《Blood Limit》Ch 3




Sasu fell on his buttocks he wanted to yawn but the bear lept on top of him placing one large paw at the center of his chest. Smashing through ribs easily. 'No regeneration? Was it a lie?' The regeneration immediately made it self known. The large claw falling slowly into his chest was forced up into its original position. It was an odd feeling but 'nevermind. Sorry I doubted you!'


Even if his wounds and injuries did heal the pain was getting to be unbearable. So was the bears nasty maw closing the distance. Sasu could have sworn he seen an ecosystem of shit right at the edge of its mouth and the bear reek! This was unforgivable!

This time Sasu smacked the bear with the palm of his hand full strength. It even turned its head to the side from the force.

"Fufu you underestimate me. I'm definitely no push over-" 'ha take that you fool! I won't lose' Sasu brought back his hand to deliver yet another slap to his heavy opponent!


The large mass of fur stomped down hard on Sasu chest knocking the wind out of him before moving in taking a chunk out Sasu's neck.


The screams of Sasu ceased immediately as he no longer had any larynx, Thyroid gland, trachea, nor vocal cords to screech from. The pain almost caused him lose conscious but just as the bear took a step back confident in its kill it was Sasu to rise up again. Sasu was on his back looking at the bear as he rubbed his brand new neck that came from no where.

Blood dripped from the bears maw as it lick it maw relishing in blood. Seeing as this victim is still alive it figured it would eat its fill with a game an then some.


Sasu slowly retreated backwards, inching back as his arms carried him away but slowly such as the human instinct allowed.

The bear growled before it was upon Sasu again this time it went for the gut shredding the clothes he wore to school as the same day he first died. All his innerds. His organs were being devourded constantly and it didn't seem as if the bear would want to stop any time soon.

Just his luck he met a zombie bear on his way to where he hoped he would find the leaf. He couldnt recall of ever hearing about a full zombie in his previous life. Just where did all the flesh go?

"Hey... Why dont you stop now." In pain and all Sasu fired off a rapid barrage of punches and kicks at the bear. The bear was heavy but the blows to his head disoreinted it a little.

Sasu shot up and ran in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

"that ought to teach him!"

Sasu ran full speed but it wasn't long before he heard the disgruntled breaths of something closing in on his 6. (Just behind him) he turned and was disheartened at the fact the bear caught up so quickly. If the zombie bear gets a hold of him there may not be such an easy escape next time.

Sasu looked around looking for something that might be enough to evade the bear. Nothing but trees why the hell are there no weapons around!? Does the world hate him so much for.. 'Wait' Sasu skid to a stop. 'Ive read that humans in my world were able to fight bears on an equal level. Some of them won if they were skilled. Maybe I can get lucky. I mean I dazed it so far right? Just a few times. Maybe I can do it again?


Just at his feet Sasu picked up a twig. 'It'll have to do' he looked up to see the bear running. It wasted no time on its mad dash as loose branches caught in its fur.

"Here goes nothin'!"

Taking the form of a professional base ball player. Sasu held the twig properly in his hand and as the bear closed the distance he thrust his arm forward carrying his weight to add in more force.

The twig managed to easily pierce the open eye socket and through the bears skull.


The bear slowly fell and with a thud. The bear crashed into the ground kicking up some dust as dirt flew.

Sasu's ragged breathing soon ceased as the ability did it's job.

'Hah thought you could fare against me?' Sasu walked over confidently to the corpse.

"Fool!" He hollered at the corpse before kicking it. Now satisfied.

Sasu straightened the collar of his torn overcoat. He glanced at the shredded mess around the gut and spoke silently. "Regenerate" not even a second later his school wear was good as new.

He smirked and looked around at the now peaceful scenery. Taking in a breath of the otherworldly fresh air he begin his march through the forest greenery anew.

Sasu looked around once more before saying with an ambiance different from the one he carried when he arrived. "I can get used to this."

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