《Terror Infinity Remake》01 Prologue - MC and Nick
It was another boring day as Chris went over his computer looking for new chapter releases, his life was a total failure and even after reaching thirty he had accomplished nothing of substance, no stable job, no family, no people he could truly call friends.
An unshaved beard, a stench from not having bathed for more than a week, a sleepy looking face that gave the impression that he didn't give a fuck for what was happening all around him.
Like always glued on his laptop's screen, deep inside he felt uncomfortable still living with his parents, but until they kicked him out or died he would be staying at home doing chores from time to time, jumping at any small profit he could make.
Thinking back he couldn't remember where he went wrong, why he was always different than the rest of the people he knew, it was as if his brains did't work the right way, at least that's how his parents called it, of course they meant that he had great creativity and original ideas by saying so, but to him it was more like an insult.
What however made this day special was a sudden spam message appearing on his laptop, which made him rather thrustrated at first.
‘Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?’
The thing was that this spam add, didn't have the X button on the top right, thus he had to click on it to wait for a new window to open and then close the window, thus by a twist of fate he pressed the "Yes" button instead of the "No" one.
In reality even he himself hadn't preceived which of the two he had pressed, since for him it didn't really matter, before of course he lost consciousness.
He woke up with a wild Sneeze, his body feeling the cold floor beneath him, his eyes seeing only darkness and cold clouds forming from his own breath.
he sneezed once more as he woke up and Half opening his eyes he could feel his strength returning to his body. His sight caught on two others lying on the floor, it was rather strange as he thought about it, but he didn't take the huddle to rise from the floor, just closing his eyes anew, thinking of all this as a bad dream from which he will wake up home.
Around him people begun rising from the floor, it was a matter of fact that he was the first to regain his conciousness or at least he thought so, but he was also the last to rise from the cold dusty ground.
Chris with ease gathered his strength and stood up with a single lift from the ground.
With a simple look around he could count at least ten people present, the most eye catching being a biker, wearing black leather and a biking helmet covering his face.
He looked around him timidly and tried to comprehend his situation through perceiving the surrounding environment. After a few seconds of silence and confusion he discovered that the dark seemingly infinite room must be really large.
The darkness around him made it impossible to perceive any walls or a door, there weren't even lights, but he could somehow clearly see the others around him.
"What, where am I?"
A haggard voice sounded and many similar ones followed.
The biker wanted to say something, but over his muffled voice begun a crazy hysteria.
"Help! Someone! We have been kidnapped!"
"Who are all you! Police! Someone call the Police!"
A cacophony of hysterical voices shouting for help flooded the room, while some of the more calm ones begun forming small groups, whispering to one another.
After they confirmed that there was no imminent threat they begun to slowly calm down, but their hearts were still pumping as they had evidently been kidnapped.
They spent a few moments in silence looking at one another, waiting for someone else to speak, after all they were still in a dazed state of mind.
Chris was not in the mood to be the first to open a conversation, although if after a minute no one spoke he would take the heavy labour of asking himself, but in the end there was no need for it.
"Hey you the Hobo, what's your name?"
Chris at first didn't understand why someone would call him a homeless person, but looking at himself in his dirty pajamas, smelling of sweat and dirt it wasn't a surprise that they thought he lived in this dark place or something.
The man talking to him was a rather tall rich looking guy, wearing expensive shoes and jeans, flashing his muscles with his tanktop, he found the most weak and non threatening looking guy to talk to, his tone full of arrogance and supperiority.
Chris wasn't far, but you couldn't call him slim as well, he was just average in most regards, he's given up sports long ago and just did some exercise from time to time, dreaming of being buff or something, but in all regards he was quite average, average looks, average weight, average height and brown hair uncut and unattended hair.
"Where am I, who are all of you!"
A fatty Shouted while discarding a somewhat dirty hankerchief in one hand and with the other zipping his pants, trying to hide his own shame in the darkness.
Unlike his somewhat fat siluette however, his face was rather well preserved giving a rather warm and cool trait to his overall image, his hair well kept, his feet wearing brand shoes and he even had his somewhat fat wallet in his shirt's pocket.
Overall he was fat, but in no means short and ugly, on the contrary even Chris found him to be a head taller than himself, although his fat stomach was rather unsightly stretching under the white t-shirt he wore underneath his blue shirt, which he was buttoning as he corrected him own clothes, mostly to not appear unsightly to the ladies in the group.
"Everyone calm down, we have been..."
A guy in the black leather biker jacket and pants whom seemingly knew something had tried to explain somthing once more, but he was entirely ignored as chaos erupted faster than he could take control into his hands.
People begun a huge hubub, trying to gather information from those next to them about their situation, but nobody would approach a guy that hid his face, for all they knew he could on par with the kidnappers.
"Help! someone call the police! I have been kidnapped!"
