《Existara》The Castle and the Lesson
“I have a question.” Burla says as we sit around the camp fire.
“Don’t you always?” Laira mocks the brat.
“Oh, shove it…”
“What is your question?” Percival asks quickly, cutting Burla off.
“Why doesn’t the Rebellion help us with the Rebirth?” The young shaman says. Everyone falls extra quiet. Tonso’s laughter breaks the silence.
“What? What I say?” Burla jumps up.
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but finally, you asked a decent question.” I stare at the Street Rat.
“Neither can I.” Laira agrees with me.
“What’s so weird about it?” The brat questions us.
“Ay, bratty, the Rebellion is a complicated story…” Tonso says.
“One theory is, that they are hoping the Rebirth will wipe Araneum off the map and they will be free to rebuild the way they see fit.” Marcus says.
“Which would explain the fleet we encountered on our way to Crepitus. They probably went back to the Land of Exile to gather up the people.” I add.
“But they fail to realize that it is not just the Royal City that will be wiped out, their part of the land is also in danger…” Laira explains.
“Their part?” The brat looks us over. This will take forever.
“Percival, if you will, please.” I stare at the boy.
“Yes, Sir.” He nods. “Technically Araneum is not a Royal City by right. As the ruling family is not always selected by birth right, as in our current King's situation. That depends on who the War Chieftain is in time of the Rebith, as there have been Kings and Queens who charged the Castle themselves. Ayways, Aranuem was founded there and named the Capital of Existara – the New Continent - so that people from the Land of Race could mix and live freely there, if they wished so. It was named the Royal City as a symbol for the four ruling nations. The Land of Race, which is located in the South-East, is where all of our main countries are: Primerias, Cornutora, Noxanda and Ballista. However, as time goes, the original lands cannot sustain the growing populace, that’s why the ancestors sailed out in search of new lands. Before Aranuem – the four countries would fight plenty over land, so having some mutual ground make it easier, basically because there is more space. The Royal City, at the moment, is the most populated area in the continent, since most of Existara is in its growing phase and because of the Rebirth, this part of Existara is the least populated, compared to the land in the North-East of the Continent. That is the same reason the Odions demanded that this part of Existara be given to them, since the New Continent is similar to the Land of Race, landscape and terrain wise, I mean. Thus, the Rebellion was formed, with their Imperial City in the middle of it.”
“Ha! That makes me laugh every time I hear it!” The geezer roars.
“Why?” The girl asks.
“Because it is no where near Imperial as they claim. The Odions do not have any structure or system or laws, for that matter. They don’t even have a Leader and if they do, they never live long enough. They are more like a Race of Ruffians and Outlaws. The Origin of Odions dates back before Existara. Odions are much people like us. If you’ve ever seen one, you know that you can’t really tell them apart from any of us, when looking from a far. Which is easy to confuse in neutral grounds like…”
“Like Snake Port, you mean.” Marcus cuts the Cleanser there.
“Yes, exactly, that, and most of the islands that are scattered round the South-West and North-East of Crepitus, as those tiny pieces of land are more difficult to split up equally amongst the four countries, so, it was decided to leave them as common grounds.” The boy continues.
“As I was saying, the Odions have inverted colored insignias that they wear somewhere on their bodies, they are very proud to be on the Rebellion side, so they usually make it a point to show that off." Percival carries on with the History lesson.
"The Origin of Odions is quite simple – people were shipped out to the Land of Exile, which is in the North-West of the Land of Race, as a means of punishment. The land was discovered some time after Crepitus, which is kind of in the middle of the ocean. But soon enough, Crepitus was deemed as too small, so the people continued their search. Some even call Crepitus the Lesser Royal City, as it is also a mixture of races and people, but with no official Leader. Although, same laws apply to it as in Aranuem. Anyways, I digress, where was I? Right, the Land of Exile is really more like a giant island, similar to Crepitus, only thing is, most of it is a giant Tundra, therefore it is difficult to live in… Of course, people fight for survival, no matter how difficult it may be, in the end nobody wants to die…”
“Except maybe all of us here…” Rixa says calmly.
“In a way…” Percival agrees. “Should I continue?” The kid glances at me. I nod.
