《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》Volume 2 chapter 7 Phoenix And Wolf Scale Diagrams


Later that night, Sin was cultivating his [Divine Dragons Tyrant Wolf King Flame Body Refinement Method] Sin had named the variant flame created from his and Meralas unison [Phoenix Queen.] While he was continuously rotating it. A formation appeared in his mind sea, within a diagram appeared a single lifelike Phoenix scale. Beside it another diagram of a Wolf without any wolf scales appeared. To advance Sins unique body refinement to the next rank, it would require filling the diagrams with Phoenix scales and Wolf scales.

During this he could feel his Mana continuously expanding, while his body was being further tempered. With the continuously flowing stream of Chaos energy feeding his body. Sins progress was sky rocketing, however, Sin was always a patient man. To walk the road he was traversing, one must lay a proper foundation before increasing the flow of traffic. If said foundation was poorly built, worst case scenario would be internal rupturing.

Sin took a mental note, he would equally need to form 750 Phoenix, and 750 Wolf scales to further progress. Throughout the whole night, Sin solely focused on his refinement method. Spending 7 1/2 hours straight, Sin was able to form 1 Phoenix and Wolf scale respectively. Considering his refinement method was of the Saint grade, both of these scales would take an individual 2 days each to form.

With the formed scales, Sin instantly felt the changes in his body on a cellular level improve. His bones became more condensed, seeing as the sun hand long risen. Sin added some meat into a pot full of broth that was prepared before starting his cultivation. Sin added in rabbit meat to the stew, with the local growing vegetables he could find, mainly potatoes and a odd looking pepper. The aroma of the stew wafted out, as both wife and daughter had woken up.

Merala stretched her body out before yawning. Merala walked over and sat on the log beside Sin. "Good morning husband." Merala said while kissing Sin. Samara who had also just stretched out and shaken herself awake, watching this scene unravel, she sent a image of herself puking seeing the affection. Sin smiled before taking out some cube sized deer meat and giving some to tie Samara over.

Samara was full of joy, sending another visual of her nuzzling Sins neck while licking his cheek. Sin sent back a simple message. "Enjoy my love, the stew will be ready in 10 more minutes." Sin heard the smacking sound again, before deciphering the "Smells delicious dad" part Samara had sent.

After everyone enjoyed the stew, Merala sucked the tent, pots, logs, and other equipment into her storage ring. As everyone was feeling rejuvenated Merala was the first to say. "Husband we need to be more careful. While we were still able to beat Sorcus yesterday, you are able to barely wield a 5th of your power. We need to focus on increasing our pace, your heart disease and bodily condition are constantly developing for the worst. No thanks to your damn battle lust!"

Sin decided to stay silent, when a women, especially your wife was telling you where you were wrong. You were best off listening, and then letting it go in one year and then out the other. [The normal guy thing to do.]

However, Sin was also aware of his underlying issue. As someone who had reached the 'peak' of humanity back on earth, coming to a world and continuously finding stronger existences. Sins battle lust had been ignited burning on full cylinders.

Sin, Merala and Samara went off beginning their travel for the day. The morning passed relatively peaceful, whatever mutant beasts that charged at them in hordes or as a single entity. Sin had switched his Soul Weapon out for a common grade Sword he looted from the Goblin encampment. The goal of this was to increase his synergy with Merala.


Sin had created many 'word codes' with an underlying meaning to them. Sin used this time to further teach the [Blood Dragon Sword Methods] to Merala, as well as the technique made to further support and defend namely [Blood Dragon Fortress Sword Methods.] To sum it up the [Blood Dragon Sword Methods] were mainly focused on pure attack and destruction. There were no defensive techniques, the [Blood Dragon Fortress Sword Methods] on the other hand was the sheath for the killing blade.

After killing a total of 250 wandering Mutant beasts and wiping out 15 hordes. The group had traversed 3,500 kilometers. After supper that night, Sin and Merala sparred against each other. Sin had ordered Samara to buff Merala, while he himself was debuffed. During their sparring, no matter how hard Merala attacked, Sins stance was unshakable. While his strength was severely limited, Sin was a man who could make full use of it, while also guiding and misdirecting his opponent to his will.

