《Omega A Legacy Reborn》Chapter 9: The Day Is Finally Here! The Omega Representation Tournament Begins!


The day has arrived. People from the city of Paris has gathered in the Omega Arcade Station to witness which team will represent France in the Omega World Tournament. All teams including Team Alpha, Team Omega, and Emuna with her dolls Regalia and Magdalene who was held by her Butler Irogan were all gathered around the stage.

"Welcome everyone to the third annual Omega Representation Tournament Team Edition! As you may know, 16 of the most talented young teams will fight in a one-round elimination style tournament to determine who will represent France in the upcoming Omega World Tournament that will be held this year in Japan this fall." As Leos continue his speech a certain brown-haired boy yawned. Richard wasn't to keen on speeches, in fact, he can become quite impatient, especially when it comes to Omega.

"Man, When are we going to fight!?"

"Be patient Rick, besides we can't start the tournament yet. Alice is still not here." Frederick pointed out.

"Yeah, Where is she? Didn't we discuss that we would be here early, I mean the tournament can start at any minute now!"

"I am sure they will not start your match until she comes here. Although, it will be good if she gets here on time. You don't want to forfeit your match because of not having the minimal requirement." Aeris told him. It's a good thing that her team is formed of 4 members just in these kinds of cases. She assumes the white-haired girl has the same option...Then again she has those two dolls. From what she was told the dolls can be put inside the teleporters and then come to life in Omega in human size. She just hopes that she doesn't fight her early otherwise...

"She is correct Richard Kurosagi, just have patience I can assure you that Miss Hishikawa will come," Emuna said with confidence. Richard couldn't tell if she was very serious or just joking because...she sure as hell didn't show any emotion that he could tell otherwise! But...Man, where could she be? He hopes she just overslept and nothing happened to her.


It was the worst-case scenario for Alice...She had overslept. Why did she have to oversleep on the day of the tournament? Mu! She shouldn't have played all day on Haruka Wars...But, She was on a roll! And her online friends insisted on her staying a bit late! Who is she to denied that!

"Ah, man I'm so late!" Alice said panicking as she ran as fast as she could. She was so focused on getting to the OAS in time that she didn't notice that someone appeared until they both bumped into each other. Alice fell before she touched her bottom. "Ow, that hurts."

"You can say that again." Came from the person she bumped into. The person that the red-haired girl bumped into was a teen about her age. She seemed a bit shorter than her too by a few inches. She was a very beautiful teen too with long black hair that was a bit spiky and wild. Her eyes were an orange sun. Her figure was very thin with long legs. The girl was dressed in a white shirt with a black skull design on the front and blue jeans. Looking down she wore black with white on the bottom sneakers. Further inspection revealed that on her neck she had a big golden sun that dangled on a silver chain.

"Oh! I am sooo sorry, I was in a hurry and..."


"Is okay, I should have paid attention to the road too. I was in a hurry I mean my teammates are waiting in the OAS."

"Your teammates? You're going to OAS too?!" Alice asked.

"Yeah, are you going too?"

"Yes, I am in the Omega Representation Tournament."

"Really? Huh, then it must be lucky that we crossed paths. Say do you want to go together since we're going the same way."

"Yes! Ah, I am sorry I didn't introduce myself I am Alice Hishikawa."

"Hishikawa, huh? Well is nice to meet you I'm Darcell Lahaska."

"Lahaska? Are you from here?"

"Yep, I'm 100% French blood. Thou, it is strange to see someone from Japan here. Do you live here by any chance?"

"Yes, wait what are we doing!? We have to get going!" The red-haired girl tailed it out of there in a poof of smoke.

"Hey! Wait Up!" Lahaska followed suit. She will definitely like to become friends with the red-haired girl. But she was right there are more important things than standing here to chat. There's a tournament she must win!


As Leos was almost finished with his speech, There were several people observing the brown-haired boy.

"Is that him?" Asked someone with a purple punk mohawk.

"Yes, that's him."

"So, what do we do boss?" asked another one with buzzcut hair colored brown to their leader who had a red mohawk. Their uniforms had a red snake with a dart on top. The name of the group was Team Blitz they were known as the biker gang. While normally Omega you're allowed to use any vehicles in team battles or single tournaments, however, was strictly forbidden.

