《Just a Dream (First Draft)》Chapter 12 - Third step


It has been a week since I first took my little sister up the mountain.

Today will be the same. Though it is also today that we will start some physical training. Nothing serious, just some light jogging up the mountain. With the help of essence her body adopted faster but that was all it did right now. Since all we did was slowly climb the mountain so far that changes today.

Waking up was very easy for me. Immediately my body was ready. Got ready, made lunch and was about to go wake up my little sister but it seems he has been getting used to waking up so early. Through my Sphere of Perception I could already see her sleep was light and could wake any moment now. ` Is she waiting for me to wake her up again. Hehe, not today. Sorry.`

With that decided, through our link I sent a short but powerful burst of fear. Immediately her body got shocked enough to wake her up. ` I really do love this Sphere of Perception. It's so handy. `

Seeing her up and about, she started to change clothes. Ever since that day we did the first Lust training montage I knew she started to perceive my Sphere of Perception. I was not sure what it felt for her, but not once did she say anything about. Not even to say to stop it when she changed her clothes or had a bath. I was not sure but I think she thinks it is natural that I have her in my gaze all the time as I have not turned it off at all in her presence unless she was asleep.

` Lets see what happens ` I turned it off for 3 sec and then back on. She was in the middle of changing when it went off. Now that it's back she was still stuck in that pose. This time I noticed she was far more conscious of that feeling. No longer it being just a background noise she had felt all the time.

` Wonder if she will say something this time. ` Seeing her more conscious of it more it took her a while to overcome it and finish. Once she was down we were on our way.

From her face I knew she was about to ask about it but still hesitated. “ Amila if you want to ask then just ask. No need to keep it down if you're curious. ” With a bit of embarrassment she faced me and asked. “ Brother why did your gaze stop for a few seconds earlier. Did something happen? ”

“ Nothing happened. Why, does it bother you? ” I ask. “ No, it's just, ever since that day I felt it. I always felt your gaze myself and today it stopped so I was curious about how it worked. ”

“ Curious about how it worked eh. Ok, I will tell you. ” I agreed to tell her. “ First you should know that nothing happened. I was aware that you could feel it but not once did you say anything about it. So you could say Ii wanted you to ask about it. As for why I wanted you to ask about it, it's simple really. I wanted you to know how it works. ”

She nodded and asked. “ And how does it work brother? ”

“ Before I got to that do know, that I wanted you to get it too but as the process was anything but easy and quite risky to be honest I still haven't found the correct method for it. ” I explained the reason not for the method. “ What you have felt so far is what I call a Sphere of Perception. With it I can perceive many things around myself. ”


“ The best explanation I can give you goes like this. Imagine a substance like water or air or something else it doesn't matter. Imagine it flowing out of you in a perfect sphere around you. Saturating the surroundings with itself. Thanks to that field of energy around you it is almost like all your senses are connected to everything wirelessly. ”

“ Understand me so far? ” Seeing the nod I continue. “ Now as that field is extended so does it lose its focus, but in its general use it is enough to show you the shape of everything. Though even with the loss of the focus it's still quite detailed. ”

“ Does that satisfy you? ” She nodded but I could still tell she wanted to ask something. “ I can feel you still have something you want to ask. What is it? ”

She looked at my face. “ Brother, can you tell me how detailed did you mean exactly? ” I knew she would be stuck on that detail. “ The closer it was to me the more detailed. But I'm sure you want to know exactly how. Hmm, let's see, see that tree over there. ” Seeing the one I pointed at she nodded. “ From here to there is about 20m more or less, I can perceive the ants below it. Go ahead and check it out. ”

And soon she was there confirming it for herself and again back beside me but with her face a bit more red. Again not talking we came before the mountain path. This time I turned to her.

“ Today we will not walk up there but run. ” Seeing my serious face she only nodded and up we went. Thanks to the last week it took a while for her to be truly fatigued but it still came. Seeing her red face due to the exhaustion did bring some feelings but I only stored those away.

Again when she was near her limit, a small Life Essence enhanced break did wonders and soon we reached the top. “ Now that we are here let's start. But before that I should tell you something. ”

“ I think it's time we take the next step. ” Not giving her time to ask me, I continue. “ The next step is obvious. It's finally time for you to learn to emit your emotions through the Link. ”

Immediately her face brightened. “ Indeed. During this last week all you had been so far was on the receiving end. That wasn't just to make you experience what emotions felt and how they affected you. No it was also training to train your WILL. And don't ask me what WILL is. ” I sighed for a bit. “ All I can tell you is that WILL is the core of one person and that it's influenced by many things. Best explanation I can give you is that the more one experiences the stronger the WILL is. Usually that is, it's also possible to lose your WILL if some experience breaks you. ”

“ Being exposed to all the positive and negative emotions was for you what a whetstone is for a sword. In this case the sword is your WILL. ”

“ There are many things one can do with it. I am not sure if you have noticed, but your thoughts should have been less stray as of late and more in line with your WILL. Best example is how today even though you felt your body was fatigued heavily you still did not give up. Your WILL carried your body and not your body carrying your WILL. ” When i looked at her I could still tell she was a tiny bit confused as if it was harder to believe now that I told her.