With every clash, Sin was purposely targeting Meralas weak points. Not only had this benefited himself and Merala, Sin was able to see Merala bring the true essence of [Blood Dragon Fortress Sword Methods] to the light. While training Lan, Sin had discovered he had a new interface in his status page. Namely the [Guidance Page] he could at most add 25 people as registered Guidance Seekers. This provided a hidden buff, increasing their learning rate and capabilities by 200% This was the main reason why Lans potential had exploded.

The [Blood Dragon Fortress Sword Methods] as named, was the amalgamation of various defensive Sword Techniques. It was a technique that endlessly flowed like the vast oceans, it became increasingly harder to predict and fight against, eventually making the opponent spend their energy, before delivering the finishing blow. Sin was forced to push his capabilities to the maximum over the hour Merala and Sin had been sparring. Sin was finding himself in a precarious situation, he was no longer able to keep up with Merala.

Seeing as both of them had been mentally exhausted, Sin and Merala decided to throw in the towel. After the both of them had got into a clean pair of clothes, Sin sat cross legged in the middle of their camp. Closing his eyes, Sin began rotating the [Phoenix Queen] variant flame, along the Phoenix scale diagram. Unknowingly, Merala had felt the sensation of her refinement technique operating on its own. Feeling the longing of her cells, Merala made her way over to Sin before sitting cross legged in front of him.

Both Sins and Meralas refinement techniques formed a bond, connecting their cultivation as a single unit. This further increased the proficiency, Merala had felt her body heat rising. While she knew that it would take quite some time, her eagerness for her own variant flame was growing in anticipation. The night soon passed, Sin feeling the rising temperature knew it was time to get a start on breakfast.

When Sin opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Merala cultivating in front of himself. Sin then felt the bond which connected their cultivation. Sin checked the Phoenix and Wolf Scale diagrams, to his surprise their were 2 new scales to each of the diagrams. Seeing this Sin was more than pleased with the results, plus the [Phoenix Queen] flame felt thrice as active than before.

Despite the shuffling of his clothes when he got up and stretched his body out. Merala was still unaware and hadn't woken up out of the state she had entered. Seeing how immersed his wife was, Sin went ahead and started making breakfast. Sin was feeding himself, while he was manipulating a spoon with his Mana feeding Samara scrambled eggs. While they were eating Sin felt the changes coming from Merala.


Rushing forward he appeared in front of Merala immediately. When Meralas eyes opened up, Sin saw her eyes were lit up with a golden flame flickering within her pupils. When the flickering golden flame was gone, Meralas focus came back as she saw Sins loving smile. "Congratulations my wife, it seems like you made some hearty progress. Are you hungry?"

Meralas stomach answered for her before she could voice it. Sin brought a plate over with a heaping amount of bacon, scrambled eggs, and home fries. Letting Merala enjoy her breakfast, Sin went and washed all the dishes in a nearby stream of water. After returning back Merala was patting her stomach in a satisfied matter. "Husbands cooking tastes the best!"

Sin and Merala affectionately shared a kiss, before continuing on their journey. In the afternoon, Sin and Merala continued their sparring session. After Meralas improvement, Sin was being pushed back in every way. No matter how hard Sin was applying pressure, Merala was simply a tightly sealed fortress. Not even water could push its way through the cracks. Just as Sin and Merala had finished their clash, Sin whispered in Meralas ears "Blooming Lotus"

Sins senses to killing intent have long been honed to extraordinary heights. During their sparring, Sin purposely let a group of 'hidden' assassins get closer. After whispering in Meralas ear, Sin acted first sending out 12 rays of sword light. Six heads flew through the air, Merala had taken the next step lopping off 9 heads.

Sin raised his hand as a forest of pillars appeared, before the surroundings were encased by a dome which then pitch blackness descended. Merala had attached herself to Sins back as his shadow. Using his [Nine Life Steps] Sin and Merala prepared [Flowing Blades] of the Water path. Their attack combined, tripling in size and quantity of water blades. Sin purposely left open a gap, as 12 women out of a 60 member assassin unit were spared.

Sins Sword Qi had had formed a chain around each of the assassins neck. "All of you will have 2 seconds to give me the information I need. If you fail to comply, I will just simply have to lop off your ears, slit your eyes, chop off each one of your fingers individually. Then moving onto your arms, and legs leaving you with nothing but your upper body left."

While Sin wasn't a overly cruel man, he had felt these women were sent here to purposely kill Merala. This had infuriated him, and so he would cut the head off the chicken to warn the farmers.

