《Omega A Legacy Reborn》Chapter 10: The Master and The Wild Girl


"Team Alpha and Team Singularity from group A and Team New Gen and Team Shredders from Group B, please come to the teleporters. I repeat, Team Alpha and Team Singularity from Group A and Team New Gen and Team Shredders from Group B, please come to the teleporters."

"Is our turn now," Adel said.

"Yeah." The pink-haired girl won't lie she was a bit nervous. This is going to be the first time her childhood friends are going to see her perform in Omega.

"Good Luck, you too Lahaska!" Alice told the black-haired girl.

"Don't worry I won't lose this early, unlike a certain someone." They look to see a very dejected Heidi.

"Wow, she is taking that loss hard."

"Well, she was looking forward to this as much as Richard." Aeris pointed out.

"Yeah, Hey! At least she gave Harry a run for his money." Richard told everyone and they agreed. Alice was quite impressed by her rival's battle with the son of the owner of this game. Her wild unorthodox attacks surprised the rival of the brown-haired boy and she almost won too. She remembers how the match went...

Early in the day...

"Man, nothing better to do than to celebrate by eating pizza here!" The brown-haired boy said as he shoves a pizza in his mouth.

"18." Both his teammates said counting how many pizzas have fell victim to the brown-haired seemingly bottomless black hole.

"I'm proud of you Richard dear!" Heidi hugged the boy which prompted Alice to pry her off but to no avail.

"Aeris are you alright?" Yuma asked as she saw the pink-haired girl clench her fist.

"Huh? Er, yeah I am fine!" Aeris responded quickly. She doesn't know why but seeing Heidi hug the brown-haired boy gets her mad for some reason.

"Your Rhythm...Is increasing." Genre said. From the sound coming from her headphones as she took them off for a brief second, it seems that she was hearing a ballad song.

"So this is where you spend time together?" The group looks behind them to see none other than Darcell Lahaska. She was not alone tho. On her right, there was a big and tall muscular man. He seems about 4 to 5 years older than her with black long hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes. He was dressed in a white with a dragon design shirt and blue cargo pants, along with black boots. On her left, there was another male this one thinner and older than her by just a year. His red tuxedo suit made him look like a businessman. His hair was short black while his eyes were as blue as the sky above them.

"Lahaska! Huh? Who are they? Are they your teammates?" The red-haired girl asked.

"Yes. Let me introduce them to you. This tall guy is Barry and the one that looks like he's here for a business meeting instead of a fight is Alan. We had also our replacement Sindel but unfortunately, she couldn't come since she was booked this week." Lahaska introduced them and told the reason why their fourth teammate couldn't come.

"Hmm, that is indeed unfortunate." Emuna chimed in.


"Hello, young Masters and Mistresses." Irogan took a bow.

"Oh, Irogan hello."

"You finish your match already?!" Richard said both surprised and disappointed. Surprised on how fast the white-haired small girl defeated her opponent and disappointed because he couldn't see the match. His stomach has priorities after all.


"Yes, it was an easy task once Regalia found their core." The white-haired girl explained.

"Do you...know each other." Lahaska interrupted.

"Oh! Lahaska this is Emuna Chariot she is the owner of The Chariot Mansion!"

"Chariot, huh? Well is nice meeting you." The black-haired girl extended her hand. it's as if a big legendary piece reunion was scheduled here. Lahaska has seen what the white-haired girl is capable of, meaning she has to be very careful of her.

"Hmm, likewise...Oh, you want to shake hands with her too? Very well." After shaking the hand of the black-haired girl Emuna took the tiny hand of Regalia and put it on Lahaska's before making the doll "shake" the hand of the black-haired girl awkwardly.

"Er...yeah nice meeting you." The sweat-drop of everyone with the exception of the brown-haired leader of Omega was clear.

"Well, that was a bit, awkward," Barry said.

"Hey, that's rude Barry, She is still a very young girl," Alan whispered.

"Anyway, Richard dear, are you going to watch our match?" Heidi asked with seemingly a pleading voice.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it you're against Harry after all."

"Yeah, thou be careful his robots are...unique to say the least." It was true who knows what the black-haired rival of their leader has up his sleeves. After all, he did say last time that he has all the classes for each match-up if needed.

"Don't worry we won't go down that easily, right Jack."

"Yep," Jack replied to Craig.

