《Existara》The Arrows
“Alright. Here’s the plan.” Vestigo and I have been collaborating on getting his sister out of the Royal Dungeon for some time now. Late last night we might have finally managed to decide on a game plan. Right now, we are going over it, one last time.
“Once I’ll know the place of the trade – I’ll let you know, so you can scout it out and find a safe spot to observe everything. Using the Stone, you’ll let me know when and if you see your sister. That’s all.” I pause. “Unless a fight breaks out, in that case you will have to provide support. Got it?”
Vestigo nods. “You are sure she will be among the ones the guards bring up?”
“You told me your sister was in the Lower Level?” I ask the hunt.
“According to the King.”
“Since the Underground level is for petty thieves, smugglers, hustlers and even murderers, it would take too long to have every female lined up for me to pick a “servant.” However, if your sister truly is in the Lower Level of the Dungeon, where only traitors are thrown down, I am sure there has to be fewer of them there. Especially a Cornutese female in her thirties.” I explain.
“But won’t that make it obvious who you are looking for?” Vestigo has a point.
“As a matter of fact, I am hoping the king will realize that.” I grin.
“Won’t he simply refuse? He might even hurt her.” I can understand Vestigo’s concern for his sister. But.
“I realize this is probably not what you want to hear but if she is in the Lower Dungeon – she probably cannot get hurt anymore.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Vestigo clenches his fists.
“Only people damned for certain death are thrown in there. Either to await their execution or to rot alive.” I’m not brave enough to look him in the eye.
“Then how exactly him catching on is helpful to our cause?” He’s full of resentment.
“Our? Not much. Mine on the other hand…”
“Skyrider, you better not be gambling with my sister’s life here for your own amusement!” Vestigo gets up and stares me down.
“I’m not.” I hold his glare.
The hunt sits back down. “But still, what if he doesn't bring her out?”
“Then I will take another girl, if there will be one, and ask her if she knows anything about your sister. After that, it will be only the matter of busting her out.” I stretch in my high chair. “Besides, you always have the option of killing me if we fail. Sound fair?” I ask him.
“Sound fair.” He nods.
“Great. Then I’ll go see the king.” I get up and leave Vestigo’s room.
“Where’s the king?” I ask one of the Royal-Robes.
“Who’s asking?” The Robe doesn’t even raise his head up from the scrolls he has his nose stuck in. I sigh.
“I am.” I’m not about to humiliate myself by making a full out introduction.
“That does not mean much…” He finally honors me with a glance. The expression on his wrinkled face is priceless. I grin. Yeah, you know who I am.
“Where’s the king?” I ask again. The Robe does not answer me. I roll my eyes. Let’s try this then. I grab the scribe by his collar and pull him to me, sending the scrolls rolling of the desk and across the floor of the Throne Room.
“Where. Is. The. King?” I growl at him through my half monstrous jaw.
“I would appreciate it if you did not harass my subjects, Commander.” Tahon’s voice reaches me. I put the old guy down.
“He wasn’t responding, so I decided to make sure he was alive still.” I make an overly dramatic bow. “Your highness.”
“I believe that could have killed him instead.”
“My apologies.” I try my best to feel remorse. Tahon doesn’t buy it. Oh well.
“Anyway, what is it that you need?” Tahon keeps his distance. Wise. However.
“Mind if we speak in private.” I walk over to him. The hesitation in his eyes screams at me. “Your highness.” I add. He really doesn’t want to. But with a witness present – he has to agree. Check.
“This way, please.” Tahon points towards the door behind the throne. I go in.
“I meant what I said earlier.” He speaks to me, closing the door. “I don’t like it when my subjects are being harassed like that.” He seems displeased.
“Then you’ll love what I have to say next.” I drop down on one of the couches. Comfy.
“What is it?” Tahon sits down behind the desk with more scrolls on it.
“I want a servant.” I announce.
“My apologies but I’m afraid I will have to decline your job offer.” He answers without as much as a gaze toward me. I smile.
“That’s fine, I was thinking about someone more lifeless.” He looks up. Show time.
“What do you mean?”
“I need someone who has given up on life. Someone who would not even dare of defying my orders. Someone who believes that any moment of their live can be their last yet they simply do not care…”
“Why do you need someone like that as a servant?” Tahon appears to be genuinely curious.
“I have needs that cannot be satisfied by someone who still has a will to live, that only gives them strength to fight back…” I whisper in my psycho tone.
Tahon remains silent for a moment. “Have anyone in mind?” He asks.
“How about someone from the Lower Level?” I give him my deranged smile. “Of course, I prefer a woman and maybe not a complete hag?” I lean forward. “Know anyone like that?”
“Why the Lower Level? There are plenty of souls to choose from in the Underground Level.” He’s asking the right questions. I have to make sure to sell it to him now.
“The Underground is where people believe they have a slimmer of hope to walk free one day. I need someone who would look up into the blue sky, no, someone who would not even look up at the sky above them. I need someone completely crushed.” I clenched my fist and lick my lips for added spice of madness.
“Besides.” I continue. “The Lower level has fewer candidates to choose from, I want this done quick.” I lean back.
Tahon doesn’t say anything again. I’m getting worried. Did I fail?
“I don’t believe you to be such sick-minded.” He gets up. I wait.
“I do believe there is another reason for doing this.” He gets around the table and sits down, next to me on the couch. I smile.
“You got me!” I throw my hands up. “I do have another reason for it.”
