《Terra Nostra》War cry
Hearing Camille's words, Constantine was taken aback. After passing so much time with her and the safety in this place, he began to think that nothing could menace this place.
But now this seems to not be the case.
Not wasting more of his time, as he didn't want to try his luck. Constantine got back to the mountain, after reaching a good height where he could watch above the giant's trees, he saw with the moonlight far in the horizon a large wall of dark clouds. With a visible frown on his face, he asked Camille "What is that? how is that the forest isn't safe anymore?"
Before Camille answered him, it was Arad who did.
"That's it's the smoke of war boy." Arad has a sad smile on his face as he watched the previous common sight for him.
Camille's voice sounded in Constantine's ear as she said with a calm voice. "Smoke. That is smoke and the forest is being invaded by the waste of Undbad, I can suppress them but they are simply too many, so I better wait until they pass my land."
Constantine was taken aback by Camille words, he couldn't believe that something like a dragon would wait for inferior beings to just past through the forest instead of facing them and kicking them out.
Arad seemed to perceived his thoughts as he said.
"Don't get tricked by her words. It may be true that she could face a group of the army of Undbad, but you need to understand what are they. They have a certain resemblance to humans, but they have dark skins, long hairs, incredible predatory eyes, amazing strength summed with a sturdy and hard body. Add their height that could easily pass the 2-meter gap and you would have a fearsome enemy, and that is not the worse, you see, they have a fearful reproductive rate. In just a year you could have strong younglings that could wage war without rest. They are a plague that even dragons don't want to get near, they were called Nard Kalan back in my days, which means Black Plague."
Constantine was surprised at Arad revelations, he thought that this would be a common fantasy world, but it seemed that it has it original races. Thought he began to worry about the forest safety.
Arad smiled at the surprised and concerned look in Constantine's face. "Boy, you only need one of them to gather a group of five strong humans to face it. Not even the green skins are so fearsome, and let me tell you that the green skins ruled back the land in my era." Arad patted the shoulder of Constantine as he smiled wryly. He knew what Constantine was feeling, he remembered the first time he faced one of them, his entire group of companions was crippled, he himself lost an eye back then. Their strength was so great that an average human only needed a single punch to be mortally wounded.
Camille's voice sounded again. "Go to sleep, I'm going to stay watching over them, even if don't want to bother with them I would not let them do as they please over my forest."
Constantine watched back at her as he asked. "I can accompany you? I want to see if it were to happen something." Camille retracted his gaze to him, as she said plainly.
"I don't mind, I've only told you that so it would be easier for you. Probably nothing's going to happen as I would only be watching them." Constantine sat near a cliff as he had a better view of the horizon.
There he could see a smoke column rising in the night, the dark clouds were contrasting against the two full moons light. Making an incredible sight.
"Why you don't just delete them? it would be easy for you." Constantine asked with a frown, he didn't believe that something so great as a dragon couldn't face an inferior race such as them.
Hearing his question Camille asked nonchalantly.
"They are annoying, even if I destroy this entire army, they would come back in a few months with much more of them. If I do the same this cycle will repeat until this entire land is destroyed, I don't fear them but I prefer to pass over them instead of wasting time." She then looked at him while she added.
"They have been here for a long time, other dragon's and powerful beings didn't bother with them, why should I make a change?"
Constantine couldn't help but gazed her back with a heavy frown, he was clearly displeased with her words. This was what the reason that almost every powerful being of any race has probably thought back in their times, they didn't want to take care of the problem from its roots.
"Couldn't you just simply make them understand that this area is forbidden from them?" He suppresses his thoughts as he said to her.
With a smirk, Camille said to him "You see, they are the most gifted race when it came to physical talent, but the only weakness came in their intelligence. That trash are unable to even communicate by themselves, that's the only reason they hadn't ruled this world. Any average race couldn't face those piece of filth when it came to warmongering, the humans would have not survived until now If it weren't for the wizards and they're own inventions." Camille answered him in a plain tone.
Constantine was submerged in his thoughts after hearing her words.
'Bingo! That's it, that's the reason why they're still living until this day, probably most of the wizards or practitioners think of them as a natural barrier, like a predator that only follows it's instinct.'
He couldn't believe that someone wouldn't have let those things living until this day If there wasn't an explication. He didn't believe that one race could be indestructible.
"So what do they exactly do? Pillaging, mass murder, and raping? or they slave other races?" Constantine wanted to obtain more information about them.
Camille quickly gazed at him with slight eyes as a suspicious look flashed in her eyes, then she quickly hide it as she answered him.
