《Existara》The Past
“What is this? Hell?!“ Burla screams fending of an Undead after an Undead.
“No. But it’s close enough, bratty!” Tonso answers.
“It’s bad enough you can’t kill them in one go! They ooze something nasty too after they are finally dead again!” Jack yells out.
“Try not to touch that if you can! It spreads quick and it’s quite difficult to keep at bay!” Percival explains.
“Can’t we just torch the whole thing?” Vestigo suggests.
“We don’t have enough fire power!” I answer.
“We burned through a lot of it with that messed up Black Chamber!” Laira shouts out.
“Less talking, more chopping!” Rixa slashes the head off one of the walking corpses’.
“If only it were that easy! Ah!” Burla screams and falls, an Undead goes right for her. I’m busy holding of a couple of the zombies myself. I look around. Everyone has their hands full. I freeze at the thought…
“No!” I hear another scream. I turn to see. A rotten hand is sticking out Tonso’s gut...
“No!” Burla tears the hand off, dropping to her knees next to the Shaman.
“Laira!” I call out. “Tonso’s down!”
“On it!” She manages to avoid a flesh eater and runs over to the two Balli.
“We’ll cover you!” Rixa and Jack surrounds them. I have my hands full still.
“Marcus!” Breeze lands next to me. “What happened?”
“Tonso’s down! It looks bad…” I tell her...
“Laira, talk to me!” I crash to my knees next to her, Burla and Tonso.
“Ay, don’t bother lassie, save your strength.” Tonso mumbles.
“You need to save your strength!” Laira can’t stop the bleeding. Tonso’s missing his insides… It won’t be long…
“Why?” Burla whispers.
“I haven’t lived a just life, bratty. Too many regrets.” Tonso coughs blood. “At least I can go now, knowing I did one thing right… “
Marcus finally manages to tear away from the onslaught. He comes up behind Laira and takes her hands off Tonso…
“No! I can do this!” She struggles.
“It’s ok.” Tonso whispers. “Smile…” He tells her with his last breath… I feel the rage well up inside of me… The ground splits open underneath Tonso and slowly engulfs him into a casket. I turn around. Aodynna’s crouching behind me with her hand on the ground. Both her feet and arms are overtaken by Earth – her element.
“Please. Let me.” She says. I nod. For her to offer to put Tonso to rest like that shows how much respect the young Shaman has for the old timer.
“You did more than one thing right, you old drunk…” I take one last look at the Shaman. He’s smiling… That makes me lose it even more. I spread my wings and take off.
“Crile!” I hear someone call for me. It’s Laira. She’s pointing at something. I dodge and try to figure out what am I looking at. Wings? Claws? Jaws? What in the… Oh no.
“What happened?” I yell to Laira.
“We lost Tonso.” Aodynna answers me. Damn it! I feel a bitter taste in my mouth.
“What the Hell is Skyrider doing?” Vestigo asks me.
“Has she gone feral?” Jack asks too.
“Not yet.” I answer quietly. “Hey, make me some stairs!” I shout to the Shaman girl.
“Stairs?” She ponders about it for a second.
“Gimme a boost up!” I urge her.
“Right.” She goes full Shaman mode – a block of earth, somewhat resembling a woman, stands in her place. Another block appears beneath my own feet. A ledge appears in front of me. I’m about to step forward when a bridge of vines begins tangling its way forward. I look down. Zaltem stands next to Aodynna. I don’t hesitate. Eyes locked on the deformed harpy, that’s tossing the Undeads out the window like trash. Flashes of light outside tell me that Meteor and the others are just as busy as we are here. I rush across the wood. I’m not sure if Breeze short-circuited or something – but I’m not taking any chances. I jump on the thing and lock my arms around its neck.
“Get off!” She growls at me.
“Not till you calm yourself!”
“I am calm!” She shakes under me.
“The Hell you are!” I hold on tighter. “You’re the scariest thing here right now!” I yell to her. “Look down!” She stops struggling for a second. I feel her bones move under me.
“Look down!” Crile yells to me. I quit shaking. My troops are busy fighting for their lives, yet they have enough time, to engrave a grotesque creature into their memories and right now the horror of that sight reflects in their eyes. Damn it! It doesn’t take much for me to lose my cool. I should be better than this. I’m their Commander. I rearrange my body into the hawk.