“Right, so, eventually, when the New Continent was discovered, the Odions moved here as well, hence the Imperial City and such, but some feared the Rebirth and went back to the Land of Exile. Over time the people there managed to adapt to the harsh terrain and have been living there quite successfully. Although, as we all are of the same origins, the Royal City has issued an accord, that we are only to be defending ourselves against the Rebellion, but never to be the ones to attack first.”
“What! Why?” The rat displays her dissatisfaction ever so clearly.
“Because nobody really wants to be fighting for survival, not by struggling to put food on the table, nor by having to fear of a war breaking out. Thanks to His Majesty’s new found rules for the Royal Army, the land has been struggling to prosper, as right now the King’s sole focus is to eliminate the Castle of Despair. So, instead of wasting resources trying to reason with the Rebels, he chose to go the other way about it…” I step in for a moment.
“How so?” Jack asks. I raise an eyebrow.
“If he manages to eradicate the Rebirth, that will give him the power boost he needs to try and unite the four nations completely, since right now they are separate entities, even if they share a continent. So, given the miracle he succeeds with the Rebirth, he then could use the four nations to overpower the Rebellion and rule the world. Literally.” I explain.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to wipe the Rebellion out instead? Aren’t they all just a bunch of Death Bringers, anyways?” The Street Rat keeps surprising us with all of the right questions.
“Not really. Death Bringers are those who kill with their power and choose to roam free on our side. Now Odions, are more like lost souls or rebel kids. There are plenty of families that have split up in half, as some chose to go over to the Rebellion’s side, simply because they feel like the laws of the Royal City, or the four nations, are too oppressing. Most Odions are just simple, misguided, average people. So, wiping them out, as you bravely suggested, would be viewed as an unnecessary bloodshed. Some people have hope that the Rebels will come around one day, and come back to our side. Of course, another theory is that the first Odions were exiled, instead of being executed, to be used as test subjects, to see if it’s possible to survive in desolate places... But nowadays it’s mainly all about trying to achieve piece with less massacre.” I finish my part of the History lesson.
“Correct, besides, the Rebellion is low on lots of things, like money, weapons, all kinds. Yes, their numbers are increasing, as more people who are not pleased with our laws, convert over to the Rebellion side, but it is nowhere near enough to overpower the Royal City. They attack us because they cannot gain some of the necessities otherwise.” The Cleanser takes over in my stead.
“Ok, that explains it but, hold up, why do we fight the Rebirth again, I mean can’t we leave it alone?” Burla hammers in another question.
“History tells us that some time ago, there was one Queen who took the gamble of not engaging the Rebirth. The result of it was the 200 Years of Darkness, that engulfed most of Existara and Aranuem. After two centuries, the power began to weaken and little by little, the Royal City was reclaimed and restored. Of course, it was no easy task, as the Rebirth happens every 50 years. So, ever since the 200 Years of Darkness – it was decided to always engage the Rebirth. As much death it brings us, it is the better option none the less, because at least that way the spread is contained.” Laira gets that one.
“I see…” The girl has a serious look on her face. “Do we know how it all started?”
“Unfortunately, no.” Percy shakes his head. “All records were lost when the Darkness hit that time.”
“Satisfied?” Jack glares at the young shaman girl.
“No…” She says quietly. “Can I ask one more question?” Burla doesn’t even look up as she speaks.
“Lord, just ask already.” Rixa barks.
“What is the Castle of Despair like?”
“A living Hell.” Breeze steps into the light.
“True.” I agree. “Though, in reality…”
“It’s not even a Castle.” Breeze finishes.
“Then what is it?” Percival asks.
“It’s more like a mountain, that resembles a castle…” I answer.
“Then why is it called the Castle of Despair?” Jack asks.
“Because the higher ups cannot admit they are afraid of a pile of dirt!” Tonso roars again, spilling his vine.
“Watch it, geezer!” Vestigo moves away from the Shaman.
“Get some rest. We’ll be there tomorrow.” Breeze tells us walking away.
“You weren’t kidding when you said it’s a pile of dirt…” Burla says as we stare at the dark, Castle-like-shape with only a few flames illuminating the camp site.
“A huge pile of dirt…” Percival adds.
“We’ve made it just in time…” Breeze tells us.
“How do you know?” Burla asks.
“Well one, we ain’t dead.” Tonso answers.
“Didn’t last night’s lecture not take to you, whatsoever?” Laira mocks the girl.
“The gate is missing.” Breeze cuts us off.
