《To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal)》Chapter 9
Malek rested his hands on the edge of the table while he studied the sketches scattered on top of it. Dax had managed to steal drawings of some of the artifacts discovered in a recently excavated catacomb underneath Akros. One of them was particularly promising. Most of these items appeared to be from the time before the Great War, but he wasn't certain if they were the magical objects he sought. Even if they weren't, a seer might be able to use them to locate other items that had been created around the same time. It was imperative he locate the artifacts used to seal the portal more than a millennium ago.
Dax stood on the opposite side of the table, along with Javyn and a few others from Dax's crew. The demon still believed Malek was simply seeking valuable items for some unknown client, and Malek had no intention of correcting his assumption.
Malek straightened and gestured to the drawings. "I'm willing to offer you one chest of gold for each item you're able to acquire, provided they're authentic, of course."
Dax crossed his arms over his chest. "Two chests of gold, and another one filled with gems from the dwarven mines." He leaned forward, his eyes flashing silver before he gave Malek a sly smile. "Or I'm willing to accept one chest of gold and Sabine's mark."
Javyn frowned at Dax but remained silent. No one else had any reaction, which led Malek to believe Javyn knew why Dax wanted the mark transferred to him.
Malek's jaw clenched. The price Dax demanded was more than he was willing to pay. He wasn't about to turn over Sabine's mark to the demon.
"One chest of gold and one chest of precious gems for each artifact you acquire. Sabine's mark is mine." He pushed away the sketches. "There's no guarantee these items are the ones I'm seeking."
Dax leaned back and studied the mark on Malek's wrist, his expression calculating. Malek narrowed his eyes. If Dax attempted to use Sabine as further leverage in these negotiations, he might be inclined to pin the demon to the ground and rip out his throat. The warding medallion around his neck warmed against his skin.
"Do we have a deal?" Malek prompted.
"You may keep Sabine's mark for now," Dax replied with a trace of amusement in his tone. "The deal is set at one chest of gold and one chest of gems for each artifact we recover."
Forcing himself to relax his shoulders, Malek asked, "When can I expect delivery?"
"The first of these items will be collected tonight. Delivery will be made to you upon receipt of payment. We're still locating the other artifacts. They've been moved to other locations within the city, although we have reports some may have been transported farther south."
Malek paused, wondering if the message Dax had sent to Sabine was related to acquiring the artifact. If she was instrumental in Dax's efforts to locate the items, perhaps he might be able to convince her to help him without the demon's involvement. Keeping his expression neutral, he spoke over his shoulder, "Levin, make the arrangements. I want the chests for the first artifact delivered by morning."
"I'll make sure it's done," Levin replied.
Dax's lips curved upward, his expression a little too smug. The demon was up to something, but as long as Malek got what he'd come for, he didn't give a damn what games Dax played.
Dax called over to Javyn, "Tell everyone to gear up. We're leaving in less than an hour."
Javyn nodded and started issuing orders to the people who had been standing around watching the negotiations. It appeared to be a rather large undertaking, including at least a half-dozen people. More than a few of them had some trace of magical abilities, but Malek couldn't tell how much or what kind of powers they possessed. The warding necklace he wore caused too much interference, but at least it still worked to mask his secret.
Dax walked around the table toward him, his eyes trained on Malek's wrist. "How many times has Sabine refreshed the mark?"
Malek glanced down at his wrist and didn't respond. Sabine had made it a point to touch the mark every time he'd seen her, infusing more magic into the design. Now that he studied it closer, he could see some slight changes to it, almost as if it were fading.
"It burns her every time she has to reapply it, like liquid fire trapped under her skin," Dax said with a malicious smile on his face. "Sabine would never allow someone to accept the pain on her behalf, taking it upon herself instead. If you want to play human and ward yourself against external magic, don't play with powers you don't understand."
The last part was said with a sneer. Malek's body went rigid as Dax's words registered. The mark must not have settled on his skin properly due to the warding necklace he wore. He resisted the urge to curse. Sabine had been refreshing it to try to protect him, but she'd never said a word about it. Dax had known it was fading when he started negotiating the price for acquiring the artifacts, and Malek had foolishly fallen into the demon's trap.
It was a minor marker, but he'd just made his interest in Sabine abundantly clear—even to the point of endangering his purpose here. If Dax believed his protection of Sabine extended to eliminating the pain she felt at reapplying the mark, the demon might try to force a confrontation. Malek needed to tread carefully, but he wasn't willing to back down either.
Dax chuckled. "You may hold her temporary mark, but Sabine is mine. The moment it fades and our business is done, I'll enjoy peeling your skin from your body. Perhaps I'll wear it as a cloak."
"Good luck with that," Malek retorted, allowing his power to rise and beat against the warding. He wouldn't unleash it yet, but it was a very near thing. Levin moved into a defensive position beside him.
