《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》Surging Emotions


After marking the Azure Dragon Clan with the Midnight Mark. Sin picks Merala up in a princess carry hold, hugging her tightly up to his chest. For fear that if he let go, she would be gone forever. During this time, Sin had been imbuing his Mana to flow into Meralas body to stabilize her situation. While also pulling out the Chaos energy from his heart world. The pain from it made her go ashen white, but she could also feel her cells eagerly devouring the energy.

Sin looks into Meralas eyes. "I am sorry for being late my wife."

Merala looks into Sins apologetic eyes "Don't worry husband, what matters is that you made it in time. The children are safe and sound, and I am still alive. That is what matters is it not?"

Kissing Merala on her forehead affectionately. "Have a good rest my wife."

Merala then drifts away into sleep exhausted, but comfortable in her husbands embrace.

Sin then brings all the children back to the Wolf God Clan. In total there were 24 deaths, besides Lan from the group he was in. The whole time Lan hung his head in shame and pain. He ran away, abandoning his friends to save his own life. However, Sin had taken matters into his own hands.

After arriving back home safe and sound. Sin pulls Lan to the side in private. "I do not blame you Lan, as a child you are not the one to be blamed. The one to be blamed is your parents. No life is above another, and no life is less important than another. Your parents have failed in this aspect. From tomorrow onwards, if you TRULY wish to redeem yourself. Meet me in the Purgatory Boot Camp training grounds by 5 in the morning."

Lan hesitates for a minute before replying. "My parents are going to be against this."

Waving his hands nonchalantly "You're the first disciple I am taking. Do you think your parents are still going to be against it?"

Lans eyes lit up like sparklers in the night sky. "I am your first disciple? But I do not deserve to be after my selfish actions."

Kneeling down on one knee, and patting Lan on the shoulders, Sin looks into Lans eyes. "Lan I do not expect you to understand this at your age. But I know you will understand when you're older. A man is responsible for all of his actions, your guilt and grief is understandable. However, if you cannot take responsibility for your actions, your a pathetic excuse of a man."

Lan nods his head in agreement. "Thank you Wolf King, I will be at the Purgatory Boot Camp training grounds on time tomorrow morning."

Pulling out a holographic device from his pocket, Sin places it into Lans hands covering and covering it. "This is the Water, Sky, and Fire path of [Blood Dragon Sword Methods] protect it well Lan."

Quickly placing it in his pocket, Lan bows to Sin. "Thank you master, I promise to never disappoint your trust in me."

Ruffling Lans hair, Sin walks out of sight before disappearing entirely. Lan runs back to his home, barging into the doors excitedly. Lans mother called out "Supper will be ready in 15 minutes sweety."

Lan shouts back "Thanks mom!" Booking it into his room, Lan places the holographic device in his pillow case. After taking a quick bath, and going down to the dinning room for supper. Lan confidently announces to his parents. "The Wolf King wants to take me as his first disciple."


Lans parents both stop eating immediately, shocked to heaven and back. Lans fathers brows furrows, asking in a serious tone. "Are you sure the Wolf King would like to take you as his first disciple?"

Lan nods his head "Yes father, the Wolf King approached me himself."

Thinking for a minute, Lans father asks "Do you wish to be his disciple my son?"

Clenching his small hands into fists, with a wild determination lit in his eyes Lan responds. "Yes I wish to become the Wolf Kings disciple. Today while we were out on our training excursion, I abandoned my friends when an unknown assailant attacked us. My comrades, my best friends lost their lives, while I ran away like a coward."

Lans father speaks as matter of factly. "And as they should, your a nobles child. They should be proud to have given their life up for yours."

Looking into his father's eyes, Lan resolutely says. "No life is above another, and no life is less important than another." Leaving his meal half eaten, Lan leaves the table going back up to his room.


When it had become midnight, Elder Chrom snuck out of the Wolf God Clan. Just as he was about to leave the territory, a hand flashed out of nowhere grabbing him by the neck.

"You look like your in a rush Elder Chrom, could you explain to your Wolf King, why you feel the need to leave the clan undetected at this time of night?"

Gritting his teeth in blazing fury "Put me the fuck down! Isn't it uncivilized to just grab people by the neck out of nowhere!?"

"Sure" Sin lets go of Chroms neck, letting the man fall on his ass. "Oh I'm sorry, you didn't clarify with how you wanted to be put down."

Grumbling in frustration, Chrom finally answers "I'm going out to hunt for resources, isn't that what you, Adonis, Merala, and Rein are doing?"

Rubbing his fingers against his beard pondering. "Well aren't you a good example. But again i'd like to question, why do you see it fit to do so at midnight?"

"Does it matter why I'm doing it at midnight?"

"It does, now stop fucking the bush and answer me Chrom!"

"It's peaceful to kill at night?"

Sin slaps Chrom across the face without notice.

"What the fuck was that for!?"

"Sorry I saw a mosquito on your cheek." Sin chuckles in amusement.

"This entire time you've been fucking with me!" Chrom points his finger angrily at Sin.

Shrugging his shoulders, and clapping his hands nonchalantly. "Well, who knew you had it in you to figure things out so fast?"

"Would you stop humiliating me already!?" Chrom was beside himself in anger.