"They destroy everything in their path, even life itself. I haven't heard or saw any of them raping any race, no one knows who they reproduce, there are only rumors but it's nothing confirmed." She then returned her gaze while her head was submerged in thoughts.
'So that's how it is, well I guess this explains everything. It's a pity that no one wanted to make a good action for everyone by erasing them from the map, but that is what you got for a non-intelligence race. No one wants to take revenge against them.' Letting out a sight, Constantine let his body relax as he promised himself one day to take care of those things.
"They have a name? I haven't heard you name them." He makes his last question regarding them.
Camille snorted while she said with a mocking tone in her voice "They are trash, they don't deserve any name other than waste from Undbad, the place where all of their armies came from." Then she moved her gaze towards a point in the forest.
"Oh, I didn't believe that somebody from those settlements around the forest could survive, and they have a lot of numbers." There was a subtle surprise in her voice. Then she retracted her gaze and looked at Constantine as she said to him.
"Wait here and don't make anything stupid, I will go down there to have some fun." With that said she disappeared from his view, after a second her figure disappeared, a sonic boom sounded beside Constantine. Making him fly while breaking his eardrums and making him bleed from all his orifices.
'FUCKING LIZARD' That was the last thought in Constantine's head before fainting.
Down below in the forest, a large group of various humanoid figures could be seen running into the depths of the forest, behind them armed human males with great height and strong bodies were making a formation, a large wall of weapons and flesh. They seemed to intend to stop the dark-skinned beast in front of them. While they were outnumbered greatly, that didn't seem to bring fear to them. After having to battle against them for entire days without stopping, the fear faded long ago. The only reason why they were facing them after retreating so long was because of the people who didn't have the strength to protect themselves.
So now, a group of four hundred males with weapons and light armor was preparing to fight to death.
"Today is our last day, make every breath of you worth their weight on bodies! We cannot let them go behind our people." A middle-aged man with long red hair and beard said to them while facing the enemy ahead. After having put a great fight back in their village against the Nard Kalan from Undbad, they couldn't hold it anymore after days of siege, and wave after wave of enemies.
"Make our ancestors proud, praise the earth! Praise our fathers! Because today we are parting this land with glory." He raised his voice while he taunted his men.
Seeing the fervent look on every man around him, the middle-aged man smiled while he gave a thunderous war cry. "DEATH!"
The four hundred men's shouted around him, shaking with their roars the peaceful forest. They couldn't care if today was their demise, their ancestors gifted them with iron wills and incredible might. They were the proud sons of earth, and today they would bathe their precious land with their blood after giving death to their enemies.
In front of them, an incredible number of dark-skinned beings appeared. With every footstep of them, a large earthquake was happening.
Some of the dark-skinned Nard Kalan had some armor or weapons. While others were running naked and with only their hands as their weapons. They didn't seem affected by the war cries of their pray, as it only incensed them.
The firsts on line jumped against the formation, being instantly destroyed by the men's formation. A black wave of dark-skinned beings clashed against an unsurmountable formation. That after holding the brunt of the first impact, roared in loud war cry's as they instantly pushed back with the bare strength of their arms and bodies, the enemies in front of them. With incredible speed, every lightly armored man killed the black-skinned beings. What was know as the black plague that was unstoppable, seemed to be a joke in front of the frenzied warriors. Every slash of their weapons make a limb or pieces of flesh fly through the sky, the blood soon filled their feet, as a stream of crimson black blood was bathing them and the grass.
It didn't matter if it was a young or old warrior, they brandished their weapons without any difficulty apparently. Their pace was calm instead of showing the same frenzied state of every one of them. They didn't give any unnecessary movement at the same enemy, just the necessary.
Quickly the bodies begun to pile up, their formation began to open up a little bit as they left behind the corpses while they reaped them as if grass were. After a few eternal minutes, neither of the men was seen with visible wounds. They didn't seem to face any obstacle against the enemies that destroyed their village.
But that didn't make any of them have hope in their situation, as prior to this situation, they weren't just four hundred warriors, back in their village they enjoyed the greatest number of warriors in the surrounding villages, with more than two thousand. But even this couldn't defend against the seemingly infinite numbers of enemies. Even if their personal strength were superior to their foes, this didn't change the outcome of the battle. As they were quickly overtaken by the sheer numbers of their enemies.
At the end of the day, there was a limit on their bodies. Even knowing the futility in their actions, the four hundred warriors were battling with pride against their enemies. After so much blood spilled from their former brothers, they wouldn't let their efforts thrown to waste and let these beast kill their non-combatant kind. At the end of the day, the would die this day and place, with peacefulness knowing that their brothers, sisters, and mothers would honor their deaths by raising more capable warriors in the future.