An unfamiliar woman entered the room, sweeping her gaze over everyone before settling on Dax. She hesitated for a moment before Dax demanded, "What is it, Leia?"
She winced and hastened over to him, offering a rolled parchment. "An urgent message just arrived. It has Balkin's seal."
Dax took it, breaking the seal with his magic and sending a waft of sulfur into the air. He read it quickly, his scowl deepening, and then crumbled it. His eyes flashed silver as flames erupted from his hand, engulfing the message until it was nothing more than ash.
"Javyn, when did you last see Sabine?" Dax snapped.
Javyn jerked to attention. "A few hours ago. I believe she intended to come here after acquiring the information you requested. Is there a problem?"
"I want her found. Now."
Javyn gave Dax a curt nod. "Shall I contact Bane?"
"Do it. Tell him to run a tracking spell on her immediately," he ordered, turning and pacing the length of the room. "Leia, go to Esmelle's shop and see if she's there. Verin, I want you to locate one of the street kids lurking in the market. Have them get a message to Edvar and find out if he's seen her."
Malek frowned and took a step toward the demon. "Is Sabine in danger?"
Dax scowled at him, but before he could respond, the door opened again and Sabine entered, carrying some rolled-up parchment. Malek scanned her up and down, but she appeared much the same as when he'd left her. Although, the flowers were now missing from her hair. She otherwise appeared unharmed.
She paused, arching her brow at the serious faces in the room. Her mouth twitched in a small smile. "Problem?"
Dax crossed the room toward her in a handful of steps. His hand whipped out blindingly fast and hooked around the back of her neck. Pulling her tightly against him, he whispered something into her ear.
Sabine's face paled as she listened to the demon. She wrapped her hand around Dax's wrist. "No. Did he say why?"
Dax's voice was little more than a growl as he said, "Why the fuck do you think, Sabine? Tell me about this knife. Where is it?"
"I gave it to Bane after I left here last night. You would have known about it sooner if you hadn't drugged me," she said, shoving the rolled parchment in his direction. "Here. Either back off or find someone else to help you tonight."
Dax's jaw clenched, but he grabbed the parchment and walked back over to the table. "I'm not letting you out of my sight until I get to the bottom of this, Sabine. We'll discuss the rest after we finish the job."
Sabine's eyes narrowed, but she didn't argue. Instead, she headed over to the table where Dax was unrolling the parchment. Javyn and the other members of Dax's crew hesitantly approached.
Levin frowned and gave him a questioning look. Malek shook his head, indicating he didn't know. It was unlikely this was related to the dagger Dax had given Sabine as a gift earlier. The timeframe didn't match, and Dax was furious he hadn't known about this mysterious knife.
Malek studied Sabine as she listened to Dax detail the plan for the tonight. Bane could have been the man he'd seen waiting for her last night. Malek had recognized the energy signature as belonging to a demon, which made sense if Bane and Dax were brothers. It was possible the knife in question was the same one he'd picked up after killing one of Sabine's attackers. He'd been surprised to see an iron weapon here, but now he was almost positive Sabine's Fae heritage was even stronger than he'd originally believed.
"—you'll coordinate with them to take out the men located along the perimeter if an alarm is raised," Dax said to Javyn. "Tasha, while he's distracting them, you'll need to open the door on the north side of the building to give us entry. Eliminate any guards you find on the way."
"That may not be necessary," Sabine said, pulling the sketch over to her. She pointed to an area on the parchment. "This second-floor entrance is rarely locked, but even if it is, it's only a simple lock and easy to bypass. The guards only go up here when they're patrolling. Otherwise, just the family and a few servants go upstairs. We can access the balcony through the gardens." She tapped on another location on the map. "The rest of the interior crew can gain entry to the lower level through the servants' quarters entrance here. That should keep loss of life to a minimum."
Dax arched his brow. "Do you know the location of the safe?"
She nodded. "Safes. There are at least two. One is in the library, which is right off the second-floor entrance I showed you. The other is in the councilman's bedroom, which is here." She pointed to another location on the floorplan. "There's also a downstairs wine cellar where he has a hidey hole. Larger objects may be stashed there. If there are more safes or hidden locations, I don't know where they are. I wasn't searching for them."
"How many times have you been in there?" Tasha smirked.
Sabine lifted her head and winked at her. "Enough to know he's got one of your favorite ales in his cellar."
Tasha laughed. "Looks like I'll be checking out this hidey hole then."
Dax nodded, studying the diagram. "Fine. Sabine, you're with me. After the distraction to lure the guards away, we'll enter on the second floor. Everyone else, keep to your positions and the original plan. I want us to be in and out of there fast."
Malek looked down at the elaborate floorplan and then at Sabine. If she was the key to locating this artifact, he needed to see how it was done. "I'm going with you."