“Can you fly?” I ask Crile.
“Don’t you dare!” He tightens his grip around my neck.
“Burla!” I reach for her. “Catch!” I dive down, few feet of the ground I make a sharp spin and Crile flies off my back. I see him floating on a gust of air with Burla and another Air Shaman next to it. That makes me smile. We need to hold our ground till daybreak. The undead will burn in the sunlight. I let out a shriek.
“Keep pushing! It won’t be long now!” Crile encourages the troops. I dive down and charge. Skulls crush underneath my paws. Flesh ripping in my jaws. I was made for battle. It feels as if time has stopped. I shift.
“Rams and Shields! Tear down the east wall!” I call out. “Let them burn!” The troops don’t even flinch. Casters and Fighters alike – everyone throws themselves at the wall. The soldiers struggle. Others try their best to cover the demolition party. It takes a lot longer for the wall to crack than expected. Finally, the wall caves! The sunlight bursts into the room, turning the army of the Undead into ashes… It lasts a couple of minutes. A putrefying stench fills the air… The Wind core makes quick work with that, tornado-ing the stench out through the open wall. Shrieks of joy echo across the chamber
“It’s not over yet.” I tell them. “Get some rest for now and treat the wounded. Stay alert.” I look everyone over again. Nobody says anything.
“Commander, a word?” Percy approaches me.
“Please.” Percival has a peculiar look on his face.
“What’s on your mind.” I ask the boy.
“There’s something weird about this.” He hands me a vial.
“What am I looking at?”
“I’m not sure myself but some sort of poison? I think…” Percival has a tendency to lower his voice when in doubt.
“You think?” I ask him. He doesn’t answer me, just touches the vial with his fingertip and murmurs something. The liquid turns to a mist inside of the vial.
“If you can control it that makes it easier for us.”
“I cannot.” The boy tells me. As soon as he stops chanting the poison regains its liquid form. Ok.
“Only very briefly. It is poison. Part of it… “
“Part of it?” I’m too tired to follow the boy’s train of thought.
“It feels like there should be more to it… “The young cleanser has a puzzled look on his face.
“Well. This is something new. Leave it be for now and worry about getting some rest. It might be little but it’s something new and useful for us, nonetheless. Good job, Percival.”
The boy looks at me and blushes. “Yes, Commander.”
I walk towards a pile of rubble and crash down behind it.
I follow Breeze with my eyes. The troops are exhausted. Medical teams have their hands full. I’m disgusted with myself. Yet there’s no helping it. I slip away and walk into the shadows.
“The Hell you want?” I hear Breeze’s Warrior tone. Ice cold.
“You.” I’m not even gonna try to hide it.
“I’m not in the mood for your games.” Breeze sits there with her back against the granite and one arm thrown over her eyes. I crouch over her.
“I’m not playing…” I whisper into her ear. She throws her arm to the side, her eyes snap open.
“I’ll kill you.” She growls. I laugh.
“I don’t care.” I hover my hand over her… “I can die at any moment here.” I gorge Breeze with my eyes.
“If I can die by your hands then I’ll take pleasure in each and every second of it…” I whisper and clamp my hands over her wrists.
“Get off!” She struggles.
“No. I love those hands. The same ones that held me dearly once before. Same fingers that would drown in my hair. Same nails that would tear into my skin with such lust and passion…”
“Crile!” She growls again.
“I want you, Breeze.” My lips are a breath away from her neck. “You always were my everything and you are still…”
“So, then what? You’ll take me by force?” She asks. I laugh again quietly.
“Wouldn’t dream of it…” I let her wrists go.
“I thought you want me?” She looks at me.
“I do but I want you to want me too.” I sit back, looking right at her.
“Then why don’t you take me?” Huh?
“Are you trying to provoke me?” I ask her. I have to admit – I like her taunting me.
“What if I am?” Her tone’s different now. I grin.
“Don’t test me, Breeze.”
“Or what?” That’s it. I jump her and press my blade against her throat.
“You know I can and I will…” I whisper.
“Why don’t you?” She whispers back… “Do you need an invitation?” Argh!
“Such a tease…” Mmm… Her scent is inviting enough. “Say it.” I hook the tip of the knife under her collar.
“Say what?” She whispers. You know what!
