《The Undead Multiwalker》Onto another Warring World!
He doesn't know how long he has been flying through the skies on his bike, but when the sun rose up, he guessed it was the next day. He would have gone immediately to the anomaly’s location, but he went for a slow ride to bathe in the air breezing through him comfortably.
The journey to the location of the anomaly, which is suspiciously somewhere around the far jungles of Brazil.
While it would bring some relief that he wouldn't need to deal with any major villains based on the said country, he will have to go in blind because he is going into unknown territory.
Even arriving into this section of the multiverse, the information given was suspiciously locked away or rather restricted to know about.
He thought this something of a problem with Gman’s M.T.G’s system, but he doubted so as there is always something that the best couldn't even look through.
Hell, even TOAA was surprised by the holy pancake… Weird that he managed to know about that when that just randomly popped in his head.
Once he was above the country, he jumped from his bike and let gravity do all the work for him. The thrill of falling down from almost within the clouds pumped his mental adrenaline, no matter how impossible that is for an undead…
From afar normal perspective, it would look like something from the skies is falling down at high speeds. Like a tank round fired.
When he was nearing the ground around 1000 meters above, he used {Fly} and slowly adjusted himself to slow down.
He landed on the ground softly before feeling his bike to his side already. He looked to his side and there lo his bike in all its renewed glory.
He was a little bit surprised to see his bike already here when it was literally above the clouds where no normal eye could even see. He guessed that his bike has no limit in teleporting to him in range, but he is a bit worried if something like a {Dimension Lock} would block its teleporting ability to him.
It does remind him of how Minecraft pets work.
If it works exactly like the game, then exploiting the fuck out it is gonna be abused.
And almost when he was about to bring up his tablet, he heard multiple footsteps rushing to his position, and fast.
He mentally cursed and brought out a [Scroll of Invisibility] then used it. He quickly summoned his bike and almost after it disappeared, several figures appeared.
They were Amazons, the warrior women race.
‘Amazons? I thought they were only around their Island?’ He thought. It would make sense, they used magic to hide themselves from the mortal worlds. Same method on how Wonder Womans’ home did.
“Search around, it should be around here.” One of the Amazons said.
Did his ‘falling down to the ground technique’ was noticed by the Amazons? If so, how? He could have felt any living being around his area, but felt none around the radius of 600 meters. The Amazons might be a scouting party and he just appeared in their route.
Even so, he has an anomaly to investigate. And with not enough details due to a certain cosmic god isn't even giving important information other than a direction and how difficult the mission would be.
Other than that, he could finally focus on the mission’s pacing by himself. No worries on anyone assigned to the mission. He is really not used to handling a team.
Sneaking around and following the path from where they came, he was not much of a tracker, but the direction would be the best bet. Including the magic that is radiating around the place.
It didn't take long to locate where they came from. And lo behold!
In front of him was some kind of an illusion barrier that wards off non-magical entities from entering the place. Although in comparison, it was weak.
Taking out scrolls in respective of {Anti-Information}, {False Life}, {Anti-Scry}, and {False Data: Self}.
He would no doubt be able to enter through the illusion barrier, but years of YGGDRASIL experience has him up for this and the mind-set. Being cautious and prepared is the way of being a PKer.
Unless you're one of those battle-minded lunatics who really wanted to take up a fight.
With the buffs and several extra protection against being detected now casted, he went through the barrier.
What brought his eyes upon the other side of the barrier made him widen his eyes, but only slightly.
It was a whole new place. Instead of the lush, cramped jungle of Brazil; he was now in the mountains. He would almost think that he had managed to travel to another world, but giving a look of the place, it felt like it was more of a portal.
Apparently the whole “illusion barrier” seems wrong and would correct itself to be… more like a portal.
Not just that, apparently there are buildings around the mountains. Buildings in a Greek style architecture. He’d guessed that he had gone to Mount Olympus.
He cursed mentally as he was literally in the territory of fucking Greek Gods of DC.
While he would love to get back, the damn device was sensing that the anomaly is somewhere in the mountains.
“That fucker. No wonder he didn't give me information about its actual fucking location.” He gritted his teeth in annoyance and frustration.
He shouldn't be surprised about this, but his Boss’s antics on not delivering the whole intel still pisses him off.
Oh sure, there are times that information is not correct or just lacking details in it, but in this case it is different.
Having someone who can literally monitor a section of both the spiritual realm and the cosmic universe-plane itself would have you bring in solid intel!
Or it might be the bastard's way of training his ‘Couriers’ in delivering their services without any expectations?
If so, he could have chosen someone else!
Pushing the thoughts away, he grumbled as he marched on. He was still invisible and it would take some time for it to wear off. He would rather not leave it away just yet, since no one has yet to notice him.
The people around were handsome and beautiful, as if they were crafted into a perfect image of a human being. But they were not normal humans, obviously.