Dax narrowed his eyes. "And what makes you think I'll allow that?"
"The fact I'm paying you." Malek held Dax's gaze, refusing to back down. "I'm providing you with a great deal of coin to secure this artifact, and I intend to make sure there are no problems. This is not a request."
Sabine blinked, regarding him with surprise. "This item is for you?"
Malek nodded at her. "Yes. I've hired Dax and his crew to acquire this artifact."
"Out of the question. This was not our agreement. You'll receive it as previously discussed," Dax snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. "I will not take an untested observer along with my crew. Not only that, but I don't trust you."
"Name your price," Malek challenged.
Before Dax could argue further or make another outlandish request, Sabine put her hand on the demon's arm. "Another weapon on our side may tip the balance in our favor, Dax. If they're moving the artifact out tomorrow, you know we need to do this tonight. We haven't had time to properly case the place. Malek knows how to walk in the shadows. I think you should allow it."
The air shifted around the demon, and Malek had the sudden insight Sabine was sending a small wave of her magic into him. She gave the demon a small cryptic smile and barely discernible nod.
Dax turned back to him with a look of disgust. "Very well. You may accompany us. In return, you will deliver another chest of coin at the same time as the rest of the payment. If you are the reason this endeavor fails and we are unable to secure the item, the full payment is still due."
Malek inclined his head in agreement. He wasn't sure why Sabine had helped convince the demon, but he wasn't going to argue. The sooner he completed his mission and left this city, the better. As Sabine had warned him, Dax was growing more suspicious and less tolerant of Malek's presence. He just hoped he might be able to convince Sabine to come with him when he left.
* * *
Sabine stood in the alley behind Dax with Malek standing beside her. Everyone was in position, waiting for Dax's signal. He turned to Malek and pulled out a knife, flipping it over and offering it hilt first. "A blood oath is required, or you will wait here in the alley." His eyes flashed silver. "This is not a request."
Malek narrowed his eyes but didn't take the blade. "What oath?"
Sabine tensed, knowing this could get ugly. She had the impression Malek was as much a predator as Dax, and neither one was willing to back down. It was probably foolish of her to intervene in their argument earlier, but Sabine was curious about why Malek wanted to come along. She'd wrongly assumed Dax would have regulated him to accompany Javyn, but Dax had decided to keep Malek with them instead. If she had to guess, she'd say Dax was still trying to manipulate the situation so he could eliminate Malek.
She might understand and respect Dax's reasonings for the oath, but Malek wouldn't. Deciding it would be best to intervene again before either one decided to shed blood, she took the knife from Dax. He scowled at her. She ignored him and turned away, taking his silence as reluctant agreement he'd accept her handling of the situation.
Sabine looked up at Malek, whose expression had softened to one of curiosity. The oath she was about to ask him to make was one that had to be adhered by both magic users and mundane humans. It wasn't something done lightly, and she wouldn't normally ask such a thing. If Malek refused, Dax would kill him right here and now. And she would have to stand by and let him.
Hoping she wasn't wrong about Malek, she chose her words carefully. "The night we met, you offered me your word you didn't intend me any harm. Tonight, I ask you to make it official. By blood and moonlight, I ask for your oath you will not reveal anything you see, hear, or learn tonight."
Malek straightened, darting a quick glance at Dax before focusing on her again. The ship captain nodded and held out his hand, allowing her to place the hilt of the blade in it. A surge of relief rushed through her at his quick acceptance. Malek flipped the knife around, much in the same manner Dax had done, and sliced open his non-weapon hand.
He curled his injured hand into a fist. "By blood and moonlight, I swear I intend you no harm. I further swear not to reveal any secrets that might be seen, heard, or learned tonight without your leave to do so."
Sabine held out her hand, and he placed his injured hand over hers. His blood spilled onto her hand. She froze, staggered by the raw power in his blood.
Her gaze flew up to meet his, but he kept his expression neutral. Only the slight tension in his shoulders belied his nonchalance. She swallowed her unease and blew softly over his hand, infusing her breath with the magic of her ancestors to seal their bargain and heal his wound. She wasn't a healer by any means, except for this one ability granted by a promise and gift of blood.
Still somewhat shaken by the unexpected rush of power in Malek's blood, she managed to complete the ritualistic words. "By blood and moonlight, I accept and bind your oath."
Sabine started to pull away, but Malek captured her hand. He held her gaze, lifted her hand, and placed a gentle kiss on it. Charmed by the romantic gesture, she gazed up at him and gave him a shy smile. It might be a small thing to others, but no one had ever treated her like this before.
Dax scowled, snatched his knife back, and re-sheathed it. "Sabine, it's time."