“I want you, Breeze. Do you want me?” I press the tip against her skin…
“Yes…” She lets out a moan and that’s all I need. The knife cuts through her leather armor like air. Her chest piece opens up, exposing her. Her claws grab the back of my chain armor, throwing it off me. Her leggings are next to go. My leather pants rip apart. I pull Breeze under me…
I try to help out as much as I can. Laira’s at her limit but she keeps pushing through it.
“I can’t seem to locate Skyrider.” Vestigo reports.
“I saw her walking toward that pile of rubble a while back.” Laira answers, patching the young mage up.
“I’ll go check on her then.” Rixa volunteers.
“Leaver her be.” Laira stands up. “She needs a break from this too.”
Rixa doesn’t seem to like it but he knows better than to risk pissing Deathbreeze off. Or arguing with Laira for that matter too.
“On another note…” I look around. “Burla seems shaken up, maybe someone should go talk to her or something?”
“Leave her. She’s not a child anymore. She’s a fighter now. Death comes with the job.” Laira’s stone cold. It’s the first I see her like that. I reach for her.
“I don’t want to lose you…” She whispers.
“And you won’t.” I take her hand and kiss it.
Breeze lays on my chest. My arm around her.
“I missed you, Crile…”
“I missed you too, Breeze.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before?” She asks quietly.
“Was there anything I could have said that would have made it all better for you?” I ask her. “Or rather – would have you believed me if I did?”
“I don’t know… I’m not sure…”
“I wasn’t sure either…” I rub her back.
“But now you are?” She looks at me.
“Hard not to be.” I brush my fingertips across her cheek. “I love you, Breeze.”
She leans in and kisses me. “I love you too, Crile.”
I kiss her back and roll on top of her. Kissing her, feeling her under me, I slide back inside of her. This time slowly. I feel her gripping me every inch of the way. A groan escapes my mouth…
Her body tenses under me. A whisper.
“Crile…” My hands dig into the ground. Her breath drives me mad. My body moves on its own. Faster. Deeper. Harder.
“Don’t… stop…” She moans. Fuck! I couldn’t possibly even if I wanted to! The rhythm comes effortlessly. Same as plenty times before. Nothing else matters. Just her. Only her. Breeze. My Breeze…
“Yes! Yes! Crile!!" She wraps herself around me and I feel it explode inside of her... She gasps for air. Her nails sink in deep… I try to catch my breath…
“That feels… so good…” Breeze pants.
“I’m glad you enjoyed that…” I wink at her. She laughs under her breath. I missed making her laugh…
“I’m glad to see you haven’t lost it…” She bites her lip. Such a tease!
“Oh really? Here I am a bit foggy on your skill set…” I trace her breast with my tongue…
“Would you like a demonstration?” She strokes my head.
“If you don’t mind…” I bite the nipple. Breeze growls and throws me off her.
“Careful what you wish for…” She bites my ear and kisses her way down across my neck, chest and stomach… Oh yes… I feel her warm and wet mouth covering my shaft.
“Breeze…” Her name escapes my lips in an almost agonizing groan… I missed it a lot more than I thought. Her head moves faster… I grab her by the hair. I want to go in deeper… I’m close. She doesn’t stop.
“Oh fuck…” It blows up in her mouth. Breeze gorges every drop of it… She sits back wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“How’s that?” She asks liking her fingers.
“I remember it used to be better…” I grin at her.
“Smartass.” She sits on top of me. I chuckle.
“You like it.” I run my hands across her back.
“You’re lucky I like it.” She grabs me again and strokes it, making it hard again. My entire body throbs to her touch.
“Well aren’t you hungry?”
“Starving…” She licks her lips and guides my cock back inside of her. “Say please…” She moves slow… Painfully slow…
I cave. “Please…” I moan. Breeze kisses me and her ass takes off. She rides… Rides me good. I grip her hips tighter. There’s no other more arousing sound then her ass slamming into my balls. I love watching her breasts bounce. The quiet moans Breeze makes. Me panting. I love it all and crave it all even more…
“Something doesn’t feel right”. Vestigo says looking around.
“What do you mean?” I ask him.
“It’s too calm.” Jack speaks behind me.