“What is it?”
“Nothing special.” I want to see if I can make him lose his temper.
“Out with it.” He seems annoyed enough.
“Alright.” I speak calmly. “It’s simple really. As things are now, I seem quite the menace to the general public, but if the word gets out that I freed, in a manner of speaking, someone who was doomed to die I will gain sympathy. While at the same time I can do with my little slave as I please… Oops, I mean servant.” My heart’s pounding. Can I truly sell this kind of me?
“Ha. So, it’s popularity points you want?” Tahon’s amused. “I refuse.” He goes over to his desk again.
“Do you honestly think you have the right to refuse me?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” His expression changes instantly. I grin.
“What do you think the Congress will say, when they find out, that I never even wanted to become the Commander again?” His eyes widen. I continue. “What do you think will happen, if the word spreads that you forced me into this, by keeping my land hostage? Of course, you can defend by saying that this is my punishment but wouldn’t it have been easier to just throw me into the Lower Level instead? I personally would not like it if all of the effort to deceive The Concord would go to waste, would you?” I see the look on Tahon’s face. He’s pissed.
“You dare…”
“Yes, I do!” I smash my hands on his scrolls and lean in. “You started this, I’m simply playing by your rules.” I whisper. He doesn’t say anything.
“Fine. Tomorrow at noon then. By the execution site.” Mate.
“Perfect.” I bow. “Your highness.” He waves me off. I leave the chambers smiling.
“Vestigo?” I reach for the hunter through the Stone.
“Yes!” His response gives me a jump scare. Damn. I swear.
“It’s done. Tomorrow by the execution site.”
“I’ll scout the area now.”
“DON’T!” I stop him.
“Why?” He sounds annoyed.
“Do it at night, just to make sure you don’t raise suspicion.”
“Fine. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow then.” I answer. Now all I have to do is pray the girl is alive still and have confidence Vestigo will recognize his sister. I never assumed I’d have to add another member to the team. I figured the hunter would be the last addition. Damn it. This is getting out of hand. What’s next? A bunny for Burla? Ugh. Why me? Forget it. That’s one question I will never get an answer to. I have a different problem to solve instead of my self-loathing anyway. In case the girl is not there tomorrow – what then? Will I be able to play the Revenge Card to make Vestigo join us? Can he fall for it like Burla did? There’s a slim chance… But then again, can I be that sinister? I don’t even know what am I anymore…
“Can you see me?” Vestigo’s voice echoes in my head. I take a quick glance around as I sit on the edge of the platform.
“You’re early.” Tahon walks in front of the guards. I hear chains rattle. Dead bodies walk out into the daylight one by one. Lifeless. Soulless. I count the girls. Seven. More than I thought there would be.
“Can you see her yet?” I reach for Vestigo.
“They all look the same. I need a face to confirm.” Great.
“I prefer to get this done fast.” I jump off the platform and walk over to the first girl.
“Get ready.” I tell Vestigo in my mind.
“Got it.”
I look the first creature over. She seems to be in her thirties. Missing a leg. They tied some ridiculous stick to the stump of it. It makes me cringe.
“What’s your crime?” I ask her.
“That’s an Underground offense.”
“I killed a Royal-Robe.” She whispers.
“Do you regret it?” I ask again.
She laughs. “No.” Ok. She does not get to leave. I move on to the next girl. She’s younger. Too young. By Vestigo’s claims his sister should be in her mid-30s. This girl’s in her teens.
“What’s your crime?” I ask her.
“Fire.” She whispers. “I started a fire.”
“The stables caught fire.” She says.
“Royal Stables you mean?” I ask. She nods.
“All of the women here – their crimes are against the crown?” I ask Tahon.
“More or less.” He seems annoyed. I walk over to the third soul.
“I said no hags.” I shout to Tahon. Sorry granny. I look her over. Blind. She doesn’t have long.
The fourth girl appears to be about the right build. The hair color’s indescribable. I lift her face.
“What’s your crime?”
“Treason.” She whispers.
“Hisana!” Vestigo screams inside my mind.
“Easy! Are you sure?” I ask him
“Do you regret it?” I ask the girl.
“Does it matter?” Her eyes are lifeless.
“It’s her! I swear!” Vestigo’s restless.
“Alright fine!” I scream inside my mind too.
“She’s perfect.” I yank her steel collar.
“That’s quick. Don’t you care to look at the rest of them?” Tahon walks toward me. Shit. There are still three women left. I turn and give them a quick look over. One of them collapses. One of the guards checks her.
“Dead, sir.” He announces. Two left now. Number seven has one arm. And number five throws herself at me screaming.
“Save me! Please! Save me! I beg you! I want to live too!” She claws at me. A Balli woman in her fifties. Such a deranged look she has. I pick her up by her collar.
“Not my problem.” I hiss and throw her to the ground. A few other guards grab her. She keeps screaming. I clench my fist and try my best to ignore the poor woman.
“Come.” I pull Hisana’s chain.
“Like I said, she’s perfect.” I walk pass Tahon. “Any objections?” I ask.
His smile tells me Tahon realized what just happened. “None at all.”
With Vestigo lurking in the shadows and me at full power, I could take Tahon and the guards if a fight breaks out, question is, how far will I get away, with a walking dead like Hisana, before the rest of the Army would get on my tail? I want to believe Tahon’s smarter than that. No movement. So far so good.
“Vestigo, you listening?”
