《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 20 - Bound


In the Void and that fake reality I had lived, I had been sentenced to eternal misery. One of them was to never actually sleep with any woman. Of course I had not been aware of it. Only after having left the Void could I look forward to that but never would I have ever imagined that my first female would be my little sister.

As I never had one to begin with of course it would not happen but when I gained a little sister that changed. On top of that she was a beautiful 16 year old little sister with gorgeous straight hair and green eyes, and she had feelings for me.

At first I was neutral with her, then revelation after revelation changed that and when I looked back into everything happened I noticed that the moment she had first come to me was the moment this was inevitable.

Many events after, on the surface I had thought I was neutral and I had been doing a good job on it, but now that I had banged my little sister and was no longer blinded with Lust, I could see the little events that led to this.

I do not regret it, but I was not sure how Amila would react to that. Right now she was laying beside me on my bed and naked with her back exposed. When I see those curves that she is developing I could pop a boner immediately if I didn't interfere with the natural biology of my body.

` I could watch her like this for a long time but it's time I did my job. ` I slowly stood up from my bed. Before she came to my room last night I had deployed barriers so no sound, light or smell would leave this room. As a prevention measure I had deployed one more for sanitation purposes.

First I contracted the sanitation barrier to my hand into a simple little ball. It was a very simple layer placed over everything that would absorb out sweat or bodily fluids. Contracting it pulled with it everything physical we did. After that I went for the window. Opening it I slowly let the air barrier I set up for the smell contract, all while it did, it created a small vacuum that pulled in the Air for the outside to fill the room with it.

Done with both I sent the evidence of our deed out the window and over the houses to the river that was about a 70m away from our house. There the evidence would vanish. Done with it I turned back to my little sister and picked up her clothes to put on her again.

In the middle of it she woke up and just stared at me.

“ I was not dreaming of it? We really did it? ” I looked at her and nodded. There was no need to say anything else. I motioned to the clothes for her to wear.

“ Put it on. I didn't mean to wake you, but I did mean to bring you to your room. Our parents will wake up soon. ”

The moment I mentioned them she went a bit pale. Only now she must have felt something for what we did. ` I don't want her to think we did something truly bad, best help her out a bit. ` With that I leaned closer to her and tapped her on the lips.

“ Don't worry, they wont know a thing about it unless you tell them and I am sure you know that old saying that ` What you don't know does not bother you. ` ” Hearing that improved her mood and we got our clothes and soon she was inside her own room.


There I gave her another peck and left her to process all that happened. Back in my own room many thoughts happened on what I should do now. ` I could easily push my body to not need sleep for quite a few days, in theory at least. So there is no need to sleep right now. Banging my little sister didn't change my plans on leaving though. `

` And going up the mountain in these last two days is meaningless. Hmm, I will stay here with my family, for them and then leave but for now I should review everything I had left last night. `

Last night an interesting thing happened. When Amila and I had sex and both our feelings intermingled for both our pleasure, our Link that bound us got stronger. Not by much but it still grew and it was easier to distinguish what we sent to each other. But the Link is not what interested me. No it was what was sent over it. Unknown to Amila at least before I told her, that her feelings were sent over to me in full glory. Everything she felt was sent over including the pleasure she felt from the physical body and the climaxes she felt from them.

To be honest I was overwhelmed with what was sent over. The amount of pleasure she had eclipsed anything I had ever felt before by at least a magnitude of a 100. Every time she came I could feel my cock about to burst on its own and if I had not interfered, that would probably happened, and all that without even touching myself.

` Man, the difference in sex one feels is ginormous. ` So when my little sister mentioned engraving that moment into memory, I did exactly that. During everything I had recorded everything she had felt, every piece of her body that was stimulated and all the pleasure she had felt and placed it into her Soul for her to experience again when she gets access to it. But I also included my own in there so she could experience my perspective. It was only fair as I had her version too.

` Let's test out the difference in the genders and our pleasure centers. ` With that goal I made an Auril body. This one was in the form of my sister but I would not simulate her, only the physical body she had. That done I sent my WILL into it and took control of it. Next I used the recorded stuff and replayed it in the body.

Of course since it's only an Auril body without the physical body to experience it with, it only brought me little results so I only had one choice. I overlaid it with my own physical body to see what would happen. Of course first I had to scale the Auril body to my own as I was bigger than her.

With that I initiated the memory from the first moment we started to kiss. At first I experienced everything until the moment I did not have the organ that should be stimulated or the pleasure centers that brought forth all that. From that point on I could only feel less than 20% of the pleasure my little sister felt.

` But man, even 20% is more than a man will ever feel in pure physical pleasure. ` With that I tweaked everything here and there but I could not go beyond 40% as I just did no have the organ needed for the job.

