《Existara》The Bite of the Past
Laira and Marcus have come to meet us at the docks.
“So, this is Team Deathbreeze?” Marcus asks me looking over the weird bunch behind me.
“Almost. We’ll have plenty of time to make formal introductions later. For the time being, everyone, this is Laira Evergreen and Marcus Tallen.” I point to the kids.
“If you please come this way, we have a carriage waiting that will take us to the Dragon Trail.” Laira assumes the Lieutenant’s position.
"Good idea, you go on ahead, I have a small detour to make, anyways."
“Percival, a word.” I wave to the boy. “I believe you have a room at the Palace barracks?”
“Oh yes but…”
“You think it has been revoked?” I ask him. He looks nervous. “Is there anything of value that you have there?”
“Some items.”
“Go gather them and then meet me by the Royal Stables.” I tell the boy.
“Yes, milady.” Percy nods.
“Breeze.” Laira comes up to me.
“I’ll go see the king and get Emerald. Before I go back to the cabin.”
“Understood. I missed you.” She smiles at me.
“Me too.” I smile back. “See you in a bit.” I make my way to the Dragon Trail. Crile’s right behind me.
“Will you be reporting to the king now?” I ask him.
“I should. But I figured you’ll be going to see him now anyway, so I’ll wait my turn. You probably can’t wait to get Emerald out of there.”
“You’re right about that.” I agree.
“I’d like to think I could be right about a few other things too, if given the opportunity.”
“What does that mean?” I glare at him. He's grinning.
“Take a guess.” Crile winks at me.
“Did you hit your head or something?”
Crile stops and turns. “And if I have? Will you take care of me?”
“Would you like me to rip it off?” I growl with a smile.
“I’d prefer it if you ripped into it instead.” He whispers and walks away. My blood boils. Where is this coming from? I shake it off and keep walking. All the way back to the Palace I can’t stop thinking about what he said. The way he said it. I become baffled by my own obsession with that episode.
“Focus.” I’m almost at the Throne room. I walk pass the guards like I’m invisible. Probably because they are Noxians.
“Deathbreeze! Welcome back.” Tahon greets me.
“Your highness.” I’ll barf.
“How was your trip?”
“Like you don’t know already.” I grin.
Tahon smiles. “Fair enough. What will it be then?”
“I am here to request that you let my saber go.”
“Well of course, it goes without saying.” He nods.
“You couldn’t get her to listen to you, did you?” I smile.
He hesitates. “Is that all you need?”
“No. I am also here to inform you that I will need another week to make the necessary preparations before we can start the training.”
“What?” The king seems slightly annoyed.
“On top of that, I will ask you to restrain yourself from making a public display of my coming back.”
“I have been more than patient with you, by letting you set sail on that ridiculous journey of yours. Now you waltz in here making more demands? Need I remind you who is King around here?” Tahon uses whatever authority he has with that one.
“And I until I resume my place as the Chieftain of the Royal Army – you are not my king.” I give a moment to let that sink in. “For the time being I am someone who you need more than I need you. Otherwise, you would have never used the kind of dirty tricks to make me stay, as you so kindly have.” I see the blunt look on him.
“Fine. You can have your week. Now tell me, what will happen after.”
“You’ll know then. Good day, your majesty.” I bow and leave. He really does make my skin crawl. Nevermind. Burla has a week to get me that hunter. Let’s focus on that. Laira said there are two warriors waiting in line. So that should be more or less it. I do wish I had more casters’ with me. Maybe a Shaman for each type but Tonso will have to do. That “learning each type” nonsense was annoying me the most. For Shamans it was the same thing as for Beast type druids. The more souls’ they have inside of them – the harder it is to maintain them. So learning one element or taming one soul is easier. Considering how inexperienced the children are – learning one element would be more reasonable. Maybe we should consider teaming them up? Not categorize them by their Element or Manipulation but make teams, based on their powers’, that would complement each other? I’ll need to talk this over with Tonso and Marcus. One good thing is – Mancers are such a rarity these days that Culebra will probably have the smallest class to work with. Which is a great thing – she won’t be able to complain… Much… I’ll have to see the Mancers’ for myself before I can think of anything. I definitely don’t have to worry about the Assassins. Even if he is in charge of them. Cleansers are easy too. Maybe I can use Percy to spy them for me? There’s that thing with Lady Hannah too. We’ll see. So that leaves Burla in my care and Laira. Laira? She’s a healer. Not much that can be done with her class… I really need to meet with the warriors and the hunter.
“Damn it.” I swear.
“Is something the matter, Milady?”
“Huh? Oh, Percival. Did you get everything you need?”