I look around. There’s plenty of noise and movement going around but that’s simply us. I try to focus a bit more. Yeah. They are right. The menacing atmosphere I have been feeling ever since we stormed the castle is gone. It’s calm. Too calm… Not a good sign.
“Hey, Laira…” Suddenly the ground roars. It sounds like thunder from down below. We freeze. There it goes again! The castle shakes. I grab Laira to me.
“What’s happening?” She’s scared. So am I.
“No clue. But whatever happens – I’m here.” She tightens her grip on my arm. Another thunder. The castle splits in two. Half of it crumbles away in front of us. Bright, green flames shoot upward.
“This can’t be good…” Rixa stands up.
“Ya think?” Culebra hisses.
“Breeze!” Burla runs up to the giant hawk.
“What the Hell?” She’s just as baffled by the change of scenery as the rest of us.
“This is new.” Crile emerges from the shadows.
“Tell me about it.” Breeze answers.
“Commander! Orders!” One of the injured youngsters stands up.
“Battle positions?” Somebody else asks.
“No.” Breeze turns around. “We don’t know what we are dealing with here. Shields!” She gives the command. A bunch of troops line up front.
“Be ready.”
“Yes, Commander.” They answer.
“Rangers!” Breeze is in her Warrior Mode. Another line forms behind the Shields. All of the archers and casters are here.
“Rams and CC’s protect the injured!” Crile gives the order now. No questions asked – the soldiers move around fluidly, forming a defensive circle around their injured comrades.
“We can fight too!” Someone calls out.
“Sit down!” Breeze barks. “We don’t know what will happen next. Save your strength as much as you can for now.” She’s harsh but right. Another thunder. The flames split. A faint shadow is in the middle of them. It moves toward us…
“Long time no see, Zarri.” A voice reaches us. Laira, Breeze and Crile freeze with terror.
“No…” I hear Laira whisper…
“Long time no see, Zarri…” That voice! It can’t be… I turn toward the flames. A hand stops me. Crile.
“Breeze.” I don’t look at him. I stare into the green flames. Praying it’s all a bad dream.
“Now is that really how you greet your best friend?” I can see the figure clear as day now. Starlight.
“It’s not real. Breeze. She’s not real.” Crile’s voice is a muffled sound. I feel sick. My own heartbeat drowns out everything around me. My chest aches. I need air! My mind goes blank. No. How?
“Breeze!” Crile reaches me.
“You’re dead.” I look at Starlight.
“Yet here I am.” She speaks calmly. I look her over. She looks exactly the same as the day we lost her… How can this be?
“How?” I barely manage to squeeze a few letters out of me.
“Ha. Funny you should ask.” She smiles. Something about that smile makes me want to throw up.
“I could tell you;” she shrugs her shoulders; “but what fun would that be?” She grins at me.
“You could always die and find out for yourself…” She stares me down.
“What do you want?” Crile steps in.
“Her.” Starlight points at me.
“Too bad.” Crile takes his knives out. She laughs. The sound of that sinister cackle freezes my blood.
“Ah, Crile. You haven’t changed. You’re head over heels into her…” She pauses. “I wonder. Just how much you are willing to give up in exchange for her life…”
“Whatever it takes.” Crile’s voice is ice cold. Starlight laughs again.
“We’ll see.” The flames explode as she says it. Fire whips descend down on us. Thankfully, the Shields are quick to act. Water Mages ran up front, trying to counteract the flames.
“Breeze! What do we do?” Laira stands next to me. “We can’t fight her! That’s Starlight!”
“The Hell we can’t!” Vestigo yells. “She’ll kill us!”
“She’s family!” Laira screams back.
“No. She’s the enemy.”
“Crile how can you…”
“No. He’s right, Laira. She is the enemy.” I snap out of it.
“What do we do?” Marcus approaches me.
“Ugh! I see you picked up a few tricks while I was gone, Commander!” Starlight’s voice echoes in my mind.
“What do you want?” I ask her out loud. Everyone’s gaze gets locked on me.
“I told you before. You, Zarri. Give up your life and I’ll spare the rest of them.”
“And if I refuse?”
“That wasn’t a suggestion…” She goes silent. The ground shakes and green flames emerge from the cracks. Screams fill the air. The smell of burning flesh… No!
“Spread out! Earth types – move! Seal the ground! Put the flames out!” Crile’s giving out orders. The soldiers are trying their best to fight back.
