《Terror Infinity Remake》11 Fending Zombies
"10minutes 42 seconds before the hunters escape"
The Red empress said, while the Queen just nodded her head, affirmatively as if afraid to even speak up her mind.
"Where to now?"
Alice asked as they quickly finished dispatching all of the zombies in the room.
"I'll release the monsters so that they can leave to another direction, you will go around them and enter the room they were in, there's 70% chance that they might smell your existance if you walk too close to their location, so it will take some time"
The Empress said, but by now they had already understood that it was the best chance they got.
The A.I. was too good at calculating chances, it literaly left nothing to chance, at times it would even forced them to redecorate a room so that it could later be used if necessary, these decorations were mostly about barricading passages and oftentimes were used when they were overwhelmed by large numbers of zombies.
"2minutes 23seconds before the hunters escape, I'm opening a passage now, brace yourselves because you will have to rush in order to make it through the passage"
The Empress said and everyone's hearts begun to beat faster, it was the moment of truth, everyone begun to charge through the passage, shooting zombies right and left, attracting the Hunters to their general direction.
Then they begun to only use melee weapons in order to cause the hunters to lose their trails, hoping that they would make it in time so that the Hunters would be far enough to no longer sense their presence.
As much as I would have loved to give you a story about how they fought valiantly against the hunters and lives were lost, nothing of the sort happened. Everything was well timed and calculated by the A.I., even the slightest of mishaps was already foreseen and accounted for.
Before they even knew it they were in the room with the containers, the doors slowly closed behind them as they could see a Hunter running towards them from far away or rather hear the rackous it made as its hand was stuck in the door. It was a grotesque mostrosity with tumors all over its body and a reptilian looking head with no neck, it would be wishful thinking for its head to be stuck in between the closing doors. They however didn't have time to lose on dealing with it.
"Take that direction, look out for the zombie rushing towards here"
The Empress warned them, causing them to snap out of their momentary stupor, their mission wasn't over yet.
"The next two rooms are flooded with zombies, so make sure you don't get yourself infected while fending them off without your guns!"
This would be a hard battle, the reason why they were not to use their guns was because they would attract the Hunters if they made too much noise, not to speak about the zombies. Unlike them the Red Empress knew that the zombies were atracted more to sound rather that sight.
That was also why she kept opening doors in the distance causing the Hunters to follow the sound. Truthfully she could easily attract the Hunters to the room before the Hallway, but she had no way of attracting them into the hallway itself.
The battle with the Zombies was a hard one, everyone did their best to kill the zombies, but even thought they did their best, they were still forced to depend on the Anti-virus they had brought with them, it was sad to see how wasteful they were, but they couldn't do otherwise, Olga was adamant in administering it upon the slightest chance of infection and the Empress sided with her on this.
"We've got a problem"
Suddenly the Empress said, causing them to stop and listen to what she had to say.
"Umbrella reinforcements have arrived, they're trying to breech the Entrance, if they do so there's 12% chance of an infected roach or zombie escaping, you have 8 minutes to atract every zombie to your location, I'll be opening the doors for you, do as much noise as you can"
The empress said causing the Old man to shout "Hell yeah!" as he begun to empty the clip of his gun upon the zombies before turning it and shooting at some computer screens and even other material that he thought would make a good sound.
The others undertood his logic, but decided against wasting bullets on anything other than zombies. The Red Empress and Queen were floating next to the old man head scolding him for wasting bullets, causing him to laugh.
"You're more irritating than my grandson, always saying me not to waste my money pointlessly"
His words caused the others to laugh, not because they understood what he said, since he was talking in another language, but because he made the two red girls angry, but only until their faces went livid.
"The entrance has been breached! Estimated leak of the virus, 2 Infected Roaches which are crawling in the ventilation system, 8 roaches were killed by the fans in the ventilation system, but 2 have survived and have 47% chance of escaping the Hive facility"
The Empress informed them only to shout even more loudly.
"Look out Mutated Giant Spider Inbound!"
Before they could understand what she was talking about, they saw a creeping giant Tarantula the size of a dog rushing towards them, it was fortunate it couldn't climb walls due to its weight, but the moment it spit venom at J.D. they knew that they had to be careful.
"J.D.'s infected, quickly administer him the Antivenom"
The Empress shouted, causing the others to gasp, disposing of the spider was quite quick with just a few shots, but the possibility of even its spit being infected was beyond their imagination. They didn't have time however, there were zombies headed their way, attracted by the sound of their guns.
At that time, the Umbrella soldiers were setting a perimetter around the exit, waiting for even more reinforcements to arrive. This time's mission was even more important, even the Empress didn't know what their objective was, they were to burn everything that was inside the facility not leaving even an ant escape and then after securing he A.I. blow up and burry the facility, the higher ups wanted to conceal every hint of this place ever existing.
Two soldiers with flamethrowers were located at the entrance while a machine that looked like a portable radar was set behind them, while the two original guards were left to support the two, while a technician was observing the monitor of the machine.
The soldiers were rather angry to find that they had to blow up every single door in their path, even more enraging was the fact that they could hear the doors closing slowly on the other side of the passage.