"We will wait. We will face him, I am sure of it."


On the other side, there was Harry. He was listening to his father's speech but he hasn't lost his sight on his rival. This was his revenge for humiliating him back then in their first team encounter and for the past year. These people are nothing but mere obstacles in order for him to have one goal and that is...to defeat Richard Kurosagi.

"So now that we know the rules, shall we reveal the brackets for today?" Leos said as a big hologram with the brackets appeared on top of him. The 16 groups of competitor's names were split into two brackets: Group A and Group B. In Group A there were as follow:

Group A:

Team Sparrow vs. Team Experienced

Team Master vs. Team C.J.K.

Team Alpha vs. Team Singularity

Team Zone vs. Team Doll House

Group B:

Team Omega vs. Team Blitz

Team Exo vs. Team Tarot

Team New Gen vs Team Shredders

Team Giga vs Team Lowstone

"Alright! We get to play first in our bracket!" The brown-haired boy was excited. Team Blitz, huh? He never heard of them before but he bets they're pretty strong which means he will have a fun match!

"That's good and all but Alice has still..."

"Hey!" Speaking of the devil, the red-haired Japanese girl arrived just in time to see their schedule match. A few more minutes and she will have no idea if they were going first or second.

"There you are, where were you?"

"Sorry but I kind of overslept." Alice apologized with a gesture. "But I'm here so we can go to the match as soon as they call us."

"That's great!" Richard told her.

"Seems we are in the same bracket, huh Alice?"


"Huh?" The two boys look to see a girl they never saw before.

"Oh! Lahaska you made it!"

"Yup! So are they your teammates?"

"Yes! These are Richard and Frederick, Guys this is Darcell Lahaska she is also going to be competing in this tournament." Alice introduced them to the black-haired girl.

"Nice meeting you," Frederick said.


"That's awesome, Can't wait to see what you and your teammates can do!" The boy sure had a lot of charisma Lahaska gives him that.

"Speaking of them, where are they?" Alice asked.

"I'm sure I will find them eventually, besides my match will be third so most likely it will be in the afternoon so I have time to find them before we're called," Lahaska reassured them.

"I guess you're right." The red-haired said and she will not lie she was a bit disappointed, she was looking forward to meeting the black-haired girl's friends the more people she knows the better. Besides, conversing with Lahaska is a lot more different than talking with the other girls in the class. Don't get her wrong she loves having conversations with Yuma, Adel doesn't interact with her much, Genre and Emuna are in their very own separate world (One is listening to music on her headphones and the other is having conversations with her dolls.), Aeris is just as popular with the boys as she is with the other girls in the class and let's not talk about the cowgirl! That little...

"Anyway, I need to find them. Well, I guess we will see each other in the finals of the bracket hopefully." the black-haired girl told the group.

"Okay, good luck Lahaska!" Lahaska nodded before leaving. While the black-haired girl was walking she looks to the left to see Leos. So...he did show up.

('Good You better have shown your face, you murder. I will make you pay for what you did!') Her thoughts of hatred toward the president of Omega Corp. circled her mind. Her sun slightly shined as if it was approving that the president indeed needed to pay. Leos, on the other hand, knew that Lahaska was here. His Hexagon of Fate has foretold that they would meet in these circumstances. If he knows any better she will only be interested in facing Kurosagi from the way she was interacting with him and his friends. It was the main reason why the brackets were meant to be this way, to begin with after all.

"Team Omega, Team Blitz from Group B and Team Sparrow and Team Experienced from Group A, please come to the teleporters. Team Omega, Team Blitz from Group B and Team Sparrow and Team Experienced from Group A, please come to the teleporters." Was the voiced of the M.C. through the intercom.

"Alright is our turn!" the brown-haired boy said with excitement.

"Hey, Frederick is there any information about our opponents?" Asked the red-haired girl as Frederick takes his PDA out to check.

"Hmm, let me see, Team Blitz...Here they are! According to this, they are very famous riders in the world of Omega. They seem to be some sort of biker gang that steers trouble wherever they are sent to. Thou, we don't need to worry about them riding vehicles since they are illegal during tournaments or any battles that do not involve free roam mode." Frederick explained. "Although even if they don't have the vehicles we have to be careful as they seem to be a very aggressive team that loves to put pressure early game."

