《Terra Nostra》Training begin : Suffer begin!
After a long and comfortable sleep, the first since he appeared here. Constantine begins his day heading to the lake, where he would begin his daily care routine. Although with a difference, today he didn't work out in the morning, as since now he would spend most of his morning training.
Having decided his routine, Constantine began trotting down the mountain. He wanted first to gain enough cardio to be able to run and walk large distances without too much difficulty.
He didn't believe that Camille would serve him as his mount, as knowing a little of her character could tell you what would happen if you ever bring the idea up.
Breaking your back if you were lucky, at worst you'll ended up dying.
After two hours running back and forth on the mountain path, Constantine picked up boulders with both hands. Then he started to squat with a suffering expression on his face. He didn't know if this routine would work, but would surely make him build up those muscles on his body.
After a few long minutes in Constantine's eyes, he finished his squats while he headed back to the lake, where the next phase in his routine begins. There he submerged himself until the neck, where he began to punch and make the routine he used previously in the earth when he practiced Martial mix arts.
Being unable to use any machine to work out, he didn't doubt a second to use the water as a training method, thus he submerged himself on it.
Two minutes later, Constantine was beyond fatigued. He made a mistake while training, he used too much stamina and strength while kicking and punch. Making faster the process of fatigue, this, however, didn't make him stop. As he continued to strive during the entire routine, his only fear was getting a cramp under the water that could make things go dangerous.
After fifteen minutes were the intensity in his work out decayed greatly, Constantine headed back towards the shore. With a tired body, he waited a minute until he regained back a bit of stamina. He regained his foot, while he headed to the Dwarfs barracks, today was supposed to retrieve his weapon and his armor.
He was a little surprised yesterday when the elder Dwarf told him that his weapon would be ready today. But knowing that they'll probably spend most of their days doing all kinds of works, it wasn't strange for them to have so much speed in blacksmithing and forging.
With a pale face, Constantine was greeted by the dwarfs, not wanting to show bad manners he greeted them back politely. Being tired didn't mean that he has to be an asshole with others.
After passing the fast-built stone walls, with an interesting look on his face Constantine was making his way in. The dwarf guiding him was telling him the advancements in the surface barracks, as now that the first wall was made, the rest of the facilities was being built at a rapid pace.
The building on the entrance of the cave was already built, it was a 3-story building, the height surpassed the 10 meters making it a little bit taller than the buildings he was accustomed to.
The exterior work of the building was made by dark color gray stone with patterns in every lateral of the buildings made it by a blue material. The entire building screamed medieval, but there was something unique about it, most likely the touch of Dwarf's work hand.
In the building interior was waiting for him the same Elder who attended him yesterday, his name was Telros Eisenhand, one of the greatest artisans from the Dwarfs of Svaltar. According to him, he was the one who made the weapon and armor for him.
The sturdy and fierce-looking dwarf handed him a blackish Halberd, the entire body was metallic, it's was really heavy for Constantine just to grab it with his hand, he used his entire body weight just go maintain it correctly positioned.
Surprised by the weapon, Constantine asked of what it was made of.
The elder Telros told him with a bright smile that the whole set was made in an alloy mix of Adamantite and Mithril. While the Halberd didn't have any spells or rune on it, the armor did have one. Its function was to enhance greatly the wielder strength, speed, perception, agility, and spiritual strength. It also enhances the Mana gathering around the user and provides vitality to the wielder if it were to be wounded, extending the time to make it easier to get medical attention.
There was also the enhancement in spells that required Mana, giving them one [Black Fire] attribute.
Constantine was flabbergasted by the Elder words, as he made it sound like it was a piece of game equipment, but the difference was this was the real life, and that the weapon and armor were completely insane.
Arad told Constantine that, only the armor itself could make any of the warriors down in the mountain a great enemy that could easily run across this land without too much danger. If he were to be able to wield it, Constantine wouldn't be in so much need for protection, as he could easily fight against strong opponents.
The only downside of the armor and Halberd was the incredible weight of it. Constantine would need to carry near a ton of weight in equipment. His current body would be crushed to death if he were to put on.
The good thing was the Halberd, while it was heavy, it wasn't anything absurd like the armor itself. The Halberd weight was around eighty kilograms while having a height of two meters and fifty. The blade of the Halberd was beautifully polished and it was carved with runic patterns, the entire blade length was around 60 centimeters. The other side of the Halberd counted with a counterbalance in the form of a spike that was near 20 centimeters long.