A woman kept sceaming, she was wearing a rather plain green dress with a white appron hunging, seemingly she was also taken away while in her own house, probably cooking judging from her dirty appron, but her curves were evidently good, although her face was only so-so.
"Does anyone have a mobile!"
The one speaking silently was a middle aged black haired man whom looked like an office worker, with a generic grey suit and a white shirt, coloured only by a light blue tie with a rather flashy tie pin, but he didn't approach Chris or the screaming woman, it was of course understandable, Chris was at the moment wearing only his dirty pajamas and no shoes at all, looking like a bum, while the woman was simply hysterical. The person that caught his eyes immediately was the biker and he was trying to quickly call the police while the kidnapper looked preocupied with the chaos.
"Everyone calm down and remember! God has put some knowledge into your heads!"
The biker guy shouted, but no one was interested to listen to his religion lectures, there was a total chaos as another female in our group started screaming as well, this one was even louder and more hysterical.
Thinking that they have been abducted by some religious terrorist. There were multiple thoughts coursing through Chris' head, but the noise all around made it hard to concentrate as another young woman, seemingly a teenager begun to scream in this disonnant chorus, accompanied by the guys that started to shout for help as well.
The last remaining girl whom remained silent was the asian girl or was she a woman, well its rather hard to tell a woman's age in our modern society.
The girl was wearing a blue jean skirt and somewhat "fashionable" peach coloured polyester jacket, Chris didn't really know much about fashion trends thus he didn't know if that was the latest fashion or something leftover from years ago, lastly she was holding a pink cellphone with a strap, but it was evident that she wasn't happy about it.
The remaining people were more interested in talking among themselved, one of them even looked towards Chris, but Chris' gaze pointed to another direction, he was rather surprised to find that the biker was now holding a gun in his hand, while with the other holding his biker helmet, revealing a rather handsome face underneath.
It all ended with a Bang! One shot went into the sky and the short chaos abruptly ended and only silence remained.
The biker whom had shot a shot in the sky, looked at them as if they were idiots, his exression was one of being tired, but all he acomplished was to make everyone even more panicked and afraid for their lives.
The suited whom was now next to the fatty was probably the first to have reacted to the gunshot since he had already fallen to the floor at the sound of the gunshot, as if he was trained to do so.
"Easy there, I don't know what ransom you want from our families, but I'm sure we don't need that(pointing at the gun), we will fully cooperate, right everyone?"
The suited guy said and kissed the floor once more as the biker put down his gun, waiting for the suspicious biker to state his demands.
The rest did the same and laid on the floor, Chris simply went with the flow and did the same, although he did find something suspicious in his memories about a game of life and death, but in their current situation it seemed irrelevant and closer to some computer game or novel rather than reality.
The suspicious biker's face had turned red from irritation, seemingly he hadn't expected for this outcome and everyone could notice how he tried to calm himself, but they didn't really seem to care, after all this was one of those strange abductions they had only heard of in the news or seen in movies, first they use some drug to put you to sleep and then you will wake up in another place, it all made perfect sense.
Now they only didn't know the target of this abduction, after all they weren't children of some rich family, the worst however situation was if they were abducted by human traffickers, they will probably kill them and extract their organs, otherwise it would make no sense for the hobo to be there, although the lack of restraints and the number of abductors was somewhat puzzling, but somewhere in this dark place his companions must be watching.
"You charge at him and I'll restraint him"
The guy whom spoke was the one wearing the suit from before, whispering to Chris, as if waiting for him to charge at the armed abductor just because he said so.
'like hell I will do that, do you take me for an idiot?'
Chris wanted to tell him, but in the end he simply laid silently as if he hadn't heard him at all, after all he was whispering, it would be a valid excuse if he asked later.
Not even a minute passed as they had laid down and the suspect put away the gun and took out a sigarette and begun smoking as he spoke.
"I'm called Nick and we have been transported into a Terror Infinity, those of you that survive have the right to continue the game the rest will die,
At the moment we're inside the movie called resident evil 1, many of you might have seen it so I won't go into analyzing the plot for you, we have 8 hours for me to explain what we will be doing and/or rest"
Of course non of them took his words seriously, well almost none as the fatty seemed sort of excited at the thought, but it didn't seem to matter to Nick as he went on with his explanations.
"The clocks you wear on your wrists have the mission's rules and objective, to return back to the real world you have to gather at least 10,000 points to earn a ticket back home, each mission gives you a thousand points on completion, doing side objectives gives you bonus points, are we clear about this?"
Everyone remained silent, most of the people had seen too many movies, they thought of this as some sort of hunger game for reach people to enjoy themselves, rueing their fate inside.
