《Terror Infinity Remake》02 Making Plans
A few moments passed as they tried their best to understand their sircumstances. Until the office worker decided to pop up again.
"Since Nick is one of us, how about we vote on whom will lead this group to survival, I'm sure that 8 hours are enough to get ready, for this madness to end we will need a leader, 10000 points, might sound much, but it's only 10 missions"
The one talking was the businessman and with his words a new hope had appeared in everyone but Nick's mind, whom knew how deadly the missions really were.
"I'm Jason and I'm am a born leader, my father owns a factory, you won't regret choosing me as your leader"
The tall athletic rich looking guy begun to flaund about his parents' riches, must be nice having rich parents.
"Before you begin talks about teams and leaders, does anyone know the plot of the movie"
Nick interrupted anyone else from starting this pointless voting for a leader process, one could easily tell that even if they did vote a leader, he wasn't going to listen to them.
To everyones surprise, the fatty begun to talk, with newfound enthousiasm.
"Resident Evil is a 2002 film Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, whom was also the writter, starting with Alice played by Milla Jovovich, whom wakes up in the bathroom of a deserted mansion with temporary amnesia, She dresses, checks the mansion, and is tackled by an unknown person, as a group of commandos led by James Shade code name "One" breaks in, One is the black guy and leader of the merceneries in the movie played by Colin Salmon, the merceneries compromised of.... will come into the underground facility to take away the A.I. "Red Queen" that is supposed to have gone highwire, but in truth it's not so as...blahblahblah"
The fat guy answered, but he continued talking about the movie with all the spoilers he could come up with as well as referenses to actors, producers and more things that were rather worthless to know in the first place, going as far as comparing it to the games and then he begun talking about different games and monsters from other zombie games, losing them altogether.
Unlike everyone else, Nick seemed really interested in the fatty's rumbling and they quickly became best friends.
The others were lost as they didn't know what to make of it, but before long everyone begun to introduce themselves, the most active being the businessman.
"By the way my name is Jonas, I'm a lawyer, but business isn't going so well, here's my card"
The suited guy said and distributed his cards to everyone even the suspecious guy called Nick, whom however simply crushed it in his hand and threw it like garbage to the floor.
It was rather impresive if you knew that the card was laminated and quite durable, it was really well done, making it really questionable whether his business wasn't doing so well, by the quality of his card it was probably the oposite or it was a rather flashy advertisement, even so crushing it like it was paper wasn't an easy task.
"I'm George, programmer and aspiring movie director, trying to make a living by creating advertisements, but I'm not there yet, you might have seen the "Don't bug me" advertisment"
The fatty said as he put on a pair of dusty sunglasses, which were hunging on his shirt all along, as if wanting to seem cool.
Nick however pronged him to go on explaining the movie and the quickly disappeared in their own world. With how much he was talking one would think he had enough to say for hours.
Jason the rich athletic guy was flirting with the females of the group, saying that he would protect them and other stuff that he probably wouldn't be able to back in a fight or when in real danger.
Chris was the last to introduce himself, it wasn't because he was anti-social or anything, at least not that degree. The main reason was that nobody cared, he looked rather unreliable and he was a little timid and the fatty's speech had made him a little sleepy.
There were lots of others, everyone explaining that one way or another they were all spammed with the same message and once they clicked the yes, they found themselves there.
There were 11 people, including Nick, whom was more interested in George's knowledge of movies, rather than everyone's stories.
Other than Nick, George, Jason, Jonas and Chris, there were 6 more people, of them four were female and two males. The four girls were rather confused, while the two men looked rather unhappy with something.
The Old man seemed to be suffering as he stood on his cane, cursing silently his bad luck, but he had tried multiple times to escape the group while nobody was looking, only to find it was impossible, the others hadn't even tried to do so.
The other guy was looking at one of the females and was cursing his bad luck for being in the same space as her, seemingly knowing her from before.
"I'm Hera, housewife, I was watching tv when I saw a strange message on the TV and pressed Yes to the message through the controller"
Hera was the green dressed housewife, her height and figure made her seem rather appealing and her distressed voice only added to the whole package, making the guys somewhat excited, but non dared to comfort her, since she was wearing her wedding ring. Not that it stopped Jason from promising to protect them and offering to be the leader of our group.
"I'm Krysa and that over there is my Ex Mike"
The woman wearing a sleaveless shirt and yoga pants said as she pointed at the unkept guy wearing jeans, still cursing his luck, of all the people he had to end in the same team as his Ex.
"Call me Barbas or Pops, just don't get in my way"
The old man said as he begun to work out, making sure that he kept his body in condition for what could follow.