At that time the people in the Red Queen's Chamber were bored out of their mind, the others had left them most of the food and supplies, it would last them for at least a day and a night, the problem was that they had no Red Queen to tell them what was happening around the Hive and they knew that they others refused to act as bait, meaning that they were screwed, they only had 23 hours to live, before their mission failed.
"So what do we do now?"
Jason asked Nick, since it was his idea to send those people out and he looked like the most relaxed one out of all of them.
"What's the big deal, all is going according to plan, do you think that those guys outside want to die when the mission fails, I'm even happier that some of those idiots went with them, that way those NPCs will no doubt help them finish their mission and in doing so help us, didn't you hear what I said before, we're a team, if we lose, they lose, if they win, we win!"
It was irritating to think, but Nick was right, leaving the Hive took no more than 2 hours if you were blocked by zombies. Nick didn't even ask them to leave any weapons, only food and some medicine, that being sedatives so that they could sleep it off.
"But what if they decide to take revenge on us and open the sealed door"
George asked rather frightened, stating something that had passed everyone's minds by that point.
"Then what if we hide in there?"
Nick pointed at the Hatch leading to the missing piece, the moment he did, they could hear the sealed door unlock. In a huge panic everyone begun to rush for the Hatch, this was done just to mess with them as the Red Empress couldn't detect he Hatch, but hearing them saying that it existed was enough for her to calculate that they were speaking the truth, in her electronic vision, there was no hatch or secret piece room, even if she had seen it before, all that she could register was what Cameras and microphones were recieving. While in the secret area she was no different than a blind person, only perceiving sound received by the device on Chris' wrist.
The people in the Red Queen's chamber begun to panic as they could only enter the hatch one at a time and Nick was the first to jump inside, moving with such dexterity that they couldn't believe he was human like themselves. Nick after all was a veteran at staying alive, before the others could even move, he had opened the hatch threw the food inside and went down all in such speed that they couldn't believe it.
What followed was a chaos as people begun to push and shove one another in order to go down the hatch, George was the last one to go down, because everyone else were either faster than him or a woman. As they all went down to the secret area they sighed in relief when George closed the metal hatch behind him with a strong noise that informed them that they were all safe now.
"What now?"
Xiao suddenly asked, but nobody knew what to say, nobody other than Nick.
"Now we wait and play with our partners if you have one"
He said while taking Dawn the other college girl away, but nobody stopped him, it was too difficult to deal with him and the other males did nothing about it. They had finaly reached the point where they didn't even know if they would survive, they cared little about others and looked more at themselves.
"Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!"
The two twin Red girls shouted as Chris' group were going futher up the facility.
"What's the problem?"
Chris asked the two panicked A.I.
"The Umbrella troopers have discharged an EMP Bomb, We have lost all control of the upper facility, also there's a high possibility that they're taking the Elevator shaft down to the Core Chamber of the Facility.
"What's the problem with that? Isn't that good news for us?"
J.D. asked after all he had enough fighting zombies, adding trained soldiers to the count would be too tiresome.
"Don't you understand? From here on out I can no longer support you guys, you'll have to go on your own"
The Red Empress said, causing them all to stop in their tracks, up until then thing had been smooth sailing. The Red Empress would tell them where to go, lock and unlock rooms as needed, now they might end hitting dead ends where all the doors are locked and all the explosives in the world wouldn't be enough to bring them to the surface.
"There's only one chance for you to make it to the surface and there's 73% chance that someone might die"
The Red Queen said, making them look at the two red girls, that were in full agreement.
"Is it that dangerous?"
Alice asked, not believing that she wouldn't be able to save the people next to her.
"My estimates take into acount your abilities as well, truth be told you can probably leave the Hive even without my help, but all these people that are just slowing you down will die"
The Empress said and everyone looked at Alice apologeticaly, after all she did most of the work when they were fighting without their guns and even when they used their guns, she was too far ahead with the kills for anyone to catch up, even the soldiers found it hard to believe that they were outmatched.
"What's the plan?"
Alice asked, not even thinking about abandoning the group for a moment, making the two red girls to smile. It looked creepy as fuck, but there was a reason behind the smile, one that you can probably figure out, but to make it simple, they now lived in Chris' device, so if he died, they would probably disappear, to them Chris' survival was the top objective, as to why they were escorting him out of the Hive however it was to increase his chances of survival.
As for killing the Hunter, they could just sent the army or something, even the umbrella guys that came might do the job for them in less than a few hours, there was no reason to for him to do it himself.
The Mission Killing a Hunter could be completed if they hired a killer, one didn't have to choke the monster to death with his bare hands or even be present when the beast dies or at least that's the most probable explaination, otherwise Nick wouldn't have stayed in that safe place and wait until they killed the Hunter, he would be running his ass all over the place to make sure he could kill one with his own hands.
The plan was simple, but risky, they would ambush the umbrella troops that were going down the elevator and use their ropes to go up themselves. The risk in the mission was that if they were seen, there would be a shootout and people would die, the umbrella troops has a lot of numbers, thus they would have to wait until the last of them were descending before they could use the ropes to go up.
