《The Undead Multiwalker》World of Masks and Capes
"Bad on the mission with the girls I take it?"
"Hmmm?" He took a look to who asked that. "Ah, Shirokami." He greeted before processing the question he was asked. "What makes you say that?"
"Oh I don't know, you had that guilt-looking expression on your face and a dark cloud above your head!" She enthusiastically replied as she pointed above his head.
He raised a questioning brow before looking upwards, seeing a dark cloud literally hovering above his head.
'The hell?' He wondered when did that get there before shaking the thought away. This is the Multiwalker's Hub, random shit is going around. He'll have to get used to the environment.
'No wonder I got a free drink, must be they saw the cloud as a sign of remorse?'
"So, mission taken bad I presume?" She asked as she grabbed a chair and sat down.
"No, mission went well. Its the girls that took it abruptly away from the course. That, and its my fault for putting rookies in danger as well." He shook his head. "By the way, how did you know I was leading a mission with girls?"
"Ah I see, emotions going interrupting the scene I take? And don't worry, Multi-walkers would simply respawn back once the mission is done. And to answer your last question, I know how because it said so on the mission logs." She said before grabbing a vanilla shake order, dropping in a dozen gold coins to the floating robot.
She eagerly sipped the shake with a straw before letting out a burp.
"Hungry weren't ya?" He remarked as he eyed the shake. The damn glass was literally tall as a frigging length of an arm, and she managed to gulp 1/4 of a fill.
"Oh~? Would you like to have a try?" Either he was going crazy or not, he saw a glint of seductiveness within her eyes.
He chuckled. "No thanks, as tempting it is, I'd rather not."
'Plus I don't think I can even feel lust due to my race.'
"Awwwww, why? Your friend there is a tiny winy?"
He didn't bite the obvious mockery there. "Heheh, I'm not that stupid enough to grab the attention of your boyfriend, Shiro."
"H-He's not my boyfriend baka!" She then afterwards proceeds to drink her shake while looking away. No doubt embarrased.
'And there goes the generic tsundere part.' If she had seen her smile, she would no doubt make a fuss about it for a long time. 'Though she is cute.'
"Jokes aside, since I would think it would be Yuwaku who should do that, don't you think?" He smirked, the expression she was giving was almost priceless. "You can't fool me whoever you are."
"How did you-?" She shook her head before smiling. "You got me there."
She waved her hand in front of her, dispelling what illusion she was covering.
What revealed was a woman, possibly in her mid-30's. He would compare her as one of those player cosmetic skins that they would proudly show around YGGDRASIL and the fashion forums.
She is something he a demi-human, due to the pair of small horns on near her temple head. Blonde golden hair, gleaming from the reflection of the beaming lights from around the bar section of the room.
She wore a very visible transparent top covered by a jacket that only reached above her belly button. A blue tight skinny tattered jeans.
Thankfully she wore a bra or he will question until the end on how the fuck is she not ashamed by her outfit?
By the end of that guess, she is either a exhibitionist pervert, or just a slut.
"Like what you see~?"
'As if your worthless looks can grab my attention.' He would have said that, but knowing the random appearance to the people around and in fashion forums, it would be seen as rude ass shitty mannerisms.
"Pretty." He shrugged. "But I've seen others more pretty than you."
'Seriously, those fashion forums changed my level of standards now.'
"Hmph!" She pouted like a adorable little kid being denied of candies. "But how did you know?"
"Like I said, the one you impersonate is someone that doesn't act like that. Rather her other friend Yuwaku, but she doesn't do any illusion magic or abilities. So I thought it would be someone else impersonating, or maybe the boss-man high tricking me time to time."
She blinked. "Wait, He-Gentleman tricks you?" Not sure if she quite heard that right and asked again.
"Not that you'd believe me anyways." He shrugged before sipping his drink.
"Yeah, I don't believe you..."
"Do you come here to mingle or do you have something for me?" He looked her in the eyes, no time for any bullshit pranks around. "If its something perverted, I have no time for such simple things."