“We have about a day or so.” Crile confirms. Nobody says anything else.
“Everyone is free to do whatever till tomorrow night.” Breeze walks away from us.
“That thing is seriously creepy looking…” Rixa mumbles quietly walking away.
“So then, what should we do?” I ask Laira.
“Maybe we should look over the medical supplies…” She looks worried.
“Or maybe we should slip away…” I whisper.
“Marcus!” She glares at me. I smile.
“We have time…” I tell her. “Come on…” I pull her by the pinky. Her face is hesitant yet her body moves to me on its own. We walk away into the woods…
There isn’t much going on in our camp. Everyone seems to be focusing on the battle ahead of us. I wish they would rest… I don’t even have to look at the ghostly view behind me, to feel graveyard chills running down my spine… Right, it’s not like it’s possible to relax… I notice how most tents are facing away from the Castle. Can’t blame them… I soon realize that my presence is worsening the situation, as I catch glimpses of worried eyes glancing at me. I slip away into the offside of the camp. Daybreak is here. I gaze upon the first rays of light, shining through the trees. I feel nostalgic… Did I waste my life? Chasing dreams that were never my own? Was I wrong to trade in the comfort and the safety of the luxury palace life for bloodshed and misery? Do I even remember what I am fighting for? The future… I wished to protect the future… I wanted my people to have a better life… To live free and without fear… But is this the way to do it? To fight? If we fight – we die. If don’t – we die. There is no end to this… Are we bound to fight an eternal nightmare? Is this the only way for us to survive? I watch the sunrise… Pretty… This world is far too beautiful, to be so easily surrendered to the darkness…
My command squad and I are gathered in my tent. There really is no way for us to strategize anything much, as there is no way for us to know what to expect. Each and any inscription that survivors managed to provide with, from previous battles are useless, as in about 300 years – there was not a single similarity… Except for one – The Castle only awakens at night. That was it. So, how does one prepare for the unexpected? You don’t. All we could have done, we already did. We made sure those kids out there are able to think on their feet and think fast. The rest is up to them… To survive. I take in a breath.
“Tonight. It starts.” I look everyone over. “It’s not too late to back out now.”
“Ay, girly quit your nonsense.” Tonso smashes his foot into the ground. It leaves a small crater behind. “We’ve come too far.”
“I hate to agree with the old fool but he is right.” Culebra pitches in. “Backing out now would be an insult to one’s honor.”
“Hey, you, big one, come over here for a second.” Tonso waves to Jack. “Hit me, will ya? I think I’m dead.”
The Ram turns to the Shaman. “I can do that.”
I giggle. So do Laira and Burla. All of a sudden, the guys are laughing too. This is nice. The Mancer’s the only who isn’t. No biggie.
“As much fun as that would be – watching you get clobbered, old man – I have to agree with the both of you.” Rixa stares at me. “We have reached the point of no return, Commander.”
“Guess you’re stuck with us.” Burla shrugs her shoulders. Really?
“Alright.” I put my hands up. “I’m simply making sure. If that’s how all of you feel – then get some rest. Gods know – you won’t be getting much of it starting tomorrow. That’s all.” They leave. I’m alone again, with only Emerald in my tent.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Would you like a list?” I glance at my saber.
“Take it one at a time.” She puts her head down on my lap.
“I never expected to go through all of this again.”
“No one would. Once is plenty enough.” Emerald speaks calmly.
“Yet I’m neither anxious, nor worried… I feel calm.”
“Is that bad?” She asks me.
“It’s simply weird… I’m not sure what to make of it.” I stroke her. “I think I should be afraid…”
“What makes you say that?” Emerald purrs, as I scratch under her jaw.
“Reason follows – I should feel a bit nervous.”
“Child, when was the last time you listened to reason?” Emerald turns her head sideways in my lap. I laugh under my breath. She has a point.
“I need you and the dragons to be our last escape resort, in case…”
“If you wish so…”
We line up in front of the Castle of Despair. There’s no way of knowing what will come out of those gates. Each time is different. The sun is setting. It won’t be long now. My heart pounds inside my chest. My entire being is against this. Every instinct screams at me to turn around and run. Yet my spirit pushes me forward. I guess when you are a Monster made for battle – the urge to fight defies all reason… The gate creaks open, slowly.
“Talk about setting the mood.” Rixa mumbles.