There were 22 soldiers that came down to retrieve the Red Queen, of them 3 waited at the entrance and 5 were securing the elevator lines, setting up a pulley system for the A.I. after all it was supposed to be rather heavy.
At the moment there was radio silence and no electronics worked aside from the Radar at the entrance. Which was too far away from the EMP Blast, which they detonated on top of the Elevator's roof, which was at the last floor, all they had to do now was enter the broken elevator, by torching its rooftop and cutting a hole big enough for the package to fit.
"Chief, there's people in the Elevator, they seem to be alive"
One of the soldiers reported after hearing footsteps from inside, before he started to torch the metal roof.
"Just kill them all, we've been ordered to leave no witnesses"
The leader of the group stated and thus after the roof was torched and a considerable hole was made, they begun to shoot the zombies inside the elevator. It was then that they heard a loud booming sound as something begun to pound at the Elevator's doors with insane strength.
It was insane to think it was human, but they were given no info on creatures like Likers and surely not about Hunters, whom at the moment were nothing more than a byproduct a mutation caused by Lickers overcoming the Anti-Virus. The Infection they carried was no longer the same T-Virus the zombies had and the was probably no cure for it, that's however irrelevant since they won't even leave a corpse behind to be infected.
"Chief we have a problem! This thing is breaking the elevator's doors!"
The same soldier shouted full in panic mode.
"Everyone retreat! Climb your ropes! Move it!"
The leader shouted and they begun their retreat, there was a reason why they decided to retreat. The Briefing was incomplete, whatever was down there was no zombie, at least not like the ones in the movies, what sort of zombie can bend steel doors as if they were made of plastic.
Before long the Hunter had breached the Elevator's door and before they knew it, they could hear it climbing the walls by using its claws like hiking hooks, before pulling the closest rope down with its teeth. Three men fell to their deaths as the rope snapped as the monster pulled with its teeth.
It was tragic to think that they couldn't even escape this terror as they did their best to climb up the ropes pulling them up at great speed and yet not great enough to feel safe.
Their tragedy however hadn't even begun, as halfway they saw an open elevator door, that wasn't open before, but they couldn't even react as they were greeted by bullets aiming to kill them.
Another rope was hit by a stray bullet and another man fell to his death, the problem however wasn't that man, but the dozens or so injured men, pulled up by the rope, some in need of immediate assistance, others were already corpses.
The leader cursed his luck and his superiors for sending them into this hellhole in the ground, as he left the elevator shaft and counted survivors. The soldier that warned him repeatedly before was now dead, he died right in front of his eyes, eating a bullet that could have easily been his own.
"Cut the Ropes, Throw in the explosives!"
The Leader shouted!
"But we haven't retreaved the A.I. Yet!"
One of the soldiers that was guarding the Elevator shaft at the top complained, he hadn't seen what they saw and didn't understand why a few losses were more important than their mission.
"Do you want to go down there?"
The Leader asked him, but the sound of something eating into the concrete like a pickaxe hitting the stone could still be heard from the top of the Shaft, Ominous and Mysterious until they heard a loud Bam as whatever was climbing lost it bearing and fell down again, probably hit the Metal Doors that were on each floor, but that didn't stop the creature from trying again.
"Throw in the explosives, whatever that thing is I want it dead, I don't mind if the Shaft is unusable afterwards, just make sure that thing's dead, also make sure no human comes up the shaft"
Before however he could speak, there was a strange sound, it came from the shaft, but it wasn't that of the creature, it sounded more like a screech as if someone was scratching a metalic surface and it was rapidly coming closer.
Only an idiot would look down the shaft, since there was a chance that they would just eat a bullet once they looked. But what was making this noise, at some point one soldier couldn't keep his curiosity unsated and looked, the next moment he ate a bullet in the face as Alice was using an umbrella as a hook to grab onto the Elevator Wires and was running circles in the elevator as she was going up. It was insane to think that a person could run so fast and also that she could pull this off with just an umbrella and a gun in hand.
Before long a shootout begun, as bullets rained from above and below, before the knew it the Umbrella forces were forced to throw in explosives, hoping that they could stop that maniac from reaching them.
The smokes from the explosion cleared and the all felt relieved as they could no longer hear the screeching sound of the umbrella touching the wires. Little did the know that they would shortly hope they did, the first of them was taken out by having his foot pulled down the shaft by that same umbrella.
The second was shot in the head and before they knew it they begun shooting at the side of the elevator, not stopping until they confirmed that there was nobody there.
Their leader had died, shot to death by his own surordinates during the chaos, two others also lost their lives, since they were already injured and didn't get the threatment they urgently needed.
That however wasn't the end of it, Alice jumped out of the Shaft, she had been hugging the wire of the elevator as they were having a panic attack and killing their own as a result.
Her appearance caused some confusion at first, mostly because they needed a few seconds to reload, but those few seconds were enough to render all 12 of them in melee range of this new monster in the form of a woman wearing a red dress.
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