` Ha, I had wanted to delay gender transformation until I was better at it but ever since my epiphany about what Auril does, it should not matter, I think. ` With that I turned my attention to my little sister above me and saw she was still awake. ` Should I do it now or when she's asleep? Oh well, at most she will think that I am still thinking about her. `


Confirming my decision I used my Auril scan on her through my Sphere of Perception and at the same time I initiated my body's transformation for the organs that I would need, in this case that meant the tits and the pussy.

` The tits should be an easier first try. ` With that being the case and with my scan it should have been easy but as it turns out it's not. While I could transform my body like size, length, density of stuff, it seems I can't transform my body to something I don't have.

` It should be possible but maybe I need a more subtle approach to this. I know it's possible but not the way it is done so that leaves me with only one solution. ` With that I turned my attention to my laptop and turned it on. Next, I was searching the net for the gender change and I must say there is a lot of stuff on it. From hormonal stuff to operations. If I consider all that into account I could only come to one conclusion. To actually be able to transform into a female gender 100% there was only one way and that was to do it slowly so I could map the changes done and only then would I be able to switch whenever I want.

` I probably could increase the speed at which it was done, but that will still be left for later. There is no need to rush, if it is Time that will be needed. ` I continued studying. Morning came, my parents woke up, did their early morning routine and went to their jobs. Nothing new. Again time passed and it was soon noon but still my little sister had not come down.

Seeing her not coming I sent her a Fear pulse to rouse her and called her down. Meanwhile I went to the kitchen to make some food.

Nothing fancy, a few scrambled eggs with a bit of side dish to it.

By the time I was done Amila still had not come down, so I pinged her again. This time stronger to warn her that I meant it. Knowing she had no choice she came down.

“ Come eat. I am sure you're hungry after all that exercise last night. ” While she came, she only looked down and not at me. But when I looked a bit closer she was blushing a bit.

I motioned for her to sit and eat with me. During the meal I did not say a thing, just looked at her.

Done with the meal I took everything to clean. “ Stay we need to talk. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. ” It took but a few minutes to clean and again I was before her.

“ Have you processed everything that happened? ” The moment I asked he blushed again as if remembering all that happened.

“ Well, I can see your face turning red, so that means you probably did. Tell me this, do you regret what we did? ”

“ No ” Came the answer, while it wasn't loud or anything but it got the message across.

“ Oh, why not? ”

“ I, I actually liked it. It felt really good. ” Again, she turned even more red.

“ Haha, I know you felt good, do remember that our Link was there to tell me everything. Come on, don't be shy again. Come sit beside me here. ” With that Amila stood up and sat beside me.

I looked into her green eyes. “ In two days I will leave. What do you think will be a good goodbye present I could leave you with. ” The moment I mentioned I would leave reality crashed in her face. ` Hmm, must have been a lot of thinking if she forgot about that. `

“ Brother, you are still leaving? ” She looked at me with heartbreak and hoped that I changed my answer. “ Yes, I told you I have to go. Come, don't be so heartbroken. It's not like this will be the last time you see me. The moment school starts you will have other worries to worry about. ”

With that her face sunk down again. “ Sigh, little sister, I know that to you right now I am the World and especially after what happened last night. ” I used my left hand and placed it on her chin and made her face me again. “ But you will need to experience the World on your own. Just because you had sex does not make you an adult. ” When I said that I looked her straight into the eyes.

“ Now, just that won't change your feelings of anything but they will once I tell you this ” I took my left hand back and placed it above her heart and sent her my feelings. “ Can you feel it? ”

I didn't need her confirmation to know that so I just continued. “ That, what you feel are my genuine feelings for you, but that is not that I want you to focus on. Look for our Link that you know exists in you. What do you notice? ”

It took her a bit to notice as she was not as used to these things as I was, but she got it. “ The door that I always imagined for it, it feels a bit more real than before. ” Once she noticed that she looked at me to explain it.

“ Yes, little sister, our bond deepened last night when we exchanged our deepest feeling for each other. Listen, no matter what we do, no matter how we do it, that bond will always be with us till the end of our lives. Now as I intended for us to live a long life, our bond shall also last for that long life. ” With that immediately I could see happiness in her eyes. “ Listen as long as that Link exists we are bound to each other. I may not know what its endform will be but I know the process of strengthening it. What do you think it is? ”

The moment her face lit with understanding I placed my left hand on her left cheek and kissed her. Short, long, full of saliva and tongue it only ended many minutes later and again I looked into her eyes.

“ Remember this, WE are eternally bound, probably. Now it all comes down to making the link grow so before I leave lets see how strong we can make it. ” With that I kissed her again.

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