“I’m going to get Emerald first. You head back to the cabin. It’ll be a while before we’ll get there, so just wait…”
“No.” He cuts me off.
“I want to talk to her now.”
“And you will. At the cabin.” I growl at him. “Do not screw this up by coming out now. I have a pretty good feeling the king knows what just happened. Hisana can still be thrown back down there.” I bluff. “Stay out of this. That’s an order.” I add for good measure.
Vestigo hesitates. “Fine.”
“Tell Laira to get ready. Bath and clothes and everything. She’ll know what do to.”
“Very well.”
I sigh. Close one.
Vestigo crashes into the kitchen. He seems pissed.
“Where’s Evergreen?”
“What you need her for?” I ask.
“Is she here?” Vestigo looks out the door.
“Yeah, she’s around.” I use the Stone. “Laira, mind coming down into the kitchen? We have a situation.”
“What happened?” She answers me.
“No clue. Vestigo’s looking for you.”
“I’m here.” Laira’s voice omes from the hall. “What is it?”
“Skyrider got my sister out, they are making their way here, she told me to pass it on to you. Said you’ll know what do to.” Vestigo’s stone cold.
“Couldn’t have Breeze used the Stone to tell you that herself?” I ask Laira.
“It was probably just to get him out of the way. He will be pissed one he finds that out.” She throws a quick glance at me.
“As if he is not pissed off enough?” I roll my eyes.
“Marcus.” Laira glares at me annoyed. I look away.
“Did you hear me, Evergreen?” Vestigo’s beginning to annoy me.
“Yes, I understand the situation.” Laira’s calm as ever. I wonder what it would take for her to lose it?
“I’ll go get ready then, although it might take a few hours before they get here.”
“Can’t you just go and get them instead?” Vestigo’s quite aggressive, and is at his limit. Well, my limit.
“I’m sure Breeze knows what she’s doing. Why don’t you take a seat and wait? Would you like a drink or something?” Laira points to one of the chairs next to the table.
“No!” He snaps. That’s it. I get up.
“Calm down.”
“Don’t boss me around!” The hunt shouts. He’s getting out of control.
“What’s going on here?” We hear Crile’s voice from the back door.
“Vestigo’s losing it.” I make the gesture towards the damned hunt.
“What happened?” Crile asks again.
“He is just worried about his sister.” Laira steps in.
“Sister? So then…”
“Yes, Skyrider pulled it off. They are on their way here now. It’s just taking them too fucking long…”
“There’s nothing we can do about it now, so why don’t you…” Laira tries to pull Vestigo by his elbow towards the empty chair when Vestigo grabs her by the throat.
“Stop telling me that.” He grunts at Laira. I’m too slow. Crile has his blade against Vestigo’s throat. He lets go of Laira. She’s in shock. Crile’s reaction time leaves me stunned. The Assassin speaks.
“Badmouthing your commanding officer is not a very good sign. Attacking your teammate is ever worse. I might just get the wrong impression here and slice your throat for treason. Especially after all the trouble the Commander went through for a low-life like your sister.” Crile’s merciless.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. You will leave your weapon on the table here and go down into the cellar, where you will wait for them to return. In the meantime, I suggest you cool off.” I have chills running down my spine. Will it work? Laira and I steal glances at each other. She clearly is worried about the same thing. Vestigo thinks about it and puts his crossbow and the quill on the table. Without saying a word, he goes down stairs as told. Wow. Color me impressed.
“One last thing.” Crile calls out to Vestigo. He stops. “Lose your temper like that again and I’ll make sure it will be your last time breathing.”
“Understood.” Vestigo nods and disappears into the darkness.
“You ok?” I ask Laira once I manage to snap out of it. She nods.
“He’s just worried about his sister.” Laira – the merciful maiden.
“He attacked you.” I hug her to me. Although now it looks more like she’s hugging me…
“Still…” Laira wants to say something else but Crile cuts her off.
“That kind of behavior cannot be tolerated. It’s best if it is dealt with early on.” He turns to Laira. “You hurt?”
“No. Thank you.” She nods.
“Alright, keep an eye on him. I’ll be going now.” He leaves.
“You don’t want to stay?” Laira follows him.
“It’s best if I leave.” He jumps on Meteor.
“Wait!” I shout.
“What is it?”
“Why is your shoulder burnt?” I point to Crile’s left shoulder plate…
“This? Meteor scorched me a little bit when we were training.”
I laugh. “I see.” Those two are so much alike…
“Well, see you later, then?” Laira waves to Crile.
“See ya.” Crile smiles at us and they take off.
“Right then, I really should get some things ready before Breeze gets back.” Laira goes inside.
“Need help?” I ask her.
“Sure.” She smiles. I catch her by the arm.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“I froze… When…” She gives me a kiss.
“Don’t worry about it. It took me a lot longer to realize what happened. Let’s just say we both owe Crile one this time?”
Her smile is impossible to argue against. I nod and follow her back inside the cabin.
“We’re here! Laira!” I shout carrying Hisana in my arms. One perk of being stronger than an average soldier.
“I’m here!” Laira comes to the living room from the kitchen. I lay Hisana on the couch.
“Oh my!” Laira gets on her knees next to the poor girl. “Is she hurt? Is there anything broken? Infected? Can you hear me?” She’s in her full nurse mode now. “Can she speak?” Sis looks up at me.