“Yes, I even spoke with the Headmaster of the barracks, he gave me a different room. I have to pay rent a little bit now, since it’s not in the Cleansers’ wing but it’s ok.”
“I see. Well, here.” I give him my pouch of gold. “Use it wisely.”
“Oh no, I can’t.” The boy shakes his head. Although, it looks like the head is shaking him instead.
“Of course, you can. You’re part of my team now, consider this your pay.”
Percy hesitates. “Thank you, Milady.”
“So then if you’re staying at the Palace, I’ll see you in a week, be here.”
“Understood.” He nods. “Is that all then?”
“Yes. No. I’d like you to write me a report on what the Cleansers are being taught these days, would that be a problem?”
“Not at all, I’ll have it ready for you next time we meet.”
“Deal. You’re free to go.” I nod to him.
“Yes, Milady.” Percival bows and turns to leave.
“One last thing, Percy, it’s Deathbreeze, not milady.” I wink at him.
The boy blushes. “As you wish…” He almost trips over his own robe. That’s amusing to watch. He may be bright but he’s a boy still.
“Entertaining yourself, I see.”
“Emerald, hi, I missed you.” I walk over to my saber.
“So, have I. You seem well, good.” The low growl mixed with a pair of deep, green eyes – never fails to send a shiver down my spine.
“Meh, I’m managing. Did they treat you well?” I pet her.
“Yes, I even made a friend.”
“A friend? Who?”
“Pretty kitty!” A child’s voice shrieks with joy behind me. A little girl walks up straight to Emerald. To my surprise, Emerald gladly lowers her muzzle and snuggles the peep-squeak.
“Well hello, what’s your name?” I ask the girl.
“Ruby.” She smiles at me.
“Hi, Ruby, I’m Zarri, that’s Emerald.”
“Emerald? Pretty name for a pretty kitty.” She laughs and almost disappears into Emerald’s fur.
“You really like her, don’t you?”
“Yes, she saved me.” Ruby tells me. I hear Emerald purr.
“I see, so you two have been friends ever since?”
“Best friends!” The girl exclaims.
“Ok, well, I’ll be taking Emerald back with me now, you might not see her everyday but I’ll make sure to bring her round later again.”
“Oh, ok.” The little one seems disappointed a little. “Well, you take good care of her.” Ruby looks at me all serious.
“I will, promise.”
“Bye then, see you later, Emerald.” She pets the saber one last time.
“Bye, Zarri.” Ruby waves at me too.
“Bye.” I wave to her as she runs off.
“What happened?” I ask the pretty kitty.
“One day I heard a child cry, there in the woods. So, I went and brought her here. We waited together here till someone came to get her.”
“You went and brought her here? You mean, you ripped out the chain, dashed off into the woods and then brought back a Primerian child back to the stables, probably caring her in your mouth?” I look at Emerald.
“No, she managed to climb up. But the rest is true.”
“Ok and she has been visiting you ever since?”
“Yes. She’s very lovely.”
“Do you know who the parents are?” I ask her getting on her back.
“Come again?!”
“You heard me, Child.” Emerald takes off.
“I’m shocked. Wow. Ok, well that explains it why he didn’t resist giving you back to me, I figured he tried to tame you or something but… Oh, so that’s why I never heard about you making a break for it…”
“Most likely.” Emerald agrees with me.
“So why didn’t you tell me what happened?”
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” I swear Emerald giggled that time.
“Congrats, you nailed it.”
We are about to have dinner when Breeze walks into the kitchen.
“Right on time. Grab a seat.” I greet her as I put down the plates.
“Smells great, lassie.”
“Thank you, Tonso, hope it tastes just as good.”
“Druid, I will not be staying here.” Culebra gives Breeze a hard stare.
“For now, you will, I will put you up in a room at the Palace tomorrow. Oh, thank you, Laira.” Breeze takes a glass from me. The mancer doesn’t respond.
“I take it you all already know each other.” Breeze speaks again.
“More or less.” Marcus answers.
“Some more than other’s” Tonso laughs.
“Where’s the brat?” Breeze asks me.
“Oh, if you mean, Burla – she’s out back, looking around.” Marcus answers for me.
“Geez.” Breeze gets up and goes to look for the girl.
“Please, enjoy, I hope it’s to your liking.” I put the last bowl down and take a seat myself.
“Thank you.” That’s probably like the fifth time I hear Culebra speak.
“Hey, watch it, I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” We hear Burla mouth-off to Breeze.
“Get in here, otherwise your next meal will only be tomorrow night.” She sits the girl down into the chair.
“Isn’t Breeze being a bit too rough on her?” Marcus asks me.
