《Empyreal War; MOBA reimagined》Skirmish 3: The Strength of Two


A Chaplain and a Sorcerer... what a pretty weak duo.

I eyed on the girl they call saint whom is now equipped with the Sorcerer avatar. Her casual clothes were replaced with a red and white lacy dress that is a little bit revealing, can't wait to see her after we win this match.

The Sorcerer is a Caster. Like a Ranger, it can attack from a distance but out of all Casters there is, the Sorcerer's range is the shortest.

She extended her right hand forward prompting for a ball of energy to form over her palm. She pointed it towards the nearest pawn and shot it in a straight line. Her target staggered and after one more attack it quickly disintegrated.

As the lore goes this Caster's innate magic is controlled using a pair of bangles she was wearing. Technically that's her weapon but from anyone's point of view those are just for aethetics. Especially since they can't be used to block an attack.

The Sorcerer may have a shorter reach but unlike the Shikaree I am using, its attack deal a lot more damage than mine. It doesn't mean I'm powerless against her though. I shot a couple of arrows to the girl which she was not able to evade. She moved backwards and prepared to dodge as I drawn another but it was useless, I'm pretty good in this.

Among the members of the guild, I am one of the best in using Rangers. I can instinctively adjust my shots to accurately hit a moving target even if its twenty meters afar.

"You're poking too much Rotuel, I might get hit!" My colleague said as he moved among the pawns. His usual blacksuit was gone and was now wearing some primitive clothes: poorly stitched pelt and fur that would barely protect his body.

The Berserkr is an avatar that does not require much defense for its high amount of health.

"When will you trust me, Korg?" I told him. "Why not dive in so we can get a proper kill?"

"Bah. Its too early for that," he said attacking a pawn. He was armed with a pair of handaxes that he uses to easily chop down the weak enemies.

Meh. This coward. Now is not the right time to be too cautious. With his brute strength and my advantage in range we can defeat those two without breaking a sweat.

I kept on shooting the Sorcerer as she continued to try and take down some of our pawns. I've been doing this for quite some time so I believe she would be annoyed by now.

Yep, I can see that on her face.

She's pretty enduring though, my typical enemies usually fight back as soon as I do this. A common mistake. A fast and simple SHARPSHOT can knock the fool down considering they have been marked with all those shots I have landed.

She should do something about it any time now: she would retaliate or cowardly go back on their gate to replenish her health. The result will be favorable to us eitherway. The Chaplain's going to be alone if she leaves. An opportunity to strike that bastard or rally the pawns towards their golem.


The girl will have little chance to survive if she fights back. If she miraculuously evades my SHARPSHOT I'm sure Korg would be able to chop her down before she could ever reach me.

After a few more attacks the Sorcerer headed back to their gate. Meh, females have always been non-aggressive types. I wanted to hit her more but its time to set the plan in motion.

I hinted on my colleague and pointed my bow on the unsuspecting Chaplain.


The arrow landed on a pawn. The guy moved from his position after making a quick glance on me. I shot once more but he simply shifted behind another soldier.

A waste of arrows huh? Well it was a good method against a Ranger but not against a Raider. My teammate dove forward with his axe as soon as he came closer.

He was able to evade his swing but Korg swiftly swiped with his other axe slightly grazing his face. He moved a few steps away but it gave me a good opportunity to properly land a shot.


Just like the Sorcerer and the Berserkr, the Chaplain has a pretty weak defense as well. A plain white garb with highlights of blue and gold, his clothes are more suited for a ceremonial event rather than a battlefield.

On top of it, it doesn't have a weapon!

Both of the Chaplain's hands were wrapped in a thin strap of paper. When observed closer, doodles and symbols were written on these paper which supposedly enables them to use their diety's blessing.

Although they look weak, the Chaplain can deal pretty good damage barefisted as they can shortly charge the wrappings to power up their attack. Plus, they can also create small magical orbs to shoot from a range.

Nevertheless, these paper wrappings will not provide protection. Its low durability also makes it even worse as compared to the Sorcerer's metal bangles.

Korg came and lunged forward activating a skill.



Type: Primary - Combat


The Berserkrs of the North are not just about brute strength. They are able to power up their muscles with mana whenever they need to take down a large threat.

Heave to empower an attack and deal 210% weapon damage and knock them back. If the attack did not hit an enemy, the Bersekr will be stunned for 3 seconds. Hold and charge to further increase effect.

Cooldown: 15 seconds


With faint red light, Korg's axe slashed with great strength. The Chaplain was able to dodge it but the force was strong enough to knock him off.

I took that opportunity to shoot him but he was quick in his feet. He tried attacking the stunned Berserkr but by the moment he got close, Korg has already recovered and swung his other axe wide.


The Chaplain ducked low to dodge, shortly charged his wrappings for some strength then went for an uppercut.

