《The World Of Divinity》BOSS Battle [1]


Silence followed the roar from the BOSS, Alex gave them a second or two to process the situation.

He knew from his past experiences that the BOSS couldn't actively move around the room. It was up to the players to initiate the attack.

Still, looking at the expressions that the rest of the team was showing, Alex couldn't help but be slightly disappointed. Even Mad Dog who was openly disdaining Alex earlier through his hostile looks. Was mow gulping in nervousness and mentally asking himself if this raid was even possible.

"1 million health points.." Faith spoke waking everyone from their silence.

"Yep and two AOE skills, one sort range for melee players and then one widespread." Big Papa added.

"..." Rex.

After everyone realised it was going to be a difficult fight. Connor was the first to ask, "Is everyone sure they wish to proceed. I highly doubt that we will manage to get through this battle with little deaths."

"After all, we are just a makeshift team. I don't want anyone to lose their hard-earned levels if they are going to regret it later."

Everyone seemed to look around to check people's facial expressions, some were looking slightly reluctant while others like Iced Cola weren't showing any emotions.

Alex decided to put an end to the farce, "Listen, I think it's worth it to give it a shot. At least I'm confident that we can do it."

Everyone seemed to make an 'O' with their mouths at his confident remark.

"It's like this, we just need to change the battle formation. The formation now is too slow for the BOSS. If we start tanking the BOSS's attacks constantly. One the healers won't make it through without dying of exhaustion from constantly healing..." He joked.


"The BOSS is mainly a mob that focus' on dealing lots of damage quickly. If he can't connect with the attacks though. That's when we have a chance. With that in mind, myself alongside Rex will do the tanking. We will kite the BOSS and when he doesn't use his short-range AOE, we will attack."

"As for the black fire skill that's when the tanks do their job by blocking damage."



It wasn't long before the rest of the team decided to give the plan a shot. Some were still reluctant but after Alex said that it was just one level if they died once. They decided to throw caution out the window and go for it.

"Ok, listen to my arrangements when we are in battle, let's go for first clear!" Alex shouted out as he used [Flash Steps] in the direction of the BOSS.

Entering a distance of 15 meters between the BOSS and himself caused the initiation of battle. The BOSS roared once more before standing and swiping his arm towards Alex. Pulling rocks and Lava from the floor below alongside it.

Alex seemed to expect this as he waited patiently till the last second and then boosted his speed using [Flash Steps]. As if teleporting he crossed a short distance bridging the distance between him and the BOSS, dodging the attack at the same time.

Using [Mana Blade] with either blade, two great blue Mana manifestations appeared in front of the BOSS. Cutting a great big 'X' on the BOSS's chest.



"kyfwjnee!" The BOSS screeched in anger.

"OK, I have aggro, start attacking now!" Alex shouted out, giving the rest of the team the green light.

Immediately, bombardments of speels from Iced Cola and Big Papa thundered out. Even the archer wasn't holding back. The full team was at maximum focus.


Rex was using his chances when he could to slip in and deal damage before slipping out. Not staying too long to remove the aggro from Alex.

The BOSS seemed slightly sloppy with his attacks compared to Alex's meticulous movements. He knew he shouldn't waste his stamina or do anything too ballsy or the outcome was death not only for him but the rest of the team.

Connor seemed to see that the plan focused heavily on Alex's ability and he was unsure if Alex could carry on at this pace for the rest of the time. Still, he gritted his teeth and encouraged Alex, "Keep it up Little Chick, I'll buy you a beer next time we have spare time!"

Alex didn't respond, he kept dodging and dodging. And when he got the chance he used [Chop] and [Mana Blade]. He was still one of the main damage dealers from the team despite the task he was going through. That was mainly because of his upgraded stats.

The BOSS seemed to get increasingly angrier when he couldn't catch Alex with a single attack. He switch his approach and became more unpredictable. Throwing clumps of rocks that he dug up with his spare hand. Still, Alex just increased his movement speed. He had close to 50 stat points in agility by now. He wasn't afraid of not being quick enough.

On the off chance that he couldn't dog he'd use [Parry] and fling the rocks back towards the BOSS. Blinding its vision and slowing its attacks.

The full battle seemed to fall into a rhythm until the BOSS hit 75% health remaining.

The Golem paused its movements and seemed to charge up as its mouth started spewing out dangerously hot Lava.

Alex, however, had his eyes glued to the BOSS's movements and actions so, of course, this didn't escape his eyes.

"The BOSS is going to use its skill, Everyone fall back 10 meters." Alex bellowed to his teammates.

Rex didn't even hesitate and rushed out of the danger zone straight away. He paid no thought to be smart and trying to snatch an extra attack on the BOSS before his retreat.

As for Alex, he used [Flash Steps] multiple times and he was out of there. Almost straight away the Golem vomited the Lava wave with great force and speed that covered an 8-meter distance.

[Great Combustion!]

Both Alex and Rex looked at each other that had just been standing there and shivered. Their skeletons and skin would have disintegrated from the heat if they remained.

After Alex's retreat, he had to regain aggro since the BOSS was now throwing rock projectiles and swinging randomly interrupting the flow of battle.

Luckily, Connor and the berserker was there to tank some damage for a short moment. With heals from Faith and the other healer, they could make it through it comfortably.

After all, they weren't directly confronting the BOSS's strikes.

Running at the BOSS again Alex was starting to feel slightly tired but he pushed onwards. He knew it was a passing thought that wouldn't matter after the battle ended.

It was time to make history with the first BOSS kill of The World Of Divinity.

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