"Well I came here actually because of a bet I was in."
"A bet?" He arched a questioning brow.
"Yeah. The bet was that I'd fool someone to try and seduce them and grab their currency."
"...You do realize were all in the same group right?" He deadpanned.
"Yes yes," She waved her hand dismissively. "But if you are careful enough, one can get away with it. And I thought you were an easy target so, yeah."
"Hmmm... So this bet?"
"Hm? Oh, it was a little bet against a friend of mine."
"The one wearing a grey top hat, taking glances on me specifically time to time?" He pointed towards a fellow who is wearing a grey top hat, and noticed that he was being seen, took cover under the decor bushes.
The woman's reaction took the gold. "How did you-?"
"You two are rookies I take?" Her silence is the answer. "Then I suggest you have your friend come here and I shall have a chit chat to you two."
. . .
""Were sorry...""
The two pranksters were apologizing to their supposedly claimed senior, sure they asked for proof, but after seeing his rank and badge in the system, their faces would be compared as pale chalk white.
It was an amusing sight for the undead.
In introduction for the top hat, he would have been mistaken him as a child, but he is apparently a young adult. Weird because his height is comparable to a small teen or a child.
'Perhaps the top hat was something to compensate for his small height?' He thought amusingly. Seriously, he is tall enough to reach his waistline. If you include the top hat, it would have him reach up around his chest.
Aside from the grey top hat, he wore something that resembles a sorcerer's robe with a lion symbol on the back. A crystal necklace that was hanging around his neck, no doubt a magic item.
A quick {Silent Cast: Appraise} onto the two, they were leveled around lvl 50-60.
He would have looked into the system and checked their files, but its nothing worth mentioning.
Oh? And you thought there wont be another D.H Entry File?
Oh how wrong you thought there wont be.
*Activating D.H. Database*
Name: Hiraoka Mika
Element: Phantasmal Force
Home-World Universe: Justice League (AU)
Division: Space
Personality: She is sweet and seductive, although that is her one side. Almost acting like a succubus. She is almost 'wanting' in hugging little children... When in battle, she is fierce, deadly, and stylishly violent.
Fighting/Combat Style: She uses her illusions to trick opponents, confuse them and make clones, making her a deadly enemy to those who are not capable on detecting which is the real one.
Though even if its an illusion, they are still capable on dealing real damage. So it wouldn't matter much if they would see through her powers... Maybe.
She uses her nails as they are sharp as knives and tough as steel. Her skin is able to deflect bullets and is resistant to most magic. Her strength is above human, but not beyond superhuman either.
Appearance: She wore rather very visible and transparent clothing, though her skin is visible, she covers it with a small tight jacket along with a bra. Exception anything below the leg level.
A pair of small horns on her head, and her skin was almost pink. Almost.
*Extracting another D.H. entry file...*
Name: Remas Ramus
Element: Chrono-based magic spells/powers
Home-World Universe: Team Fortress 2 (AU)
Division: Time
Personality: Goal-oriented, and anti-social. Though with his life secluded in his own home, he wasn't able to socialize with other people. So while his mental aptitude increased, his mind is still a child however.
So he wasn't used to any attention from any persons.
Fighting/Combat Style: Uses magic, specifically chrono-based abilities. Able to stop time, cut through time, and speed up time. However, it rather taxes his mental health. Risking heavy migraine if abused too much.
Appearance: He wears a enchanted robe that increases his magic prowess, and a magic necklace that protects him from all elemental powers to an extent.
*Deactivating D.H. Database*
"Though while your files brings out curiosity from me, I do wonder how the both of you got together?"
"That's uh..."
"We got in together."
He blinked. "At the same time?" He asked.
"We got reincarnated at the same time somehow." Remas clarified.
"And that makes us partners for life~!" Said the girl almost enthusiastically. She is quite a cheerful one. "And this little guy will depend on me~!" She said as she hugged the boy who is shorter than her, reaching only under her breasts.
