《The Ice Fairy》Chapter 2 The Gingerbread Soldier


Chapter 2 The Gingerbread Soldier

Ice Fairy's Pov:

When I reach the door I positioned the back to the wall. Maybe there is an unfrozen Mr dreamy playing theatre. It would be worth a glance .

I take a look:

The room is poorly lit but after watching this picture my eyes nearly pop out:

The whole room is full of gingerbread and other sweet stuff. The table is made of a candy cane. The chair consists of gingerbread and the cushion is a big marshmallow. There is a cupboard made of liquorice. The glass consists of sugar ice. Even the books are butter cookies with wafers inside.

The only light comes from the flame in an oven which is made of glass.

A little, fat guy stands in front of a table. He is bald with white hair around it.

What a pity.He is not my type....

His whole concentration is on his work. The man shows me his back.

Therefore I risk stepping into the door frame. A second later there is movement beside the old man.

Little gingerbread men climb down the cupboard. They walk in my direction.

There are 6 surrounding me. They have little spears in their hands.

Their decoration is really beautiful. A normal gingerbread man would have thick lines to describe their facelines or other things, but not these soldiers. Their lines are really thin and their faces look like the faces of real people.

Their decoration moves according to their feelings.

The little soldiers begin to poke me with their little spears. It doesn't hurt but it's really annoying.

I wonder if they can speak. They haven't made a sound up to now.

I pick up the soldier with the biggest hat.

They look really funny. Why are they alive? Do sweets normally move? What makes them move?

The man struggles and I look at its bottom. Is moving gingerbread edible? It shouldn't be poisonous. I mean most animals aren't poisonous either, I think.

What does it taste like? What does it feel like? I haven't ever eaten anything in my live. I think sweets are delicious. I mean I haven't ever met someone who doesn't like sweets. Okay my only encounter is with the person in front of me but he likes sweets, doesn't he?


Is moving gingerbread different from normal gingerbread?

I'll try it.

I lick the foot of the gingerbread man.

The gingerbread man's expression changes from a struggling one to a shocked one. He freezes. Then his effort increases tenfold.

Hm, I really can't say anything from this test.

My stomach makes a little growl.

I'll only try a little piece. I am sure this oldj person can fix him right up afterwards.

I take his foot into my moth and bite it off. Cream sprinkles over my lips.

Oh, what pleasure! I haven't ever felt anything like it. It's fantastic. An explosion of flavour. This cake like texture in combination with the cream. Marvellous!

The facial expression of the soldier shows a silent cry.

I bite his other foot off.

The cream splashes in my face and on the little soldier's companions who are watching me eating with open mouths.

Godlike. If I would die now, my short life had a reason.

I bite the lower body with the hands of.

What is this? The Intestines are made out of liquorice and the beating heart is a pulsating gum. Unsurpassable!

I let out a little moan.

(Voice, higher pitched)

"What was that?"


"I haven't heard anything..."

(Voice, higher pitched)

"There was something at the entrance!"

I hurriedly take another big bite and hide the remaining hat behind my back. The last bite tasted strange but I don't give it any further thought.

I manage to swallow and wipe the remaining cream off my face into my birth suite. I mean birth dress.

When the little, old, fat man turns around and sees me he jumps back and nearly falls on his work.

For a moment he says nothing and only stares at me. Panic shows in his eyes.

(I, Ice fairy)


(Voice= little, old, fat man)

"Am I really this crazy?"

I shrug my shoulders

(little, old, fat man)

"Who are you? Where are you from? Are you another of my illusion torturing me for the next 100 years? Showing me what I can't have for another eternity?"


(I, Ice fairy)

"No, I don't think so...

I am Ice Fairy and I came from the big platform above the city."

(little, old, fat man)

"Could it be? Has the drone found enough unfrozen pixie dust to make a birth? What joyous day!"

The old man reaches his arms in my direction and hugs me. He nearly found the hat of the little soldier but I put my hands in the air as he hugs my basin. His eyelids are pressed tightly together. Tears flow over my white dress.

I pet his bold head. A warm smile takes over my expression

Damn. I can't tell the old man about the soldier.

The smile becomes crooked.

We have stood there for 2 or 3 minutes when his hand with the staff begins to move. The other hand remains clinging onto me.

The staff hits onto his boldness.

(Voice, higher pitched, shouting)

"I only turned one second around and you, old geezer, are after other younger girls! Don't you know any shame?"

(little, old, fat man)

"I am sorry honey but I haven't seen an unfrozen person for 500 years.'

He looks at his staff and shows with the other hand his open palm to the sky.

(Voice, higher pitched)

"Yeah, yeah always your apologies...

Anyways we should introduce ourselves:

This is the 'crazy geezer' and I am his 'wife'. Pleased to meet you!"

When the wife introduces herself the crazy geezer points at his staff. Okay he is really crazy.

(wife (=staff) =Voice, higher pitched)

"Oh yeah and these gingerbread men around you are:

Gingerbread man 1,

Gingerbread man 2,

Gingerbread man 3,

Gingerbread man 4,

Gingerbread man 5

and Tom.

Wait, where is Tom? Tom! Thomas!"

A pearl of sweat runs over my forehead. The gingerbread men look accusingly at me.


"Hm, he must be out to get some ingredients. Thomas is such a great boy he always looks after other people.

For example one time, when I was sick, he took care of me. My, what a good boy."

Should I tell the crazy geezer? But this would break his heart and I am on the streets again. He will look everywhere for Tom. I have to tell him. Why haven't I been strong enough to resist.

(crazy geezer=little, old, fat man)

"Yes, Tom is an angel. He is our first born. I can remember his birth 250 years ago. He went right away to work like there was no tomorrow , helping me building all his brothers."

I can't tell him what I have done to his child. It would be too cruel. He had 6 gingerbread men and it took him 250 years to make five. Does that mean I ate the work of 50 years?

(crazy geezer)

"You have there something white on your cheek."

He points at his own cheek.

I hurridly wipe it off.

Now he knows. Everything is lost...

(crazy geezer)

"Anyways, I should probably take you on a tour around and show you everything, but before that you should change your clothes."

His cane hits his head.


"What are you looking at?! Taking advantage of a newborn. You should be ashamed of yourself! Besides I doubt that she knows that her dress is transparent."

I look down and see that he was right. A shriek escapes my lips. Both of my hands try to hide my nudeness.

I run out of the room. The crazy geezer shouts after me:

(crazy geezer)

"You can take from every other house your clothes. We are the only two moving fairies on the whole island."

I stop. I don't care if the crazy geezer sees me naked.

(I, Ice fairy)

"The only two? What happened?"

(crazy geezer)

"I'll tell you once you are decent. Go put on some clothes!"

I turn and leave the room.

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