Reluctantly, she pulled her hand away from Malek and nodded. It was time to honor her part of the debt they'd forged years earlier. One caveat to their original agreement was if Dax's coffers dropped below a certain amount, he had the right to call upon her for assistance. He'd been spending quite a bit of coin lately trying to get information about the city council and paying off guards, but part of that was because he was trying to expand his territory. She knew Dax sometimes manipulated the situation as it pleased him, particularly when he was in a mood and she wasn't feeling accommodating. But they always adhered to their agreement.
Sabine removed her cloak, needing more freedom of movement. Dax took it from her, tossing it out of the way and deeper into the alley. They'd retrieve it later, or one of his men would. Dax's hand wrapped around her neck, the skin-to-skin contact necessary for what they were about to attempt. It was only when he was hiding her presence in this manner that she could safely tap into the full scope of her magic. Otherwise, those who hunted her would be drawn to her power like a beacon.
She paused for a moment, wondering if the magical burst she'd exhibited during the ambush had drawn attention to herself. Perhaps that was the reason Balkin was returning to Akros. He'd told her he would come for her when it was time to bring her home, but it was still too soon. The timing wasn't right yet.
Dax stroked her neck in a warning, and she pushed aside the errant thoughts to focus on the task at hand. Dax had never been overly patient, and they had a job to do. Although major magic could be worked without blood, a few drops helped make it easier and allowed her to keep excess power in reserve. It was also risky because blood contained power, especially hers.
Sabine pulled out her dagger, pricked her finger, and allowed two drops of blood to fall to the cobblestones. In the language of her birth, she whispered, "By blood, by magic, by rights of both, I call upon the memory of the gods who have abandoned this world. May the darkness fall and shadows dance freely within the night."
Clouds, dark and ominous, streaked across the sky, stealing the light of the moon. Sabine pricked another finger and allowed two more drops to fall to the stones below. She knew without looking the first ones had dissipated the moment the magic consumed her blood. "By blood, by magic, by rights of both, I call upon the memory of the gods who have abandoned this world. May the light shine brightly within those who embrace the darkness."
A sharp and biting wind blew through the streets, causing fallen leaves and debris to scatter. As the magical wind caressed Dax's men, it would infuse them with power, giving them enhanced speed and luck for the duration of the magic.
She cut a third finger and held it up. Dax leaned forward, catching her blood on his tongue before the drops could fall to the ground. He closed his eyes for a moment, and she could feel her magic rushing through him and filling him with purpose. Until the moon returned and the magic exhausted itself, his power would be magnified far beyond his normal abilities. His ties to this world were once again cemented, and he was now as powerful here as he would be trapped in the underworld. Stolen blood could never be used for this purpose, even though many had tried over the centuries. The magic flared bright and true only when offered as a gift or a bargain was struck.
Dax stroked her neck again, indicating it was done. He released her and moved forward to the end of the alley, waiting for Javyn to initiate the distraction. The moon's disappearance was the prearranged signal for Dax's men to move into position.
Sabine glanced over at Malek to find a stunned expression on his face. Underneath was a covetous and predatory look, which caused her heart to race. She hesitated for a moment, concerned she'd misread him. But anyone with the strength of magic he possessed shouldn't have been able to make the oath he did and still intend her harm. She bit her lip, hoping she hadn't been wrong.
As though sensing her unease, his expression gentled and he reached out, brushing the backs of his fingers against hers. He gave her the slightest hint of a smile as his eyes warmed. It was enough to make her relax. Oh, he might still hurt her. But the intention wouldn't be there. Besides, the heart was always at risk when emotions became involved. She wanted to trust his intentions were honorable. She just hoped she wasn't being foolish.
A birdlike whistle pierced the night, the only signal they'd receive to let them know the guards were being lured away. Dax hastened out of the alley and leapt over the wall to the garden, quickly disappearing from sight. She followed, jumping over the wall and trusting Malek was behind her. Landing softly on the ground, she ran toward the building. Like the magic she'd unleashed, those who sought the cover of the shadows tonight would have an easier time moving unseen. They still needed to hurry because the more people who were involved, the faster the magic would dissipate.
Dax bent down, offering her a foothold. She ran, using the momentum to throw herself into the air and over the second-floor balcony. She could have made it without his assistance, but she needed to conserve her remaining magic until after they escaped. Kneeling in front of the double doors, she tested the door to find it locked. Withdrawing her knife, she pricked her finger again and coated the tip of the blade with a drop of blood. At this rate, she was going to run out of fingers. Pressing the point of the dagger into the door lock, she listened for the almost silent snick of the lock disengaging.
Dax climbed over the balcony, dropping down silently. She moved away from the door, allowing him to take point. Malek appeared almost a second later, moving closer to the building and deeper into the shadows to hide from anyone who may have a view of the balcony.
Dax leaned against the wall at the edge of the door and glanced down at her. She gave him a nod, indicating it was unlocked. Dax pressed his hand against the door and closed his eyes, undoubtedly using his abilities to search for any lifeforce present on the other side. After several heartbeats, he opened the door and slipped inside. She motioned for Malek to stay close as they crept behind Dax.
