《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》Volume 2 Chapter 6 Tartarus Impalement


Sin launched himself forward, clashing his Soul Weapon with Sorcus' Axe. A massive wind stream blew Sin backwards. His hands were numb, and his palms split open from the impact. Using [Void Steps] Sin appeared behind Sorcus, with a fist enveloped in [Midnight Glory] Sins fingers pierced through Sorcus' ear. Rupturing the ear drum in his right ear. Sorcus backhanded Sin, sending him flying through a nearby mountain.

Sin was coughing up blood while getting up. "Jesus christ, this mother fucker has a hard hit" Wiping the blood from the corner of his lip. Sins eyes refocused as he brought his hand up to his face, black-white flames form turning into the [Midnight Reaper Mask.] [Midnight Glory] flared instantaneously bringing the temperature up by several degrees. Sins hair grew black with white streaks, his eyes became black and white respectively. While his [Basic Armour Set] evolved into a one piece black-white flame full body armour.

Sins Soul Weapon thrummed in excitement, gritting his teeth Sin activated [Implosion.] Sorcus' attention was brought back to Sin, while a gleeful look appeared in his eyes. Sorcus' voice roared throughout the surrounding area "Finally someone worth my time! I haven't had a proper fight since coming to these parts!"

Sins Soul Weapon changed forms, becoming a 7 meter black-white Great Sword. Sin flew forward yelling out "Ghost busters!" Another frightening source of Sword Qi erupted, distracting Sorcus momentarily. Sin gathered all the fire essence in the surrounding area, Sins Great Sword shined as rays of sunlight shot into his Soul Weapon.

Sin used [Nine Life Steps] leaving eight deep cleave marks in Sorcus' armour. After arriving at his right shoulder, Sin stabbed down with all the strength he could muster. A giant black flame phoenix shot downwards, cleaving Sorcus' right arm off clean, incinerated without a chance of saving.

"Gale!" Sin yelled out, Merala combined the Water and Sky path of [Blood Dragon Sword Methods] freezing the ground underneath. Ice started encasing Sorcus' legs.

"Cross!" Sin and Merala used [Blood Dragon Sanctuary Cross] immediately. Both attacks combined into one, a bloodied cross mark was left on Sorcus' right pectoral, and the armour surrounding it was falling off in pieces.

Sin felt his heart throb, knowing he was fighting a race against time. Sin entered his heart world, there Midnight Reaper was bored playing black jack with himself. Seeing Sin arrive, Midnight Reaper was all smiles. "Yo onii-san, ain't you looking worse for ware huh?"

Sin smiled "You got that right, enough with this chit chat. We need to fuse NOW!"

Hearing the gravity in Sins words, Midnight Reaper complied not daring to beat around the bush this time.

Exiting the heart world, Sins aura once again began to erupt. The ground rumbled, the wind howled, and thunder started to boom in the background. The surging power, irritated Sins flared heart disease further. But Sin bit down on his teeth, ignoring it and gathering his power.

Sorcus' felt the threat of death coming from Sin, he roared in defiance as he swung his Axe aiming to cleave Sin in half. Sin swept out his Great Sword half heartedly, the surrounding encampment was blown up from the after effects. Their auras raged, Katheryn and her group which were well over 100 kilometers away felt the clashing auras. Their expressions sunk however, Katheryn was shocked the most "That is that strangers aura who saved us the other day, it's a good thing we didn't hide anything."

"Symmetry!" Sin slashed his Great Sword across Sorcus' right pectoral, while Merala used [Illusionary Sword: Void Breaker] on the left pectoral. Two gaping holes were left from the aftermath. Sorcus was wheezing, and his fury was burning. His skin turned red, as steam began emitting from his body. The original 15 foot giant, started compressing itself into a 4 meter tall Goblin. Sorcus' strength, ferocity and blood lust skyrocketed instantly.


Sin appeared in front of Sorcus immediately, their weapons clashed as Sin was bounced off. Sorcus smiled disdainfully. "You think you're all hot shit dont you? Well, you're starting to feel terribly weak human! If this is all the gas you have in you, your death will becoming quick."

Samara while far away from the battle, had felt the strain on Sins body. She worriedly sent him mental messages. "Dad you have to stop! Your body is falling a part as is, the longer you stay like this the more you'll hurt yourself!"

During the process of smashing his knee into Sorcus' face. Sin replied back. "Don't worry my love, I only need another minute or two." Sin was punched in the gut, as he grabbed Sorcus' arm and bit into it tearing flesh off. Sorcus yelled before grabbing Sins head with his palm, smashing downwards into the earth.

Sin flipped upwards, with a open palm ferociously swiping across Sorcus' chin, temporarily dizzying him. Sin took this chance to yell out "Flash!"