“What will it be?” Starlight asks me.
“Alright! I’ll do as you ask! Stop this!” I yell out.
“Don’t you dare!” Crile grabs me by the shoulders. “I’m not losing you again!” His eyes are full of fear. So are mine… I kiss him.
“Come find me in the next life…” I whisper and stick my paw into his side. He screams out. Laira and Percy rush over to him.
“Don’t!” Crile yells out.
“I’m coming through. Stop the attacks.” I tell Starlight. The flames subside.
“Commander?” One of the troops holding down the walls looks at me in sheer confusion.
“That’s fine. Let me pass.” I smile at him. He nods. I step through the opening.
“Here I am!” I call out. I hear the ground rumble behind me – the walls disappear.
“Perfect.” Starlight smiles. “Now strip.”
“Take. Off. Your. Clothes.” Starlight walks closer to me. My blood boils. I hesitate.
“Do it!!” She screams out. I flinch. Guess I have no choice. I reach down and throw the calf armor off, take off the fore arms and undo the sides of the chest piece. I’m about to slip out of the armor when Marcus steps in front of me.
“That won’t be happening.” He says. I freeze.
“Oh?” Starlight does not seem impressed.
“As much as I love a good show – I’m afraid this one will have to be canceled.” Rixa stands next to Marcus.
“Is that so?” Starlight’s grinning. “What a whore you’ve become, Zarri…”
“Watch it!” Crile’s weakened voice speaks behind me.
“Or what?” She walks closer to us. “Look at those two – they are ready to throw away their lives for their precious Zarri! I find it hard to believe that she didn’t suck them off…”
“Enough!” Laira steps forward. Her entire body trembles as she speaks.
“You are not the Starlight we once knew and loved. Our Starlight would know better than to accuse Breeze of such things!”
“And what makes you so sure?” She mocks Laira.
“Skyrider is one Hell of a creature but fucking us all would have been a bit too much even for her.” Vestigo stands on my left.
“She’s not even my type.” Jack stands on my right. That makes me laugh. Although it does hurt my feelings. A bit.
“Don’t make me laugh…” Starlight rolls her eyes at them.
“You speak of such things so easily. It’s like you don’t even know who Breeze is.” Crile stands next to me with Percival helping him keep his balance.
“Oh, I know who and what she is alright!” Starlight answers him. “Or at least I did know her! Till you took her from me!” A flaming tongue goes straight for Crile. A block of earth stops it.
“What’s this?” Starlight seems rather curious. A couple of Shields take up positions in front of us all.
“Is this what you call respect?” Starlight investigates the young fighters with her eyes. I can tell. Whereas for the soldiers – all I see is their backs and yet I know what their faces look like…
“What a bunch of morons can respect someone leading them into their deaths!” This is not the gentle and kind Starlight I once knew. That thing may look like her but it isn’t her…
“That’s not true and you know it!” Laira call her out. “You should know better than…” Laira gets cut off by another fiery whip slashing the air.
“Don’t patronize me! I was there – remember?!” She puts a hand over her chest.
“I was there, fighting beside her when she struck me down! I was ready to go to Hell and back for her! But then… She betrayed me! She killed me!” Starlight lashes out again.
“It wasn’t her and you know that!” Crile defends me. “She was possessed! Nobody could have seen that coming!”
“It only happened because you were too weak!!” She goes for Crile again.
“No! It happened because I was too weak!” I step forward.
“Yes. You were. You are still! Weak and pathetic! A coward! Miserable…” Starlight spits the words out almost foaming at the mouth.
“You’re wrong!” Zaltem’s voice reaches us from the crowd. The kid’s alright, what a relief…
“Our Commander is strong and brave! She taught us that if there is a will, there is always a way! Commander has shown us the path to become the best versions of ourselves! She has been so much more to us than a figure barking orders! She would give her life for us and we would do the same for her!”
“Ha! That’s rich coming from a Noxian! You were bound to kiss her ass, before you were even brought into this world!” Starlight mocks him.
“Oh, yeah? Then what about those who are not bound by such obligations’?” Aodynna steps forward. That surprised me.
“Foolishness!” Starlight throws another attack. It too is successfully undone by our Casters. Slowly, one by one, others come forward.