Korg didn't bulge and chopped down but the guy was faster to kick him off.

Korg stepped back mentaining his balance but the Chaplain chased him with a jab, a hook, then two more jabs, and ended with another kick.


His speed didn't let my colleague to retaliate.

"What the--Hey Korg, are you spacin' out again?" I shouted readying my bow to support him.

My colleague doesn't usually fight like this. We of the Blackdogs are well-accustomed in fighting in pairs matching our movement with our partner's action.

I knew Korg has only started training Zerker for a few weeks but this kind of opponent shouldn't be that hard for him to beat.

"A little bit lazy, sorry," Korg said calmly picking up one of his axe that he dropped when he was hit.

"I thought you were a pawn," he said looking down at the Chaplain, "Well, you hit like a pawn," he boasted.

The Chaplain may be able to slightly power up his fist but we knew it is not enough to take down a Berserkerkr.

Korg even mocked him about it.

The guy only looked at him without showing much response.

"You don't talk when you fight, eh? Exactly like a pawn. Then stay being a pawn!" Korg said lunging forward. The Chaplain tried to dodge but the axe reached his chin. He stepped back while Korg relentlessly pushed forward swinging.

From a distance I knocked an arrow. Hitting him together leaves him no room to escape but then the Chaplain suddenly deflected it.

Another one but the Chaplain swatted it away.

It was useless to deflect the arrow with those paper wrappings as it would still deal him some damage. I'm pretty sure he understands that but still he did it. He did it while trying to evade the Zerker's attack.

Is he mocking me?

Well, that was good, sure, it takes more than a reflex to successfully swat an arrow but nah, he can't be that good.

We'll see if you can keep up.

I opened up a panel and unlocked a skill.



Type: Utility - Support


Speed up by 50% for 10 seconds. Slow by 70% for 6 seconds after

Cooldown: 32 seconds


I stood still and took a deep breath then started shooting faster.

A clean hit in his shoulder, another one on his knee, a perfect shot on his leg. He won't be able to predict my attacks.


He dodged making quick glances on me as he also try to evade my colleagues attack. He then moved so that Korg blocks my aim but I dashed from my position to hit him better in response.

The faster I knocked my arrows the harder it became for him to swat them, he had no choice but to evade instead.

As he dodged the next arrow, his wrappings lit up then he slapped Korg's axe as it came. It stopped the Berserkr for a moment giving the Chaplain an opportunity to attack.

A combination of jabs then a slightly powered hook. Korg flails his axe but the Chaplain succesfully dodges it then kicks him again to push him off.

I nocked another arrow to defend Korg but the Chaplain caught the shaft of light and stabbed it in Korg's shoulder.

Korg retaliated swinging his axe but the enemy has quickly moved out of reach. He created a ball of light in his palm and threw it in his face making my colleague stagger from where he stood.

The Chaplain then went on a stance, held his hand in front and whispered something under his breath.

An incantation. It was a skill that required speech to activate.

From what I remember, the Chaplain avatar does not have a combat skill that can deal high damage. It was a Mender afterall.

But I won't let the guy get a chance to do his thing. I was already charging up SHARP SHOT when he was about to start. The shaft of light in my bow crisply sparkled as I held it. This is going to hurt reaaaal hard since I've already placed him a MARK. If he tries to deflect it, it would only deal damage.

As I was about to release the arrow, the Chaplain suddenly shifted his hand towards my direction.



Type: Primary - Support


The great divine have tasked Chaplains to bring light into the world especially to those whom have been shrouded by darkness.

Create a bright spherical light that lasts for 12 seconds in the target area, enemies and objects within the 3 meter radius from the sphere will be revealed and are slowed by 20%. Allies within the radius gain 1 Faith attribute every 4seconds. Faith can stack up to 5 in a single instance and fades away after 10seconds.

Every point of Faith grants the Chaplain and the ally with +1 Spirit and increases the effects of any healing skill targetted on them by 2%

If the sphere is destroyed, it will explode dealing 120% weapon damage to units within the radius and stun them for 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 24 seconds


A very bright light appeared before me shortly blinding me of my vision.

A very unconventional use of the Chaplain's skill.

ENLIGHTEN is usually used against traps and opponents waiting for ambush. It can also be used to catch an enemy with its slowdown effect or stop an enemy from pursuing the Mender.

It was unusual to use the skill's visual effect to disrupt an enemy as the light the sphere produces only lasts for half a second fading off to a dim aftwards.

Well, it blinded me for a moment but what's worse is that it made my movement slow and heavier. I lost the concentration I have when I released the arrow.


I watched the projectile flew above him while he moved to dodge Korg's primary skill.

This guy is insane.

Fighting two against one?

He's even using Chaplain... Of all Menders there is.

It was clear that he is mocking us.

The Blackdogs...

This is unforgivable!

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