“She must have her reasons…”
“Pardon the commotion. Please, enjoy.” Breeze takes her seat again.
“Tonso, will you be staying here with us or at the Palace?” She asks the Shaman.
“Ay, girly, do you need to ask?”
“Then I’ll get you a mount tomorrow.”
“He can have my horse, we can take Sky.” Marcus joins in.
“Sky?” Breeze’s jaw drops to the ground.
“Oh, yes, he kinda warmed up to us over these two months.”
“I’m impressed.” Breeze salutes us with her glass.
“You sure it’s ok?” Tonso asks Marcus.
“No problem, I have a Robastant at the Royal Stables too.” Marcus smiles. I see the look on the old Balli. So does Marcus. “Unless, of course, you prefer the bull-horse more?” He adds quickly.
Tonso laughs. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
Marcus smiles. “My pleasure.”
“Where will I be sleeping?” Culebra stands up.
“Any of the rooms you like on the left side of the hall, straight upstairs.” I tell her.
“Excuse me.” She nods and leaves with the plate.
“What’s her deal?” Marcus whispers.
“It’s the way she is. Don’t pay attention to it.” Breeze waves it off.
“Manners?” Breeze glares at the girl as she grabs everything with her bare hands.
“Sorry.” She seems to be a bit resistant but listens to Breeze still.
“Before I forget, Tonso, there are plenty of wine down stairs, in the basement, for you to choose from. Help yourself.”
The shaman roars with laughter. “Much obliged.”
“Make sure you don’t drink it all in one go.” Breeze winks at the old fox.
“Will do.”
“Burla, you have a week to track down my hunter.” Breeze looks at the girl.
“A week? You’re kidding.”
“Do you hear me laugh?” Breeze lowers her voice.
“I’ll do it.” Burla mumbles.
“Good, you leave before dawn. Emerald will take you.”
“Who’s Emerald?” Burla asks with a mouth-full.
“My saber. You better behave yourself if you don’t want to get eaten alive.”
“Ok.” The girl doesn’t argue anymore. “Can I ask something?”
“What is it?” Breeze answers.
“How do I get a dragon?” What?
“You don’t.” I can tell by the look on the girl’s face, she is not happy with that answer.
“There’s only one of two ways to get one. It’s either given to you by the King as a reward, or you catch one in the wild yourself and tame it.” Marcus quickly jumps in. Burla pouts ever so slightly but does not say anything else. There are Dragon Breeders set up a bit further up North, away from Aranuem. Receiving a dragon is viewed as the highest honor possible. Even more so than receiving a medal. However, Breeze, Crile and Lady Starlight found the three dragons while exploring Existara, when they were only hatchlings and raised them.
“Thank you for the food.” Burla gets up and goes upstairs.
“I better get to bed too, then, good night, ya’ll.”
“Good night, Tonso.” I smile at the shaman. Now it's only us three left.
“Ok, first things first – the girl?” Marcus dives straight for it.
“I told you, I got her off the street. I think she has potential.” Breeze sips the wine.
“And you trust her why?” He asks again.
“Because she and I made a Blood Bind.” Breeze doesn’t raise her gaze to us.
“Sis…” I can’t believe her…
“Crile already gave me an earful.”
“Sooo, Burla is bound to obey you, as long as you keep your promise to her… What did you promise her?” I ask her carefully.
“To give her power to take revenge on a Leto that killed off her family…”
“Breeze!” I jump up from my seat.
“Yes, Laira I am well aware what you’ll say, so please, save it.”
“How could you?” I mumble quietly.
“I told her I would train her and give her a place to stay, hopefully it will take her years to get strong enough before she can hold her ground against a Death Bringer, for now – she is here to learn.”
“My Gods, Breeze, don’t you think that was a bit reckless of you?” I ask her.
“Perhaps. But like I said, she has potential. Think you could give her some guidelines, Marcus?”
“Perhaps.” Marcus has lost his enthusiasm to interrogate Breeze any further. “Although, I am not sure how I can be of much use to her if she’s a shaman…”
“She may not be a mage but her style resembles it – I’m sure you can figure something out. Don’t force yourself if you don’t want to.” Breeze tells Marcus.
“No, I’ll try.” He nods.
“Ok, now, about the warriors?” She looks at me now.
“I’ll arrange the meeting tomorrow.” I tell her.
“Great. The sooner the better. Once I have them on the team, I will need to discuss a few things with you, Marcus, and Tonso, oh, that reminds me. Laira, you’re able to conjure Vines from the ground?”
“Somewhat, why?” I’m confused.
“Do you think it is possible to teach the other Ravos to do the same?”
“Given time, maybe, what are you thinking?” Now I’m curious.