The councilman's home was more of a mansion than a house, with hand-carved furniture and rich tapestries. The faint scent of a cigar tickled her nose. Sabine rubbed it absently as she gazed longingly at the floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with books on almost every subject. It had been a few months since she'd last visited, and it appeared the councilman had obtained a few more tomes.
Pushing aside the temptation to explore these new treasures, she headed directly for the safe embedded in the wall. It was unlikely it contained the item Dax was looking for, but they couldn't move on until they checked. Sabine moved aside the picture hiding the safe and stepped back, allowing Dax to begin working on the lock.
Malek positioned himself close to the window to watch the streets below for the guards. Sabine didn't bother. Javyn would keep the guards busy for a while. Instead, she ran her fingers over the books on the shelves and studied some of the newer titles. The councilman had been busy collecting books on magical items. She didn't remember any of these from her last visit. Curious, she pulled one out and flipped it open to a marked page.
Malek approached her and placed his hand against her back, leaning over to see what had caught her interest. She glanced up at him but didn't pull away. Malek seemed to take every opportunity to touch her, and she'd found she enjoyed it far more than she expected.
The book she'd picked up appeared to be little more than nonsense. It was a madman's ramblings, most likely a human who was running tests on items forged with magic. A lot of it was speculation about things he didn't understand. When the humans had become trapped on their world and the portal closed, they began hunting for ways to adapt to living amongst the magical races. The first witches and warlocks were created using these methods, trying to steal magic from others and forcing it to bend to their will.
Like the offering she'd made to Dax, magic needed to be gifted or part of a bargain for it to remain effective. The humans eventually realized this simple truth, which ended up being part of the reason there were so many mixed heritages. Even Esme was mostly human, but somewhere in her family line was a dryad who had mated with a human.
The notes scribbled in the margins of the book were a little more interesting. Someone, possibly the councilman, had made several references to the light and the dark. He further went on to write about how the dark could be trapped by the light, and vice versa. Sabine frowned, wondering if the councilman had been experimenting with magic and whether this had anything to do with the strange rumors circulating in Akros. If Baxter had discovered the artifacts were magical items, he might be trying to use them for some unknown purpose. It would explain some of the secrecy.
Dax opened the safe, and Sabine slid the book back onto the shelf. She'd have to come back at a later time and investigate more thoroughly. Leaning over Dax's shoulder, she watched as he pushed aside some papers to reveal a box tucked into the back of the safe. He pulled it out and flicked it open, studying the sparkling diamond necklace resting inside. It wasn't dwarven workmanship nor magical in nature, and only somewhat pretty. Dax arched his brow in a silent question. She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.
He nodded, withdrew the necklace, and tossed the empty box back into the safe. If she had indicated she liked it, the jewelry would probably make its way into a gift of some kind for her. Since she was ambivalent about it, Dax would likely sell it and distribute the profits to his crew.
It clearly wasn't the item they were hunting, so Dax put it in his pocket, closed the safe, and moved the picture covering it back into position. Malek glanced at her with a question in his eyes. She shook her head to indicate they needed to keep looking.
Dax moved to the door leading out into the hall. Pressing his hand on the door, he closed his eyes again and breathed deeply. His shoulders tensed and he jerked his head in her direction. Sabine grabbed Malek's hand and pulled him into the corner of the room just as Dax moved in front of them. Reaching out, she touched Dax's hand and focused on gathering the surrounding shadows just as the door swung open.
The light in the room changed slightly, but not enough to alert anyone of the deepening shadows. It wasn't an invisibility spell. Such things were impossible, but perceptions and lighting could be changed to hide someone from view. It was also possible to plant a suggestion for people not to notice them, encouraging them to slide their gaze past them as though they were a fixture or furnishing. The magic flowed over them, not penetrating Malek's warding, but it didn't matter. The type of magic she was using wasn't designed to affect him directly; it was simply necessary to mask his presence.
Footsteps moved across the floor of the library, most likely from one of the guards patrolling the house. Dax silently slid a knife out of its sheath, but he wouldn't break her shadow illusion unless the guard got too close. Sabine kept her breathing quiet and glanced over at Malek to see he'd also angled himself protectively in front of her and had drawn a weapon. Despite the danger, she smiled to herself at the gesture. She could handle herself fine, but it only reinforced her earlier decision to trust him.
The moment the guard was gone, Dax slipped his knife back in its sheath and jerked his head toward the door. Sabine released the magic masking their presence and followed him. Some of Dax's people were probably still searching downstairs. Either Javyn or Verin most likely already had contacts amongst the servants, allowing them to move downstairs a bit easier. The second floor was more dangerous, which was why Dax had wanted to handle this part himself.