He was anxious to no end.
The place was filling him with nostalgia, horrible nostalgia of fighting Olympian bosses in YGGDRASIL.
It was a ‘small’ update made by the devs that appeared within the 6th year of the game. That the Olympic mythos had mixed in with YGGDRASIL.
There were few complaints, namely the ones who want to keep it focused on YGGDRASIL by both name and its mythologies. But it was overshadowed by the amount of new items and equipment introduced into the game.
And besides, it's a game, the shitty devs could add in whatever they want. Just as long it's within… Who is he kidding? The fucking devs are assholes… Most of them anyway, he would be biased to think that all of them are shit if there is not one of them being reasonable.
Pushing such thoughts aside, the place was almost spot on from the one in the game. Sure there are slight differences in the building locations aside, but they somehow manage to get the architecture right.
He wondered if one of them actually went and knew about this and decided to create the whole damn thing in YGGDRASIL?
Following his savior’s thinking. Possibilities are low, but possibility is still a possibility.
Taking on what felt like hours, he managed to locate the source of the anomaly… Or rather, its general direction, but he was nearing it.
The only problem is that the anomaly is somewhere inside the palace of the Greek Gods… Which is rather unsurprising for the anomaly to be in a very risky and dangerous place.
He’d rather take on Dark Guardians in YGGDRASIL’s Hel than infiltrate in a highly dangerous, unknown territory. Because he knew Hel left and right, top and bottom easily.
This however? He doesn't know shit.
He easily entered the palace, making sure that no one had sensed him… yet. AS it is a good damn possibility for them to take notice. Being literal gods existing around in this universe.
Praying to the Universe itself to not cock him as he waded through the hallways and towards where the frigging GPS is locating him the anomaly at.
It didn’t take long, but there was one problem…
The room on which the GPS is directing to where the anomaly is… is literally out in the open on some kind of a stand.
Said anomaly is some kind of a blue box-shaped crystal floating on some kind of a stand.
Not the mention that there were guards around the damn thing, and they wore armor made of gold and bronze. Their weapons are shining bronze that is no doubt a magical one and could pierce through most conventional metal around.
But not that he is worried about, he is very sure he can take them on; the big problem is taking the damn anomaly would bring in so much attention that he isn't possibly sure on what's going to happen.
‘Having a {Perfect Unknowable} spell or scroll would be fucking good right damn now.’ He growled both in frustration and annoyance.
The anomaly is literally right in front of him, just a good 20 meters from where he stood at.
He took several deep breaths - despite the action being unnecessary due to being undead and not needing air - before slowly walking towards the crystal anomaly.
The nervousness only grew at every step forward towards the anomaly.
And then… He stood in front of it.
The anomaly is right at his face, and taking a glance around, no one seemed to notice him otherwise they would have stopped him from even taking a step forward at the crystal.
His mind worked its gears to the fullest, thinking of every possibility at hand before deciding to do one thing that he might regret.
He raised his Multiverse GPS Locator thingy at the crystal anomaly, and scanned it. It was one of the features that the device has. Able to scan almost anything and differ whether it should exist in this reality, plane, or the multiverse it should be existing and to tell its original placement.
And to his very much unsurprised attention at that, the anomaly in front of him came from the MC Universe. Said anomaly at question is known as-
“Why is the fucking Tesseract in the DC Universe?” Askad muttered angrily and quietly in disbelief.
One thing he is very annoyed to be doing this kind of stressful work in fixing up realities and planes; second thing is that he shouldn't be surprised in doing these kinds of things.
“So am I supposed to take this shit back to its proper place back in the MC?” Askad growled quietly enough only for him to hear his own words, hoping for Gman to respond.
After a full two minutes of waiting, there was no response to the smug-sounding voice that he felt very familiar he grew on.
He sighed-growled in annoyance and frustration once more. He is going in blind here. Taking the Tesseract is a must, as it shouldn't exist in the DC Universe and needs to be put back in place in the MC Universe.
Of course there were other powers that could rival or are quite better than the Tesseract, but the thing-of-power itself is something that can easily be abused by many other people he could think of in this universe.
Sighing in heavy annoyance, he went to grab the crystal-
But his hand was suddenly pushed off by an arrow from just inches away on touching the crystal. That set up red flaring alarms in his head and snapped his head to where he suspected the arrow came from.
And lo and surprise and be not surprise. He had been found.
“Intruder!” It be Artemis, Olympus Goddess of the Hunt. How on the living earth he has been discovered under the cover of his invisibility, he didn’t know. And how the living hell was that the frigging goddess is alive, he didn’t know. Because what matters now is that the alarm’s been set off, and he has to leave. Now!
The guards were shocked but it didn’t stop them from reacting quickly to halt the intruder.
He grabbed the Tesseract, tossing it immediately into his inventory and pulled out his pistols, used |Quick Fire| on the Amazonian’s bow, disarming her.