“I’ll explain later, it’s late as is. You guys need some rest too…” Breeze pauses. “Thank you, for doing this.”
“No problem.” I nod.
“Leave the plates, I’ll do it.” Breeze grabs me by the hand.
“No, it’s ok.”
“Laira, please.” She holds her gaze.
“If you insist.” I put the plates back down.
“Good night then, Breeze.” Marcus gets up. I follow him.
“Good night, sis.”
“Night, you two.” She tells us clearing off the table.
Next morning Laira informs me that we can meet the two warriors, around lunch time. The Mancer apparently went to the Palace together with the happy couple. Less trouble for me. Apparently Laira was riding Sky, while Marcus took Culebra on horseback. No surprise. There's no way Sky would have let the old hag ride him. I make sure to be at the meeting spot a bit earlier. Laira’s the one who picked a side-corridor next to the training grounds for the meeting. I don’t feel comfortable it taking place within the castle walls, but I trust Laira’s judgment. Plus, being a living, breathing “spy detector” – I feel confident nobody’s eavesdropping on us.
“So, where are they?” I ask Laira again.
“He said they’ll be here, maybe they’re just running a bit late.”
“Or maybe they decided not to show up at all.”
“I’m offended you think so low of me.” No. That voice. I turn. Rixa. Oh Gods help me…
“Oh, there you are.” Laira steps forward to greet the two warriors approaching us.
“Breeze, these are the CC and Ram types I told you about. Rixa and Jack.”
“My pleasure.” Rixa kneels before me. As any other Noxian would. Jack nods without saying a word.
“Good to see you are well, My Lady.” Rixa adds. Oh, why him…
“How?” Laira’s surprised by the Noxian’s actions.
“Any Noxian who does not know of the Legendary Deathbreeze Skyrider is no Noxian at all.” Rixa stands up and winks at Laira. I stand there like a mute.
“Oh, well, yes, I suppose.” Thank Gods for Laira. I finally snap out of it.
“What are your reasons for joining us?”
“I am quite close to Sir Adamantis. Once he asked me to write up a list of capable warriors for Lady Deathbreeze I immediately volunteered and asked my good friend Jack to join me. Of course, he needed some convincing, but I had a feeling I would not regret fighting by your side, My lady.” Rixa has a self-satisfactory grin on him.
“Alright, that explains your part, but why did your friend agree to join? Surely a Cornutese does not share a Noxians devotion to aid a higher cause?” I ask sizing Jack up.
“A fight’s a fight. What’s the difference?” Jack’s quite blunt.
“If that’s your reasoning then do you not care if your next fight might be your last?”
“To die today or tomorrow – I have no such sentiments. A warrior’s path is full of misery either way.” Interesting. He seems a complete muscle head, yet somehow, I am getting a feeling there is a different side to him.
“Are you aware what is being asked of you here if you agree to join us?” I ask them both this time.
“I left that part out for you to tell them yourself, Breeze.” Laira steps in.
“Fair enough.” I nod to Laira.
“It is not just a simple fight I ask of you, I also need you to obey me without hesitation. Do you two think such a thing is possible?”
“Yes.” Rixa’s too eager.
“Whatever.” Jack’s indifferent.
“Do you feel confident enough to be teaching others?”
“What do you mean?” Jack seems a bit surprised that time.
“Among many things’ I might ask you, I will also need you to be ready to act as instructors. Objections?” I look them over.
None of them say anything for a long minute. I’m leaning toward the idea of walking away.
“Is this some kind of a plan to overtake the Royal Army?” Jack glares at me. There is definitely more to him than meets the eye.
“Not at all. The king asked me to lead the Fighting Forces once again, however, if I am to do so I need to teach the soldiers some new tricks. To do that, I seek the help of young, eager minds’ who think outside the box.”
“Do you not find the Army to be capable of fighting as it is?” Jack’s on a roll.
“Yes and no.” I answer. “I do feel some of the training is outdated a few centuries at least, so I wish to change that. Another thing – if I am leading hundreds of souls into their deaths, I at least want to make sure they are fully aware of the fact that they might not come back unless a bond of trust is established between all of the soldiers’ and their commanding officers’. I believe training with my subordinates can lead me to achieve it. In addition – mixing in some of the less conventional methods into the soldiers’ training regimen might benefit them and the rest of the Concord.” I pause. Jack has acquired a puzzled look on his face.
“But the last part is merely my own personal opinion.” I add. Rixa hasn’t said anything yet.
“I think I understand your reasoning. I have no objections to it.” Jack’s the first one to break the silence.
“And you?” I address the ever so silent Rixa.
“No objections here either, My Lady.” He seems to be enjoying himself.
