《Empyreal War; MOBA reimagined》Skirmish 6: Way to Survive


Damn! The Sorcerer escaped!

She threw potions at Korg replenishing his health to more than fifty percent. That forced the Berserkr's RAGE MODE to be shutdown.

My SHARP SHOT didn't even grazed her! I was one of the best Ranger user in the guild but she luckily dodged my attack. Was it just pure luck?

I guess she having a title isn't just for a show. It was rather difficult to obtain a title afterall.

It doesn't matter. We can freely focus on the golem right now. Later I won't let her escape.

"Destroy it like your life depends on it!" I told my colleague. He charged with the few pawns that were left. A new batch coming from our rear.

I aimed my bow at the golem from a distance but when I was to release my arrow, a bright light appeared on my sight.

It was indeed ENLIGHTEN. The Chaplain popped out of the nearby thicket. I have not considered that he would go for an ambush. On top of it, he's using the same cheap trick again. He even casted it right in front of my face.

I felt a solid punch dug into my stomach and another into my jaw.

Moving and reacting while in the influence of slow is difficult but if I am to survive from this guy I need to get out if the sphere's vicinity.

I primed SET SNARE in the ground while the Chaplain continued hitting me with his fists. The paper wrappings he was wearing was now replaced by GRAN ALLOY increasing the damage he inflicts.

Those might be metal now but they are still thin strips. I wanted to spit that in his face but the slow effect and his punches does not permit me to. I only smirked as I stepped away.

[ Health 61% ]

I was able to move out of the skill's area of influence and as soon as I did, I nocked an arrow at the sphere of light.


The sphere exploded and stunned the Chaplain for a few seconds. That few seconds was enough for me aim and charge SHARP SHOT right in front of him.


The huge shaft of light got stuck in his forehead. It didn't knocked him off since he was not yet marked. It also didn't stopped him from powering up his wraps and doing a straight on my face.

I moved back putting up a fight. I nocked him more arrows in close range but they were deflected by his new equipment. A PAULDRON and a VAMBRACE.

He came prepared. He must have planned to ambush me all along.


Korg should have noticed what was happening when I shot the sphere so he must be coming to help any moment now.

I just need to survive a little longer.

I waved my hand to move the trap I primed earlier. It was forced to be revealed thanks to the effect of ENLIGHTEN but it will still inflict BIND once the Chaplain's feet touch the object.


A sharp sound and my opponent stopped from where he was.

"Korg! Quick!" I shouted nocking a few arrows to inflict him a MARK.

As Korg came to attack him with HEAVE HO, some form of liquid suddenly splashed and drenched the Chaplain.



Type: Primary - Combat/Support


The holy mana blessed by the Great Divine flows like water. Water that can cleanse dirt and stains resulted from sins and evil ways of men.

The Chaplain can create liquid-like mana that deals 110% weapon damage on target enemy and removes 1 temporary enhancement they have.

Replenish 10% health and remove 2 temporary afflictions when used at an ally/self.

Cooldown: 10seconds


As expected, Korg's axe did not reach him. He was able to remove the effect of my trap. Curse that skill! It even visualy melted the arrow on his forehead.

He swiftly moved forward while my colleague froze as a result of his failed attack. I shot him some arrows to keep him from closing in but he only deflected them with his equipment.


He then went on in a series of punches. I tried to run away.


Close-quarter have always been the weakness of Rangers. The Shikaree especially have no way of escaping such situation since it has no access to any movement skill.

I've trained my mind to avoid such thing; stay away from melee combat. I should have considered an ambush.

[ HEALTH 21% ]

[ HEALTH 17% ]

[ HEALTH 12% ]

It was futile. In a few moments my vision blacked out.

[ GREED has slain ROTUEL ]

"Wait, what?!" I just left to escape from those two. That person wasn't even there when they attacked me. He didn't even cared to help if he was actually there hidding.

He should have atleast told me if he was planning for something! A ping or a secret message.

I could have not wasted all those potions to put the Berserkr's Rage off.

I could have helped him beat the Shikaree--or rather, I could have taken the Shikaree myself. Perhaps I could have kept the Zerker occupied so he can concentrate on the other.