“Yes, she is able to speak, she is just so weak that I had to tie her to the reins and the saddle.” Marcus stares at me confused.
“She kept falling off Emerald.” I shrug my shoulders. He nods.
“I’m gonna need help washing her up and… Oh, you’re awake!” Laira proclaimes joyfully.
“What is this?” Hisana’s voice barely a whisper.
“You’re safe. Laira will take care of you. I’ll explain everything once you’re cleaned up, patched up and well rested. For now, be a good girl and do as Laira tells you, got it?” I smile at Hisana with my mini-psycho grin. The girl does not say anything.
“What’s the commotion here?” Burla joins the gathering. “What’s that?” She screams out pointing at Hisana. Ill-mannered as ever I see… I sigh. Hold on.
“Burla! Perfect timing! Laira needs help taking care of the girl here, I’m so glad you volunteered.” I pat Burla on the head.
“What? Wait! The Hell? Why me?!” She throws a fit. Figures.
“Consider this a lesson.”
“What for?” Such a handful.
“For being an idiot.” I give her my hard stare. She shuts up. Marcus giggles. Not helping…
“Fine.” Burla finally gives up. “What you need me to do?” She asks Laira.
“Come with me to the bath.” Laira looks away from the girl. ”Marcus? Mind carrying her there?” She turns to him.
“Not at all.” The Mage agrees. I wonder if Marcus ever refused Laira before…
“Just be careful, she is very weak.” Laira’s so caring.
“Alright.” He lifts the girl and the three of them go to the bathroom.
“Laira, do you need me to get Percival here as well?” I ask my sister.
“I’ll see how it goes and will let you know if anything.”
“Very well.” I go into the kitchen. Marcus joins me soon enough.
“Hungry?” He asks me.
“I’m thinking. There’s still light out, maybe I should take Storm for a spin first…”
“To train, maybe?” He offers me a glass. I shake my head.
“Yeah, maybe. I have been slacking off these past few days.”
Marcus laughs. I pull my eyebrows together. “What’s so funny?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing.”
“Weirdo.” I get up.
“Hold on.” Marcus stops me. “Vestigo is in the celler. You should go talk to him.”
“What the Hell is he doing down there?”
“Crile told him to cool off. He snapped at Laira…”
“WHAT?!” My body shakes for second. The nerve…
“Crile defused the situation with a promise to take him out if he pulls another stunt like that, so…” Marcus seems troubled. I sit back down.
“What happened?” I ask him.
“Vestigo grabbed Laira by her throat. I didn’t even see it coming. I don’t know what could have happened if Crile hadn’t stepped in.” I see. Vestigo’s as good as dead but first.
“Don’t worry about it. Crile has over fifty years of combat experience on you. He probably read the situation, made a guess and acted on it when he had to. You’ll protect her another time.” I get up again.
“Was that a compliment from you to Crile?” He grins at me.
“As if. Merely stating a fact.” I make my way down to the cellar. I find Vestigo sitting on one of the barrels in complete darkness.
“You laid a hand on my sister while I was busy getting yours back here safely?” I growl at him.
“Is she here? How’s Hisana?” He jumps up. I clench my paw around his neck.
“I got Hisana out of the dungeon. I delivered on my end of the bargain. At this point there is nothing keeping me from squeezing the life out of you. The deal was that you kill me if I fail, funny how things are now.” I see his yes roll back into his skill. I let him go. He coughs.
“You’ll see Hisana later. Laira’s taking care of her at the moment. She is too weak to handle any more surprises today. You’ll go back to the barracks and come here only after I call on you, is that clear?”
Vestigo gets back up to his knees and crawls out of the cellar. I follow him out.
“Bow.” He mumbles one word. Marcus hands Vestigo his crossbow and arrows. Neither one says anything more.
“What did you do down there?” Marcus asks me.
“Nobody hurts my little sister.” I tell him taking a drink from his glass. A chimera’s shriek reaches us from the outside. Vestigo’s gone.
The Cabin Crew: Laira, Marcus, Tonso and Burla, are all at the breakfast table when I finally come out of my cave-like-bedroom.
“Morning, everyone.” I greet them, taking up my usual place at the end of the table.
“Morning, girly.” Tonso’s baritone is difficult to silence, even when he has a mouthful of food.
“You sure sleep late.” Burla’s giving me grief.
“Watch it, brat.” I growl.
“Sleep well?” Marcus hands me some tea.
“These mind games are draining the life out of me.” I take a sip.
“Hopefully this will help you out.” Laira puts a plate in front of me with piping hot meat buns. Mmmm… That makes my stomach growl. “Oh, by the way…”
“Yeah?” I ask shoving one down my throat.
“Vestigo is here.” Laira sits down.
“What? Where?” I stand up.
“In the back, on the swing. He’s not here to cause trouble. He’s just worried about his sister.”
“What an impatient ass…” I sit back down.
“Can you blame the lad?” Tonso guzzles down something that definitely is not tea.
“I will not stand for insubordination.”
“He’s harmless. He just wants to see his sister.” Marcus speaks up.
“Since when are you on his side?” I look at him a bit confused.
“Since I thought about it last night.” He glances at Laira on his right. Men.
“Fine. But he so much as coughs and I will bury him.”
“He knows.” Laira assures me. I roll my eyes. I was never under the impression any of this would be easy but I can do without the drama. I go to talk to Vestigo straight after breakfast, while Laira tends to Hisana upstairs.