“Very well. Then I'll have you meet with the others at a later date."
“Very well.” Rixa answers. Jack nods.
“Till further notice, then." I wait for them to get far enough before I speak to Laira again.
“Don’t ask.” I cover my face.
“Later then?” She asks me carefully.
“Maybe.” I look down the corridor where the two newest additions to “Team Deathbreeze” walked off to.
“Let’s go home.” I turn to Laira.
“Oh, you go on, I have a few things to take care of.”
“Fine. Then I’ll see you later.”
“Sure.” Laira walks away, leaving me standing in the middle of the stoned corridor alone like an idiot. By the time I get Emerald my brain swells up, from trying to wrap around what just happened.
“You look troubled, Child, did the meeting not go as planned?”
“No, it went fine. Nice and quick.”
“Then what’s the matter?” Emerald nudges me.
“It was Rixa who came to meet us.”
“The same Rixa?”
“The one and only.”
“I see…” Emerald doesn’t say anything else. Nor do I…
“There you are!” I hear Laira’s voice shout for me from down below.
“You sure took long to take care of business.”
“About that…” She’s climbing up the ladder. “Since your arrival it has been tougher for us…” Laira sits next to me on the roof.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Laira gives me a pat on the back. “It’s nothing we can’t handle.” She smiles at me.
“Alright, if you say, so.”
“So then, is this a good time to ask?” She hesitates.
“Ask what?” I look at her.
“About what happened earlier?” Laira pauses. “You don’t have to tell me now if you don’t…”
“Rixa and I met a really long time ago.” I cut her off. Might as well tell her now and get this out of the way… “Back when I was traveling round with Emerald. I still had my Cat form then too.” I continue.
“We were surrounded by a pack of tigers in the Thousand Vines’ Jungle, Emerald was injured, I was bleeding and nearly at my limit. I couldn't fight them off, but with us getting attacked, I couldn't really take my time to heal Emerald either. We were in deep. One of the kitties got me from behind, I was pinned down, barely guarding my throat. I tried shifting so I could cast a spell but I was too weak. A second later blood spilled, luckily it wasn't mine. The cat let out its last meow before the body of it fell numb to the side. I got back on my feet and backed up, closer to Emerald, where she had another kitten pinned underfoot with its skull cracking under the pressure.
“You two look like you could use some help!" Rixa ripped into another tiger and turned around. I'm Rixa, by the way, but we'll talk more later. He told me while dodging a claw and slashing across the tiger’s side. I really didn’t see another option back then, so I did what anyone else in my place would have done.”
“What was that?” Laira asks me.
I smile. “I shut the Hell up and coiled up by Emerald’s side, hoping to regenerate just enough mana to shift back. It took another half an hour for Rixa to kill off the last cat. Took me another hour to shift back. Why did you help us? I asked him as soon as I was in my human form, changing into robes behind Emerald. How could I not? I saw a beautiful creature in danger. It was pure instinct. He glanced at my saber and winked. What a smartass, I thought. “
Laira giggles. “You have a way of attracting that kind to you.”
“Really? My own sister?” I look at her with all hope lost.
“Come on, tell me what happened next!”
I sigh. "What do you want in return for your help. I asked him. He said nothing. So, I told him I wasn’t in the habit of being indebted to people for saving my life. He went silent for a moment. Then got up and walked over to me. Leaned in and whispered: in that case, a kiss should cover it. He was so close I could feel the heat emanating from his body.”
“Well? Did you?” Laira’s too impatient.
I sip my ale. “I told him to pick another option as I pointed a blade in between his ribs growling at him.”
“You sure have a way with men, sis.” Laira seems disappointed with me.
“Don’t remind me.” We both laugh. “Anyway, he got the hint loud and clear, so he stepped back. Told me he’s going to have to be satisfied with just having someone to talk to.” I pause. “Emerald’s foot was in bad shape. We weren’t in any position to run away the next second. Even if we did get attacked again. So, I started mending Emerald’s leg. I had to do it in turns’, I was using up a lot more mana than I should have. But then again, I was a fighter, not a healer. Still am.”
“Yet you managed to survive on your own for half a century. I guess your healing skills count for something.” Laira smiles at me.
“Yeah, right.”
“So then was that all?”
“No.” I say. “He asked for our names. Once I told him he honored Emerald with a bow and called me, Your Highness.”
“He knew?” Laira’s just as surprised as I was back then.
“Only a Noxian could see right through me.” I wait. “That and I said my name was Zarri, why I did that, I can’t figure out to this day.”
“Well, given the fact that we met Rixa earlier today, you didn’t kill him for finding you out.” Laira’s on point, as usual. “So why did you leave him be?”