Did he forgot we are a team?

I came to find the golem slightly being battered by pawns and the Berserkr chasing the Chaplain.


That Greed, he didn't help me at all! I won't help him in return! Go and escape from the Zerker if you can!

But if its true that he killed the Shikaree himself then respect plus one. Now he better keep hisself alive while I take out some pawns before I give him more respect than he deserve.

It was given from the start that the Chaplain is no match for the Zerker. He may have defeated the Shikaree since it has weak defense but that avatar's attack is not enough to deal strong damage nor it does have a combat skill enough to take down the Berserkr once it goes into RAGE.


Korg let out another cry. The Chaplain was able to reduce his health enabling the Zerker to enter the powered up state.

As I was saying, he may invest in increasing his Might but its not gonna be enough.

There's only one thing he can do.

"Cast him PRAY HEAL so he can sober up," I told my poor team mate as he ran off. I knew he couldn't hear me from my distance so I had to move close.

"Cast him PRAY HEAL!"

"I don't have that skill," he casually replied barely dodging the enemy's axe.

"What do you mean you don't have it? Its in your skill panel. Don't you know how to operate the interface?"

"I mean, I didn't took it."

"What?!" I was shocked but I was able to dodge as the Berserkr turned its attack on me.

I quickly casted ENSORCELL and shot at the enemy.

This dumb Chaplain said he didn't took the healing skill. The most important skill in his arsenal.

Is that a joke?

I have never heard of any Ethereal that uses a Chaplain and not taking the healing skill.

Its purpose for survival should exceed the significance of the other skills. I mean, it can be useful even in one-on-one duels.

Some may even say, the heal is the sole purpose of the Chaplain.

But anyway, if that's true then we have no choice but to take this brute down.

Only I can do that.

I shot the Berserkr with my projectiles preparing one after another. He slashed at me but I was able to parry him with my knife--or so I thought I could. My knife flew away and my hand got wounded. I consumed RAW MAGIC to attack him instead.


It didn't made him stagger. He lunged forward with a wide swing but he was suddenly interrupted.

Well, it was nothing else but the Chaplain. He punched him in the face with his paper wraps replaced with thin strips of metal. The runes still written in the wraps glowed as he did empowering the damage of his fist.

The Zerker retaliated chopping his arm but it was blocked by the VAMBRACE he was wearing.


[ Durability 8 ]

A panel appeared as I checked his garment. Thanks for having a high Wisdom attribute I can access equipment information of other Ethereals. It also enables me to percieve the enemy's Health. Sadly, such wisdom won't help me defeat the enemy.

[ Korg - Berserkr HEALTH 17% ]

We barely dealt damage.

Hey, let me help! I wanted to tell the Chaplain but my teammate was too close at the enemy so I could not make a shot.

The Chaplain was fast. He took advantage of the fact that the Berserkr's Speed attribute is relatively lower than his avatar. He even raised this difference by equipping items that boosts Speed so even with RAGE MODE on, he was still able to dodge him.

But geez, it would take more than Speed to defeat him.

"Can you please move for a second? My spell would hit you if you are this close!" I said but my teammate was too focused that he didn't even made a glance.

I see, this guy is still ignoring me.

I pulsed RAW MAGIC in my projectiles and threw it fiercely targetting both the Berserkr and the Chaplain.

My teammate was able to roll away barely evading it but the enemy was too slow so he was caught.


[ HEALTH 13% ]

The damage reduction provided by his skill and the protection given by his equipment enabled him to persist longer. My avatar may have strong attack but this is going to be difficult.

This is alright, though. If I can keep this up his Health would eventually run out.

A few more hits and he will be gone.

I threw more projectiles but all of a sudden, the enemy grinned, took out a potion and poured it over his head.



Type: Potion


A secret concoction made by a mad alchemist. Anyone who drinks this shares his madness inexchange of becoming incredibly invincible for a short time.

Effect: Drink to nullify all forms of damage for 12 seconds and replenish Health by 14% after the duration / Break to nullify all forms of damage for 24 seconds but become slow by 40% during the duration. Wisdom = 0

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