With open arms, the first warrior welcomed his death, as the fatigue slowed him so much that it was impossible for him to parry the enemy attack. With a smile on his face, his head flew. Blood gushing from his neck while the nearest warrior of him watched this.
Seeing this, the warrior decided to make a final push, knowing what would be coming in a few minutes.
"I'LL BE GOING WITH YOU BROTHER, PRAISE THE ANCESTORS!" With a loud roar his attack rate improved, a light invaded his body, making every blood vessel on his body visible. His eyes glowed in red light as his pupil expanded. Soon his eyes began to bleed as it was followed by his others orifices. But not even this stopped his fearful slashes, as with each trust every muscle fiber on his body, pumped blood, filling him with enormous strength to continue his frenzy.
After cutting half of the neck of a dark-skinned being, the warrior began to leap around the battlefield at an incredible speed. He was taking advantage of the improvement in the strength with the speed. Making with every little attack of his, incredible wounds at their enemies, helping greatly his fellows warriors.
With his entire body bathed in blood and with his red maddening eyes, he looked like a beast that was unchained. This was the specialty in their bloodline, [Fervor of the predator]. This unique ability enabled them to improve monstrously their strength, speed, reaction, and battle awareness. Giving them access to the full potential of their bodies without caring about the strains on it. During fifteen minutes it makes the user an unstoppable killing machine, if it weren't stopped before reaching five minutes this ability would destroy slowly the user internally, but giving them a painless death after destroying every fiber on their bodies.
This ability allowed them to reing the surroundings tribes, as summed with their gifted and talented bodies. Make every single one of them a nearly perfect warrior.
Sadly the proud tribe was near to being extinguished.
After ten minutes of unstoppable battle, the frenzied warrior was beginning to felt the strain that the ability was causing to his body, as his strength and speed began to diminish after his muscles torn apart due to the exert. Feeling his inevitable end, the warrior gained clarity as with a loud roar he shouted.
He raised his fingers as he cut through his chest, then he used the same hand to reach his heart, as the red light in his body channeled around the hand. With a fervent look in his now bloody eyes, the man took out his heart as he raised to the sky before the strength on his body faded away.
His entire body fell in the ground but his heart floated in the air as the red light began to beat.
The warriors around the zone began to cheer, as they hoped that their brother's sacrifice could be heard.
Seemingly not wanting to ignore the actions of the fallen warrior, a light flashed in the sky as a ray fell down with the heart on its center. A bright light surrounded it, briefly illuminating the sky as if a small sun was there.
The warriors roared gleefully, as their ancestors and their goddesses responded back to their fellow warrior claim. With regained morale they saw how from the light, a red and white beast appeared, intelligence was radiating from its eyes, as it watched the battle and its surroundings. Not wasting it's time the beast throws himself to the dark-skinned beings, tearing them apart with its claws and teeth.
The aura around the beast seemed to enhance the warriors, as every attack of them was followed by an incredible might and speed. However, this couldn't stop a few dozens of them to start using their bloodline ability, as the fatigue of the continue battles makes them unable to push anymore.
The middle-aged man that taunted them at the start was seeing the state of the battle, around him a group of other veteran warriors was covering him.
There was a frown in the middle-aged man as he suddenly said. "There seems to be a problem in this forest, after so much time of battling why the guardian beast of the mountain didn't appear? We cannot let more of our kind to die meaningless."
The warriors around him after hearing his words began to frown too, as the only reason why the came so deep in the forest was because of the legends surrounding it. There was a reason why they lived at the periphery of the forest, his father and Grand Father told him about why they have never ventured to the deeps of it. Once a long time ago, a few tribes tried to control the forest only to minutes prior to being erased from existence. The tribes around the forest heard an ancient voice warning them to never claiming it or they would face the same fate.
With this knowledge passed by during each generation, the man came to know it a few years ago. After facing the destruction of his village, the man thought that they could seek help from this powerful being. But this seemed to ignore them.
With a sigh, the middle-aged man prepared himself to battle until death, there was a little hope inside of him after seeing their ancestors and goddess blessing them by ascending the soul of one family head. Making him a sacred beast.
If it weren't the current circumstances, being granted a sacred beast to their tribe would undoubtedly have made them the most powerful faction in hundreds of kilometers at the surroundings. A sacred beast was something that only appeared a few times during history, only when a companion of an incredible figure reached great heights, or when a goddess wanted to bless a tribe.