"No, it doesn't!" Retorted the young magican as he struggled to get out from her grip.
As they started to bicker with each other again, forgetting that they were being scolded by a higher up. They were actually Multiwalkers longer than him, he was just implemented as a Multiwalker with a bonus start which would make him feel bad for them but knowing Gentleman...
He wouldn't exactly sympathize with them. But it brought back some nostalgia.
A small sound beeped in his system tab and saw a message coming in from another Multiwalker. He is being called to Gate Hub #4, although for unknown reasons...
Although the sender was coming from a high ranked Multiwalker, doubt was embedded in his mind.
"Tell me," Stopping the bickering and grabbing their attention. "have you teamed up with anyone else?"
"We joined squads going in world Tiers' 8, anything above Tier 8 we joined with a large one for safety. But below Tier 7, we can handle those missions ourselves." Remas Ramus began to explain, although in a annoyed tone while still pushing his friend's face out of his personal space.
"Yep yep!" Mika nodded frantically as she was still hugging the little shota within her slender yet somehow able to hold the teen in his place with her arms.
'If I haven't read their files, this would looked like a shota being attacked by a milf woman...' He thought. 'That or its a pedo attack.'
"I'll be serious now; why did you do it?" He made his tone that would shaken any lesser being. Hell, he was even surprised he managed to make it that deep.
"U-Ummm-" Mika started to fidget around, twining her fingers as if she was caught grabbing a cookie in a jar.
"It was a stupid bet that she made it. The terms were that if I win, I will have to make her fool someone. And if I lose, I'll do the same." Remus answered. Although he was inwardly anxious to how will the person in front of them react.
His response? He groaned in annoyance.
"You are lucky that I'm too tired to deal with your bullshit, and I'll let this once bit go." And before they could sigh in relief, he added in a little cream on top. "But if I find you two do one more trouble shit like this again, I'll find a way to throw the both of you into the Outer Planes."
Not that they knew about the Outer Planes, but the last part made them shiver unconsciously. Despite how it doesn't sound threatening, their very souls seem to shake at the mention of that 'place'.
Whatever that place was, it scared them.
""We won't do it again!"" They both bowed their heads instantly in unison.
He stood up and gulped down the remaining drink. Before leaving, he spoke one more time. "Remember, this is not a request."
. . .
*Sigh* "Why is it that in just few fucking weeks I am to be responsible on the rookies when I'm a rookie myself...?" He muttered as he rubbed his head. Not that his head ache, but the mental stress is coming up to him.
Despite being undead, his soul is still human, or whatever remnants of his former life is still there.
He still has that bike, but it was changed from its ugly past.
An ugly past of being a "Cleaner".
He then receives a message from Gman to go to his office. No doubt suspicious on whatever the big man on top wants from him, but he also considers about what had happened in the last mission.
Then again, possibility of him watching whenever he was leading the rookies in their first 'hard' missions.
Once he went stepped into the office of Gman, he was greeted by Mira (See chap 1 for Database) with a tablet on her hands.
"Hello, Askad." She greeted with a nod.
"Mira." He did the same. "Working well assuming? And is boss there?"
"Yes, yes I am. And aye, he is there." She motioned him to follow her. He had known where his office was, but it only allowed those with 'magical passes' the authority to roam around Gentleman's office.
If those who were wandering around without the presence of a authorized guardian with them, they are automatically sent to a detention room with numerous amounts of wards that will deny any usage of powers of any kind.
A nullifying room if you might say.
As they walked, they passed through several rooms. The hallways were lacking of people or staff of the organization, but that is only because a selective few, or rather those who were assigned being Gman's assistant were only allowed to be in around the office rooms of Gman.
"Has there been any reason why he called me?"
She shook her head. "Not that I know of, all I know is that I was pinged that you were coming here." She shrugged.
"Thinking about something?" She glanced at him.
"Why else would I hummed?" He grinned.