“ Now what I said could be counted as fancy words but if you take it at its base it goes like this. You are more in control of yourself. That should make it clearer, right? ”

Seeing the nod I continued. “ Good, here is what you will do from now on. Relax yourself in any way you can imagine will work for you. Next focus on your mind but don't imagine anything at first. Next, find the emotion in a memory that is quite vivid. “ I stopped for her to realise where I was going with this for a second. “ For this best use your memories of the training we did as those memories are the most vivid right now. After you have the memory slowly let it fill you as if you truly are in it again. Once you feel it again your body will do the rest automatically. And to end this imagine our Link in whatever fashion you can imagine its form can take and send that emotion you feel through it. ”

She had wide eyes at the explanation. “ Sounds complicated but it's not. Before you begin try to decide on what form you imagine our Link to take form. Everything else will take form after some practice. ”

“ Well don't stare at me like that. I gave you the method now it's all about practice. As long as you don't leave 30m from there should be no problems whatsoever. ” With my hand I motioned for her to begin. Seeing the signal she looked around and decided to sit on a stone and think.

With that I left her to her thoughts. It was all I could for her now. ` The rest of it will depend on her. Now it's time for me to do some training. `

Ever since I have achieved this state I am in currently and found out I can transform my body, I was what I had been wanting to train first. ` When I leave for the wide world to explore there won't be a better defense than actually vanishing from the world to people. And even best if that identity is entirely fake. Not to mention all the other kinky stuff I will be able to do. Hehe. `

Once again alone with my thoughts I started again with the finger. I took control of my right index finger and had it elongate. For such a simple small thing there it sure took a lot of work. I had to not only extend the bone but the flesh around it, the blood veins too. Not to mention the skin and nail.

Practicing, time passed and soon I felt something. From deep within myself I felt something give and something came out of it. It took a bit to identify as it was quite weak. It was Fear that I felt. To be honest it was the same kind of Fear I had sent Amila`s way before. Seeing her succeed I turned my attention back on her. It was interesting to see her there with closed eyes but still experiencing that Fear on her own.

To encourage her I sent her a happy thought. That immediately broke her concentration. “ Congratulations. That was your first ever conscious use of emotions. ”

“ Hehe, I did it. How did it feel to feel the fear u had brought upon me. ” I could see success on her face but also a bit of retribution. ` Ha, looks like she wanted some revenge. ` As an afterthought I sent her the same emotion and she flinched.

“ The thing you sent barely found the door and the only thing that came through amounted to something that could fit through a keyhole. Go back to practice. Next time you succeed I will send you a bit of encouragement your way and the greater your success, the bigger the encouragement it will be. ”

Not liking what I told her she went back to practice. After that every time she succeeded I sent the reword to her. Time passed and with enough training I was able to increase the speed at which the finger expanded and contracted. ` Lucky the event of my, hmm, lets just call it transcendence, left an imprint on how my body looked down to the cellular level. Without it I could probably lose myself in the transformation and make mistakes without being able to correct them. `

Soon came time for lunch and I stopped. Going over to Amila I woke her from her trance of practice and we had lunch. “ So how is it going? You need more tips on how to go on? ”

“ No, for now there is no need. ” With a shake of her head she denied it. “ Ok, so how does it feel for you? What kind of Link did you imagine? ”

“ Umm, I was not sure at the beginning so I just imagined a door. ” Nodding, I said. ” Simple is usually best after all. Continue then and with practice it will only get easier. ”

Soon lunch was over and we both went to our own training regime. With practice soon I was able to change my finger in under a minute. ` If i continue at this pace I will probably need weeks for whole body transformation. `

When it was time to go home I had Amila jog down but only in careful steps unlike mine where I steam rolled down the mountain due to not having fear of injuries as I could heal them.

Once home, a quick bath on my side and I was back on the net reading some stories.

Next day went similar, and the next and soon another week went by. Amila was getting better at concentrating and more and more successes led to greater emissions of emotions. As a good measure to not make this experience terrible I had her change the emotion she had been sending me regularly. Otherwise everything would turn Boring and once that one came it ruins everything.

As for myself, well I have to say that being able to change your hand anyway you like is interesting. So far I had not been going for bigger changes as I was still getting used to it as there was no need to hurry this up.

At the end of the week I had noticed that Amila`s drive was slowly vanishing. More and more I caught her just staring at stuff as if only thinking about something and taking that as a que I decided to have a break.

So at the end of that week as we were going home I addressed her.

“ Amila I think it's best if we take a break from all this. You are losing your drive to improve right now. A vacation will be good or you. ”

“ Eh, really. ”

“ Yes, really. Unlike me where I feel like I can go on forever, you still have a life and if I am not wrong there should be only a bit more than a month before school begins again. I don't want you to end this summer without having any good memories with your friends. After that we can do something, maybe. We will see when we get there. ”

“ Is that okay for you? ”

“ Yes, brother. ” Now she showed a happy smile.

` Yea, this is better. Considering where she is now there should not be any unconscious emotional transitions no matter what she does. `

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