there. Before she even had the chance to scream it bit on her head and dragged her body out of the hatch and begun feasting on her flesh.
The others down were completely oblivious to her demise, but Nick didn't even care, after all she was just one of the many he had over these missions of life and death. For him it was like a dream come true, before he was the weakest of a strong team, he was only given leftovers by those strong at time, at some times he was seen no different than a dead weight, since he didn't constribute at all to the accomplishment of the tasks, but in the end he was the last man standing, proving that his way of doing things was a valid one. Maybe shameless and deprived of basic moral values like comaradery, but he didn't care, survival was the first thing on his agenda.
While they were fucking their brains out, Alice had a tough fight with a dozen trained soldiers, her fight looked as if it was taken out of the Matrix, rather than Resident Evil. It consisted of her running and shooting grabbing weapons from the corpses and shooting more, using the soldiers themselves as cover while killing them from zero distance, their eyes meeting for a fleeting moment before they died.
Pretty but deadly, was all they thought as their last breath left their bodies, before long they were all lying dead on the floor and she went to each one of them, shooting them in the head in order to avoid them turning into zombies.
Then she begun assembling the Pulley once more and dropping the ropes down, it would take some time, but she had time. The guys protecting the entrance were agast as the Radar showed that their comrades fell one after another by a single enemy, their orders however were to not let anyone through, unless she tried to push through them, they wouldn't move in for the kill, what they did however was continue to reinforce the barricade they had been building.
Chris and the others didn't know what to expect as the shooting at the top had ended and all they could hear was the sound of the Hunter still trying to climb the Elevator Shaft, each try worse than the last one as the walls of the Elevator Shaft begun to crumble due to its strength and push it down to the bottom once more.
"Do you think she made it?"
J.D. asked, but his voice sounded weak, it was almost as if he was tired.
"Are you alright?"
Rain asked him out of concern, the others also wanted to know if he would be able to make it with them, but he just smiled and refused to answer.
"There's a chance the Anti-Virus didn't work, for your own safety, J.D. has to go"
The Red Empress said, causing them all to shiver, they've been with J.D. for such a long time, who of them could have the nerves to shoot him.
"Shut your little bitches up, if they can't be useful, just tell them to shut up!"
Rain shouted outraged, she was the one that knew J.D. the best, they were almost a thing the two of them, letting him go was impossible for her.
Suddenly, in their hopeless situation the Ropes were down once more.
"Alice that son of a bitch, she made it!"
The Old man shouted as everyone begun to put on the ropes, first to go were the "Players" since they were more of a dead weight when it came to fighting monsters, Matt was also included in the mix, since he was a civilian.
The last two to remain were J.D. and Rain, whom shot the last zombie wave and were about to leave. Rain wanted to kiss him as they were about to escape, but he stopped her.
-Later, when we'll be back home over a bottle of champagne and a pack of victory cigars!
-Sounds like a promise
-It's not a promise, its a set deal
He said as she was being pulled up by the rope, it was at that moment that she saw him point his gun at his own rope and with a shot cutting it and as he was falling a second shot took his life.
Rain was devestated she just couldn't believe what had just happened, she begun to scream and weep as the rope was taking her up the shaft, she was about to kill herself, but was stopped by an elderly hand as she was almost out of the shaft.
-He was a fine man and a fine soldier, don't throw your life away, he wouldn't have wanted you to
-That motherfucker! If he didn't want me to die, then why did he throw his life away! Why didn't he wait, there was a high chance we could find a cure!
-You would have probably done the same in his place, so don't act like a bitch and respect his decision! That's the least you can do for him
Everyone else stood silent as they had no words to express their condolences, only an emotionless machine could interupt his moment of silence.
"Start moving guys, the sooner I can enter the World Network, the sooner we can contain this crisis, there's a guy with a radar ahead, I have hacked into the machine and you will appear to be invisible to them"
The Red Empress said, breaking the moment they had over J.D.'s death, but the answer to her words wasn't one of anger.
"Wait how can you hack a machine that has no access to any sort of network?"
Kaplan asked shocked, a radar had no wireless controller, there was no need to have such a thing on a frigid Radar, it was as if you put a wifi on a lamp, completely pointless.
"You will be surprised at what I can do from this device, it has more calculating power than 10 super computers put together"
The Empress said and the Queen nodded, as she too was shocked to find how powerful that small wrist device was, but even with all their power they didn't have access to everything on this device, all they could do was hack into other systems, the funny thing however was that as long as there was electricity passing through something, they could hack it, it was simply insane to even think about, the only problem was the range, they could only influence electronics at a certain distance from the device.