“Are you telling me that all of you would give your lives away for her?” Starlight calls out.
More troops line up in front of us.
“Let’s see just how strong your determination is in the face of your demise!” A giant flaming wave comes right for us. By sheer reflex I grab Crile’s hand… All I can do now, is watch. Marcus leaps into action in my stead.
“Shamans and Mages line up. Green or red that is Fire still – get a grip on it! Water types – hold it back!” He gives out orders one after another like it’s second nature to him.
“Earth and Wind – put it out!”
Instantly, a waterfall shoots upward. Walls appear from the sides of the flames. Slowly, they move closer to the green flames, trying to enclose it. A gust of wind crashes down on top of the fiery sea, the pressure is so strong it makes the flames almost flat. Fire core is doing their best to keep the flames from spreading. It’s a beautiful display of perfect team work. I couldn’t be prouder…
“You can do this!” I yell out. “You’re doing great!”
“Keep casting!” Crile joins me.
“You’re almost there!” Laira pitches in.
“No!” Horror is written all over Starlight’s face. “You can’t!” She screams. Her major attempt to wipe us out fails at the sound of the walls clashing at one another, as the last spark gets extinguished.
“No! No! NO!!” Starlight screams. “NO! YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!” She screams out painfully.
“She’s mine! Zarri belongs to me and me alone!!” What?
“SHE’S MINE! She was always mine!! YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!!” The screams go on.
“Nobody stole Breeze from anyone! You died, Amana!” Crile’s at his limit.
“Her name is Zarri, you fiend! And you were the one to take her from me!”
“What is she talking about?” Rixa looks at me.
“I’m not sure…” I’m just as much confused as the rest of them.
“I think I do…” Laira stares at me. “She’s in love with you.”
“What?” Rixa’s jaw drops and so does my own. Starlight goes off the rails. Her attacks fail. One by one they are all canceled out by our Casters’.
“Fine! If I can’t have her! Then no-one will!” Starlight yells out and I scream out falling to my knees. Blood pours out of my mouth.
“Burla! What are you...” Laira rushes over to me.
“Get her!” Crile yells out.
I hear someone scream in pain.
“Don’t touch her! The air around her is razor sharp!” Jack’s voice sounds strained.
“Damn it! Arrows can’t reach her either!” Vestigo sounds pissed off.
“Breeze?” Crile’s next to me. “What’s wrong with her?”
“I don’t know. I can’t tell.” Percy panics.
“Thousand needles pierced her internal organs just now.” Burla speaks behind me in a demonic voice.
“I’ll kill you!” Crile growls at her.
“You can try. You should have stayed with me Zarri. I would have never betrayed you…”
“Zarri? Why is she…” Rixa’s lost. So are all of us… I keep chocking on my own blood…
“It’s not Burla who’s speaking.” Percival whispers. “It’s her.” He points toward the green flames.
“Is Starlight controlling Burla?” Marcus asks panting. That casting must have drained most of his energy.
“Controlled or not – she hacked Jack’s arm off!” Rixa announces. What? I see a whirlwind walk passed me. Burla…
“Child!” Emerald’s voice echoes in my mind… I’m too busy trying to breathe… The crowd roars. Emerald lands in front of us. I cough up more blood…
“Forgive me…” Emerald nuzzles me… “It seems I am too late…”
I shake my head slightly. “Leave, please.” I nudge her.
“That, I cannot do, Child.” Her eyes smile at me. “Take care…” She leaps forward. I reach for her. No!
“Emerald!” Laira screams out.
“Emerald!” Laira screams out. I watch the majestic saber charge Starlight. I feel something grip my elbow. Breeze. Her eyes say it all… I stare at her as she spits up her blood, begging me to save Emerald. I can’t stand this madness. It’s too much.
“I’m sorry…” I whisper. “I’m so sorry…” Tears well up in my eyes… The begging expression disappears in an instant, mortifying realization dawns on Breeze… She tries to crawl… I hug her tight…
“I’m so sorry…” I whisper… A bright light fills the chamber. I look up. It’s Emerald. Her body emanates the light. I felt this before. I know this power…
“Shields!” I yell.
“They can’t! They haven’t recovered yet!” Marcus answers me. No! Wait.
“Vines! Laira – cast the Vines, make a dome, do it!” My desperation is showing. We don’t have any time to lose.