Constantine was very fond of his new weapon and armor, but sadly he could only look at it until he had enough strength to carry with him the halberd. Although he couldn't wait for the time to clad himself on the armor, he knew that the current him was incapable to even carry the halberd at the mountain top.
What was even hard for him to accept was seeing the dwarf carrying his Halberd with only one hand as if it were simply a one-handed sword. The armor itself didn't require so much effort from them.
He saw that most of the Dwarfs guards were carrying heavy armors too, and they could patrol for hours while equipped.
With a sigh, he asked them to put his weapons in a place where he could easily access at any time he needed, he also explained them his current situation, making the Elder a little surprised because of it. The dwarfs were so accustomed to their strength that they didn't even though for a minute that Constantine would be unable to wield the armor and weapon.
The elder tried to apologized but Constantine only told him that it wasn't his fault and that it was his strength that was lacking.
With a dour mood, Constantine headed back to the lake, where he hoped to ate at least something with the Son Jarðar.
After a tasty and cheerful lunch with the tribal people, Constantine followed a group of warriors with Rognir to a hunting place a few kilometers near the forest border. There he watched how they hunted a few big animals that had some resemblance with a bison.
Although he couldn't understand their words, he could get some words like 'spear' and 'ax', or so he thought.
One thing that made Constantine think about, was his stomach adaptability, as the first days in this world were a particular hell to him. He couldn't even eat or drink water some times, due to the discomfort caused by ingesting them. He was sure if it was him 2 weeks ago, the meat and other foods he ate with the Son Jarðar would have made him go to the 'bath' a long time ago.
So having known that he was slowly getting accustomed to this world hostile environment, produce a smile on his face. Today at night he would eat again to his heart content.
Slowly, the days passed by. The dwarfs finally ended their building process across the mountain, the day after Constantine's visit in the barracks, the dwarf beginning to work the houses for the Son Jarðar. The place where they assented was along the path in the mountain.
Constantine after having made few of them learn the common language in this world by synchronization, told them the idea of building houses alongside the road that wouldn't be near the mountain body while creating houses in the mountain natural walls. He was inspired by a fictional city called 'Minas Tirith'.
This idea was heavily supported, after all the members of the tribe called themselves the sons of earth. So, after a few minutes of planning where was the right place to begin building. Both Dwarfs and men started the project.
What would have take months back on earth, here in this place only took two weeks to build the raw buildings. While the details were not made, the structures themselves were ready. Thus, the tribe moved to the new village along the mountain path, where after a few days they started to finalize the details in the buildings.
The dwarves also suggested erecting walls surrounding it. But Constantine quickly cut them down by saying that it wasn't needed by the near time. He told them that the current focus would be making enough facilities to ensure the correct function of the surface village. Constantine also gave them a few 'blueprints' where he gave them a vague idea of a canal, baths, and sewers.
Although he knew what they were, he never studied their mechanisms and design profoundly. Knowing that he lacked the required knowledge to make a project, he told the Dwarfs how it was supposed to work. Then he had made them figured out the ways to make these buildings possible.
Although Constantine felt bad for giving them all the work, he tried to tell himself that this was the thing they accepted when accepting Camille as their ruler and protector.
After a few days deciding the best way to make it possible for the buildings, the dwarfs finally decided by the plan proposed by a dwarf called Wertar. He was a lesser young dwarf who worked in the mines, he told them that often he had thoughts of ways to make cleaner the mines. The plan he proposed for the sewers and canal included a few features of his mine plans.
His entire idea was making the sewers big enough to accommodate a dwarf, they would build a few underground tanks where all the waste would find their way through. There, on the bottom of the tank, they would construct an array that would take care of purifying the waste.
After purifying it, the water would flow back to the system where it would be reutilized repeating the cycle.
The sewer would only need one operator, who's only work was to ensure providing Mana to the array a few times through the day when it was required.
The tank would have to be filled at the start of the project as Constantine told them that he didn't want to waste resources without any care.
Wertar also explained his project regarding the canals and the water pipes needed for the use in the village and the underground city. There he explained a complicated design where the water wouldn't need so much space to be carried.
In the underground city of the Svaltar, there were large pipelines of water and massive tanks occupying a lot of space. They also proved to be hard to maintain, as if a part of the pipes were to broke, it required enormous efforts to fix it.
With this design, they only need a few places where all the pipes would center to ensure the correct control and prevent the same mistakes in the underground city.
The entire plan earned the young dwarf a few compliments for the elders, as they didn't care about those things in their time and now with this idea, they saw how careless they were.