“Commander.” Vestigo jumps up as soon as he sees me.
“Sit.” I bark. “You just couldn’t stay away, could you?”
“My apologies.”
“Well you’re attitude surely changed drastically overnight.”
“You got Hisana out of the dungeon. It was wrong of me to lash out at Evergreen and you. I am part of the team now and I need to be able to trust my teammates. As well as follow the orders of my Commander.”
“True.” Wait. When did I tell him to call me Commander? Never mind. I breathe in.
“That’s why if you ever disobey a direct order from me again – it will be your last time breathing. Got it?”
“Yes, Commander. Hisana!”
I turn around. Laira’s helping the poor girl walk.
“Well don’t just stand there, go help her!” I tell the hunter. Vestigo immediately runs off. He takes his sister into his arms and walks back to the swing. I walk over to Laira, trying my best not to interrupt the touching reunion.
“How is she?” I ask her.
“Weak. Banged up. Malnourished. You name it.”
“Shouldn’t she be in bed then?”
“I couldn’t keep it from her. As soon as she heard Vestigo’s here, she teared up and begged me to take her to him…”
“Family will do that to you.” I want to walk back to the cabin when Laira stops me.
“When will you go see yours?”
“As if I have the right…” My voice a tiny whisper… Tahon’s holding my country hostage. Going there now would only raise suspicion. I’ll pass.
“How are they?” Crile asks me.
“They haven’t stopped talking for over two hours now.” I don’t even turn to face him.
“Must be nice to be reunited like that again…”
“I wouldn’t know…”
“I’m not talking about us Breeze.” Crile walks away from me. Sometimes playing stupid doesn’t work too well to my advantage. I stand there watching the two siblings for a bit longer before I go over to them to talk. As soon as Hisana sees me, she jumps up and bows. Oh boy…
“Thank you so much, Master.” Ugh…
“I’m not your Master.” I tell her. Vestigo stands up as well.
“Thank you, Commander.” He nods. Again with the Commander!
“I have to talk to you two about how this works now. Hisana will stay here, clearly she is not in a state to be doing much. With Laira here, we will be able to monitor Hisana’s health. You can take all the time you need. That’s not a problem.” I tell the siblings.
“You, on the other hand, will have to remain at the Palace.” I look at the hunt, he's clearly not happy about it.
“Why can’t I take Hisana home?”
“Because I need you here. You’re going to have to wait till we deal with the Rebirth.” I stare at Vestigo.
“Rebirth?” Horror creeps in on Hisana’s face.
“It’s ok.” Vestigo hugs his sister.
“You’ll die!” She whispers.
“I won’t. We’ll go home together.”
“We’ll have a meeting tomorrow. You can relax today.” That’s all I tell them. The Rebirth. I pray to the Gods to grant me a miracle... I do not want to see the young ones die. I can’t bear the thought of losing Laira, or Marcus, or anyone of my crew. I walk back inside the cabin. Burla’s there, sharpening her toothpick for a dagger.
“Come on. Let’s train.” I tell her.
“What? Now?” She seems rather surprised.
“No, next millennia. Yes now.” I pull on her ear.
“Ouch, ok ok, I’m going.” She finally gets off her ass. I don’t say anything else. We walk for a bit before I decide that it’s a good spot to train the little trickster.
“Why can’t we train in the front yard or something?” Burla asks displeased.
“Funny how you only complain about it now, after we had already walked all the way over here.”
“Yeah well…”
“I’ll tell you why. This way you’ll have less distractions when you train alone.”
“Alone? Wait! I thought you’d be teaching me.” Burla pouts.
“I’ll be giving you guidelines and will be monitoring your progress but I am not a Shaman, I can’t teach you much. If you hit a snag you can ask Marcus or Tonso about it. I’m sure they’ll be able to help. But for you to truly be able to master your powers, you need to learn about them by yourself and figure out ways how to use them to have your own unique style. That is what makes one a Great Caster.”
“So, you can’t really teach me anything, can you? You said it yourself – you’re no Shaman so, what good will it do me listening to you?” The little brat rolls her eyes at me. Ugh. I leap forward and clamp my paw around her neck. My voice turns into a growl.
“And if it weren’t for me, you’d be hunting for scraps of food and running for your life. If that’s what you’d prefer – feel free to go back. Otherwise – shut it.”
Burla gasps for air and claws at my paw with her fingers. I hold her a moment longer and drop her. She coughs.
“What will it be?” I ask her.
“When do we start?” She hisses.
“Very well. Attack me.”
“How?” Burla rubs her neck.
“Figure it out. You have the freedom to do whatever you wish. Try and kill me even.” I shrug my shoulders.
“Ok.” She hesitates. “Don’t blame me if I do.” She pulls herself together. I wait. She begins her casting. I watch her as she moves her hands around, moving her lips quietly. I see a cloud of dust gather in front of her from the pouch on her hip. I feel something brush against my skin. There it is again. A chill runs down my spine. Interesting. There it is again. I feel something around my neck. Ok. Moments pass. That weird feeling begins to tighten. I see. I focus my attention on the neck. It feels almost as if there’s an invisible hand on it. Squeezing it bit by bit. I guess it serves as a way to pick pocket but in a fight… I look Burla over. She’s sweating. The strain reflects on her face. She has one hand in front of her with the fingers clenching something. Hmm. I feel the grip around my neck weaken. Enough. I turn and the spell breaks. Burla falls to her knees.