“Did you except maidens with booze and snacks?” Jack answers him.
Tonso laughs. “Now that would be lovely.”
“Idiots.” Culebra hisses.
“Hey, a guy can dream.” Rixa chuckles nervously. I guess the unknown is a scary thing after all.
“Get ready!” I give the order. The anticipation is killing me. Come on! Let’s get this it on already! As much as my mind is afraid of this, my body aches for action. The gate’s wide open now. As if inviting us in. Something tells me that nothing will come out of it. Somehow, I have a feeling that we should go in… I hesitate. I wait a moment longer. Argh!
“Charge!” I yell out and a roar follows. Team Deathbreeze runs in first, with the troops right behind us. It takes me a moment to realize that the room is empty. There is nobody here. Just us. It’s nighttime yet it’s bright inside the chamber. As if made of glass or crystal – it seems fragile, despite how spacious it is. I slow my pace down to a careful walk.
“The Hell?” Vestigo asks.
“No clue.” Crile answers. “Breeze?”
“I have no idea…” I mumble looking around. However. My instincts are on a look out of their own… Why do I feel cold?
“Do not let up! Stay sharp!” I warn the others. “Wings! Spread out! Look for a passage or anything like that!” I give the order and a flock of druids take flight. A sudden thud catches everyone’s attention.
“What was that?” I ask.
“The gate just shut itself!” Someone answers.
“Is everyone here? Was anyone outside still when it happened?” If our forces get divided before this even begins, we’ll be in trouble…
“No, Commander! The gate closed as soon as the last of us stepped inside!” Someone answers me again. Ok. Good. Wait. That means…
“Is this room big enough to fit everyone inside it?” Percival asks.
“Apparently so.” Marcus shrugs.
“Wow…” Burla lets out a sigh.
“This is bad.” Crile gets it.
“How?” Percival asks again.
“Because basically, at this moment – we’re trapped. “ Jack gets it too.
“Oh…” Our Cleanser goes silent.
“Wings! Report!” I reach out.
An eagle lands and turns back into a young druid boy. “Nothing so far, Commander!”
“Told ya.” I hear Crile. Damn it!
“Keep looking! Everyone! Spread out and start looking for any clues! Rams – tear that gate down!” Nobody argues. Team Deathbreeze remains close by.
“You think it’s a good idea to use that much energy into breaking that gate? Something tells me it won’t budge…” Crile comes up to me.
“Honestly? No, I don’t. However. Nothing is happening. We need to find either a trigger to kick start this thing or at least have a way out…”
“True.” Crile agrees with me. I see Burla hugging herself. I look around. Some others seem to be warming themselves too… I touch the ground…
“Maybe it’s not glass?” I whisper.
“It seems to be ice, hence the chilling feeling in the air…” Percival speaks next to me.
“It’s a good thing we’re not barefoot!” Tonso chuckles.
“Commander!” Someone reaches for me.
“What is it?”
“There! The west wall!”
I look at it. Something’s happening. A light glow emanates from it.
“Battle positions! Now!” I charge up front. The rest hurry up with me.
“Did anyone do anything to trigger this?” I ask the troops closets to the wall.
“No, Commander, it happened on its own.”
“Very well. Step aside.” My team is front center again. The light shines brighter. The crack widens.
“Get back!” I call out to my Army. The wall opens completely. The light blinds us. Never a good thing. Cries echo through the room. We are getting attacked. That’s clear. I feel something approach me. I jump back. I see dark figures pour out of the wall. As huge as the room is – no way it can hold two armies in it.
“Fight through them! Keep advancing!” I call out to the others.
“Easier said than done!” Rixa answers.
“They are charging us at full speed!” Marcus yells.
“They are driving us away from the door!” Vestigo shouts.
“The Hell is this?” Jack’s voice reaches me.
“What is it?”
“They vanish!” What?!
“Commander!” A different voice echoes inside my mind. “They seem to disappear and reappear from the opening in the wall each time they die!” Definitely not good.
“Then maim them only!” I bark the order.
“Doesn’t work! Any injury makes them vanish!” Perfect!
“Apparently they never end!” I shout as I slash through one of them.
“We heard!” Crile answers. “So then what? We fight an eternal battle right out the gate?! Literally!” How the Hell should I know?! Argh! I keep tearing into those things one after another. Each time I kill one, it vanishes and the down pour never ends.
