《Blood Limit》Ch 2


"Something I would like you to do?"

Yes! How would you like to go to the world of shinobi? Full of ninja with fast hands, weaving their way through life.

From the words alone this sounds alot like the naruto verse he knows about. He summons all the knowledge he knows about getting in 'accidents' with trucks and the human brakes before being shipped to another word after dying and getting his/her perks from the entity that they meet after. This left him with fewer questions than most. What he had to find out was. No he had to confirm where he would go and what he got as as perks.

"So I will be going to the naruto world am I right? What are my perks?" This is the most important right? His eyes focused on the blue screen before the words faded from existence and a new response was seemingly typed up.

straight to the point huh. They're always like that these days. So in a hurry to leave us behind. *Tears fall* I'm not really just a blue screen. I'm an actuall being. The blue screens are more like as cover up. A mask of sorts.

A mask? That's unusual. "Why would someone like you require a mask? I take it you are not a mortal. A human much less." The word on the blue screen seemingly backspace this time before no words were entered.

Hmmm..That's not something I should say. But I will tell you, you are not alone. Now as for the world you will be in..


CORRECT~ It is indeed the naruto universe. And that's not all! You get to CREATE your very own bloodline limit which no one else could ever access! Well that is unless you say otherwise~ *giggles*

He put an L shaped hand to his chin and begin putting together his new bloodline but not before giving a large smile and a loud 'Yosh!' Whilst thrusting a fist above his head.


It didn't take long for him to put it together seeing as he always asked himself the 'what if he was in another world' only thing was is this is a bloodline limit. Not some skill. Or something on a grander scale. 'I do hope this works.' Ready, he looked up at the screen still in the air in front of him.

Seems like you're ready? Well lets see what you've got!

"Well I want my bloodline limit focused on regeneration and though other elements are good I've chosen freeze and/or freezing and suspension."

...Wow you really thought about this haven't you. Mind explaining the last one?

He smiled lightly and said "I wasn't sure how to cover freezing or the cold in general so it ended up just like I said. I just hope that it can be done?"

Easily. Is there anything else though? You still seem too underpowered. You might die soon as you mess with the wrong one.

Smiling he decided to increase his power in the other world. "Great. I would like that regeneration to become 'instant regeneration' it has no limit if I see it as something that should be able to regenerate then it should be able to do so. Also an immediate understanding and being able to wield my freeze and suspension ability would be a big help. Naruto has his clones but it wont hurt if I have a greater talent right? One attempt on a skill is several gained right?"

He said all that rapidly. The blue screen reeled taking in what he had just said but then.

Is that all?

That can't be all. He felt like he was missing something vital. What if once he feels like there's definitely something. 'Thats right.'

"The instant regeneration has to be natural. Its passive while I can also take command of it. If one of my limbs are cut off it would be bad if it immediately appeared out of no where. A certain snake would be all over me in an instant. And I cant have the regeneration using my own chakra so it has to be completely natural and do it job on its own. Passive ability."


Smiles* you caught me. Anything else?

"Certainly." He smiled as he spoke with the blue screen which laughed like an evil master mind here an there but was brought to tears a couple of times. But still grudgingly granted the request.

____A few hours later~

"Alright I believe that's everything. I really am grateful to you I may have less chance finding my self frozen much less finding my self comfortably alive if you hand pointed that out." True enough once he use the freezing ability it would have certainly froze him and his opponent so he would predominantly be dead even if he didn't die in a block of ice.

You are certainly welcome. You were quite careless. Still I can't have you dying soon as you arrive right?

"Right hehe" he diffidently scratched his head at his careless. Blue screens right. I most likely would have died quickly.

Hold on a minute. You haven't said your name would you like to keep your old one or will you name your self?

He wasn't particularly keen on naming himself cause of his bad naming sense but also wasnt interested in keeping his old one. New world, new life, must have a new name to go with it all right?

How about I name you? You don't want to keep the old one but can't come up with one right? And if I may be so brazen then the name sasupenshon is ideal right? Maybe Sasu-kun for short. Is this ok?

He mentally facepalmed as he immediately understood the meaning but couldn't understand how he missed something so simple.

"Yea" He nodded

Perfect! Ready to set out on a wonderful adventure.

"Mhm thanks for everything. Perhaps we'll meet again?" Sasu owed this blue screen who ever she was alot. It was thanks to the blue screen he would have an easy life.

"That would be interesting wouldn't it?" Sasu jumped as he turn to face the voice that came out of nowhere in the darkness nothing but a blue and himself were here so whom?

"Shall our paths cross again Sasu!" The voice was cute and faint Sasu caught sight of a girl around 5ft in a mini kimono and white long hair that flowed as if it was blowing in winds. he felt his gaze soften but unexpectingly a small pale white hand pushed him from behind. And Sasu fell.


And everything went black.

______Somewhere in a forest~


'Was that the blue screen?' Sasu asked drearily. Feeling sun rays on his skin caused him to look around. It seems he was surrounded by trees. Light leaked in through the gaps between the leafes and branches. He raised a hand over his head to share the light entering his eyes.

"Well I know where this is."

He stood on two legs and yawned. he noted he reflexively yawned instead of sighing. 'That was different' he walked in a random direction hoping he would reach the leaf soon.

As he past he look around gave the new scenery a lazy glance of mild interest though in his mind he was really interested at what was happening. 'really can't wait till I reach the leaf' reaching the leaf was the most important goal right now. The faster he learned sign the faster he could get into using his abilities.

Thinking like that he quickened his pace. 'The faster the better'

But for some reason he felt a breathing on his neck. He stopped and slowly turned before he faced a bear with an undead appearance. A centipede crawled from an eye socket before burrowing in deep fur. The bear growled before Sasu took action.

The hand that rose into the air~

Came down in a back hand.

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