"Hmm, that seems to be quite troublesome."


"Frederick is right, you be careful you really don't want to have an early exit," Aeris stated. She wants to fight them in Omega thou her team will have to win the entire group A bracket in order to face Richard, Alice, and Frederick and even then they must win their group bracket.

"Don't worry we won't lose, Hey let's promise to meet in the finals!"


"Good luck Richard dear!" Heidi told the brown-haired boy. Alice just ignored her rival's flirting of the brown-haired boy. Right now is not the time to get overwork because of the cowgirl's antic.

"So we get to fight them first." The Leader of Team Blitz said.

"What should we do boss?"

"We'll do what we always do, wreak havoc in Omega."


"Are all competitors ready!? Okay, the stage that is selected for this first round is...Western Omega requirements only 3 per group 1 must be a core. Let the first round of the Omega Representation Tournament Begin! Entering Omega...NOW!" Team Omega teleporters turn blue while Team Blitz turn red before they are all teleported to the world of Omega.


Team Omega lands near the rails of the train in Western Omega. They sidestep once they hear the sound of the train.

"Whoa!" The train passes them by.

"Talk about a rough start." Frederick pointed out. So there will be occasions where they will land in a dangerous situation as such, huh? They need to be careful then. They could lose the match without even interacting with their opponents at all.

"Hey, what is that?" The brown-haired boy pointed at 3 incoming things coming at a good speed. Frederick with his keen eyes squinted a bit before seeing 3 motorcycles coming their way. Riding them was Team Blitz.


"But I thought you said that it was illegal to get them during tournaments!" Alice reminded the black-haired boy of what he said earlier.

"You can't." Was the simple answer of the elf archer. They are cheating and not in a Harry way which was legal in the standards of the rules. They were true ones...Why haven't they been warned or disqualified already?


Meanwhile, The President and his secretary were observing the match and they have indeed witnessed that Team Blitz...are not following the rules accordingly. In fact, everyone did which resulted in the public plus competitors to boo them.

"Team Blitz have broken rule number 19 of the Omega battle: No vehicles allowed during a match or tournament. It can only be used on free roam mode. Sir, shall we...?"

"Hmm, No let them do this." That surprise his secretary but then understood clearly.

"This isn't one of your tests to see what the owners of the legendary pieces are capable of is there?" Inès asked her boss. She has been told of the situation as to why the tournament was created this year. She can't believe that most of the owners of the legendary pieces were in this tournament alone. The Diamond Dragonite, The Ragging Sphere, The Rubix Of Knowledge, The Sharp Of Sinfonia, The Coffin Of The Soulless, and...The Pentagon Of Manipulation. She did not forget the Hexagon that her boss has that makes it 7 legendary pieces. When she woke up in the office of Leos the father of Harry Kishima explained that she was brainwashed by the Pentagon of Manipulation the second most dangerous legendary piece. She would call security as the person is here among the innocent bystanders that are here to enjoy watching this tournament but Leos told her that it will not be wise as the owner could just use the piece to manipulate the cops and turn them against them. In order to stop this owner, they must wait until the finals. Leos said he has a plan to stop the owner of the said piece from ruining the fun for everyone...it was his responsibility after all.

"Oh Inès, you know me too well." For now, she will just listen to her boss after all...he is the owner of a legendary piece.


"Hey boss what do we do with them?" a man with biker durag wrapped on his head asks the Mohawk biker.

"Do what you want Seth, Just leave Kurosagi to me." Said the leader of Team Blitz.

"We'll do boss!" Said the other member as they roam around Richard, Frederick, and Alice.

"This is going to be a problem." Just as he said that the brown-haired boy was wrapped by a chain and dragged away from the group. "Waaaahhhhh!"

"Richard!" Alice had to dodge a lead pipe coming from Luke.

"Haha, Let's get this show on the road, shall we!?" The two bikers revved up and charged at the two members of Team Omega.


Outside chaos ensued and big boos were drowning the Station. The M.C. was getting nervous and wanted to stop the fight but...

"M.C. Continue the fight."

"But...Sir!" She was on the verge of tears. She has never seen such a crowd that was this upset before.

"Do not worry Team Blitz will have its proper punishment once this match is over regardless of the winner," Leos assured her. With that, she nodded and proceeded to continue the match plus calming the crowd down.