Still, who can blame them? They were more occupied trying to refine their skills and mining for more resources.
After finally deciding the project they started by first reinforcing the path of the mountain, there, they built a proper stone street that had enough width to make it possible to pass two carriages. This was Constantine's idea as he told them that it was needed for his futures plans. He made them do a proper job where they built roads with sidewalks finely detailed.
His intention was to make the future city that would be on this mountain, a pleasant place to the eye.
And thus, between ongoing buildings and training, Constantine spend two weeks, where he finally began to see a few improvements on his physical strength and speed.
With nutritional foods and hard training, Constantine began to acquire more body mass and muscles. After he got used to the routine, he began to learn weapon-wielding from the warriors and dwarfs. This was something that Arad recommend him as according to him, seeing two different styles would help him to broaden his views on the halberd path.
Although it had passed a few days since he started to train, Constantine was still at loss on what to see from the warriors and Dwarfs movements, he got the basics from them but often when he trained, they pointed a lot of mistakes that according to him, were the same they do.
Even if he thought this, he didn't voice out any complain or words, he just asked to have them point them out and show him the right way.
His training weapon was an iron common halberd that was built by the dwarfs, although it had the same height and blade of his. The weight was entirely different, the iron halberd only weighs around 8 kilos.
Although it was heavy for the earth's standards, making it hard to use the same battle styles from there. Here it was an entirely different story. The dwarves told Constantine that having the weight reduced would affect his battle style. They told him to reach the fastest he can to the minimum level of his halberd and start properly train with it, as the wielding and style would be undoubtedly different.
They explained to him that his halberd use was to control the enemies the swiftest and easiest possible. By training with an iron one, the grip, the parry, and the strength of each strike would be affected. His iron Halberd would break if he were to put in use against a real enemy, as the force between clashes of normal warriors was much above from the one those weapons could hold.
Knowing this, Constantine began a week of more intensity in his training, he asked for a few machines and bars for him, so they could help him with his training. After a day of requesting it, the dwarves delivered the equipment to Constantine, who began to train every morning while carrying weights around his limbs, he also began to run the mountain while carrying weight.
The thing that surprised the most of him, was Arad telling him to train his neck. This was the zone that would face most of the strain in battles according to Arad. And having to fight at high speed, often ended with warriors dying by broken necks.
This was confirmed by the dwarfs and Son Jarðar, as they told him what they did for training it. Constantine notices the lack of neck of them for having so much muscle around it.
There was also another thing that surprised him during his training. That was when Arad told him to ask Camille for a new heart to him. Arad's reason for this was that his heart would suffer a stroke at the current pace. His heart would be unable to provide the required blood and function in a battle of that level.
This shooked Constantine as he didn't expect this to happen, although after thinking about it carefully this seemed to be right. But he was curious of the reason why Arad hadn't told him to do the same with his other organs. Arad's response was the next.
"I don't think you would find the right ones out there."
Constantine brought the matter to Camille who told him that she wasn't sure. Doing an operation so dangerous like this would be hard with his body. Since it was the first time she met someone so strange, she didn't know if the healing spells would work right on him. The minimum mistake would end up with him dead or worse.
These words were followed by Arad telling Constantine to tell Camille that everything will be alright, as according to Arad the healing spells would work as they didn't need to apply Mana on the target, it worked more like applying tissue to the damage parts, making faster the regeneration of said places, he also would gain an advantage by having a heart of this world.
The heart would have magic channels that could lay a way for him to gain his owns magic channels.
An important organ as the heart could undoubtedly change his body, for better or for worse.
It was that or having to stop in the future his training, Arad calculates that it was around two years until he reached his body limitations, where if he weren't to have a new heart implanted to him, further training would kill him.
Constantine tried to explain this to Camille only to receive the same answer. She assured him that if she were to find a safe way for him, she wouldn't doubt to tell him.
Knowing that he wouldn't change Camille's decision, he headed out.
'I don't have anything to lose if I were to die from this. I rather die trying than being threat like a crippled.'
With this way of thinking, he tried to ask the same thing to Dwarfs, only to receive a negative answer by the reason they didn't have the required knowledge nor the right people. Thus after another frustrated intend, Constantine decided to let the matter lay until he thought of something better.
There was still an option and that was heading to civilization out there. But knowing that he alone couldn't go unless someone else accompanied him, he didn't let the thought go further.
"But it wouldn't be a bad idea to go for a town out there..." He said to himself in a low voice, heading into his brand new home in the village.
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