“Right.” She stands up and begins casting. It takes her a moment but tiny vines slither from the cracks in the ground, shooting up. It’s not moving fast enough, nor is it thick enough…
“Zaltem!” I call out. The kid beats me to it. I see more vines reaching for the ceiling.
“Everyone! Get closer together!” I give another command. “Druids – make it air tight!” I look at Breeze, she’s barely breathing…
“Percival!” I call for the boy.
“We need to freeze her!” He looks at me. “That’s the only way!”
“Right.” Marcus stands up.
“I need some ice over here!” He yells out. A few soldiers from the Caster core rush over to us.
“Lay her down gently and turn her head to the side.” Percival pushes Breeze off me and down on her back.
“It will be alright, Commander, promise.” He smiles at Breeze. I take her legs and lay them down. She spits up more blood.
“Start from the legs and go up. I’ll monitor her pulse.” The boy’s giving the orders now. I hear a scream. It comes from the other side of the vine wall. Starlight. Marcus and the Casters begin the spell. Ice engulfs Breeze’s feet, carefully, it crawls up her legs…
“It’ll be ok. Breeze I promise you, I’ll bring you back, I’ll, no, we will find a way, please believe me!” I watch my love turn into a block of ice right before my eyes…
“I trust you…” I hear Breeze in my head. “All of you..” I look at her one last time before she closes her eyes, smiling at me…
“Percy, move!” Marcus tells him.
“I can’t! I need to monitor her!”
“Your hand will be frozen alongside Breeze!” Marcus tells him again.
“I know. It’s ok.” The boy speaks calmly. I only notice it then – he has his index and middle fingers on the side of the Breeze’s neck – checking for pulse. The mountain shakes.
“Shadowkill, what’s happening?” Vestigo speaks behind me.
“Brace yourselves.” I tell him. If this is going to be anything like the last time – the castle will crumble into the ground. The Vine roof should withstand the falling debris. Question is – how well the ground under us will hold… There it is. Another rumble echoes. This time the tremor doesn’t stop. It keeps shaking. Crashing sounds come from above us and the ground roars beneath us. If Hell is real – this is what it sounds like…
“I don’t think I can hold it any longer…” The strain reflects in Laira’s words.
“Don’t you dare!” I tell her. “Don’t give up! Not now!”
“Just a little bit longer…” Marcus speaks softly to her.
“Jack, how’s the arm?” I ask the warrior.
“Fucked.” He answers me without looking.
“Did Culebra die or something?” I ask again.
“You wish.” I hear the hissing sound coming from the side.
“Hey, she will be ok, right?” Rixa crouches next to me.
“Hell yeah.” I tell him.
“Good.” He nods. “Take care of her.”
“I intend to.” I glare at him. Rixa backs up without saying another word.
“Crile!” Laira screams out.
“Let go!” I give the order. “All of you! Let go!” Laira falls to ground.
“I got you.” Marcus puts her down slowly. “You did great.”
“What now?” Jack asks me.
“We wait.” I don’t take my eyes off Breeze. A roar reaches my ears. Another. And another. The Dragons! We watch them swoop down below us. They are trying to slow us down…
“Make some wind!” I give the order. “As much as you can! Slow us down!” I look around.
“Conjure snow below us to cushion the impact as much as possible!” We have to survive. I’m not losing her again. It doesn’t take long for the Casters to catch on. They move swiftly and effortlessly. The training paid off.
“You did it, Breeze. Good job.” I whisper.
“Here it comes!” Vestigo announces. The dragons move out of the way.
“Grab on to something!” Rixa yells. A moment later and we crash down on a mountain of fluffy snow. The shock wave rings across my entire body.
“You ok?” I look at Percival.
“I’ll live… I think…” He seems shaken up. Cheers of happiness fill the air. I smile.
“Crile, what do we do now?” Laira asks me quietly.
“We go home.”