“Can we shut the door somehow?!” Tonso asks.
“Then we’ll be trapped for sure!” I answer him. The flow of the fight carries me away from the damn door too… Argh! Come on you! Think damn it!
“Percival!” I call out shifting.
“You’re coming with me! Grab on!” I dive down and snatch the boy up with my talons. “You’re a smart cookie! Help me out here!” I tell him.
“How?!” The kiddo yells.
“Observe. Analyze. Adapt.”
“Ok.” He sounds calmer now. I fly straight for the door. A dark figure approaches us head on.
“Hold on!” I dodge the thing. Can’t really do much without dropping the Cleanser…
“Wait!” I hear him shout.
“What is it?” I ask Percy.
“Look at it!” The boy points toward the figure. I pay close attention to the thing. Huh? Why does it look like me and the kid?
“Get me closer to the door!” Percival tells me. What happened to please? I fly over to it. The Cleanser reaches his hand out.
“What are you doing?” I ask him.
“Testing a theory. Please get closer.” There it is. I hover just a bit closer.
“It’s water!” The boy exclaims.
“Say again?”
“It’s water! This thing is like a mist… or a mirror! Look behind us!”
I turn my head. The copy is floating midair just as we are. Interesting.
“Do you think we can break the spell with Water Manipulation?”
“We can try. However…” The boy goes silent.
“What?” I pressure him.
“Charge that thing.” He points to the copy.
“Hang on.” I fly right at it. We clash. I lose altitude but not for long.
“Ok. For your sake I hope that wasn’t to make fun of me…” I growl at the young cleanser.
“Forgive me for that but I might have your answer.”
“Speak.” I put more authority behind that one.
“It might be that these reflections, or copies, are only attacking us because we charged in head on.”
“But we weren’t even charging when they came pouring out.” I tell him.
“True. But maybe that was because they needed time to activate the spell.”
“They?” I ask.
“They! It! Whoever! Look around! This whole thing is nothing but a giant mirror in a way! My guess is – making the first round of copies took some time so there was a delay. Now they simply regenerate!” Percival explains.
“Ok, great! Question is how the Hell we end this senseless fighting?!” I’m getting slightly irritated now.
“That’s just it! I think we just need to stop fighting!” The boy suggests.
“Say what?” I have a hard time figuring that one out.
“Look at us! If we don’t move it does not move!” Percival points to our copy. I have to admit – the kid makes sense there.
“Everyone! Seize fighting!” I give the order. “Stop all casting and slashing! We have a theory!”
“A theory?!” Several voices fight against it…
“Your Commander gave an order, ya better do it!” Tonso’s baritone rings inside my head. Thanks, old man.
“Here goes nothing!” Someone murmurs. I hold my breath as I flap my wings holding Percival still.
“This better work.” I tell him.
“I’m praying for it…” The boy’s voice is barely a whisper… Moments pass. The fight sounds die down. I can feel the confusion and the resistance amongst the troops all the way up here…
“Ok. We’re not moving. Now what?” Crile askes me… Good question.
“Percy?” I ask the boy.
“Please put me down.” The boy makes the request. I lower him to the ground and shift myself. So does the copy.
“Talk to me, Percival.” I look around. At this point we are at a standoff. This can’t last long either. The youngster approaches his copy. He reaches for it. The two figures collide and the copy vanishes.
“Nothing new there, kiddo.” Rixa speaks up.
“No, wait.” Marcus points to the door. Nothing.
“Nothing’s happening.” Jack says.
“Exactly.” Marcus smiles.
Tonso laughs. “Atta boy!!” He smacks Percy on the back.
“How did you do it?” Our hunter asks the Cleanser.
“I’m not sure…” The boy hesitates. “I think they are born from our hostility?” He looks at me with a confused expression on his young face.
“What did you think about when you touched it?” Laira walks up to Percival. The kid blushes.
“I wanted to hug it…” Say what now?
“Say again?” Jack scowls.
“I approached my copy without any hostile intentions, and well…”
“I get it.” Laira says, as she walks toward a dark figure and hugs it. Nothing happens.
“Huh?” She stands there hugging a copy.
“I don’t get it?” Laira steps back from the thing.
“I figured this might be the case…” Percival mumbles.
“Can it be that it only works against ourselves?” Marcus asks.
“It appears to be the case?” Percy looks around. “Commander?” He points to my copy.