"Well good luck," Aeris told them and just as if the M.C. Was hearing them she chimed in to deliver the message.

"Team Master and Team C.J.K. from Group A and Team Priests and Priestess and Team Tarot from Group B, please come to the teleporters. I repeat, Team Master and Team C.J.K. from Group A and Team Priests and Priestess and Team Tarot from Group B, please come to the teleporters." The M.C. Informed.

"That's us." Craig stood up before Jack followed suit.

"Team C.J.K. What does that stand for?!"

"Craig, Jack, and Kitami. It's easy to roll out of your tongue than our names." The red-haired girl won't argue with that.

"Anyway, I'll see you in the next round Richard, dear!"

"Yeah, Yeah! Just leave already!" Alice pushes the purple-haired off of Richard who glared at her in return. This battle would have continued but she got to go get ready.

"You're lucky this time old priestess."


"Is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded as they stepped into their circles and they turn into two colors, Team C.J.K Was purple while Harry's was Black. "Alright, Just like every battle in round one the stage will be Western Omega. Get ready! Entering Omega...NOW!"


Team C.J.K. Landed at the town near the sheriff's house.

"We'll have to be very careful, remember what Frederick said Harry Kishima must already have a counter team against us." Craig reminded the group.

"I know, He isn't a 3 times Omega Singles Champion for nothing," Heidi said. She knows how powerful the black-haired boy is even alone she cannot imagine himself with a group of A.I. backing him up.

"Well, we don't have to find out." Jack pointed in front of them. There he was with his robots Harry Kishima. It seems that he has settled with his powerhouse Robot the one with the ax and a new one. This one had a huge shield in hand that covered its entire body. It was obvious that it was a wall.


"Well, Well, Well. Talk about convenience, that's good because I really didn't want to waste time looking for you losers."

"Oh yeah! We'll see who will be the loser after I kick your butt!" Heidi told the brown-haired boy who scoffed in return.

"I like to see you try."

"Then watch me!" The purple-haired girl went as fast as she could to try and catch Harry off guard. This, of course, didn't work reason being that battling his rival and other Scouters have given him the experience to fight on par with them without the need to Core Shift himself into one to match their speed.

"Gasping? Do you think it will be easy just because I am a powerhouse and you're a Scouter? Sadly for you, I am already used to your silly speed!" Harry power out backing Heidi very far.

"Heidi!" Craig had to block the ax of the robot but despite it took significant damage due to the raw power of the powerhouse class. Jack threw his cards only to them to be easily deflected by the big shield of the new unit.

"You're in the way of Master." The new unit told them.

"Therefore, you must be eliminated." Unit 00 swung his ax this time Craig sidestep out of the way of the mighty swing.

"This is going to be tougher than I thought."


Outside Team Omega, Team New Gen, Team Alpha, and Team Doll House were watching this match intensively.

"So Harry went Powerhouse, Wall, Powerhouse. That seems a bit imbalanced." Adel pointed out.

"That's Harry for you, he really wants to show that he doesn't need the other classes as he is the core." Richard pointed out.

"That's a little bit arrogant, don't you think?" Aeris said.

"No surprise here. He is always been like this since last year, heck even before then." Alice told the pink-haired girl.


"What is it, Rick?"

"Look at the distance he has between him and Heidi." Frederick looks closer and sees what the boy is looking at.

"His distance is similar to how he approaches you!"

"Yeah, Even he knows that one mistake against a scouter could be fatal. In other words, despite being the arrogant jerk that he is, he is giving Heidi respect as a scouter." Richard has to admit he was quite surprised by this. He has heard that Harry looks down on Scouters for being weak and annoying bugs. However, right here he seems to see that Heidi is the biggest threat to his team and as a 4-year veteran he is hiding it very well.

"Giving respect...That's seems so weird when it comes to him." Alice told the brown-haired boy who agreed but nevertheless was very observant of the match. Maybe this match won't be a landslide as the black-haired rival of his thought it would be.


Craig and Jack were struggling against their counterparts.

"Hey, Craig maybe we should switch partners." Panting Craig has to admit to this.

"I agreed, but we need to separate them their symmetry with each other is remarkable."

"Makes you wonder if This is not Harry's first year as a team in Omega, does it?" Craig nodded at Jack's comment. They both get ready to execute their plan.

"Won't matter..." Unit 00 told them.

"You will not defeat us even if you switch places."

