《Empyreal War; MOBA reimagined》Skirmish 4: Power of Rage


Damn you! I wanted to spit the words in his face but I was stunned.

How the heck does he even dodge my HEAVE?

My combat skill HEAVE HO has the strongest damage among the others but its bad when it doesn't hit.

The Chaplain freely landed his blows on my face as I openly stood for a few seconds.

[ Health 33% ]

It was vexing. But at the same time, it was fine. I need him to deal me some damage for me to build up RAGE.

I swung to retaliate wounding his arm which he used to block my axe. The thin paper wrapped around his hands is useless against my weapon.

It was just a dumb way to block an attack. His feeble limb wont last if he keeps on doing this.

Alas, he was not the dumbest enemy I have encountered. He was fast and a little dodgy.

Man, I hate it when my attacks are dodged. When did Chaplains became this fast?

Must be the items he was wearing. Well, a pair of SABATON and a SILPHITE gem. These cheap items are greatly focused on increasing SPEED.

Is he planning to craft TALAREON?

Whatever. I'll kill him first before he could.

I swung again but he evaded it. He powered up his fist and punched me. It was fast but it felt like the weakest punch I have ever recieved.

[ Health 30% ]

The Chaplain's damage does not increase by investing in SPEED. Its innate skill does help a bit but if we're talking about damage, there's no argument its gotta be MIGHT!

I swung my axe with all my strength. If only it connected it would have taken a big portion of his Health.

It doesn't matter. I'll just let him hit me a few more times and my skill will eventually kick in.


He threw small spheres of light as he backed off. Punched me as I chased him then dodged as I chopped.

[ Health 22% ]

I eyed on my Health and as soon as I saw him power up his fist, I beamed a smile letting him hit my jaw.



Type: Innate - Passive


Berserkrs of the North are known to being brute and ill-tempered. As masters of rage, they can trigger their unstable mana to empower their bodies when they are mad.

Automatically switch to RAGE MODE If health drops below 21%.

RAGE MODE: For 21seconds, Nullify all forms of ailments and afflictions and increase MIGHT by 60%, SPEED by 15% and reduce overall damage taken by 20%.


I felt the fire burning up in me as I let out a roar. I was feeling faster and stronger. Fiercer. Even the tips of my axe felt sharper as I sliced into the wind.


Rage is like a drug. It numbs my senses from pain and fills my brain with rush.

RAGE MODE lasts for a long duration and it cannot be cancelled unless my health is replenished above fifty percent An upgrade even doubles the effect when my health hits below ten.

It was such a great skill that it was given a setback. It becomes hard to think clearly in this state and my judgment becomes clouded by death and destruction.

It doesn't matter. I'll just focus on beating this puny little Chaplain.

Right! And after him I'll go crush their Golem. My colleague Rotuel won't even need to rally the pawns behind us.

Well, what's up with him? He stopped shooting arrows at some point.

Not that I care though. I don't need his fire support anymore. My weapon is a lot better than his arrows. Its more than enough to kill this brat.


My axe found its way to finally graze the Chaplain's face.

Ooh. I felt that.

He was knocked back but he flipped and threw a couple of energy balls before moving away.

Meh. He was running away but I'm not letting him.

Nobody runs off from me when I'm in RAGE.

Nobody can escape.

Nobody can survive.

I swung my axe as I chased him almost hitting his back. I lunged forward but he rolled away.

Damn, so dodgy as always. Imma chop those legs so you can't run anymore!

As I noticed him about to stop, I made a grin. I held my axe out and heaved.


I was able to slash his back. He tumbled down from the impact. I swung again as he stood cutting his shoulder and knocking him back to the ground. As I came above him I raised my axe.

A single chop and he will disintegrate.

He's been dodgy all this time but my RAGE is better than his speed.

A single chop is all I need.

Just. A single chop.

I smirked as he laid helpless.

His face.. Ah his face... A slight expression of panic.


I'll slice it.

Let me slice it!

There's no way he can dodge.

But then he smiled.

It was late for me to notice the huge shadow that has loomed above us.

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