Now, however, their ancestors and goddess seemed to pity them. As they were gifted by one.
With a loud roar, the middle-aged man started to kill with the men around him. Trying to reunite the other warriors to take a better place in the corpses sea. His intentions were to make corpses shields, making narrow passages so as his warrior could take turns so they could have a little rest for time to time. After giving a few orders, a group of five warriors began the work of piling the bodies, it was a quick job thanks to their natural strength. Added to the size of the corpses, it was easier to pile a group of six of them to make a passable wall.
Just like that, the warrior's group began to gather around the corpses while they protected the ones that were working on it. After a couple of minutes and the loss of a few men's, they successfully entrenched behind the corpses. Making the most tired ones finally take a break for a short time. While this helped them for the time being, this didn't mean that the waves of the enemies started to be less intense, contrary to it, they began to attack in frenzy at it, throwing themselves to the meat grinders that were in every entrance of the 'corpses-fort'.
The time flowed slowly, after more than two hours, the numbers of warriors reduced to only three hundred and fifty men. This was undoubtedly better than the few thousands around them, as their once small fort, was now surrounded by tall towers of meat. The once green forest was now bathed in black blood, the mud was made with blood, the stench in the air was unbearable. The ground was in a constant tremor. But unbeknownst to all the beings below it, the sky was pitch black, the once full moon sky was nowhere to be seen. Only two pairs of purple eyes that seemed like galaxies where there, watching the actions on the surface of the forest.
The eyes could see how the humans were defending themselves with bravery against the flood of enemies. She could hear the words of the person that seemed to be the human leader, who was asking for the presence of the 'Forest guardian'. The eyes could saw too the sacred beast that could easily have lived in this land in peace if it wasn't in the current circumstance.
The purple eyes changed his gaze to the periphery of the forest, eighty kilometers away. Where it saw the endless numbers from Undbad, where hundreds of thousands were moving towards the forest and it's surrounding. The purple eyes gazed coldly against them as the tremors on the surface stopped, where the sounds of battles faded away. A burst of light exploded from the sky as a shockwave passed by below it, hitting every being on its way. The humans in the fort were only pushed to the ground, but the army of Undbad in the forest were converted in a black bloody mist.
A cold, ancient and powerful voice resounded in the surface of the forest and it's surroundings while it claimed.
"Begone, trash." As its voice carried a divine decree, the air seemed to travel to the army in the distance. Crashing them with what seemed to be a wall, crushing everything on its way until nothing from them remained.
The middle-aged man used all his might to raise from the floor, there he slowly saw how a mountain length beast appeared on the air, with what seemed a pitch black with purple colors on its body, the figure covered the entire view the sky. Nothing in his entire life prepared him for the sight in front of him. With an opened mouth he stayed there, gazing with fear and reverence the being in front of him.
Then he could feel something terrifying gazing at him. He intended to look towards to origin, but his body froze on its place as he saw two hill size purple eyes watching at him. From the pitch darkness in the sky, a smile suddenly formed, where the view of terrifying teeth's could be seen.
Blood drained from the men's face, as he couldn't bring to say the words on his throat. The fear was no longer in his heart, as only an incredible feeling of inferiority and suppression filled him.
He then heard a voice booming in the surroundings, carrying with it an incredible might saying to him.
"You were calling me, human?"
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Alpha Physics - Post Apocalyptic LitRPG
A LitRPG Post Apocalyptic Novel. I would just like to thank everyone who has left comments and suggestions. I am confident that your feedback has made this a better series. Book 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are now on Amazon unlimited!!!!! Book 6 is currently being published and will be pulled down in the first week of August. I have also left the first two chapters of book 1 up as sample chapters for those who have not read the series yet. Word of warning the first third of the book is apparently very slow and then gets a lot better. Synopsis In the apocalypse, the first weapon he’ll have to upgrade is himself. The end of the world as we know it couldn’t come at a worse time for Adrian. One minute, he’s an operations manager who’s overseeing a construction job in the wilderness. The next, an unknown energy force changes the very nature of life itself, from the smallest organism to the top of the food chain. The earth’s surviving inhabitants, its environment, and the very laws of physics have all undergone fundamental transformations. Many of those changes aren’t pretty. Plenty of them are deadly. Luckily for Earth, this has happened to other species before, and everyone receives an interface that survivors of similar events have used to navigate through an alien landscape. Adrian’s going to need every advantage he can get. He’s stranded in the middle of nowhere, there are days, maybe weeks of travel between him and his family, and in a world full of monsters and mayhem, survival means beating the learning curve…
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