Even with her ability to manipulate the shadows, moving around unseen with three people was far more challenging than if she'd been alone. But with the guards or hired mercenaries lurking around, Dax would never have agreed to allow her to break into the councilman's home without him. Malek carried himself well though. He hadn't panicked, which was always a concern when someone was new to this type of activity. It made her even more curious about his background and where he'd learned some of his skills.
They moved down the hallway toward the master bedroom—the other location with a hidden safe. Thievery had never been her primary motivation. She'd originally broken into the councilman's home years earlier because she had been looking for information about the political climate in Akros. When she'd seen his expansive library, she knew she'd never be able to stay away.
Dax opened the door to the bedroom. Sabine slipped inside and immediately felt the unmistakable pulse of magic in the room. She grabbed Dax's arm and whispered, "Wait."
He froze, allowing her to move farther into the room. She closed her eyes to better focus on the threads of power calling to her. It was subtle and elegantly crafted, but it was difficult to sort through all the layers. She shook her head and tried to bury the unease plaguing her.
Dax moved beside her. "What is it?"
"Fae magic of a sort. Ancient. But it's different from anything I've felt before. It's been changed somehow..." She let her voice trail off, unable to fully explain what she was picking up. It was almost as though there was a component about the magic that had changed from its original purpose.
Malek arched an eyebrow. "Do you know where it's coming from?"
She swallowed and nodded, walking over to where she knew the safe was hidden. Unlike the safe in the library, this one was seated in the floor. She moved aside the heavy woven rug covering it, and Dax knelt beside her, studying it.
"Any traps?"
She frowned, placing her hand directly on the safe. She closed her eyes and sent her awareness outward, but she didn't pick up anything except the strange magic. "I can't be sure. Something is strange about the item in there. It may be interfering with my senses."
Dax muttered a curse under his breath. She frowned, but it was impossible to offer him any real assurances. Something wasn't right, but she couldn't tell any more than that.
"Malek, watch the door," Dax ordered and pulled out his lockpicks.
Sabine sat back on her heels, waiting for him to work through the lock. In a few quick movements, he'd slid the tumblers into place and wrenched open the door. A black velvet bag was inside, the shape revealing the object was longer than the length of her hand.
Dax started to reach inside, but she grabbed his wrist. "Wait. Let me."
His inquisitive gaze flew to her, but she couldn't put it into words. She knew this item was dangerous to him, but she'd didn't know how. Leaning down, she picked up the cloth pouch, the heavy weight somewhat surprising. When nothing happened, she relaxed and opened the bag to ensure this was the item they were seeking.
It was a golden chalice encrusted with several precious stones. The workmanship was remarkable and unlike anything she'd ever seen. She held it toward Dax to show him, and he thrust his hand into the bag. His back bowed and a shout exploded out of him, his eyes flashing silver and staying that way. His skin shimmered, the color deepening to a sickly blue-black.
Sabine gasped, terror flooding through her as Dax's tenuous grip on his demonic abilities faltered. Something was draining his lifeforce and pulling his demonic powers to the forefront. His hand tightened around the chalice, and his body started to tremble uncontrollably. Flashes of gray light snaked up his arms, pulsing in time with the magical trap surrounding the chalice. Sabine fumbled, trying to pull out her knife as Dax let out an ear-deafening roar that undoubtedly alerted everyone within the surrounding buildings to their presence.
Malek swore and dragged a dresser in front of the door to barricade it. "If you can snap him out of it, you need to hurry. We won't have much time until they break down the door."
Sabine blew out a breath, knowing they had even less time than that. The gray color of the magic imprisoning Dax could only be the work of a necromancer or one of its minions. Necromancers always corrupted the natural order of things to suit their purposes. They sipped on souls the same way she might enjoy a glass of Faerie wine. If she couldn't bring Dax back under control of himself, he'd rend a path of death and destruction in his wake until the spell killed him.
The only thing that might work was to counteract the death magic with a source of life. Slicing open her hand with the edge of her blade, Sabine slapped her bleeding hand against Dax's mouth. He latched on, drinking it as she poured her blood and power into him. Hopefully, it would be enough to break the chains tethering him to the chalice.
It fell out of his hands with a clatter, but he continued drinking until Malek wrenched him away from her. Dax's eyes were still silver, but he was power-drunk and would remain that way for some time. Even worse, her efforts hadn't worked. The gray magic of the necromancer still surrounded him.
She scooped up the fallen chalice, understanding she needed to break the magical link Dax had formed with it. Until she did, none of them would be safe and it would continue draining his lifeforce. The power she'd offered him was only a temporary boost, and she didn't know how long it would last until it started stealing his life again.
Excruciating, white-hot pain lanced through her. She struggled against succumbing to it and tried to focus on the magic affecting Dax. A ward, vaguely familiar to one she'd seen before, had been embedded over the chalice. This was the source of the gray magic attacking Dax.