"I'm Tsiao and this is Dawn, we're both from the same college, but we hope you can protect us"
The two teenage girls one asian and one caucasian were looking at Jason, whom was happy to be the center of attention.
"I'm Chris..."
Chris was totaly average and his appearance was that of a bum, he was what people called a Neet, he stayed at home under the protection of his parents, not knowing how to advance in the current society, unsure of his own future.
His really long brown unattended ponytail however was rather funny as it almost reached his weist, if not for his beard if you look him from the backside you could mistake him for an ugly woman, he was part of the people who didn't really care about their appearance, but there was a matter that cut off his introductions.
"Everyone, I nominate George as our Leader!"
Nick suddenly shouted, causing everyone to now turn towards them, causing Jason's smile to sour as if he had just ate a lemon whole.
"That's one vote for George, but I think that Jason will be a better leader"
Jonas suddenly said, earning Jason's trust and gathering a group of supporters in the form of four women, that stood nearby.
"That snowflake, as our leader? You must be joking"
The old man stated with a face full of disatisfaction.
-What did you call me old man?
-I called you a snowflake, you big ninny, what will you do about it?
-Be thankful I respect your age, otherwise...
-Otherwise what, you sissy!
Everybody understood that the old man wasn't willing to take Jason's orders, although they couldn't say why he was so stuborn about it.
The other guy also wasn't very keen on the idea, especialy since his Ex, supported Jason being the leader.
The problem was that Women are whimsical, Hera quickly switched sided, after she saw how uncool and disappointing Jason proved to be against the old man. Even an idiot could tell that the man would make a horrible leader, but Hera saw how he looked at the college girls, they were younger and were literaly all over him.
All she could do is try and gain points with another male, she still didn't believe this whole horror movie, supernatural bullshit, but she still needed a strong male to protect her and Nick, even had a gun.
"I believe that you should first explain why I can't leave this space, what's up with this darkness, what sort of alien technology is this?"
The old man asked Nick, not believing any human could do something like what he experienced. Walking into the darkness brought him back to the same spot as if he lost all sense of direction and ended back at the same spot.
"I told you already, It's God, this is a game created by the gods or devils, I can't tell, but unless you survive, you follow the objectives of the mission and survive, you will keep doing missions, until you're the only one left alive, for some reason the monsters always leave the last person alive"
Nick stated, causing everyone to look at him in a rather dubious way, this time suspecting the reasons why he was the last man alive and what did he mean by "monsters".
"Enough bullshit, I can tell that this is some sort of alien technology or maybe this is all inside our minds and we're all seeing the same dream"
The old man said, causing everyone to freeze, even Nick was puzzled, not knowing how to refute the old man's speculations. He had no way to prove that this was all real, he himself was told that it was and the story in his head coinsided with the previous Guide's explainations.
They called the Last survivor from the group that instructed them "Guide", it was something he learned after finishing his first mission, but they hadn't given it much thought, they found surviving more important than nitpicking details.
"I won't stop you if any of you wants to die, but don't mix me with your stupid ideas, all I know are the rules of how to survive, if you want to die, go die by yourselves and don't implement everyone in your own stupid assumptions"
Nick suddenly shouted, gun in hands, he was ready to shoot at them, the moment they moved against him.
"Easy there Kid, I hate it when people point a gun at me, all I wish to know is what happened to you and why you lied to us?"
The old man asked, causing Nick to step back and sit on the ground shaken.
"Get up and tell us what happened, why do you believe that this is all real, what did you experience, what should we await, take your time, we probably have 7 hours to go, what I want is you describe your 3 missions and how you survived"
The old man said in a calm and collected tone, the others were all shocked and silently looked at Nick.
"In the begining I was like you, doubting everything that asshole guide told us, he had a smug smile on his face as he carried around a machinegun as if it weight nothing at all, he was a veteran that survived tons of missions and knew what he was doing or at least we thought so..."
10 people were standing in front of a smug guy with a machinegun, he was smoking as he was explaining what would happen in 8 hours time. The mission was Jurrasic park, they would be fighting dinosaurs and surviving impossible odds, he told them that most of them wouldn't survive as he kissed an Ankh amulet on his neck, everyone took it as some sort of religious display, so they didn't mind it too much at the time.
Then on of the people charged him and disarmed him, taking his gun away and shooting him dead. In front of their eyes, the person came back to life, while the attacker slowly turned to dust, leaving the machinegun and his dust behind. It was then that they understood that something wasn't right, later they discovered it was a magical artifact that they could also buy from the system for a really heavy price.