"Smart ass." She muttered before noticing that they were nearing her boss's office. "Just through that door."
Gman's office door is simply just a normal, wooden door. If specified, it is a decor door made of ebony and oak. It was simple, yet effective. All rooms have the same door. It would confuse the hell out of the persons who don't know the place, and would be effective in buying time.
Askad thanked her before opening the door and entering the room. The room was still the same as he was brought the first time into this dimension.
"You need something-?"
"Just wait for a moment, Askad!" Gman quickly said as sounds of scribbling was heard from his high desk. He was in his humanoid form, looking like a man wearing a very formal suit. Although his face showed nothing but a bright glow that covered his entire head.
Figuring he was doing some paperwork considering the amount stacks of papers on his desk, Askad treated himself by sitting on a nearby chair that happened to be right behind him. Though it wondered him why he did not speak through telepathy. Was he concentrating on his paperwork? He is curious to what its related about.
"Skeptical?" Gman said without turning his eyes away from whatever he was doing.
"With you doing homework? Yes." He smirked.
"Very funny child." Gman said, almost annoyed in his tone. "I can easily give you a desk job if I wanted."
"You do know that abuse of power right?" This prick of a primordial,
"And who would stop me from it? I am your Boss remember?"
"...Tch." He grunted in defeat.
"And its been weeks, almost a month in Real Time, and you've been hooking up with my secretary huh?" He made a passing comment without looking at him as he said.
"'Hooking up', my ass! I only see her as a relatable co-worker!" He exclaimed. "And how the hell did you know that!?" He could somehow feel that Gman was smiling his ass off right now despite the bright glow cover.
"I doubt that and to your second question; trade secret."
Askad mumbled in a series of curses quietly and grumbled away. He had this question he didn't manage to ask, now would be a good time. "Am I the only one who frigging has to know your 'this' side of behavior, Boss?" He asked irritatingly.
"No, not just you. There are others, if you exclude my coworkers and my boss, although only a select few."
Ok now that changes things.
"And I can erase you out of existence if you dare to say this to anyone else."
And there goes the threat.
"...I would normally lay my hands on the ground and beg for mercy, but I got my pride to keep on and I'd just keep my mouth shut about this and what is it were talking about?"
"Good." He place the paper onto another stack. "And the girls?"
He felt his face frown ever slightly. "A mistake on my end. Why? You gonna erase me then?"
"HAH!" Askad nearly jumped out in surprise. "As if I would punish a employee because of something that small. I would be a pathetic boss to this organization." He chuckled.
"Not even that I had one of the rookies I've looked after was harmed?" He raised a brow.
"Oh please, as if that Gamer had managed to harm her, it would be impossible so. He is under equipped, low level, and just a starter. And if you were to go all on out, he is literally nothing to you."
"But I was restricted-"
"On what grounds eh? I have not said anything on holding back whenever a Multiwalker is in a mission. Have I said something to you to hold back?"
"No..." He went quiet, after knowing that the boss was right on that one.
"And to answer your unasked question to why I called you here, which is also one of the reasons about the girls you've been assigned to lead on, is that I have another mission for you."
He groaned in response.
"Tired are we now?"
"Physically? Quite impossible to what I am now. Mentally? Very much so!"
Gman hummed before pointing his finger towards the undead and briefly glowed. Almost by an instant he pointed at him, he felt his mind cleared. No burden on his mind weighing him down.
He gruffed. "Looks like I owe you one huh?"
"You owe me your services, Askad." He said simply before waving in a mission to his tablet. "For the current, your mission is to search and neutralize a anomaly in around the DC universe."
"...Wait, that's it?"
"That's it." Gman nodded.
"Yeah ok - NO! I call bullshit!" He exclaimed. "I'm betting my ass that there is something that you ain't telling me!"
"Do you want me to explain everything that is literally found in your tablet?"
"...Screw you."
"Hey, do you want me to give you a delivery mission to the WH40k universe instead?" Gman sneered.