Merala appeared behind the dizzied Sorcus, thrusting the hilt of her Sword into Sorcus' gut. Merala sent Sorcus flying into the air. Sin enveloped his fists and legs in [Midnight Glory] before taking chase. With each impact Sin and Sorcus made, there were visible fractures and explosive air bursts appearing in the sky. Their blows were explosive, blood was raining from the sky.

Sin found a crack in Sorcus' defense, appearing behind his enemy Sin cupped his fists into a hammer. Smashing Sorcus' head sending him spiraling downwards. Sin appeared underneath him, with his index and middle finger piercing towards the sky, Sin pierced Sorcus' sacrum.

"Ignite!" Merala with her fist full of [Yin Phoenix Flames] used a new technique Sin taught her. [Immolating Boundary] the area surrounding Sorcus, turned into a fiery inferno. The inferno raged, causing screams of pain from Sorcus to be heard. In his desperate times, Sorcus activated a talent of the Rage God. [Rage Possession] which allows a portion of the Rage Gods soul, to take over the host at the expense of 500 years of life.

Feeling the change in Sorcus, Sin immediately yelled "Shadow!" Merala hid her aura, manipulating the Sky path becoming a shadow attached to Sins back. In this phase of the Sky path, one can become a shadow that can attack with, and defend the person they're attached to. Sin primarily called this order out ahead of time, because the next attack he was going to use. Didn't differ between friend and foe, and to be quite honest with himself. Sin wasn't a man who would let his wife pertain in a life and death confrontation when he himself was around.

Sorcus who had been possessed by the Rage God spoke to Sin indifferently. "Very good mortal, you're the first one to push my disciple to this point. However, in my eyes I can see all of your flaws. I can even see that women who's hiding in your presence. You should take this warning to heart, if you don't throw every last ounce of strength into this bout with me. I will kill her before killing you!"

Sins killing intent surged the moment he heard the threat, it had ripped the reverse dragon scale right off without mercy. Sins billowing killing intent caused the air to stiffen, Sin said through gritted teeth "Point taken mother fucker!"

Sins flesh began to burst, while the [Midnight Glory] sacred flame began to convulse violently. Sin combined all of his Mana and Sword Qi into one entity. His heart throbbed, and the flow of his blood stopped. Gritting his teeth, Sin forcefully opened the gate in his heart world. Chaos energy burst out, pouring into every nook and cranny of Sins very being.


Sins eyes started radiating a malevolent blood red light, while the squeals of a baby's cry could be heard. In the very depths of the mansion, a blood stained black Sword with a spirit of its own was woken up. A long sigh echoed out from Sins heart world, time froze in place for Sorcus. While a mysterious voice from a woman entered Sins ears.

"You have yet to suffer, you have yet to feel the pain my father and mother once did. You have no rights to open up the reserves of Chaos energy! However, I will forgive you considering your love for that woman. Your time is not yet ripe little man. With this little bit of emotional control, you'd only be another senseless killing machine."

If there were records of the Shuras calamity hundreds of thousands of years ago. This sword in the mansion of Sins heart world, would be recognized as [Dawns Blessing] the very one the Shura himself wielded.

Sins eyes turned blood red, as a bestial blood lust was filling his very being. The entirety of [Desolate Kingdom] rocked to the core, all the hidden old monsters in the land felt death. The insanely cruel and blood thirsty killing intent, and maliciousness was one foreign to [Desolate Kingdom.]

Sins frozen blood started flowing once again, and his heart which nearly stopped found a second wind. Sin was barely able to keep the insatiable blood lust and killing intent in check. Sin gathered all of his power quickly, intending to kill Sorcus under the Rage Gods possession, and inflict damage to the soul of the Rage God himself.

Sin rushed forward with a palm full of baleful energy, he blasted Sorcus stomach. A terrifying blood red wave tore through his stomach, exiting from his back. Sorcus was sent blasting through the air. Sin appeared above as a streak of black flames. Piercing downwards through Sorcus' body, Sin landed in the ground as the entire sky of [Desolate Kingdom] became pitch black.

[Tartarus Impalement] The earth, and surrounding 75 kilometers evaporated. Leaving nothing but a giant crater in the wake of Sins last attack. Molten lava broke through the surface bubbling.

Before the area became completely destroyed, Sin used [Void Steps] picking Samara up and fleeing the area. After escaping to a safe distance, Sin reverted back to his base form. The moment he did, his heart disease flared like none other before. Sin was coughing blood up continuously, the amount of blood he hurled could've been enough to fill 5 buckets to the brim.

Merala finally detached herself from Sins shadow. She hurriedly gathered all the Nature Qi she had, sending it into Sins body to gently wrap around his heart. After 45 minutes, Sins heart disease cooled off and Sin was in instant relief.