“I don’t really know myself. I guess it was the fact that I was quite impressed with him. I mean, when I asked him what he was doing in the Thousand Vines’ Jungle he told me he was training. When you have to survive in a place, where you can only eat what you can catch before IT catches you – that says a lot about one’s determination and strength…”
“That or the guy was a plain old idiot.” I add quickly.
“Possible.” Laira agrees. “I have a feeling that wasn’t the only reason you let him live.”
“I slept with him.”
“What?!” Laira might have had a vague feeling something like that happened between me and Rixa but she probably didn’t count on me saying it out loud. She was kind of my younger sister still.
“Somewhere in the middle of our conversation he told me that running away from problems doesn’t solve anything. It felt like he was lecturing me. That feeling made me so mad I got up and went for a walk.” I pause.
“When I got back, Rixa was asleep, almost ten yards away from Emerald. Emerald's leg was looking better but not good enough. I sat next to her and tended to her one last time. Couple of hours later it was done..." I stop talking…
The images flash inside my head: how I turned to look at Rixa and felt an uncontrollable desire to touch him. Run my fingers across his skin, chest, arms and back. I wanted to feel the heat coming of his body. I wished to feel those muscles tense… How I carefully slid next to him, trying not to wake him and leaned in closer. I could almost feel him breathe. How his eyes opened looking at me all surprised… How I kissed him and how he didn't resist it… How I kissed him harder… How I felt his arms tense around my waist. How he hoisted me on top of him. How I wrapped my hands around his neck. Zarri... He whispered my name and I lost it. I slid my hands down his chest, feeling every muscle line and gorging them with my fingertips. My robe fell off my shoulders exposing my breasts. I pressed against his molded body, arching my back, as he kissed my neck, chest and breasts. With each touch I forgot more. About my friends. Family. The land. All that I lost. All the pain. All the trouble I've caused. I let myself drown in his essence. I let myself forget all of it. In that one moment.
His hand slides down my back, to my hips, all the way down to my thigh. I spread my legs a bit. His hand moves in closer. I get my hands on his back. He lifts me up a bit more and I feel it slide inside. I moan. A thrust. I moan again. Another thrust. I sink my nails into his skin. He groans. It feels like I’m being carried away by the waves in the ocean. Slow and steady. Seconds later our calm ocean turns into a storm. With rocky waves, gasps for air and sweaty bodies. He goes faster and I ride him like a wild stallion, barely holding on to him. Sinking my nails into him deeper each time. Tearing the skin. I moan again arching my back. He buries his face in my chest. I feel his hot tongue teasing my nipples. Kissing them, sucking them. I rip him away from my breasts and lock my lips with his. I want to draw out every last breath he has in his lungs. His hands grip my waist tighter. I scream out. He growls. Both of us gasp for air as if just surfaced from underwater that we let ourselves drown in. He kisses me. So soft and gentle... I run my fingers through his hair and smile. He lifts me up and lays me down next to him. With a smirk on his face, he kisses my shoulder and covers me with his cloak. I turn around and kiss him. His arm tenses up again on my waist. We stay like that for a while, till he falls asleep. Few moments later I slip out, take Emerald, and take off…
“Ok, so, you never thought you’d see him again, did you?” Laira’s voice brings me back…
“Not here.” I gaze into the distance. “Not like this.”
“What will you do now?”
“Hell if I know.” There’s no more ale left in my glass.
“Given what happened between you two, do you think you can trust him?” Laira’s asking the right questions.
“I don’t see another option here.”
“Do you have any feelings for him?”
I laugh under my breath. “Fear.”
“How so?”
I don't answer her.
“I see.” Sis thinks about it for a moment. “Well, I won’t tell anyone. And something tells me neither will he. Not with you being within his reach.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I don't know if I'm confused or displeased with that remark.
“I saw the look in his eyes. He won’t hurt you.”
“Suddenly you’re an expert on these things?” I’m making fun of Laira now.
“Call it a hunch.” She gives me a smirk and we go back inside the house.
Persistent knocking wakes me up. Burla’s on the other side of the door. It’s barely light out. I’ll kill her.
“Breeze! I found him! Hurry up!” I hear the anxious voice. I rip the door open.
“What? Who?” I growl half asleep.
“The Hunter!” She exclaims panting. “I know where to find him!”
“Ok, hold on, I’ll get dressed.” Guess I’m skipping breakfast… Ugh…
Thanks to Burla I managed to track down the untraceable. The Hunter with the chimera. According to Freeter, there’s only one Hunter with a chimera as a familiar. Vestigo. He’s also the same one who started all of this almost three months ago when he dragged me back to Araneum. So here I am. And there he is.