Askad looked away and gritted his teeth, holding back his anger from exploding. Barely pushing the angry thoughts away, he pulled up his tablet and saw a notification from Boss.
He checked the information of what Gman had sent him, and it is seems ordinarily normal.
He is to be transported into Earth of the DC universe. Search and neutralize the anomaly that is found in the said universe as Gman said so before. It did not said of which timeline or episode he will be in. The difficulty is ranked Tier 6-A; Continent Level. Above his normal pay grade.
He will have to be looking for the anomaly in low profile, no attention given to him. So he will be working in the shadows.
"Hey, some things lacking here. I cannot work with the lack of information you've given me."
"And to which, the surprise will be once you are in the DC universe." Gman said as if it was normal.
He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Is this a suicide mission? And a Tier 6-A, this mission is to have me killed?"
Gman stopped writing and turned to 'look' at him. If he would count 'look' if the glowing just shone brighter and brighter.
"You start to have doubts in me, Askad?" He spoke his words slowly, taking in his time. "If I were to tell you something that is not supposed to be known right now, and only after you are there, would you still accept the mission despite you honoring your own words the first time that we made a deal?"
He looked at him, barely able to hold on a stare since the glow was blinding his eyes despite being immune to blindness. "Damn it, even that I'm undead, I still get blinded by your damn light!"
"Heheh, even you being immune to certain things, there are also some things that will be changed in under different circumstances."
"Hmph, then I hope the reward for this is true."
"Oh please, I may be mischievous, but I do not hold back on my own word!" He 'retorted'.
After that, Askad got up from his seat and walked out of the office. Leaving Gman to continue scanning around the papers on his desk.
*Sigh* "By the Existence of All, I hate paperwork..."
. . .
Arriving in the M.A.T.S to get his mission confirmed again, they quickly dialed in a M.T.G for him to be on his way.
'Hmmm, it seems having a personal mission from the Boss is something noteworthy.' He noticed a slight change from the receptionist who seemed to hold a high attitude of respect towards him the moment he showed his mission to the reception.
'I'll ask Boss about that after this.' He quietly went to his assigned M.T.G and waited for it to be tuned up. While waiting, he was inspecting his equipment on what to use and what to not use.
Since it would be a espionage-like mission, he'll have to limit his powers on this one. Only to use when its necessary. The DC universe is something not to be underestimated with. Despite how the DC Shows showed how the people are capable of there, they might not be the same from the shows.
'Everyone in the DC Comics is not to be underestimated.' He reminded himself, almost like a mantra.
Once the M.T.G activated, he simply walked through and felt his whole being transported. Feeling the familiar abnormality changes he had experienced the past several missions he had been assigned.
Bright white filled his sight.
DC Universe - Justice League
Location: Earth, Nevada Desert
The air changed, the winds blowing in harder than normal, the reality around the area cracked as a rift began to form into a portal.
Askad walked out of the portal with his [Twin Destroyers] pointing out whatever is expecting of him, afterwards the portal disappeared in thin air.
Sensing that the transportation brought him out in the desert, he began to felt the nostalgia of the barren toxic wasteland that his dead world was. Similar, but not too similar.
No toxic air, no radioactive wastes dumped around. Just a simple desert plains with noticeable pieces of plants scattered around, stone hills and canyons.
Checking the perimeter around, there is no one around within a 15 mile radius.
But he cannot relax just yet, the portal may have been detected by several parties in this world, in few minutes they will be arriving soon.
He quickly cast {Invisibility} and {Fly} on himself. Heading out as far as he can from his initial arrival. It won't be pretty should he be discovered.
. . .
Batman was on the edge. As he always was.
But this one he is more suspected.
About almost half an hour ago, sensors aboard the JL Watch Tower had detected a small yet insanely powerful spike of energy occurring in the Nevada Desert. It dissipated after a minute it appeared, but it was enough for the sensors to fix the position where it had occurred.