"Can you tell how many there are?"
Alice asked with her normal almost robotic voice, but there was a sense of determination in her voice.
"5 people, 2 to your left, 3 to your right"
The Empress reported as if Alice was her boss or something, for some reason she was really afraid of her.
"What's the plan?"
Rain asked, while sweeping her tears away, she needed something to take her mind off J.D.'s death and killing some people could give her enough of an output for her thrustration.
The problem was that Alice had no wish to include them in her plans, she wanted to clear the way for them by herself, that however was now impossible. Because everyone was already there and the worst thing was what the Red Empress informed them about next.
"The train is not in the platform, there's a high possibility that more troops will be coming over soon, you have to hurry!"
The situation was urgent and they could no longer stand and talk about plans, the old man threw a grenade towards the entrance, but other than the explosion there was no effect as the barricade was already set.
A rain of bullets came from behind the barricade as a portable gatling gun was set behind the barricade, it was a death sentence to try and push in, they were lucky that nobody died during the first burst of the machinegun.
They hid next to the walls, but all they could do was throw grenades one after another towards the impregnable barricade, it was insane to even think that they could take those guys on or leave the facility.
Alice wanted to try her luck, but this time she was stopped by the old man, she didn't understand why he would stop her, but seeing him wearing two sets of bulletproof vests and handing her one, made it apparent, that this wasn't the time for heroics.
Down at the Secret Piece's room they were now in outrage, because of what Nick did, he had let Dawn go up to her death! The Banging sounds above were a witness to his horrendous act.
"What do you have to say about yourself!"
Hera shouted at him and the others were on her side in this matter.
-What do you want me to say, she wanted to leave, thus I let her go
-She was under emotional distress, she wasn't thinking strait, you should have stopped her!
-You're emotionaly distressed right now, I don't see anybody stoping you from yapping your mouth
-Where did you get that gun?
-It was mine to begin with, now go bark somewhere else and be warned that if by the 23rd hour the mission hasn't been clear, I will shoot every last one of you before failing the mission, that way I will be left alive, don't hold it against me, it's just how things are
His words caused an even larger stir than the pistol he was holding, if before the men in the group stood tall against him, now everyone had shrunk down two sizes.
Even Hera didn't dare to speak back to him now, before she thought that they were all unarmed, but now it seemed that Nick had other plans, it was his last card, in case the people outside didn't make it with the quest, he would kill everyone in order to be the last one remaining, thus being pardoned by the system, it always worked, in truth this wasn't his 3rd mission, it was his 12th, he had seen stuff that would make anyone go crazy, he was but a slimy rat that survived with any possible way and since he knew all the rules, he knew what he could and couldn't do as well as many of the little loopholes players could use to survive.
Of course until then he didn't know that NPCs could somehow enter this safe spot of his called the Secret Piece and since NPCs could Monsters could as well.
While they were down in their little safe space, at the entrance of the facility, at the train station, a full out war was going on with chemicals, explosions and bullets flying like the rain.
"What's the situation outside?"
Chris asked the Red Empress, as she could see everything that happened at the other side, even hear their conversations.
"They're really agitated after discovering that operation "smoke the bunnies out of their den" failed, seriously if I hadn't warned you, it would have been all over"
The Empress said, making them all shiver, it was insane how the soldiers decided to fill the room with smoke in order to make them all choke to death. If not for the gas masks they would have been long dead or at best forced to retreat deeper into the facility.
"We can't continue like this, we have to retreat"
Mike spoke his opinion for the first time in a long time, he and his ex-girlfriend/wife/something were too tired and of no help most of the time, he was too afraid for his own life right now to even think about her.
"There is nowhere to retreat, the whole facility will be purged, where can you hide?"
The Old man retorded, since the other didn't know english and the NPCs didn't understand what he had said.
"I think that the guy had enough"
Kaplan said, judging by the tone of Mike's voice.
"What can he do? we're in between a cliff and a raging river, if we can't cross this river, there's nothing behind"
Rain said because she had nothing waiting for her behind and truthfuly right now she wouldn't have minded dying. She still couldn't overcome J.D.'s death, even after shooting her gun for more than an hour.
Suddenly Kaplan turned to them and begun to whisper to the other NPCs, Chris and the others couldn't hear what they were saying, but they had a bad feeling about it.
Then they had a meeting while Alice was left to hold the line in case the umbrella army decided to burge in.
"What's this about?"