“My my, don’t tell me you’re here to collect my head?” The Hunter has a smug grin on his face.
“Now why would I do that? Surely you don’t think I have anything against you, even though you were the one who was sent to fetch me on his majesty’s behalf?” I grin at him like a lunatic.
“I did think that, now I’m not so sure.” He’s playing dumb.
“Come work for me.” I’m not about to waste time playing coy.
“Why not? You’re not serving his highness out of loyalty, so why does it matter to you whom you serve?”
“Careful. That kind of a talk can be misread as an accusation of treason.” His expression changes quickly.
“I’m only stating a fact. Nothing more.”
“Is that so?” He looks me over.
“You are The Hunter who tracked down and brought back the Treasonous Deathbreeze Skyrider, the dishonorable Chieftain of the Great Battle. That’s no small feat. Admit it. And one would think that for someone like you, there would be glory and fortune waiting upon your return.” I take a moment. “Yet your name is unknown to the society. Why is that?”
“The King required this to be kept quiet. I merely fulfilled my…”
“You did no such thing.” I cut in. He doesn’t like that. “You did it to free your father.”
“How do you know that?” He aims his crossbows at me.
“I know enough. I also know that your deal with the king has been fulfilled upon my unconscious yet still breathing body being delivered to his feet. The only question is, why did you choose to stay? You could have easily gone back with your father, yet you stayed. I have to say – you don’t seem like the type who’s willing to die for someone else.” The Hunter stands silent. I go on.
“If it’s not fame, and not gold you’re after, then what is it?”
He stays silent.
“Answer me!” I demand.
“It’s none of your business.” The Hunter turns away.
“Yes it is.” I step forward. “You were the one to track me down. I must admit, it has left its mark on me. Never have I felt so humiliated.” I see the curiosity stirring him up.
“However. Because of you I have been forced to fight again. Not only that but something very dear to me is being used against me to make sure I see this fight through to the end.”
“And how is that my fault?” He finally speaks.
“Perhaps it’s not.” I circle around him to face the Hunter. To my surprise he’s quite tall for a Cornutese. Our eyes are almost at the same level. I lean in closer to him and speak in a low growl.
“But I’ll be damned if the one who started my torment did it purely for the thrill of the hunt. I refuse to have a man with no morale as the cause of my suffering. I need a reason and whatever it may be, you will answer me: why did you do it?” Last few words are nothing but a whisper. With a bit of menace added to them. The Hunter holds my gaze. Neither one of us is going to back down. I hope this doesn’t turn into an eternal staring contest.
“Tsk.” Excuse me? “You haven’t been around for a lifetime yet you act like my superior. Demanding for answers. Reasons for my morale.” He despises me. I can see it.
“Well what if I don’t have anything like that? What then?” He taunts me. Fine. I back away. In a split second I jump him. Arms and legs turned into paws. Jaw a deadly set of fangs. He doesn’t have the time to shoot the crossbow. My deformed hand is slowly crushing his neck. Within seconds he will draw his last breath. His face turns into a calm and tranquil mask. His mind accepts the reality of death. Yet his body keeps struggling out of pure instinct. Feet dangling inches off the ground. His fingers scratching at my fur. I drop him.
“This earth has no need for empty vessels.” I speak to the worm groveling on the ground as it gasps for air.
“My sister.” A feint whisper reaches me. The Hunter stands up rubbing his neck.
“My sister is still locked up.”
“You bargained for your father but not a sister?” Somehow that sends chills down my spine.
“No. I didn’t know she was still alive.” He hesitates. “My father got locked up trying to find her. Both of them have been missing close to a decade. I learned that my father was thrown into the Royal Dungeon, so I joined the Army in hopes I could figure out a way to free him.”
“And you have.”
“Yes.” He pauses. “It was then I learned that my sister was down in the dungeon as well. The Lower Level one.”
“So, your father learned of it while being down there?”
“No.” He clenches his fist. “It was the King that told us, right after he let my father go.”
Damned king! It makes sense now. His so-called majesty bullied the poor soul into fetching me, but kept an ace up his sleeve. In case Vestigo succeeds – the king will have another trump card to use for another dirty deed of his. And in case Vestigo fails – no harm done. Bastard. I swear I will be the one to gut him.
“If it’s the freedom of your sister you seek. I can help you.”
“Why would you do so?” He sounds suspicious of me.
“Call it a whim.” I shrug my shoulders. “I do believe your talents are wasted with the Army.”
“Am I to assume you would put them to good use?” The Hunter smirks at me.