“Alright.” I walk toward it. I’m not going to hug it but I try my best to approach it, as calmly as possible. I reach for it. It responds. I feel that something’s off. It’s solid. Calm doesn’t work. Hostility. What’s the opposite of that? Friendly? Wait… I step forward. So does the copy. I take a deep breath and exhale as I merge with the copy… I feel a chill run down my spine as the figure vanishes. I look at the door. Nothing.
“Yep. It only works against ourselves.” I say. “Think happy thoughts everyone!” That’s a bluff but it should work nonetheless.
“Great! How the heck are we supposed to find ourselves in this mess?!” Burla finally speaks up for the second time.
“Simple.” Crile steps forward. “Line up!” He gives the order. The troops begin making lines as they move around on one side of the room. So do the copies. As soon as we are lined up – so are they.
“We’ll move line by line and slowly advance forward. Nobody crosses the door till all of us are in the clear!” I don’t feel like getting in the middle of Crile barking orders. I feel relieved even…
“Aren’t we going first?” Burla asks.
“No.” Crile answers her. She doesn’t say anything back.
“Anyone who is injured, treat yourselves if you can! For the time being only those who erased their copies can help others! If you need serious treatment please bear it!” Now Laira takes the spotlight as the Leader. I smile. This is nice… We watch our fighters struggle. Some have no problems whatsoever, others - take a bit longer.
“It’s more than just being friendly with yourself, isn’t it?” Crile’s whisper reaches my thoughts.
“You haven’t even done it yet.” I bark back.
“No, but I watched you do it. You took a deep breath right before you stepped forward…”
“So?” I try my best to play it cool.
“You struggle accepting yourself the way you are, don’t you?” He looks at me. I don’t look back at him. He turns away, smiling. Damn it. He saw through me. He always had a knack for that… Soon enough there is only Team Deathbreeze left. Minus Percival and I that is. One by one everyone erases their copies.
“Alright then, let’s move!” I say.
“Wait.” Marcus calls out.
“What is it?” I walk back. Tonso stands in front of his copy.
“What’s the hold up, old man?” Rixa calls out to him. I want to go over there but Laira stops me. I see Burla approach the old shaman. She tells him something. Tonso smiles and walks though his copy.
“Now it’s all of us.” Jack announces.
“Let’s move!” I shout and we step inside. The other chamber is the complete opposite of the first one. It’s darker. The only light is the one from the open gap in the wall.
“Oh, great.” I hear the complaints behind my back.
“Start looking around but be careful.” I give the order.
“This is not how I remember it…” Crile walks a few steps to the right of me.
“Yet the lack of action is just as terrifying…” I whisper. We see lights burning here and there.
“Commander! The wall!” A voice calls out. We turn around to witness the wall close itself shut. Pitch-black darkness surrounds us.
“Perfect! We’re trapped again!” Vestigo proclaims.
“Light it up!” Crile gives the order. Streams of fire burst upward in the forms of giant pillars. They curve sideways as they hit the ceiling.
“Looks like we’re boxed in.” Jack’s voice remains cool.
“It’s not as spacious as the first chamber.” Laira says.
“Is that good or bad?” Burla asks carefully.
“For the time being, lets assume that everything that happens here is BAD, ok?” Rixa’s on edge. The brat doesn’t make another sound. The pillars die down. Now we have a bunch of small lights burning all over the chamber instead.
“Is this one of those delays, again?” I ask Percy.
“I have no clue.” The boy answers quietly. Great.
“So then what?” Marcus asks.
“We wait. Till something happens.” Crile answers.
“This will drive me nuts!” Tonso complains.
“I prefer it this way…” The words escape me.
“Why?” Culebra.
“Gods! Woman! You scared the Hell out of me! I completely forgot you were here!” The drunken shaman roars. I hear some giggles around us.
“Least we are all here still.” I let out a tiny whisper.
“Well, if there’s nothing to kill, might as well make myself comfortable.” Rixa sounds more at ease now, as he lays down right there on the ground.
“What the?” Rixa gets back up.
“What is it?” I come closer to him.
“The ground is weird.” He runs his palms across it. I crouch down next to him. It’s bumpy… But Airy?
“Can we try and manipulate the walls or something?” Marcus suggests.
“Sadly no. We already tried…” A soldier walks up to our circle.