Chris asked rather irritated as he'd found it rather exciting to be at the front lines.
"We've decided that we can't keep holding them back, we have to push out of here, but to do so, someone has to stop those gatling guns"
Kaplan explained, but didn't say how they would stop them, the corridor was long enough for everyone to be mowed down before they even reached the barricade.
"If my old bones can be of use, I'll gladly give my life for a good cause!"
The old man said, as his swang his assault riffle around like a toy.
"Chris, please promise me that you will save our world from a fate worse than death, once you get out"
Kaplan's words were directed at Chris, but he was looking at the two floating little red Girls by his side.
"You know that I'm no hero, but I'll make a try"
Chris said, but to his words the two little red girls begun to bicker at him, this time it was both the Empress and Queen that were unhappy with him.
"Such an easy request and you make it sound as if we're not even here!"
The two red girls' comments were similar, but they told him that as long as they got access to the world's network, doing something as simple as containing the virus or even topling the umbrella corporation was just a matter of time. While they were talking, suddenly the lights went on, it was a strange sort of miracle, the EMP bombs they used only interfered with electronics for about an hour or so, It was a matter of time before they came back online and the two girls had a malicious grin on their faces.
- In Serial326 Chapters
My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World
It was just like any other day, or so I thought at least. The birds were chirping up on trees, clouds were rolling by the bright blue sky and Elves were dumpster diving in the alleyway.
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On the Road to Elspar (Book 1)
The year is 1329. The Huntress' War has entered its tenth year, inflaming competing nationalisms and pitting the Confederacy of Caldrein against one of the continent's superpowers, the Tenereian Union. Desperately outnumbered, the Confederacy has relied on the prowess of its famed Caldran mercenaries, with highly-trained and experienced warbands returning from foreign conflicts to the defense of their homeland, and it is on their backs that Caldrein has successfully mounted a valiant defense for a decade. But they are losing, and day by day, with all the grace of a sledgehammer, the vast Tenereian armies take one more bit of Caldran territory, one footstep at a time. Sixteen-year-old Neianne from the village of Caelon has submitted herself to Faulkren Academy, one of the centuries-old institutions established to train the next generation of Caldrein's elite soldiers of fortune, to learn the ways of wars for three years before embarking upon the defense of her country. Her dryad family once hailed from reclusive woodland communes isolated from Caldrein's complicated mainstream society, and her upbringing leaves the shy village girl unprepared to suddenly train alongside other apprentices from backgrounds as low as the dirty slums of Caldrein's cities and as high as the halls of aristocratic power. Yet the war is eroding the norms and traditions that the Caldran people have long considered part of their national mythos, and the tensions within the confederacy that have long simmered under the surface - race, class, community, identity - are slowly but surely dividing its people, and Neianne must grow and discover who she really is, even as the war that she is steadfastly training for comes to its inexorable end... On the Road to Elspar is a fantasy quest - a work of interactive fiction wherein readers get to vote on what happens next at critical junctures - that is the first entry in a story that follows Neianne of Caelon, which first began on July 20, 2016. Originally a three-part in medias res prologue to a larger story titled On the Elsparian Road, it was eventually decided that this section - which covers Neianne's three years at Faulkren Academy - become its own independent story due to length, structural, and accessibility reasons. Despite this being a reader interactive work of fiction, due to logistical and verification concerns, voting will only be counted on its thread on the forum Sufficient Velocity, where this story originally began. As such, the content here on Royal Road serves as a story-only archive. You are, of course, entirely welcome to enjoy On the Road to Elspar as a conventional work of fiction, just as you are welcome to comment, discuss, and provide critique. But if you would like to participate in the voting, then I would be honored to welcome you on Sufficient Velocity. To facilitate accessibility and to ensure the best reading experience, this story-only version of On the Road to Elspar will be updated at a periodic pace, even though further content exists, so as to not overwhelm new readers on Royal Road. If you enjoy this story, wish to binge it, and/or want to participate in voting immediately, you may of course read all additional content via the link provided above. This paragraph will be removed once the content on Royal Road catches up with what has already been posted in its original thread. Cover artwork by DreamSyndd.
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They say the future is empty of mysteries, yet when Novak Carter awakens to find himself in a world not his own he discovers that mysteries are all that surround him. Powerful forces abound both in the dark and in the light, searching at all times for ways to end an endless battle. But, in the midst of the chaos, Novak Carter must find himself and a place to belong, otherwise, he may never return home. This series is also being published on scribblehub.com Discord Server: Here.
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