"1!" Sin counted aloud with his voice full of killing intent. None of the women spoke

"2! Don't blame me for what happens next."

Sin chopped off the left ear of one of the female assassins. A scream of pain was heard after her enraged yelling. "Your a mother fucking monster."

Sin chopped off her right ear as he voiced his reply aloud. "I am only a monster to those who wish to harm my loved ones." The womens eyes were full of fear, as she was about to speak up. The leader of the group hushed her. "You might as well just kill us, none of us will reveal anything to you!"

Sin smiled before slitting the womens right eye, while making direct eye contact with the leader of this unit. Seeing the steel in her eyes, Sin slit the womens left eye. Then he moved onto chopping off her 10 fingers individually, before chopping off her left and right arm. While the women was screaming in pain, the trauma and terror she felt from Sin was crushing her mentally. She finally spoke up "Azure Dragon Clan!" before she passed out from the pain.

Once again, the Azure Dragon Clan was trying to bring harm to his people, and this time it was his wife! This truly sent Sin over his bottom line. Without blinking his eyes, Sin chopped off the womens legs, she was woken up from the pain again. Wailing in sheer terror "Spare me I gave you the answer you wanted!"

Sins heart was not moved by her pleading, Sin severed her head before moving onto the next women. Sin spent the next 8 minutes, crippling the women one by one before killing. The leader of this assassin unit was blaming the man known as Glaze. However, there was no way to turn back time. And even if she did, Sin would still slaughter those who wished to harm his wife mercilessly.

The womens spirit was broken, tears were running down her eyes as she was begging for her life. "I will be your sex slave, I will do anything you want please don't kill me. I have a 4 year old daughter at home waiting for her mother."

Just as Sin was about to chop off the leaders head, Merala barked out from behind "That's enough Sin!"

Just as the women felt the sharp blade against her neck, she was spared because of Meralas forgiving nature. Merala went over and kneeled in front of the women. "I do not know why the Azure Dragon Clan is trying to harm me. I know you're not a bad person, and merely just following someones orders. If it weren't for you mentioning your daughter, I would have let my husband torture you as well."

Just as Merala was making her way back to Sin, the women reached for a dagger hidden in her stockings. Before she was given the chance to succeed her attempt on Merala, her head was sent flying rolling over to the pile of other severed heads.

Merala looked at Sin before she sighed to herself. "I will not ask, nor do I want you to explain. All I know is you did everything to protect me. However, regardless of enemy or not. You could have showed some mercy. Not all of them deserved to die!"

Sin was silent, he could feel Merala was emotionally distraught after seeing what he had done. He did not offer any excuses, he just simply said. "My wife is the most precious person to me in this world! It doesn't matter how ruthless I have to be so that I can protect you. If it weren't for you, I would still be the lost man I was when I first came to this world. No amount of lives in this world could compare to a single hair on your head in my eyes!"

Merala was touched, but she was still shaken up. She had never seen the 'dark side' of Sin. This was the first time, and it had made her wish she never seen it. Not because she was too young and couldn't handle it. But because she started thinking, if she was an enemy on the other end of Sins wrath. She knew there would be nothing in this world that could save her.

They began their journey once again, Sin was silent the entire time. He was also ahead of Merala, giving her the space she needed. During supper that night, Merala hadn't eaten anything. She simply looked at her plate of food, unwilling to touch it. Sin wasn't insulted, nor was he expecting her to be 'okay' after seeing his previous deeds.

After a long moment of Silence, Merala broke the stifled atmosphere. "I am sorry that I ever doubted you even for a second husband." Tears were streaming out of Meralas eyes. Sin stood up and was about to hug her, but he hesitated. Seeing this, Merala knew Sin thought she was terrified of him. Proving to him that she wasn't, Merala threw herself into Sins embrace.

Sin was finally reassured, and so he hugged Merala tightly into his chest affectionately rubbing her hair. "I am sorry you had to see that side of me my precious wife."

Merala may have been shaken up, however, in her husbands embrace. She felt the safest she ever did in her whole life. "You do not need to apologize, I know everything you do is meant to protect me. I am thankful for it, that was just the first time I saw something so cruel before."

Sin felt horrible, but he knew it was a side of himself Merala would eventually find. It just happened a lot sooner than he would've expected.

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