Her hands trembled. The magic contained within the chalice itself was even greater than the trap. But she couldn't afford to be distracted by it right now. Whatever the chalice was, it wasn't killing Dax. A necromancer had crafted a lich ward, a nasty piece of spellcraft specifically designed to drain someone's lifeforce. Dax must be the intended target, which was why she could still see the gray magic surrounding him. It was impossibly complex, and Sabine didn't have enough time for a more traditional severing of its hold over Dax.
She turned her attention to the chalice itself and the source of power she sensed within it. Some long-dormant part of her knew it was crafted by the Fae. She explored it carefully, searching for a way to use it to break the hold over Dax.
An unfamiliar scene flashed through her mind's eye. A ritual. Drums. Words etched into her mind, unlike anything she'd heard before. It was a memory, but it had never been hers. The scent of sulfur and burnt leaves filled the air, but it wasn't from Dax's power or even from the necromancer's trap. It was a long-forgotten remnant from the time the chalice was first forged.
In her hands was an object of power. Like the Faerie wine she enjoyed drinking, the chalice offered her a shocking insight. Only a Fae could wield the chalice and claim its power. The trap itself was a perversion, fixed in place using a combination of undead and demonic blood. It was clumsy and coarse compared to the elegance and beauty of the magic contained within the artifact.
It might be possible to use that power to break the necromancer's spell. All magic demanded a sacrifice, even if it was hers. Blood dripped from her hand and she smeared it over the chalice, coating the gemstones in an offering.
She gasped as the magic of the chalice rushed through her, strong and more potent than anything she'd ever experienced. Sabine's glamour fell away as she grappled the tidal wave of power, attempting to direct it to break its hold over Dax. Her skin began to glow, her hair lightening into an impossible shade of silver that could never belong to a human. The winding, silver thorn tattoos that were the hallmark of her heritage reappeared on her hands and arms, pulsing with magical intent.
Someone or something thudded against the door, trying to break it down. She ignored it and gripped the chalice tightly, refusing to release it. The power from the chalice rushed through her, trailing up her hands and arms, burning along the path of the markings on her skin. The magic was both Unseelie and Seelie, before they had ever been sundered. The chalice was an ancient relic, forged from a time when the gods still walked this world. It was flavored with their power.
Items of power had their own awareness, and this one was no different. Sabine had never held one before, but she recalled the lessons she'd learned as a child. Understanding what it wanted, she stopped fighting. Instead, she poured her power into the chalice, connecting with it and letting its power flow over her. It recognized her as worthy, and the magical attack ceased abruptly. The golden cup fell from her hands, clattering to the ground, and she slumped over, gasping for breath.
Malek reached for her, but Dax growled. "Don't touch her."
"Dax," she whispered, recognizing most of her magic had been used trying to break the trap holding him. Dax wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to her feet. The pounding at the door continued, and she dimly heard the sound of wood splintering. At least Dax seemed to be in control of himself once more and one crisis had been averted.
Dax scooped her into his arms and carried her over to the bed. "Do you have enough strength to hide yourself?"
She blinked, trying to fumble with her limited magic, and nodded. It would be a crude undertaking, but it was imperative it be done. The glamour settled over her skin, a thousand pinpricks as she fixed the illusion in place.
"We need to get her out of here," Malek warned, pushing another piece of furniture in front of the door. They'd break it down any minute, and she couldn't risk being caught here in her weakened state.
"There's an attic access in the sitting area," she managed, leaning against one of the posters of the bed and trying to fortify her remaining strength. It would take some time and rest before her magic naturally replenished itself.
Dax yanked open the attic access, studying the darkness. "We can escape to the roof and over to the adjacent building. Can you climb?"
Sabine winced. "I don't think I have much choice, but I might need some help. The chalice should be safe to pick up for now, but use the bag, just in case. I don't have enough magic left right now if you trigger it again."
Dax walked back over and carefully used the bag like a glove to pick up the fallen artifact. He slid it back inside and pulled the drawstring tight, hiding it from view.
Malek frowned and motioned toward the attic entrance. "They're going to be through the door in another minute. We need to leave. Now."
Dax affixed the bag to his waist and frowned. "Malek, take her back to the tavern. Keep her off the main streets and out of sight."
Malek moved over to her and wrapped his arm around Sabine, pulling her to her feet. She was still unsteady, but that wouldn't get any better until she had a chance to rest. Peering up at Dax, she asked, "What about you?"
"I'll stall them." Dax slid his sword from its sheath. He turned back to Malek, his eyes flashing silver. "If any harm comes to her, I'll hunt you to the ends of the world and beyond."
Malek's jaw clenched. "Nothing will happen to her. I won't allow it."
Dax gave him a curt nod. Malek started to lead her toward the attic access, but she stopped beside Dax and looked into his eyes. "Come back to me, Dax."