Sin started laughing to himself. "That fight was exhilarating! Take that you piece of shit god, I will remember you and fuck you up!"

Merala then punched Sins stomach, bringing a tear to his eyes as he whimpered like a dog. "The fuck was that for!?"

Merala was flying off into a fit of scolding Sin. "Because you deserve that you fucking dumb ass! When will a battle maniac like you, learn to take care of your health for once!?"

Sin was trying to appease Merala. "But honey we killed it out there!"

"So what if we did, that doesn't change the fact you nearly lost yourself becoming a mad man who lives for slaughter!"

Sin was confused "What the hell do you mean by lost myself?"

Merala was already pissed off, thinking Sin was playing around with her she snapped. "Whatever it doesn't matter anymore!"

Midnight Reaper also confirmed that fact. "You were nearly devoured by a Spirit that's in your heart world. If it wasn't for me asking if the spirit wanted to experience the Midnight thrust, you'd be as good as dead right now!"

Sin finally clued in, then he proceeded to ask Midnight Reaper. "Did you hear a women's voice?"

Now it was Midnight Reapers turn to be confused. "The fuck are you going on about?"

Sin sighed to himself. "Never mind then."

Midnight Reaper chimed in "You ain't got no psychiatrists in this world, don't start going bat shit crazy on us again or your fucked Keyahahahahaha!"

Samara bolted to Sin instantly yelling. "Bad dad!" She then proceeded to heal Sin more. Then bite him over and over, as she re healed the bite injuries she caused.

Sin finally took note, deciding he has to learn to control his battle lust. "I'm sorry my love, I will control myself more next time."

"Hmph!" Was all Samara cared to answer with. She then took her trademark spot and curled up into a ball on his shoulder. Samara tried to act mad at her dad, but as Sin kept tempting her with food. Samara finally caved in "Your still a bad dad! Don't think just because you're giving me food, does not mean I am happy with you!"

Sin smiled before checking the various logs he had after killing Sorcus.

[You have continuously pushed your body beyond a certain threshold. Whether it be stupidity, or through improving yourself in unnatural ways. The world has awarded you for your bravery. Physique increased by +5 points, Strength increased by +5 points.]

[You have been awarded 125,000 Merit Points. Total 175,000]

[You have successfully killed the disciple of a god encroaching upon the land of Desolate Kingdom. All of the Wolf God Clan have a 50% increase to cultivation, and technique improvement for the next 6 months]

[You have fatally injured the Rage Gods soul. There are consequences for every person's actions. You have been marked by the Rage God. All disciples and any powers under the Rage Gods influence hate you to the bone.]

Three blood red exclamation marks appeared, as well as the sound of a trumpet roaring in Sins mind

[!!! In 35 days time, a portal from other worlds will open up in Desolate Kingdom. The Rage Gods forces will descend in a random spot. Take heed warrior, your current state will not be up to par for the upcoming calamity!]

[You have been awarded 3 Chaos gems, 3 destruction gems.]

[You have gained 3,575,000 experience points.]

[You have leveled up to level 10. You now have the rights to obtain a class, and one profession.]

[You have been given 10 Status points. Unused points: 100]

After reading all the logs, Sin decided to ask Merala a question "Honey may I ask what your level is?"

Merala answered. "Level 17"

Sin then asked. "How many status points do you gain per level?"

"5 per level"

Sin was lost in deep thought before Merala asked him. Sin answered back honestly "10 per level." Meralas eyes widened before she hatefully looked at Sin.

While Sin and Merala were discussing things, a sudden surge of heat began brewing in Sins body. Truth be told, because of how high Sins physique has become. He had lazed off on cultivating his [Divine Dragons Tyrant Wolf King Flame Body Refinement Method] (1)

Ever since the night he and Merala had done the dirty. A taichi symbol appeared in Sins mind, one half was the depiction of a phoenix, and then other of a wolf.

Suddenly Sins body lit up with a brilliant white flame with gold mixed in, the howling of wolves could he heard, and the cries of a phoenix were mixed within.

Another notification appeared in Sins eyesight.

[Divine Dragons Tyrant Wolf King Flame Body Refinement Method, has given birth to a new variant flame. The variant flame is at the weakest rarity right now. However, with continuous use and being fed fire essence it may evolve over time.]

Merala who saw the new flame was excited. Sirius had shown her the flame created by the mixture of his and Kiralas "union."

As she had done the dirty, and created a new variant flame with Sin. Merala was pumped up, it was just a matter of time. She would also get a variant flame from their deeds.

The Wolf God Clan, and Phoenix Heart Clan have always shared close ties. When individuals of each clan make love, there is a chance of their refinement methods giving birth to new, and variant flames.

Merala with eyes full of yearning said without missing a heartbeat. "Do me now!"

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