“More or less.” I speak calmly. “Here’s how I see it: option one – you bide your time, waiting for a chance to either break your sister out of prison, which could land you in her place instead. On the other hand, I think the king sees some value in you, especially after you so successfully delivered me to him. Otherwise – you’d be dead and your family would be in prison still. Which, brings us to your second option – wait for the king to find another “secret mission” for you – in hopes that it will be enough to wager your sister’s freedom in exchange.” I circle him round again.
“Or.” I pause.
“Or?” He’s eager. I smile.
“Come with me and I will see to it that you two are reunited. You have my word, Vestigo.”
“Sounds too good to be true.” He doesn’t trust me. It’s a given either way.
“So be it.” I take a knife out and slash my palm. “Feel free to kill me if I break the promise of getting your sister out of the dungeon.” The blood drips. He looks at it. Vestigo takes one of his arrows and drags the tip of it across his own palm. We shake on it.
“You better deliver.”
“Is that a threat?” I grin.
“A friendly advice.”
- In Serial98 Chapters
Stacking My Abilities
Jeff Norman cut down a mist monster.[Your physique has increased!][You gained a new ability: Blessing of Wind!][You gained Passive Ability: Aura Vision!]Before knowing it, Jeff had already accumulated pages of abilities. Turned out, these abilities could stack on top of each other, without limit.Detection range. Damage reduction. Maximum health. Regeneration speed. Movement speed. Reaction speed. Physical strength…Jeff: «Guys. I know I’m a bit invincible. But this is totally normal interaction. Please don’t report.»***Story Type: You’ve read about reincarnation, transmigration, world hopping…But have you ever read a story about parallel transmigration? Imagine transmigrating into multiple worlds… at the same time!I haven’t seen any story of this type on this site. This might be a fresh experience for you.***Other names for this story: [Stacking My Abilities (Censored)], [Stacking My Passives Starting From Today], [My Isekai Clones], [Me, Human, From Earth], [I Have Unlimited Passive Abilities!], [Regarding that time when I got transmigrated into many otherworlds at once], [Me and myselves in my Chat Space]
8 1332 - In Serial52 Chapters
Dragon: Birth of an Ancient
Deep in a secluded forest, within the depths of a long forgotten cave, an unnatural silence that has reigned for little over a million years is shattered as a hatchling takes its first breath. To the various species that called this world, one of seven, home, the matter seemed beyond insignificant. The hatchling, like all monsters, had no divine backing and with its age, could only be considered a lesser existence. A being to be used by the Chosen and noble monster bloodlines in their never-ending pursuit of power, fame and immortality. However, how could any of the short-lived races, Chosen and Monster alike, know that the tiny, weak, lizard-like creature was much more than it seemed. That it was an entity only spoken of in myth and legend. From a species that their ancestors, with the backing of the Gods, paid a huge price to remove. A heretical existence that threatened the fragile peace that had descended upon their world. A Dragon. ==== ** Cover done by the amazing Felix!*** I am writing this story for a friend who is currently in hospital and in a very precarious situation. He gave me the plot/ concept and, after my own health issues, I wanted to try and brighten his day and provide a distraction from the monotony of their hospital stay. I am posting it on RRL mainly in case anyone else can find enjoyment from the story and to show the readers of my other stories that I am not permanently MIA (and will 100% return to those stories in the future).
8 289 - In Serial40 Chapters
Elder Scrolls: Naruto
What happens when the greatest Naruto fan is thrust into that very same world? Will he hide in the shadows and watch his favorite series play out right before his eyes? Or Will he completely change the landscape of the world and rewrite history? Some say knowledge is power, and they were right. ----------------------------------------------------------Cover: SueidysomEditor: Scarlet Goddess
8 463 - In Serial16 Chapters
Boundary Scramble
[Participant in the June Royal Road Community Magazine Contest] At the psychic power training school known as Vyse Academy, two students seek to go beyond the boundary imposed by nature and society. Sarika wishes to overcome death and resurrect her sister; Ruta just wants to avoid any trouble with those higher than her in the social hierarchy. Their two ambitions bring them deeper into a school-wide conspiracy involving faculty members, would-be dictators, celebrities, mercenaries, and mutants. They must take care not to lose sight of their goals, for once they go beyond the boundary, there's no guarantee of a safe return. Expect a short novella with psychic battles, broken boundaries, and peanut allergies.
8 126 - In Serial13 Chapters
When Melanie finds a monster during her self-appointed ditch day, her life is forever changed. THIS IS A FIRST DRAFT. IT'S RAW, UNREVISED, AND UNEDITED.
8 262 - In Serial34 Chapters
I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)
*Trigger Warning*"I think I love you. I know you think everything in life is pointless and unfair but I want to change your mind. I want to show you what it's like to be happy."
8 78