《The World Of Divinity》BOSS Battle [2]


Closing the distance again Alex soon recovered the aggression from the BOSS and started to up the pace of the battle. He was delivering more [Mana Blades] to the BOSS. Interrupting the BOSS's attacks and letting the rest of the team pile more attacks on him.

The battle continued and every now and then the BOSS would use [Great Combustion]. After the first use and Alex's constant reminder to retreat to a certain distance before it was going to be used the team managed it effectively.

With Connor being an above-average tank as well, the follow up to regaining aggro was promptly dealt with not cause many injuries. Sometimes the team would have someone get hit by a rock projectile but Faith would just heal them back to full.

After their tank, Alex hadn't been hit once by the BOSS. So where else was she meant to use her spells?

Just like that the health of the BOSS started to rapidly decrease over time.




The battle went well until the next major change started.

30% health remaining!

With another roar, the golem stopped attacking and seemed to be focusing on something. Nobody had to guess what he was doing after a second because the fire elements in the surroundings seemed to be summoned.

"WTF!! I JUST GOT MY DAMAGE NERFED!" Big Papa screamed out.

"How much?" Alex asked quickly.

"5% But still!"

'It's less than I remember. Is it because it's normal?' He thought.

"Everyone catch!" He then shouted as he threw a potion to everyone quickly. Of course, this potion was the [Intermidate Fire Resistance Potion]. He had specifically prepared this for this part of the raid.

Everyone was surprised by the potion and how Alex had willingly handed something so expensive and rare that could rake a fortune at the auction house.


"Drink if you don't want to die!" He calmly shouted as he refocused on the BOSS.

[You have drunk Fire Resistance Potion (Intermediate)].

[You have increased Fire Resistance by 25%].

Shortly following the slight pause, the golem started firing basic Fireball spells with an earth-shaking heat. What was the scary part was the flame of the spell was black.

When a flame turned black it was a testament to the heat that it was packing. Everyone gulped and tried their best to block the projectiles, fearing for their lives.

"Block or avoid the flames no matter what. Otherwise, if you're caught you die." Alex shouted.

Connor stepped up and released his job skills trying to relieve the pressure from the team as best as possible.

From this moment on Alex couldn't directly tank for the team. He had already warned the tankers that at this point he couldn't help, it was up to them to pull through.

What he could do, however, was deal damage. Activating stealth to not get spotted by the BOSS he pulled away from the team and used [Flash Steps] appearing to the side of the BOSS.

He used [Backslash], [Chop] and [Mana Blade] as much as possible in the short 2-second window that he had to deal damage. That was until the BOSS focused on him and shot a black flame in his direction. Forcing him into circling behind the BOSS to carry on.

Either way, the BOSS's health was dropping rapidly. The only problem was the healers were swamped trying to heal everyone on the team. The fire resistance potion could cause them to be able to take 2 hits before dying. So as soon as they were hit once. The healers were forced to heal them to full.

"Start using potions to regain health, Faith can't keep up," Alex shouted to the team.


The time passed quickly during the raid but to Alex and the team, it felt like an eternity. They were quickly burning through their own stashes of potions and even the healers had to constantly refill their Mana Pools with [Mana potions].

They weren't willing to give up on the raid so they could only watch as they drank away their money. Thinking to themselves 'It's for the greater good! Yeah, that's it the greater good!'




Unfortunately, even before the BOSS was forced to 5% health remaining and enraged state. The archer on the team got trapped by two consecutive black flames. Falling and marking the first death of the raid.

Still, the rad carried on. To their fellow teammate, everyone could only say thank you for their contribution.

When the BOSS hit 5%, Alex, Shouted at the top of his lungs. "GO ALL OUT, IT'S NOW OR NEVER IF WE KILL THIS THING!"

Not waiting for the BOSS to attack with its final skill the team unleashed everything they had.

"[Mana Blade!]" Alex.

"[Claws Of Fire!]" Big Papa.

"[Toxic Vine!]" Mad Dog.

"[Swor Of Judgement]" Connor.

"...." Rex.

Just before the tidal wave of a HellFire wall managed to reach Connor at the front of the team. The bombardment of the team landed on BOSS.

As the team held their breath not knowing whether or not the BOSS had been slain or if they were going to be swept up by the incoming attack.

A system notification sounded out game wide!

{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT! Team Kingslayer, Has Defeated The First Boss In The Game!!!}

{Kingslayer, Iced Cola, Big Papa, Mad Dog, Faith, Rex, Zero...}

{+5000 XP, 100 Gold, +2 free attribute points.}



-Ares Guild POV-

30% health remaining on the BOSS!

"Keep it going, we are close to defeating the boss! For Ares Guild..." Wilted Rose spoke before a system notification sounded out.

{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT! Team Kingslayer, Has Defeated The First Boss In The Game!!!}

{Kingslayer, Iced Cola, Big Papa, Mad Dog, Faith, Rex, Zero...}

{+5000 XP, 100 Gold, +2 free attribute points.}

As soon as the system notification hit. The team was that surprised that someone had beat them to the punch and what's worse a non-guild team. That they had a lapse in judgement and forgot they were fighting a BOSS currently.

Black Flame rained down and without a fire-resistance potion, 6 of the 10 were one-shotted and sent to the afterlife. What's worse was that one was a healer.

"What the hell.."

"How is everyone dying!!!!" Wilted Rose screamed as she lost her cool.

"Everyone focus!" She tried to wake up the rest of the team but it was no use. They ha already spoiled the raid.

One by one the rest of the team died from the overpowering amount of black flame. Leaving only Rose and scarlet left. Yet, even they were not omnipotent. And they too died.

The guild leader and the vice guild leader had fallen in the raid.

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