"We'll see about that. Underestimating your opponent is a mistake that you shouldn't be doing." Craig stated as he attacks the new unit. His fist and the big shield collide and make a loud sound. It had a neutral effect, didn't hurt Craig didn't break the unit's shield. The wall of C.J.K. rolled out of the way before karate chopping the new unit who blocked again but this time the wall of Craig used more pressure by engulfing his hand in chi.


On the other side, Jack was having an easier time against Unit 00 since he could get past his defenses.

"Where's that big talk of not being able to defeat you, huh?" Jack taunted as he threw more of his deadly cards. Unit 00 simply cut through them. The powerhouse robot proceeded to slash the ground creating a wave of sand. "Whoa that's new." he dodged the slash that was disguised to thru the sand. It nicked him a bit in the arm before holding it for a few seconds.

"You should keep that tongue to yourself." The unit simply said. Jack look to see blood before his wound regenerated.

"I guess you still have a trick up your sleeves. Well then allow me to do one of mine!" The sniper of C.J.K. Created more cards but this time started to shuffle them at a fast pace. Confuse by this behavior Unit 00 went to attack but Jack released the cards he was shuffling. The cards created a tornado that formed more cards.

"W-What?!" The unit surprise was caught off guard and blown away by said cards. The cards flew in the air before piercing through the metal for a couple of minutes.

"Do you like that I call it "Shuffling Tornado"." The Sniper said before Unit 00 landed in the ground twitching with lots of cut on him. He was also leaking oil while the scene looked like someone mutilated an animal and left it there for people to see. Unable to respond for ten seconds the Unit was automatically eliminated from the contest.

"Team Master's Powerhouse has been defeated." Much to the surprise of many was the response of the M.C. stating that.

"Huh? Maybe the purple-haired one has a chance after all." Lahaska said quite surprised. Then again this was a battle between non-legendary piece users so...

"Come on you stupid cowgirl, kick his butt," Alice said surprising herself. Never, ever in a million years, she will cheer Heidi but...this is the only exception as she hates Harry more than her.


Meanwhile, Heidi was having difficulties bypassing Harry's defenses despite him being a powerhouse.

"Ready to give up already? This is getting dull you know." Harry mocked the purple-haired girl.

"Not a chance!" Harry dodged every single one of her whips attacks much to her annoyance. Right now Harry was toying with her. This was a very high message to those fools who will try to get in his way of interfering on his route to revenge on the group that handed him his first and only loss.

"This is so pathetic, I have a better fight vs that annoying tomato than against an eggplant as yourself." That got on the nerves of Heidi.

"Egg...Plant?! I'll show you who is an eggplant! Core Shift: Powerhouse!" Heidi giving up some of her speed gained a new weapon. This one was a golden tin sword just as big as Alice's pole.

"A golden sword? Now, what are you going to do now that you're a snail, Eggplant?" Much to the surprise of the black-haired boy his mocking almost cost him the match as he dodges in time the point of the sword that seemed to have extended. The only thing that he got was a scar on his right cheek with a trickle of blood going down his cheek.

"How's that?!" Harry's surprise was replaced by a grin.

"Well, Well, Well! It seems you have this hidden in you. Well, it doesn't matter because that still will not make a difference!" Harry swung his sword and using her newfound strength Heidi blocked it and matches the black-haired boy's strength.

"Team Master's Powerhouse has been defeated." Tch, It seems he will have to wrap this match quickly since that piece of metal junk has failed him again!

"You don't seem happy. Did you think this match was going to be easy?!' The purple-haired girl uses her newfound power to back off the black-haired boy.

"Don't get cocky you eggplant," Harry responded while swinging his sword. Both swords make a heavy clank sound. The power struggle didn't last that long before Harry overtook Heidi. Heidi knowing she will lose back off before extending her sword. Harry learning from last time sidestep out of the way. Seeing this Heidi responded with kicking the black-haired boy's gut. This mad woman! He could've just easily countered that kick and taken her out right here and there! This woman is wild, but he will not lose to this wild eggplant. No, he will get what he wants and that is a match vs. Team Omega!

"This is for keep calling me eggplant you arrogant bastard!" Using her sword as a trampoline, Heidi leaps into the air and proceeded to attack from above with her extended sword. Harry not knowing what this wild eggplant will do decided that enough was enough. He didn't want to use this against these weak losers but he has no choice in the matter. There is no way that he will be humiliated again!