“|Flash Step|,” He muttered, disappearing from the room and appearing outside the palace.
The people outside were surprised by his sudden appearance. Askad didn’t stop there and used |Flash Step| multiple times heading outwards from the Olympus palace.
He muttered curses as he blinked and stepped from the scene.
“Damn it you bastard, I got the damn thing now. Mind you get me the fuck out of here?” Askad growled as he sensed multiple individuals now on his ass.
‘How the hell did they- oh right, frigging magic, demi-gods and gods.’ He cursed away.
“Would love to, but unfortunately you need to get out of that plane first.”
“And why on the living fucking EARTH is that necessary!? You’re a literal Omnipotent Being who can go through realities of realities easily!”
“Because… where's the fun of that?”
“...You fucking what?” Askad said in the most deadest tone he had ever sounded of.
“Hahahahaha, joking. I’m joking!” Gman wheezed before clearing his ‘throat’ through the telepathy? Eh? “But in seriousness, would you rather have all the gods within that plane of reality to immediately be in front of your phase?”
Askad gritted his teeth in annoyance as he dodged an arrow that was barely close to his head. Not that he couldn’t be harmed by them due to being high level and DCI equipment, that doesn't mean he should act carelessly.
And in unknown territories at that!
“But you can negate them from appearing when you get me the fuck out of this place right!?”
“Of course, of course, easily. But I have a counter question; why not use the Tesseract?”
“I don’t even know how to use this bloody thing!” He shouted as he |Flash Step| several more times as he ran once more.
“Just hold out the thing, think of a place where you think is safe to teleport, and bam! You're good.” Gman stated as if it was a fact. “Just note that it wont work teleporting back to home base due to not being ‘within’ the right plane of existence.”
“IS IT REALLY THAT SIMPLE TO USE!?” He shouted at the voice. “AND WOULDNT IT TAKE TIME TO ACTIVATE IT!? DAMN IT!” Dodging an arrow that barely missed his face.
“Actually it would just take, say about two to three seconds. Five seconds tops if your taking too long.” The voice said calmly, stating as if it were a fact.
“Like that’s bloody reassuring at all,” He gritted his teeth before grabbing the Tesseract from his void inventory. “If this wont work, then I’ll swear to have your ass burnt!”
“I have high assurance that it will work, you smooth-brain dingus.”
Muttering an incomprehensible curse one more time, he held out the glowing block of time and space, thought of a place in his mind, and felt the power of the Tesseract to work its magic.
A portal appeared to which he had thought of a place; the same barren wasteland where he had initially been transferred to.
With the portal opened, he wasted no time dilly-dallying around and threw himself at the portal before feeling the power of the Tesseract to cease. Immediately, the portal closed.
His rough landing on the ground didn’t bother him, relief came to him because he was not being chased anymore. And considering the far location from where he had gone into the Olympus Realm and to where he is now, there is time.
Unless they had managed to put something on him that would make them track him, then he needs to act fast.
“So, I got this damn thing now.” He held the Tesseract to his eyes. “What now? You’ll drop me somewhere in the MCU now?”
“Long process would be hassling, but it's the only method to do so anyways.” Gman sighed. “Head on back, we’ll try to process this without any interruptions.”
Askad grunted as he grabbed a glowing yellow orb in his inventory and held it upright. For a few moments a golden portal appeared in front of him and he walked towards it.
And with that, he is back on the M.T.G platforms.
The sight of portals came back with a sore feeling on the back of his brain.
He exhaled stressfully despite not needing to due so because he is an undead - yohohohohoho! - but the mental hell he was experiencing was enough to be an alternate way of making him more stressed out.
Even despite being… at the rough estimate calculations he did by himself, he had been in this debut for almost two weeks. And he had to handle this jerk-wad of a Cosmic God-Warden-Watcher of Space and Reality or something.
“Welcome back, Askad.” Greeted a floating eyebot nearby. “You are being requested by Gentleman to his office.”
“Of course,” He muttered before waving the bot away and walking to the canteen section. He needed something to drink, despite not needing to.
Yohohohoho, skull joke!
Actually does it apply to undead with a rotting tissue-flesh? Meh. Moving on.
Anyways, the meeting can wait. It's not like the office is going anywhere anyways.
. . .
He sat around for about 20-25 minutes, observing the things around him. Watching the various Jumpers going in and out from the portals.
He saw a few groups being scolded by what looked to be their team leader, no doubt there was something that went wrong on their part. Some who looked like they went through hell and back. And others who seemed to be happy on their part.
This certainly reminds him of being back in a game. Going through worlds with parties or going solo.
He felt his pocket vibrate, he knew who was calling him.
Taking it out, he checked the person; it was Mira. Boss’s secretary.
He answered, “Yello?”