"By explaining all this to you I earn Points, the more things I explain to you the more points I will get, so listen well you should know that there are side quests which are not listed thus you can only stumble upon them by luck or misfortune, doing side quests will give you extra points, but it will also raise the difficulty of our mission, so unless you think that the whole group is able to survive, don't go around doing stupid things, helping other players during a mission gives you points, but helping NPCs although earns you points is most probable to cause a side quest to be formed, so no helping anyone who is not part of our group, because I don't want to die because of you shitheads"
Everyone now felt a bit more safe thinking that he was also part of their group, this being a group hunger games where they could all survive was a huge boon, otherwise they had no idea how to take down a guy with a gun.
"Telling spoilers to players or NPCs that are non members of our team also gives you points, but by doing so you might create a side quest, so just stick to talking among us and don't go saying stupid things to the NPCs or talking out loud about spoilers in front of them, if you don't want to get killed by them or kill all of us"
After listening so far, everyone felt rather relieved, after all not everyone knew what Resident Evil was.
"For this mission we will have to stick together, but before I end the explainations, there are three points that you have to know, the first is the Secret, finding the Secret Item will earn you 1000 points, you don't even have to secure the item, all you have to do is find it, all secret items are guarded by traps or monsters, so don't even think of trying to get the item for the extra 1000 points, because if you get the item, you will most probably doom everyone as the difficulty will rise sharply, if someone comes to me with a secret Item, I will most likely just shoot him, don't even think of taking it with us, killing a player will cost me 1000 points as punishment, but those points will only be deduced after the mission, so I warn you right now not to fool around"
At this last theat everyone panicked, but Chris' dilema was different, even though at some point he did see the movie, but who would remember something he had seen so far in the past.
In truth he did remember some things that left him a deep impression, especialy the scene where some people were turned into mincemeat by some laser beams, not really remembering why that happened or the plot of the movie, other than that Resident Evil was a synonym for zombies, well there was also the Umbrella thingy that was the evil corporation or something behind the scenes, but that's all that he knew, everything else was a grey spot in his memory, the protagonists are the only ones to survive till the end while everyone else dies typical thriller style.
"So we are all in this together?"
The Intelectual looking suited guy asked, he had by now risen from the floor, he of course didn't fully believe in what Nick was saying, but at least it was an escape from his dull reality and coresponded with the strange memories inside his head.
"Well that and more, before and after the mission we are given 8 hours to rest and prepare, after the mission, you will be able to access the store where you can use your points to buy stuff like guns, food, clothes and anything your heart can desire"
Nick went on, disregarding the people that were standing up and looking at him, some with hostility and disbelief and others looking at him with hope, as if he would be their savior.
"Do we get guns?"
The fat guy asked, causing everyone to once more glance at Nick with suspicion, after all he was the only one with a gun.
"No you don't get anything for free, I'm the only survivor from the last mission and my gun was bought with my own points, I've already survive 3 mission and even my clothes are bought with points I gathered during my missions"
Nick stated, seeing the apparent greed in their eyes and desire to get his gun. Only god could tell what he had passed through in those missions, because his hand was already ready to pull the gun and shoot anyone that tried to jump him.
"Guys we shouldn't be hasty! whom of you even has experience in shooting with a gun, I'm sure that the gun is best left in Nick's hands"
The one to speak was the office worker, he was rather fluent in manipulating people it seems, trying to earn Nick's trust. But he was right, as much as Chris would have loved to have a gun, last time he held a gun was 10 years ago, during army service.
"So what's the plan?"
The hysterical woman that was the first to scream asked, her eyes looked at Nick with an evident infatuation in her eyes, the wedding ring present on her finger before had disappeared before she spoke.
"Don't ask me, all I do is try to survive, just stick to the main Objective and explaining rules, last time we thought we were strong enough to do some side quests, but the difficulty spiked so much that only I survived out of 18 people, so whatever you do, please don't interact too much with NPCs"
Nick pleaded, now he looked like a broken man, earning sympathy from the women, but ridicule and envy from the guys due to his handsome features and well built body.
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Finley- The Lost Prince (Rewritten)
This is a Rewrite!! The original is still up! As my writing has improved since I wrote the original, I wanted to revamp my first work! Life was okay for Finley. It wasn't great, wasn't bad but it was okay. He went to a prestigious school, had a couple of friends and a decent future awaiting him. Or he would have if the people who had abandoned him hadn't shown up with wings, horns and a proverbial wrench for his life plan. It makes for some strange days when you find out you weren't just an average guy all along. Book one of the Universes Series. All Aux Chapters are compiled at: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/27547/finley--diary-entries Discord to talk with me and others (hopefully~) : https://discord.gg/XnNwkKxX7x Og book: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/22256/finley--the-lost-prince Next book!: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/38141/watchtower . . . . Clip art link:https://openclipart.org/user-detail/GDJ *thanks to GDJ for letting me use it. :)*
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