- In Serial15 Chapters
Rise Of The Heavenly King
At the start of the 20th Century, 10 meteorites fell all over the world carrying within it boundless power that would shake the entire planet. From that moment, some people started to gain abilities and use them for good and evil, waging wars all over the world. With this event, 10 kings would rise and rule the entire world. These kings were the strongest of all, each carrying massive amounts of power. One day, a war that affected the whole world had erupted. Because of it, countless people died both weak and strong. New people arose, taking over the old rule. After the worldwide massacre, all people who wielded these magical abilities disappeared. This century was secretly known as the "Battle Of The Kings" and was regarded as a highly classified information. Now, the old century has passed and a new one came with the power of technology. Living in this era was a 30 years' old man, Lucas Riel. He was commuting to home when suddenly, a meteorite fell over close to his location and since he was a curious person, he went ahead to check it out. When he got close, he accidentally inhaled the smoke coming out from the meteorite, started hearing whispers then passed out. One day, he discovered that he gained an ability after hearing those silent whispers. With his new ability acquired, watch as he slowly rises and becomes feared all over the world. He is known as the Heavenly King. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: I HAVE ALSO POSTED THIS STORY FROM OTHER WEBSITES UNDER THE SAME AUTHOR/TITLE. HERE ARE THE CURRENT WEBSITES YOU CAN READ FROM: - RoyalRoad- ScribbleHub Author's Note: This is the first novel that I have posted EVER. Atleast try out the first 3 chapters and see if it's to your liking. Sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I might have made as English is not my first language and I am only writing this novel to relieve my boredom. - This story will have some R-18 scenes but there will be only a few of them as the story is not focused on sexual content. - Lastly, feel free to leave a review and your suggestions so that I could see if you like the story or if there are any mistakes that I have made. That's all and enjoy reading :)
8 127 - In Serial13 Chapters
Reincarnated as a pokemon!
After a difficult life Felix Danim finally gives up and moves on to his next big journey. He wakes up to find himself having been reincarnated into a pokemon! How will Felix live, or, more importantly, survive his new circumstances? The world of pokemon is not as kind or forgiving as he remembered. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is set in an alternate universe where pokemon exclusively in the protagonists region live together in diverse communities, based on the pokemon mystery dungeon games. The story is set right before the theorized 'great war' occurs. Expect elements from both the mainstream games as well as elements from other pokemon franchises. Even elements from fan-made games may appear. Warning: This story uses a mix of xianxia elements and litrpg elements to flesh out the standard pokemon levelling system. Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon, or anything from the franchise, only my OC characters.
8 114 - In Serial24 Chapters
ABERRANT: The Tale of Magic Under the Fallen Sky
THIS NOVEL HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. CHAPTERS WILL NOT BE UPLOADED AS OF 3/18/2021. In the world of 2093, Earth's surface has been ravaged by the elements of outerspace and humanity has retreated into the colossal dome cities. Where Magic is introduced as a scientific concept, mankind lives in a technological society hanging between a utopia of peace, and a cornered race awaiting its destruction. Michael has lost his family, friends, and home in an incident that has changed his life forever. But he does not abandon hope, as the truth behind his town's destruction may lie in humanity's salvation. Accompanied by his childhood friend Julia, Michael faces the fate of the world starting at the gate of Lyre Magic Academy! Will he be able to succeed in his new school life? Will he be able to call on his dark past to lead him towards his desired future? Find out next time on dra This is the first novel I've written so I'd appreciate any type of feedback I can get. While the quality may fluctuate here and there, I promise you that the writing will continue to improve as the story develops into a deeper, more sophisticated world of exciting adventures and challenges. Stay with me to delve into a complex world of intense hardship and discovery, all to sate your unending hunger for fantasy and exploration. And yes, the cover art is made in MS Paint.
8 94 - In Serial78 Chapters
« am i in your mind? sometimes? » « i'd lie if i said it was jus' sometimes. » in which lulu jenson has to handle a bunch of shit and finds herself looking for comfort in fezco.[EUPHORIA SEASONS 1 & 2]all credits go to sam levinsoni only own lulu and zahia jenson
8 119 - In Serial19 Chapters
TikTok University
You go to a school filled with famous TikTok stars and the DRAMA is unbelievable. You came to L.A for business but will you fall in love?
8 192 - In Serial21 Chapters
[Completed]••Just One Day••Park Jimin••Mongolia••
Нэгэнт хөрчихсөн хайр, дахин бүлээцдэг үү?Гол дүр: Пак Жимин, Бён Минжи BTS members.Цэлмэг-Оюудаа төрсөн өдрийн бэлэг болгон бичив.
8 168