“Where the hell are you!? Gentleman is waiting for you!” Shouted Mira through the device rather harshly.
“And it's a payback to him due being an ass.” He huffed.
“That can wait for a minute, but can you just get your ass over here? It's important!”
He snorted. “Last time he said that, I went through hell.”
“Alright, alright, I’m moving now.” He said before ending the call. “Jeez, that woman could turn hell cold.”
“She could, if she wasn’t having a desk job.”
“Hehe, yeah. No doubt- wait a minute-” He turned around to see the same people who he had first met when he took a job from Gman.
Jael, Jon, and Specter.
“Didn't think you’d be here,” He commented. “Wheres Neramo?”
Jon shrugged. “Having a time-in with Shiro. Heard you talking with the boss-lady over the phone, another personal job?”
Askad huffed. “Hopefully another delivery. I’m not in the mood for another hit-and-run missions at the moment…”
“Because of your last mission with the rookies?” Jael spoke those words like it was a fact rather than a question.
Askad raised a brow. “How’d you know-?”
“Mission Logs.” He answered like it was obvious. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me you don’t know about that?”
The multiwalkers laughed at his ignorance, except for Specter who merely chuckled in amusement.
“To be fair, I wouldn't know such a thing exists.”
“What the hell do you mean!? That board over there logs the results of every mission done!” Jon pointed to a big-ass jumbo billboard that literally shows the results.
“How the hell did you not notice that when you went in like three times!? HAHAHAH!”
Askad felt embarrassed and frustrated at the same time. Honestly, he was focused on putting the mission first and finishing it then relaxing afterwards. And he was technically babysitting newcomers to the road on how the ‘game’ works.
“...I’ll be heading out now.”
“Do you need a guide to direct you where you need-” Jon smirked.
“Shut up the fuck up the three of you.” Askad glared at him then the rest of them, which just made them laugh in amusement even more.
Walking away in annoyance, he believed he had an excuse to not be able to notice it anyways.
Arriving at the Boss’ office, he was about to open the door and just in time for Mira to scold him for being late. She immediately pushed him into Gman’s office unceremoniously and closed the door behind.
“I won't question if your pissed.”
An undead blood vein ticked on his head. “You should know about it by now.”
“The Tesseract if you please?”
Without question, he materialized the said object from his inventory and tossed it onto the Cosmic Entity’s desk, which hovered on said desk by an inch above.
“I’ll be having the Space Division to handle this if you are wondering,” Gman said nonchalantly as the Tesseract disappeared the moment he touched it. Leaving no trace of the Tesseract behind. “But not that you’d care about it do you?”
“Just tell me what to do, Boss.” He groaned out in annoyance. He swore that the bastard was grinning so wide right now.
Gman chuckled. “Very well, another delivery mission to the Imperium of Man-”
“I’m sorry- the fucking WHAT!?”
Gman sighed as he felt the volume ‘wince’ his ears. “Jeez, simmer down your hype will you?”
“I’m not heading out to the god damn fuck-all of a Universe. Too much risks, too much things unaccounted for, and they would be expecting of me for fuck sakes!” He shouted. “Not when everything in that fucking universe wants to kill you!”
The blinding light man simply shrugged his shoulders without any care. “Not that I’d expect you do it with success anyways-”
“Oi, fuck you!”
“-But your true mission is to deliver this package,” A package sealed in what seemed to be a metal box, military-futuristic grade. “to the military of Los Angeles.”
“Los Angeles?” He repeated the words. “Why them specifically? What the heck is it you are referring to?”
“The Movie Universe of “Battle: Los Angeles” to say.” He answered. “The reason why this package must be given to them is because they are fighting a war that will cost them almost all their human lives. They managed to win the war against them, yes, but the result will cost them almost the entirety of the human race.”
“But the movie hadn't exactly explained or told whether they managed to fight off against the aliens? So the results just end up like the Halo UNSC fighting a losing fight?”
“The Covenant are not exactly a group that you would underestimate if you were the humans in the universe,” He commented. “But back to the topic; I have known much more than any of you could do anyways. An advantageous Perk being me.”
“But you wouldn't be able to ignore the spoilers given to you eh?” He smirked.
“No we won't,” He shrugged. “But not that I care about it anyways. Best to know ahead than knowing late.”
“I have a feeling that you experienced being the ‘slow to realize’ one, ain't ya?”
“And that is a question that you will be having for the rest of your life.” He flicked the package at the Undead Mercenary. “Move along, I got papers to check.”
“And you're not even denying it~” He smirked.
“And I’m not confirming it either,” Gman responded with a “as a matter of fact” tone. “Which is why, the question will be in your head for a long time before it decides to lay dormant and pop up out of nowhere at the most inconvenient moment of your life.”
“Let's see about that.” Were the last words of Askad before exiting the office.
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I Am Power
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gods and monsters. graphic shop
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