Richard was just being driven and drag what it seems to everywhere in Omega he lost his Kriss Dagger when he was grabbed by the leader of Omega.

"Are we having fun Kurosagi!" Asked The Mohawk biker as he accelerates faster.

('Darn it I need to do something?') The brown-haired tried to struggle but to no avail.


On the other side, Alice and Frederick are having a hard time, they have been taken a lot of damage but they haven't even given them damage. The bikes have given Team Blitz an advantage as Alice couldn't grab them without being dragged herself despite being a powerhouse and they were very fast that Frederick's arrows seemed to slow to hit them.

"This is way too easy hey, Seth let's just end this so we can go back to Luke!" his partner said to him.

"You got it, Johnny!"

"At this rate will never get them," Frederick said before he gets an idea. He gets his blue arrow and pointed at the tire of Seth's bike.

"Come on baby don't fail me now." Fredrick shots his freezing arrow and it hit his mark and almost instantly it froze the motorcycle.

"What?!" Seth jumped off but right into Alice Pole hitting him very hard wrapping him and hitting Johnny as hard as she could eliminating him in the process. Seth survived but was now grounded allowing Frederick the opportunity to point an arrow this one the explosive one blowing him back to Earth.

"Team Blitz Scouter has been defeated! Team Blitz Wall has been defeated!" that got the crowd cheering. For the people it was justice.


A that was happening outside, inside the game, Richard was still being dragged all over the place.

('I got to get out of this situation fast!') The brown-haired boy thought as he continues to stumble on the dirt. If only he had his Kris Dagger right now...

('D...Ne...Use it')

"Huh?" There is that voice again. What is it telling him to use? "Ugh, darn it. I think sand caught in my eyes!" he would rub his eyes but they were tied up right now. Wait, this happened before it was when the voice was clearer! Hmm, maybe if he focuses he can clearly hear it. So he did and then the voice gave him an idea.

"You know I have played with you long enough time to claim my victory after the humiliation that I got from your father! I would have my revenge on him but his son should be enough!" Luke told feeling victorious but then something surprising happened, he was chained. "What!?" He looks at the source to see it was the brown-haired boy but there was something different about him. His eyes. His sclera became black while his pupils had the omega symbol colored orange.

('Target acquired: Copied Team Blitz Leader Luke's weapon: Chain Splicer. It allows the opponent to chain the opponent before releasing a lethal spike from it. Recommended steer away from the weapon if caught proceed to create a copy from it and force the opponent to release you.') Was the voice response to what was happening.

"What in the world are you!?" Luke was intimidated, to say the least before releasing his grip from the boy who did the same.

"Looks like we're in a stalemate." The brown-haired boy said to his opponent.

"Tch, whatever Once I defeat you this game will be over, you lose!"

"Sorry but I ain't losing here!" Richard dodges the chain.

"How? You lost your dagger way back when we first met! 1 Hit and is all over for you!" Luke gloated. He has a point tho he forgets one thing, he is not fighting alone.



"Catch!" Alice with all her strength, she threw the Kris Dagger which was caught by the brown-haired boy.

"Core Shift: Scouter!" The brown-haired boy said surprising Luke who then tries to get him in the chain. He wonders when did the boy changed his core and to what class! Then it hit him it was back then! A few minutes after being dragged he must have changed his core to Wall in order to sustain all the damage. But he will not lose not when revenge is...! The boy disappeared before he appears behind him.

"...How..." Before he knew it he had two slashes across his body.

"This ends here." The brown-haired boy had his Kris Dagger charged meaning only one thing...

"DAMN YOU!!!" Luke tries to get him but he was too slow and was taken out by the line that was coming towards him.

"White Dragon Strike Fang!"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Luke disintegrated before fireflies replaced his body.

"Team Blitz Core is defeated, Team Blitz has been eliminated. Final Results: Team Omega Advances to the 2nd round!!" The Bunny M.C. said as people cheers. The groups appeared after the match was over back to the real world.

"Alright, we did it!" Frederick said with delight. It was a difficult match and despite the illegal move from Team Blitz they manage to pull through.

"What do you mean they advanced!" Team Omega pays their attention to the arguing Luke who was in the face of the poor holographic bunny M.C.