“Not bad. If you were trying to get yourself killed.”
“Not everyone is perfect like you, you know.” She pants. I give her a weak kick to the gut.
“What’s that for?” She coughs.
“Respect. Learn it. You won’t go far without it. Now sit tight and let me speak.” I glare at her.
“Why did you try and cast a full hand around my neck?”
“It’s what I always do. It’s how I make things move.”
“Were you trying to make my neck move?” I ask her sitting down next to her. I wait.
“No?” Burla expresses a slight confusion there.
“Then why did you do it that way?” I ask again.
“Because I don’t know how else to do it?”
I smack her on the back of the head. “Then use your head and think for a second. What is easier to conjure: a single spike or a whole branch?” I move my hand a bit and a few pieces of wood sprout from the earth.
“A single piece.” Burla whispers.
“Good, now tell me, how can you use that for your casting?” I lay back on the grass. “Take your time.”
“I can imagine something like a rope going around the neck and pull on it instead of trying to clamp a whole hand around it.”
“Correct.” Now we’re getting somewhere. “That way is also better for you for a few other reasons too.”
“Will you tell me or do I need to guess?” She finally looks at me.
“When you were casting, I noticed how much you were sweating. Do you know why that happened?”
“I was focused too hard?”
“You ever see a scroll pusher sweat like a pig when scribing?” I give her a blunt look. Burla chuckles.
“Not really.”
“Of course not. You remember what you were taught about Meditation?”
“Yes.” She pauses. “Oh, you mean I pushed the limit of my mana and my body reacted to it?”
“Yes, exactly. That is why you have two options to choose from. One – is to lessen your casting or…
“Or increase the amount of mana I have but that would…” Burla doesn’t even let me finish. But she’s right, so I let it slide.
“But that could take you years.”
“Great.” She seems disappointed.
“Exactly why you need to simplify your casting. Instead of trying to conjure invisible hands, like you always have been, try to imagine different items. The rope one was good. That way you may use the same amount of mana you already have for a longer time frame. Don’t work harder, work smarter.” I stand up.
“One other thing – the hands. If it’s easier for you to cast while moving them – go ahead but try to minimize the movement as much as possible till you don’t need to wave them around at all.”
“Marcus moves his hands when casting.”
“Marcus does not produce the power himself. He literally needs to grab hold of something else to be able to cast. That’s one drawback of a Reflector. Besides, have you ever seen Culebra move a finger when she casts?”
“Oh…” Burla gets it now.
“Right, that’s why Marcus works out so much too. He needs the stamina.” We walk back to the cabin.
“Is that why some casters are so weak and barely ever fight with weapons?”
“Kind of. But those casters are not weak in their bodies, they simply skip the fighting part.”
“So, they are wimps?” Burla asks grinning.
“More like scaredy-cats or too confident of their casting skills for their own good.”
“Yeah well, I’m not afraid to pick up a weapon.”
“Good. Means you’re half way there.”
“What does that mean?” Burla looks at me confused.
“You ever kill anyone before?” I ask her.
“Would you?”
“If I have to…”
“Then all you have to do is find out whether you can do it or not. That’s what I meant by you being half way there.” Burla doesn’t answer me.
A noise outside captures my attention. I listen. Voices? I leave my room. People are gathered outside the front door.
“What’s going on?” I ask Burla.
“Laira’s fighting Breeze…”
“What?!” I step out front. There are shattered wood pieces laying around everywhere… Laira’s conjuring one giant spike after another right under Breeze’s feet.
“Are they training?” I ask.
“Wait for it…” Tonso whispers.
“What about me? Didn’t I need you back then? Huh!” Laira throws another attack. It’s a miss. She’s pissed.
“I can’t change the past.” Breeze doesn’t even try to fight back.
“I know!” Laira conjures more spikes. “That doesn’t make it right still!” She tries tying Breeze down. “You vanished when I needed you most! I needed you to be my sister! Yet…”
“I thought you would be better off…” Breeze tries to approach her.
“Don’t lie to me!” Laira explodes. I have never seen her act like this.
“I nearly died over and over again trying to find you! I thought, if I could make a name for myself, you would come back…”
“And I’m so proud of you…” It amazes me how calm Breeze is.
“Yeah right!” Laira’s laugh gives me chills. “NOW you’re proud of me!” Laira screams. I don’t recognize my woman…
“Where were you when I was bleeding out by the mountains?! Or when I was fending of a pack of wild dogs in the dessert!? Where were you when I needed your advice and training? Don’t answer! I’ll tell you. NOT HERE! You never had the time to be my sister yet NOW you’re playing a guardian to a filthy street rat!” I hold Burla back…
“Let it go.” I tell her.
“Witch…” She hisses.
Laira’s in tears. “Why did you leave me?” Laira sounds like she’s underwater… I want to comfort her but Tonso stops me.
“Let her take this one, boy.”
Breeze walks up to a weeping Laira.
“I’m so sorry… I never realized how much it meant to you… I can’t ask you to forgive me and I won’t… I missed my shot at being your sister, but maybe we can try and be something more to someone who needs our guidance now…” Breeze speaks softly. Laira raises her head.
“I needed your guidance….” She cries… “I still do…”
“Then will you give me another chance? I promise to do better this time…”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep…”
“Never do.” Breeze helps Laira get up.
“Marcus.” I hear in my head. Oh, right.
“I’ll take it from here.” I run up to them and help Laira walk.