His mouth curved upward into his telltale smirk. "Run along, little Fae. I have people to kill."
She reached out, placing her bleeding hand against his sword arm. "By blood and magic, I offer you my strength and demand you return to me."
His eyes flashed silver as her power flowed toward him, and he jerked away. In a voice barely recognizable, he roared, "Go! Now!"
Without waiting for her to say or do anything, Malek swept her toward the attic access and pushed her up the ladder. It was none too soon as the door splintered and crashed open behind them.
- In Serial37 Chapters
Scion of the Void
What happens when a retired Sailor, avid gamer, Player versus Player nut and an H.P. Lovecraft fan all rolled into a man with slight psychopathic tendencies gets brought to a world of fantasy with role-playing elements? Chaos, absolute bloody chaos. Join Jake as he attempts to find his way in a brand new world filled with elves, dragons, and all manner of strange and magical creatures, all the while he butchers and slaughters his way to power. Can he make it, or will he be brought down by the darkness inside of him? Cover by Novissimus. Authors Note: Hey guys, thank you for taking the time to look this over. As this is my first work of any sort of writing, I would love it if you can give me any feedback you can think of. Hit me hard and hit me often, so I can make it better for everyone. Thank you! Authors Note #2. Some of the wonderful people reading this horrible attempt at literature have reviewed the Main Character as an unlikable a**hole that thinks everything is stupid or idiotic, while others have reviewed the Main Character as realistic and sarcastic. As the author, I think that both of these points are true, and if you, the reader, feel like you won't enjoy the MC being these things in your story, then it might be that this fiction is not for you. But if it is, then I welcome you with open arms. Thank you for your time.
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New life in AOT(Attack On Titan) World
After his death, the MC met a high-level being who told him that he can send him to a world to live a second life with a few cheats with him...and of course, the MC agree to it. In case some recognized the story from webnovel.. I am the author, I decided to share my story here and there
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[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Grey is just a 'normal' human being that loves his daily routine. Until one day, he found a mysterious article that made him keep wondering, What would I do if I could stop the time? That encounters, that thought process, lead Grey to experience a peculiar phenomenon, which is the gateway to the bizarre nation of Chronosseum. The land claimed to be located between reality and imagination, beyond thoughts and perceptions, and through space and time. People compete there, which might be the life-death situation, make their way to be the best player in the nation. However, the consequences of the game will be given in the 'mortal' world. Join Grey make his glorious way in Chronosseum, and uncover its truth! Also, he needs to answer that question too! Note: The story heavily relies on the characters' thought processes, characters' interactions with its dramas, mystery, and back-stories aspects, so expect the slice of life thingy. As for now, I can't say this is an action-packed story, but slowly, it will be for sure. Also, I'm planning not too heavily focused on the MC, as you'll see the story told from various perspectives. Tags and content warnings are checked for the sake of my creativity in the future, it might or might not be included. This is my first novel, and also, English is not my native language, I beg your mercy. But I am open to any feedback and constructive criticism, so let's make the story more enjoyable to read! Chronosseum is scheduled to release one chapter every three days (for now).
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She, Tenacity
How do you forge a future when you're so busy dealing with today that you can't see ahead? Gab is bright, empathic and takes life as it comes. She lives in rural Australia with her struggling mum, Gina, and little brother Jack. Her friends are keen to see Gab reach beyond her current circumstances as school life comes to an end. But they don't understand that Gab's vocational choices are entirely shaped by her responsibilities to her family. Suddenly, things change. As home-life reaches a new crisis point, Gab's chains are unexpectedly broken. Her newfound freedom brings new opportunities ... but Gina's grip on her daughter remains. As Gab struggles for independence, something she never could have imagined threatens to bring her world crashing down around her. Can Gab break free of her past and build a life stronger and better than she has ever known? As consequences unfold, it will take all Gab's courage to push on.
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Uprising: The Alliance Chronicles Book 2
Synopsis - Uprising - Book 2 of the Alliance Chronicles Universe The battle for Earth against the mysterious aliens known as the Possessors has come to an end, and the survivors are removed from the planet's surface. Earth's last survivors are safe, but the planet is currently uninhabitable, and the allied fleet needs to have the population transferred to a suitable world in the meantime. While Stephen, Walter, John, Helen, their allies Miradima and the rest of the Tau Cetian people are trying to adjust to their new reality, an uprising slowly begins to form among those displaced from Earth. They are determined to assert their will over everyone else in ther name of humanity first and freedom, and they will kill to get their way. The leadership needs to deal with this new threat, all while trying to rebuild society and prepare for the eventual return of the Possessor threat. The real question is, will they be able to successfully fight back against an uprising while preparing for war? And if not, what will the cost be?
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Michael jackson Daddy Pics.
Just some pictures i wanna share with you guys.
8 115