"But...You use vehicles in Omega which according to rule 19 is strictly forbidden!" The M.C. Explained.

"Then what about him?! He cheated there was no way that he could've gotten a weapon more specifically a copy of mine when his weapon was long lost!"

"Well...that is true...but...he did get it back." The Bunny M.C. tries to reason and find a way to make it sound legit. "That might also be an ability of his, they're many that can do this in Omega!" Luke was having none of it.

"Why you little..." He would've to chew at her more until someone stepped in.

"Is there a problem? Miss M.C., Luke." The president himself Leos Kishima with his secretary Inès came down in order to congratulate the winners on their hard-fought victory.

"Yes! As I told your useless M.C. that guy cheated! There was no way that he could've had a chain!"

"Hmm, I see...Is this true Richard Kurosagi?" He asked the brown-haired boy. He didn't even need an answer as he knows what the Omega Eyes do exactly, but just to be convincing he will let Richard give his very own explanation.

"Well...yeah while it is true that I did not have a chain in hand, my new ability allowed me to copy a weapon of any kind if I ever lose my Kris Dagger, it is very convenient," Richard said to the president. Hmm, that's good enough even if the boy was in his very own mind half-lying half-truthful this was convincing enough for him to let it pass as the boy's ability and not a certain someone's who used a move that is forbidden in the game. But he will keep that little secret to himself and his secretary seems to be thinking the same.

"I see, then, in that case, I do not see anything wrong. Therefore, the decision stands. Congratulations Team Omega you advance to the second round!"


"Ah, yes I almost forgot, security!" Just then a lot of buffed security guards some could be confused as club bouncers appeared and surrounded Team Blitz.

"What the?!"

"You accused them of cheating and yet you cheated by not following Rule #19: No Vehicles on tournaments or battles. Only permitted in free-roaming mode."


"Consider yourself lucky, you will only be banned from hmm, let see all upcoming tournaments for the next 4 years."


"Now security, could you lead them to the door?" The bouncers took all three bikers and forcefully escorted them.


"Wow is he loud," Yuma said covering her ears while the other girls agreed. Luckily for Genre, she was listening to a hard rock song while the yelling was happening so she turned the volume almost at max.

"Good riddance that's what he gets for trying to get Richard Dear disqualified. Hmph, Cheater! Bleh!!" Heidi said before sticking her tongue and putting one of her fingers in her right eye. Jack and Craig only sighed at the childish behavior of their core but nevertheless agreed about Team Blitz getting their just desert.

"Hmm, you really are just like them."

"Huh?" Richard was confused by this and so were his teammates. Who is he talking about?

"Well, I will be looking forward to the next round. Hopefully, I will see more from your kids. Is there anything you want to add before we leave Inès?" Inès adjusted her glasses before shaking her head.

"No, I think you have said most of what I would say. Congratulations Team Omega, You truly are an incredible team."

"Well then, let us continue with the tournament shall we?" Leos told his secretary before leaving them.

"Wow, he is even nicer than Harry. How are they father and son, again?" Alice asked.

"The world works in mysterious ways I guess," Frederick told her.

"Well, at least we advance that awesome, right?" They couldn't agree more now is just a matter of who their next opponent will be.


Meanwhile, some people were talking about the match.

"That team is awesome they are like a reincarnation of the old Omega Team." one person said.

"Yeah hey do you think Harry and Richard will face each other again?" his friend asked.

"Totally dude, they are the 2 best teams in this tournament." They weren't the only ones impressed. Lahaska was quite impressed with the performance of Team Omega. While Alice didn't show the power of the Ragging Sphere, The brown-haired boy showed her something just as important as the boy's legendary piece.

('Interesting so he has the eyes that can copy any ability. The legendary eyes of the child that held all 12 legendary pieces, the Omega Eyes. Now this tournament just have become more interesting.') Thought the black-haired girl. The Pentagon Of Manipulation glowed.

"Hmm, what is this, Pentagon of Manipulation? You can't wait to face them?! Well, I am too, after all, they're needed for my plan to work." She told her disguised necklace before she walks out of the stands since the name of her team can be called at any moment.

('Let's meet in the finals of this Bracket, Alice...Richard Kurosagi.') She let out a quiet giggle before proceeding to use her Pentagon Of Manipulation to create her "New" Team.

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