“Can we ram the walls?” Jack asks. A loud thud reaches us.
“Guess someone is already working on that…” Laira says.
“I need a light!” I hear Percival’s voice. I see a larger flame burning by the Cleanser.
“Got something?” I walk over. Another thud.
“I’m not sure… I think the room is made of mineral?” The boy looks at me. “But it’s burned?”
“Mineral? Why does that sound familiar…” Crile is right next to me. Another thud.
“Didn’t we fight in a room full of spikes?” I ask him.
“Didn’t we almost get squashed by them when we tried to use Earth Manipulation on them?” He answers. Another thud.
“Didn’t we also torch the whole thing?” I look at him… His look changed instantly. The thuds have stopped.
“How’s the Ramming? Any progress?” I reach out.
“None so far…” A weak voice answers me…
“How long has it been since we entered the room?” Vestigo asks.
“A while?” Laira shrugs.
“There’s really no way to tell time in here…” Marcus makes a solid point… Something’s off.
“Is it just me, or is it difficult to breathe?” Burla staggers to her knees. I look around. I see some others panting as well.
“Percival?” I look at he boy. His hand is on his chest, he takes small gulps of air in.
“What’s going on?” Laira asks, also panting slightly…
“The fire…” Percy’s voice is nothing but a mare whisper. “It’s using the air…”
“Kill the flames!” I give the order and we drown in darkness… I hold my breath. We wait… I begin to feel a heaviness in my chest as well… I don’t like this…
“We’ll suffocate at this rate…” Culebra makes a major point…
“What if… This is the point… Of this room?” I hear Percival nearby.
“Explain.” Jack demands.
“What if this is… Meant to keep us on edge?” The boy whispers.
“A small, dark room… With hundreds of people in it?... All who are prepared to fight… For their lives… At any given moment?... Slowly running out of air?” Rixa speaks quietly.
“It’s like Tonso said… The suspense can… Drive a person crazy… Plus, the lack of air…” Percival is struggling to speak…
“So, we either go mad or…” Marcus starts…
“Or suffocate…” Jack finishes…
“Or kill each other off…” Vestigo adds.
“What?” Burla’s frightened.
“He has a point… If nothing happens, then… One option…” Crile tries to explain. Oh Hell no.
“We don’t have a lot of options here… We have to wait and see… What happens…” Laira states the obvious option.
“Light it up again!” I give the order now. Same fire towers shoot out and curve just as before…
“No changes, huh?” Tonso says calmly.
The ground rumbles underneath us.
“Get ready!” I bark.
“Ay! Show time!” The Shaman seems a bit too excited there.
“Report!” I bark again.
“Nothing, Commander!”
“Here as well!” The voices answer me. The rumbling continues for a painful moment longer and stops.
“Was that it?” Culebra asks.
“Seems so...” Marcus says.
“You have to be kidding me...” Rixa’s disappointed.
“Light it up again!” I call out. Flames spring up and wait…
“Is it just me… Or the flames are shorter… This time?” Laira makes the observation…
“It does seem like it…” Crile agrees.
“Are you telling me… We moved up?... Was that… What the sound was?” Burla is now gasping for air.
“Well, either we went up… Or the ceiling went down…” Jack says.
“Either way – that’s not something good.” Marcus finishes the Ram’s thought.
I hear mumbling around us… I shift my ears and focus…
“Please, please don’t let us die here!"
"Please save us! "
"I’m scared!...” The soldiers… They are terrified… I take a deep breath.
“Everyone, please listen to me.” I use the Stone. “I understand this silence, this darkness is scary. Even more so than the bloodshed… We don’t know what is going on and we have no way of knowing what might happen next…” I wait a moment.
“But we cannot afford to lose ourselves to the darkness… Trust me when I tell you, I am just as scared right now as you are… Put your hands on your chest. Can you feel it? That heartbeat? Do you know what it means? That you are alive. Focus on that. Focus on the beating… It’s fast, isn’t it?” I pause again.
“That’s fear. Moving your heart. I ask you, to focus on the beating heart and breathe. Breathe with me. Slowly. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. One small breath at a time… As hard as it is. I ask you, my brave soldiers, bear with me. We will get through this…” I listen... The whispers die down…
“Commander...” I hear Percival’s whisper.
“What is it?”
The ground roars again. Louder. Harder this time. The ceiling above us crumbles. It begins to fall down on us.