"Core Shift: Scouter!" Losing his powers but gaining speed the black-haired boy easily dodges every single one of the attacks that Heidi delivered. Landing on her feet and thinking fast Heidi knowing that she will be at a huge disadvantage now, shifted back to her default scouter to at least match his speed thus losing her sword but gaining her rope whip. They block and dodge for several minutes giving the fans outside a match they could enjoy.

"Come on you Cowgirl!" Alice said cheering her rival on. Then she heard words that might become the outcome of the battle.

"Team C.J.K. Wall has been defeated. Team C.J.K. Sniper has been defeated." The new unit to the surprise of everyone has single handily defeated both of the purple-haired partners.

"That...can't be good."


Meanwhile, Leos has been observing this match and was quite impressed by the purple-haired girl.

"Wow, she is really good! And she isn't even an owner of a legendary piece. Then again my son isn't too but still..." The owner of Omega said praising the girl in the process.

"Sir, I have been wondering...It has been a few days since the black hat hacker hasn't attacked. Is it safe that we are having these matches without security?" She was talking about the white hackers that helped out in the last incident.

"Oh, don't worry I made a few calls earlier in the week after our little black hat hacker friend invaded our game," Leos reassured her.

"Some calls?"

"Yes. You may know them, they were participants in our first team world tournament."

"Sir there were many participants in the first-ever world tournament."

"Ah! You're right! Well, I guess that's going to be a surprise after all." The bespectacled secretary just sighed but nevertheless; was more at ease at hearing the news before continuing to watch this incredible match.


"Team C.J.K. Wall has been defeated, Team C.J.K. Sniper has been defeated." So his new unit wasn't a piece of junk. He will make sure that he gets a better upgrade later as a reward for doing something right.

"Hmm?" So Omega decided to up the stakes. A giant sandstorm came toward them clouding their vision. Despite this, they did their best to be on the lookout for each other's attacks.

"Ha!" Heidi uses her whip to try and snag the black-haired boy but this one dodged. Using his speed Harry did a barrage of fast stabs but Heidi dodges them all gracefully. Dodging the last one Heidi ran fast and circled the black-haired boy. Harry decided to concentrate on the whereabouts of the purple-haired girl and begin to charge up his sword to end this charade once and for all.

"You're finished! Master Slash!" Harry unleashes his powerful X attack. Heidi surprised by this couldn't dodge in time and took the blow completely.


"Humph, good riddance." However, to the surprise of everyone that thought was over including Harry and Alice themselves, this was not the real Heidi but an illusion clone. "What?!" Harry said as he was snagged by the rope whip of the purple-haired girl.

"I told you to not underestimate me!" Heidi slammed Harry to the ground as hard as she could sending the boy packing back to Earth.

"She did it!!" Alice said happily that her rival won.

"I...I did it." Heidi said. However, to her surprise and to anyone else the match wasn't over because...

"Team Master's Sniper has been defeated."

"What?" Those were the last words from the purple-haired girl as a sword ran through her body.

"I will give you credit, you almost had me there. However, thanks to my unit that you destroyed I was able to use this new class." Harry said as he has now a black mage cape along with an even thinner version of his Buster Sword. This was Harry's magical class. "Too bad, oh well it was fun while it lasted."

('Darn It.') were the last words that Heidi thought before she was released from the sword and she dropped to the ground. Unable, to get up she was deemed unable to continue.

"Due to the opponent being incapable of moving after 10 seconds...Team C.J.K. Core has been defeated, Team C.J.K. Has been eliminated. Final Results: Team Master advances to the second round." And that's how the match between the master and the wild girl occurred.


Back to the present, the brown-haired boy tries to cheer her up.

"Hey don't feel down Heidi. At least you showed Harry to never underestimate you again. I am sure next time you will beat him." Heidi looks at the boy before tears start streaming like a waterfall.

"Oh Richard, Dear! Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" She took this an opportunity to lash at him. Alice twitched because she knew that her rival was just doing this to take advantage of the boy's naiveness. She will let it slide this time because she gave them a match to remember. Speaking of matches she wonders what Aeris and her team can do? Well, only one way to find out.

"Is everyone ready!?" Both teams nodded. "Okay let the first final matches of the first round in the Omega Representation Tournament begin! Entering Omega...NOW!" Well, all she can do is wish the pink-haired girl luck on her battle and hope they can meet in the finals.

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