Nobody remembered the plot of Jurrasic park and many people died, while the guide had a huge advantage since he had a gun and equipment to help him survive, he did help from time to time, but at some point stopped caring, the reason was because you can only earn up to 2000 points by killing monsters, the smaller onese can earn you up to 1000 and killing the Tyranosaurus earned him another 1000. We discovered how easy it was to earn points as long as you had a gun and enough bullets to help you survive.
After the first mission came a well deserved rest and the store, where we could only watch as the guide refilled his stash of weapons and survival kit. All we could do was buy pistols and manuals on stuff like magic and psychic powers, thinking that we would be able to somehow awaken them on our own without buying the expensive enchancements from they store.
We were terribly wrong, all the books were just excess baggage as our next mission was "the Predator", An alien killing machine that haunted our nightmares. The "Guide" told us that he wasn't going to explain to the new arrivals the rules, something about it not being worth his time.
It was then that we discovered how few points you got by explaining stuff to the 10 newbes.
We were now 17 people, but during the encounter with the monster only 5 survived, guide included, we did our best to help and save as many people as we could, but in the end the "Guide" broke what he called the human limits and defeated the Monster in a 1v1 duel while we, the survivors were waiting in the helicopter safe.
We were then introduced to stats. Intelligence, Mental Capacity, Cell Vitality, Reaction Speed, Muscle Density and Immunization Strength.
Before they were but numbers which we could increase with points, but now they were something we desired like crazy, if you reached the Max 200, you could break the limits and gain some special power for free. He had broken the Muscle Density Limit and had become super strong, of course we had no idea that this power had gone to his head.
During the next Mission, we found ourselves in Old London, in Jack the Ripper. Nobody had seen the movie and we were lost for clues, the only good thing was that we knew where to go, until we were against the police and the army came to disarm us, ending in jail, far away from our objective.
The guide left us to rot as he went around trying to find and kill the Serial Murderer, while we rot in jail, waiting to be hanged by the authorities.
I was Hanging almost dead when I saw the face of the murderer in the crowd, smiling as me and my companions were dying as our breath left us one by one. I was the last one to survive and was given mercy and here we are, armed with the very pistol they had taken from me and the bullet clips that I've used dozens of times before, ready to be used again.
If you don't believe me look at the clip, I've used a bullet, but if you count, all the bullets are still there. Before the mission and after you cannot consume ammunition, but killing a person still gives you a 1000p penalty, even if the person can come back to life through magic or something.
"By the way don't try killing yourself, you'll just die and turn to dust"
Nick finished his story in a rather short manner, while looking at George, whom was the only guy he cared about from our group of 10.
"So in simple words, what are the stats? what do they tell us?"
Old man went on asking his questions and all the rest did was sit down and listen.
"There's six stats, you can see, by pressing the Status button on your wrist watches, they appear as numbers around 50-200, for regular people, Intelligence counts creativity and ability to calculat and think fast, Mental capacity counts how logical and immune to fear you are, Cell vitality decreases with age and it counts your general health, reaction speed, should be self explained, Muscle Density is mostly physical strength and overall ability and last Immunization strength has to do with poisons and diseases"
Nick explained and everyone begun to look at their own status.
124 Intelligence
181 Mental capacity
098 Cell Vitality
161 Reaction Speed
099 Muscle Density
168 Immunization Strength
Chris was rather surprised with one of the numbers on his status, which went as high as 181, probalem was that it was one of the useless ones, logic and resistance to fear wouldn't help him survive zombies and monsters.
"I have the highest Intelligence and Mental capacity, thus I should be the leader, The two of you with the highest physical stats will be the rear guard, making sure that we won't be killed from behind, you Nick and George will be our Guides, since one of you knows the plot and the other has experience in these, so called missions"
The old man begun to order everyone around, but none denied his words, he had a wooping 154 Intelligence, while most were struggling at 90-120, even Nick only had a 131 Intelligence, which was high, but not incredible by any means.
"Now we will plan what we will be doing during the mission, everyone is to follow what we say, George, draw on the floor an outlay of the facility we will be going into"
The old man said as he pointed with his hand on the floor and begun using a pen to Scrap on the floor.
"I can't tell, the movie wasn't as linear and easy to tell where they were going, I can only follow the plot, but locations, the sizes of rooms and stuff are beyond me, the games have maps, but they are different than what was in the movie"
George complained as he found the request prepostrous, it's almost impossible to tell how a location was situated from a movie, especialy since most didn't show the whole place and focused on the actors.
"Useless idiot, just don't complain when people will die because of your lack of information, this is not a game or a movie, this is war!"
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