“We’ll get squashed!” Burla squeals.
“Shields! Give us cover!” I give the order. Earth and rocks form a dome above us. The ground continues to rumble under our feet. What in the world is going on here?
“Can the Shields hold?” Rixa shouts out.
“They have to! I answer him. The gurgling noise suddenly stops. Nobody moves.
“Retract! Carefully!” I call out. The dome slowly opens up right in the middle. It widens bit by bit. Everyone is huddled up, ready to fight… We watch the last walls retract and find ourselves standing in a field. Huh? There’s grass, and earth, and oh no… A giant tomb stone, right in front of us, across the field. I look around. The west wall has one window on it. So does the east wall. The light coming in through the west window is slowly fading. This is it.
“Get ready! The fight’s about to break out!” I warn everyone and shift into my half form.
“Please don’t tell me, please don't tell me…” Burla whispers a little prayer over and over again… The last ray of light turns light blue color and illuminates a dark stone right in the center of the tomb stone. The light reflects off it and scatters across the field. The ground begins to break and the Undead claw their way out.
“Brace yourselves!” I call out again and charge. Gods help us…
- In Serial182 Chapters
Harbinger of Destruction (an EVP LitRPG)
Hirrus Callabryn is cursed. Afflicted. Infected. He’s also aware. For once. After a player-led event turns his once peaceful town into a band of ravenous monsters, Hirrus obtains a sentience usually unobtainable by non-player characters. It might be a gift of the gods, or a mistake, but Hirrus doesn’t care. It means he can track down and find the players responsible and stop them from doing it again. Thing is, players don’t like their plans being interrupted. And in this game, there’s no resurrection until the weekly reset. Will Hirrus be able to cut a path of destruction across the land to get his revenge, or will the players be able to overwhelm him and bring him to justice?
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Trial by Conquest: A Battle-Royale, Civilisation Build-Off LitRPG
This is the Trial by Conquest — a battle-royale, civilisation, build-off. Lose and you die. Win and you rule over your new fantasy world as king! Maximus Rum would rather not die. In fact, right now what he’d most rather is find his pants and figure out what the hell is going on. The beach he woke up on is empty and quiet. But he’d better get a move on. The Trial has already begun. Note: I am not intending to write this as a harem story. However, if you believe that a man knowing and having sex with women constitutes a harem, and if that is not your bag, please consider this your warning. Genre: A village-building, dungeoncrawling, LitRPG — taking inspiration from games such as HoMM, Civilization, ANNO, TotalWar, Warcraft, and others. Tone: Mostly 'hell, yeah!' fun with occasional dips into darkness. May contain: Violence, combat, fights, etc. Sexual humour, references, descriptions, and debatably non-explicit acts. Moral ambiguity and occasional sophistication. Nuts.
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Seekers of The End
Luca Lawrence never, even in his wildest dreams, imagined dying at the age of 29. Not to mention being ruthlessly rejected by the Karmic Cycle of rebirth! On the brink of dissipation into nothingness, cursing at the faulty system, he could only grind his teeth and accept the challenge. Well, twenty-two, to be precise.Facing these ruthless survival games, Luca will have to rely on his knowledge, craftiness, luck, and perhaps a few faithful encounters in order to ultimately grasp the End. However, when it comes to Samsara, the End is just another Beginning. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................Note! Release Schedule: 2/3 chapters/week. Note! Disclaimer: I do not own this cover. I found it here.
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Another Man (The Office Surprise an Interracial Romance Book 2) *COMPLETE*
The fun at Watt's Research continues as our old friends Steve Bray and Janet Mills attempt to deny their buddy relationship. What will Ashley say about this. And will Laura and Michael support another interracial relationship at the office.Find out the answers to these questions as the Office Surprise continues in book 2.
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Seed sower
A place where everyone have skills and skill boards. In this world everything decide by skills acquired by a person. In this world skills get by age ceremony at the age of 8. Our protagonist named Ram get an unique skill called Seed Accumulation, how will his life turn out from this point onwards.
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Alternate 2020
In one day. One day only. My life turned upside down. I made enemies as I treaded ‘Into the unknown world’. My struggles to compete against this world was farfetched. I made many friends and allies shouldering my burdens with me but nonetheless, chaotic events spread like wildfire. Who am I? I’m Ray.
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