“Thank you.” I tell Breeze. She nods.
“Feeling better now?” I ask Laira quietly.
“Somewhat…” She looks to be a bit gloomy still.
“Let’s get you upstairs… You need a nap.”
“Sorry for the trouble…” She smiles at me sadly.
“It’s fine.” I get Laira tucked in and go to look for Breeze.
“What was that about?” I ask her. She’s having a drink in the kitchen.
“Years and years of pent up disappointment and anger…”
“That is pretty much clear. I’m asking what triggered it?” I take a seat next to her… “I’ve never seen Laira be upset like this before…”
“You weren’t the one who left her behind and pretend like she never existed…” Breeze whispers.
“She looked so happy when she saw you again, that time, back at the stables…”
Breeze laughs nervously. “I didn’t have Burla with me that time.”
“Are you saying Laira’s jealous?” Somehow, I could not imagine that being the case.
“Kind of.” Breeze stares at her glass. “I took Burla in because I thought that maybe by helping her, I can atone for not being there for Laira… Not that the whole "big sister" role suits me... I simply figured…”
“Maybe you can be something like that to Burla instead?” I take a moment. “You didn’t count on Laira to hold a grudge against you?”
Breeze shakes her head. “I didn’t count on ever seeing Laira again… But she let me in like it was only yesterday that we parted ways…”
“Oh, you thought since she’s all grown up now, she won’t throw a temper tantrum?”
Breeze’s head sinks. “Can you blame me?”
“I’d like to. But that won’t do any good… What’s done is done.” I get up. “There are plenty of things for you two to talk about… Start there.” I pat Breeze on the shoulder and leave.
I sit there at the kitchen table, not knowing what to do next. I was planning on going to the Palace to find the rest of my team and ask them to meet us at the cabin tomorrow, so that I can finally put the second part of my plan in motion but what happened with Laira just now left me rattled… I can’t ask Marcus to go in my stead. Burla will be kicked out of the barracks for snooping around… No. Really? Isn’t there another way? I sigh. Damn it.
“Crile?” I reach for him in my head.
“Mom?” I hear the mockery.
“Hilarious. I need a favor.”
“Not even a hello?”
I sigh again. “Hi, Crile, I need a favor.”
“Can I get a” how are you” as well?” Ugh!
“Must we go through this?”
“It wouldn’t kill you to practice being civilized. Soon enough you will have to deal with other people. So, come on.” If it’s fine art you want.
“Crile, oh my goodness! It’s been ages! How are you? How are the wife and the kids?” I try to sound as sweet as a mugful of honey.
“No need to overdo it. Try again. More realistic this time.” He’s pushing it.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because it’s fun.” I swear I can feel him smirk.
“Forget it. I’ll do it myself.”
“If that was an option for you, you would have done it already.” He has me there…
“I need you to pass along a message for me to Percy, Culebra and the two warriors. I want everyone to meet me at the “Black Arrow”. Think you can do that? Oh, and be sure to explain…”
“Yeah I know.” He cuts me off. “Why there, though?”
“It’s a public place, there won’t be any suspicion for a group of our variety to hang out there for a few hours.” I sip the ale.
“Are you throwing a party for them?” Crile asks.
“More like having introductions. We can have food and drinks if anyone wants to mingle.”
“So why not just have them at the cabin?” What’s with all of the questions?
“Not enough space for everyone and with Hisana here now, I’d rather have her resting, a party like that won’t do her any good.”
“You seem to care about her quite a bit.” Crile’s voice echoes in my mind again.
“It’s not like I have a choice now. I need the damn hunter.”
“So, it’s all business? Like with Burla?”
“You want to lecture me again?” I growl at him.
“No. Simply trying to figure you out.”
“What do you mean?” Wait, why am I engaging him in the first place?
“You’ve changed.”
“Haven’t you?” I ask him.
“Perhaps. That’s why I want to get to know you again.”
“What for?” The resentment of the idea is clear in my voice.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out. Is there anything else you need me to pass along?” He changes the subject.
“No. That’s all.”
“Ok, how will I know the warriors?”
“Find Adamantis. He’ll help.” I sip the ale again.
“Very well. Is that all?”
“It should go without saying but just to make sure – you’re supposed to be there too tomorrow.”
“Of course. What time?” Crile asks.
“Right around when the bar gets crowded enough.”
“You sure you don’t want to do this earlier? When there’s less people around?”
“The whole idea is to blend in with the crowd. Besides. I have things to take care of during the day.” I’m not even trying to fight him anymore, I’m answering on pure reflex.
“Fair enough. I’ll let you know once I’ll talk to everyone.”
“No need. I’ll see them tomorrow.” I shut up. I realize I'm whispering to myself.
“Alright. Tomorrow then.” Crile’s voice goes silent.
“Can’t this day end already?” I smash my head into the table.
“You ok there?” Marcus comes back into the kitchen.
“Never am. How’s Laira?” I ask him.
“Sleeping it off.”
“Good. Listen, do me a favor.” I look up at him.
“Sure, what is it?” He doesn’t even flinch.
“Tell the guys to meet me tomorrow evening at the “Black Arrow.”
“No sweat. Why there?” Marcus asks.
"I figured it's a nice way to have everyone introduce themselves.” I get up.
“Alright.” He nods.
“Thank you, see ya.”
“You’re leaving?”
“Stepping out for a bit.” I smile at him.