About half a minute since the anomaly appeared, the magic and psychic members of the League had felt something powerful, dangerous and dark had appeared. It was something they would consider it as 'unholy'.
This would be that this is either magical or psychic in nature, but possibly both.
In order to investigate this clearly incredible and dangerous occurrence, the League sent several of their best members: Batman, Wonder Woman, Zatara, Superman and Martian Manhunter. They also had a second group on stand by in case reinforcements were needed.
They were on their way using the Javelin, approaching the site of the energy spike, Batman had zoomed in to the position on where the energy surge was and see nothing out of the ordinary.
The others were also confused, however, Zatara had sensed only if barely, a presence of something dangerous.
Once Batman landed the craft, the group began to make their way out and scanned the area. There was literally nothing around the area.
"There doesn't seem to be anything around." Wonder Woman remarked as she scanned the area.
"The energy surge was located in this specific area, whatever it was, it must have moved by now." Batman said before turning to Zatara. "Zatara, is there anything you sensed?"
The magician seemed uncomfortable but he nodded. "I managed to sense a essence of something dark and dreadful, but only if barely."
"Can you trace it?" Batman turned to him.
The magician pondered in silence before shaking his head. "No, I don't know any spells on locating the source of this... dreadful aura."
"How bad is it?" Superman asked, curiosity on the number.
"This is only just a small essence, if I were to sense whatever has come out into this place... I hope that we would not face it."
Several portals suddenly appeared, with the group almost attacking whatever had walked out of the portals, they saw familiar faces.
. . .
He was right on using the ring that hide his mana that has [Anti Divination] enchantment.
He was waiting for any one to arrive at the spot he just got transported in from a good distance, using a magic scope to zoom in even from very long distances. Knowing the capabilities of every powerhouse in this universe, its better to put up a very safe distance away.
Truthfully he was expecting to be falling out from the fucking sky considering how that bastard delivered his missions to drop his team on the fucking sky and crash into the IMPENDING GROUND OF DOOM!
The Justice League were the first ones to arrive, then came in the ones who used magic.
Out came from the portals were John Constantine and Doctor Fate.
He would be expecting The Spectre to appear, but knowing it can only be summoned into this realm. But the possibility of it to appear is high.
He would summon in a Shadow Demon, but that would put up more suspicion. Bringing up all the magic users' attention would mean death sentence.
Quickly leaving the scene, he brought up his tablet and sought out to find the anomaly. And from how the tablet indicates, its pretty far from here.
He was about to cast another {Fly} onto himself but remembered that he had another method of transportation!
'But how should I bring up my bike...?' As he was thinking, he noticed embers flying around behind him. He turned his head and saw his baby simply waiting for a ride.
"Flame!" He cried out in joy before hugging the damn bike like its something he received as a Christmas gift for the first time. "Oh baby I missed you so much!"
He could swear that the bike's engine purred the moment he said that. He knocked himself in the head remembering that its a sentient bike that he just got from Boss... Which was his actual bike in the previous life but got transformed into something more awesome.
Getting onto the bike, he revved it once more before flying out into the sky, towards the destination on where the anomaly is supposed to be located in his tablet.
. . .
"How in the blazes did you get here first than us?" The British magician snarled as he scanned around the area. The smell of alcohol stenches around him.
"We got here using a jet." Superman replied with a small smug smile in his face.
Before John could grumble away and responded back, Doctor Fate intruded as he floated forward. "Have you located the source?"
"No, we just got here." Wonder Woman replied.
"Any of you sensed anything at all?"
"Considering the fact that we felt something of ire maliciousness of dread."
"Was it Chaos?"
"It actually felt like... something-" Zatara began to speak only John to cut him off.
"Out of this world? Abnormal? Like reality just cracked open a pop of Jack Daniels and make a horrible mix as a result?" John asked.
"A crude illustration," "Hey!" "But something like that." The old magician nodded.
"We'll keep our eyes open, we don't know if this will happen again, but we will need to act quickly to get to the bottom of this."
- In Serial60 Chapters
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