The Black Arrow. A bar popular among mercs and all kinds of low-lives. We used to hang out here back when… Well, doesn’t matter. I walk in. I’m early. The place is almost empty. I sit down at the bar.
“What can I get you?” A young Balli girl asks me.
“What do you have to offer?”
“Well, the ladies like the Star. Guys prefer the Shadow.” She points towards two different types of ale.
“Perfect. I’ll have Death then.” I watch her expression change.
“Should have said so in the first place.” The girl takes a beer glass and pours water in it.
“You can get some ice for that in there.” She nudges her head toward the side door. I smile at her.
“Thanks.” I take the glass and go into the back room. Laira and Marcus are already here.
“Crile, you’re early.” Laira greets me.
“So are you.” I greet them.
“Breeze wanted us to be here. Marcus at the bar and me here, to make sure everyone finds us.”
“Where is she?” I sit down.
“I believe it was today, that the King was suppose to annouce her come back and all...” Right.
"Yeah, I saw her earlier, I figured she'd be here by now though." I sip my water. Laira shakes her head.
"She left early this morning, and that was the last I saw her."
“So, did she tell you the whole, Death thing with the water?” I ask Marcus to change the subject.
“Deathbreeze would only drink water with ice here.” He smiles.
“Yeah…” This place brought back precious memories to life.
“I was surprised when Breeze asked us to meet here. I didn’t expect the password to work after all this time.” Laira tells me.
“I didn’t either but I guess the old timer pulled through.”
“Old timer?” Marcus glances at me.
“The owner of the bar. We would spend a lot of our free nights here. The three of us, back in the day. We never wore any of the insignias of the Royal Army on us, so nobody ever knew who we were. Plus, this place wasn’t a merc bar back then either. So, we didn’t really stand out. One time, a fight broke out and we stepped in. Needless to say, the place got roughed up a bit.”
“A bit?” Marcus gives me a stare.
“Ok, a lot.” I confess. Laira giggles.
“Sounds about right.”
“Yeah, but Breeze covered the damages. The owner was quite impressed and made the crucial mistake of saying that if we ever need anything, we would only need to ask. Breeze immediately asked for this room. Saying that only the chosen ones were allowed to enter it. When the owner asked how will he know them, she came up with the password – water with ice called Death. I remember how the man roared with laughter when he heard that part. Breeze thought she was being clever by naming ice water Death in a bar where only booze is sold. I guess the owner liked it too. He’d gives us the room whenever the three of us would show up.”
“That doesn’t sound like the Deathbreeze I know.” Marcus looks at Laira.
“That was the old Breeze.” I sip my damned water again.
“But that was what? A life time ago? How does that girl know about what happened then?” Marcus sure is asking the right questions.
“That’s cause the story has been like a family heirloom.” The girl speaks behind me, bringing trays with food.
“Honestly, I just always figured that great gramps was making that stuff up but everyone in our family knows, that if anyone asks for Death in a glass – the room is theirs. No questions asked.” She set the trays. “Anything I can get ya folks?”
“No, that’s fine.” Laira nods to her.
“Suit yourselves.” The girl leaves.
“Well, I’m impressed. For Deathbreeze to be able to leave that kind of an impression on someone, generations later – says a lot.” Marcus munches on the snacks.
“That, she always had.” I take a bite too.
“Marcus, be a dear, go out there. The others might be coming soon as well.” Laira asks him kindly.
“Sure.” He leaves with a bun in hand.
“He never says no to you, does he?” I ask Laira.
“Oh please…” She blushes. You can barely tell but I saw it. “Crile, can I ask you something?”
“What’s on your mind?”
“Well, this whole situation, with Breeze and all… Aren’t you? Isn’t it?” She’s stuttering.
“Isn’t it what?”
“Difficult for you?”
“What do you mean?” I ask her reaching for the food again.
“Being around her so much yet not be able to…?”
“Laira, if you can’t finish the sentence then don’t even start the conversation.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She looks away. Damn.
“No, I’m sorry. I know what you are trying to say but, honestly, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I see.”
“But yes, it is difficult.” I glance at her. At that moment Burla comes tumbling through the door.
“Oh, a secret room, awesome!” The brat exclaims.
“Guess we’re slowly starting the party then, huh?” I smile at Laira.
“So it seems.” Laira smiles back. Soon enough, one after another people gather in the room. It gets a lot livelier as soon as Tonso walks in, although he isn’t impressed with having only water to drink. Few more faces show up. The lean one’s the CC war – and the walking wardrobe one is the Ram. I met them this morning. Breeze is missing in action still. However, I have a feeling that it’s supposed to be the case. This way everyone will have a chance to interact with one another in a more social, stress free environment. Something told me there won’t be many more occasions to cut back and relax like this from this point on. The barkeep keeps migrating with trays of food and jugs of booze back and forth. The bar outside seems to have gotten a bit of life in it as well. Hours go by. Everyone appears to be having fun. Considering not a lot of them have much in common in the first place.
“Breeze is gonna miss out on all of the fun!” Burla comes up to me a bit tipsy.
“The fun is just getting started.” I hear Breeze’s voice behind me.
“There you are.” Laira walks up to her.
“About time.” Culebra’s not impressed. Typical. I watch the room. Breeze has barely been in it for a full minute and everyone got a lot calmer within seconds of her entering the room. They sit down by the table one after another. It isn’t fear in their eyes when they look at her but respect. I grin. She’s still got it.
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