Sin decides to stop pissing Chrom off. "Okay, okay, okay. I apologize, so why don't we talk about this man to man instead?"

"Thank you Wolf King."

Sin then slapped the other side of Chroms face.

"Aw shit, Chrom I'm sorry man. I have something called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ocd for short. I slapped one side, and it was just killing me not to slap the other side."

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT!" Chrom bellowed rushing towards Sin.

Kicking one foot out, Sin trips Chrom before dog piling on him. Placing Chrom into a choke hold "Shhhhhhh, easy now old bull. There's no need to make things so unsightly. What I mean is, let's make love not war.


Chroms eyes widened up with fear, as he instantly clenched his buttocks after hearing Sins words.

Sin then whispered in Chroms ears. "Hey, why did you clench your anus all of a sudden?"

A shout of fear erupts out from Chroms mouth. "CAN you please not say something like that

when your in the position you are currently in!?"

Realization then dawned on Sin. "Your a sick fucker Chrom. Well whatever that's not the point to all of this."

"The real point to all of this is rather simple. Your the mole ordered with taking over my Wolf God Clan, by the Azure Dragon Clan right? I have already taken care of your backer, now all that's left is to dispose of you."

Chroms eyes widened in disbelief, "How did you kno-" Before Chrom could finish a poisoned dagger had already slit his throat.

"This dagger should look familiar to you does it not? I happened to loot it after killing a women earlier today."

"The Wolf God Clan is doomed." Was all Chrom could say before he started choking on his own blood.

Sighing to himself, Sin talks down to Chrom. "It's a shame that I have to kill you, old man Sirius told me in your younger years, you were a huge heavy weight in the clan. Rest in peace Elder Chrom, every man must choose which path to walk in their lifetime. You just happened to chose one that crossed my bottom line, betrayal! The Wolf God Clan doesn't need trash like you to act as an elder."

Flipping himself off of Chroms body, Sin rotated his body in midair before stomping down on the back of Chroms head, which exploded like a watermelon into hundreds of pieces.

Sin then spent the next 8 minutes digging a pit, he then threw what remained of Chroms body into the pit. Covering it back up with the earth, and dirt previously dug up.

"Sirius once told me your favourite wine was the Wolf Tears." Opening up a cork and pouring the wine over the 'grave' created for Chrom. Sin said a prayer he remembered back from Earth, it was meant to shield departed spirit from attacks by corrupted spirits, before being trialed in the heavenly court.

After returning to the clan, before going to bed with Merala for the night. Sin decided to clean himself off and freshen up. He proceeded to gather a bunch of already cut firewood. Bringing it to a big black pot that can fit 6 adults in it comfortably. Sin neatly organized the firewood underneath the stand, before lighting it on fire with [Midnight Glory.]

Sin then jumped into the pot, enjoying the feeling of his muscles instantly relaxing due to the high heat. Letting out a moan of pleasure "Ahhhh this is the fucking best after a long day!"

Closing his eyes, Sin started thinking back upon the memories of his family, friends, nephews, and niece. "You all have made me the man I am today, the man I am today will be the man who protects all of his loved ones."

Unknowingly tears had swelled in Sins eyes, before rolling down his face. Sin was suddenly brought back to his senses, Merala had joined him in the bath and was wiping away the fallen tears.

Seeing Meralas loving smile in front of him stunned Sin. "How embarrassing for a women to see their man at a low point."

Merala sat beside Sin before resting her head on his shoulders. "It's not embarrassing at all husband. Men are strong, but they are human as well. No matter how strong a man makes himself to be, he can only hold the lid down for so long."

Sitting there in silence, both enjoyed each others company. Sin finally decided to open up to Merala. "Back on earth, I had a little sister named Jasmine. I was the worlds proudest big brother, but then that night came about. My little sister was killed in an accident. I would always hear my parents cry night after night, they never shut down and stopped taking care of me. But eventually they declined into bad health, becoming unable to work and take care of their self. During that time, they would starve themselves while I had a full stomach. Jasmine was like a little angel, she brought joy to the world, and then she was taken away from us. At that time I was 13 years old, I dropped out of high school to work and support my family. I don't blame the world, nor do I dare say I have had the worst life. I have a good family, loving parents, and so many other blessings. It was around that time I met a women named Sabrina, she gave me hope when my eyes saw black and grey everyday. Because I lost my little sister, I got hung up over another women. I loved her for years, gave her the world. But she had stabbed me in the back, I was never good enough. To this day these words continue to stab at my heart. [It's not like I asked him to fall in love with me. And even if I did give him my love, he's just a merc who travels from battlefield to battlefield. He's bound to die one of these days, I do not want to be made a widow with a fatherless child.]''

After hearing Sins story, Merala had hugged Sin tightly into her embrace. A man's heart is a stubborn thing, it kicks you when your down. To a man, there's nothing more painful than loving someone so much, only not to receive the same love back by that very person.

And to a older brother, losing a younger sibling you heavily doted on, is the hardest pill to swallow.

Wrapping his arms around Meralas waist, Sin tightly hugs Merala into his chest. For fear of losing the one that had healed his heart. Would once again vanish like smoke in a room full of mirrors.

Merala wrapped her arms around Sins head, placing it on her chest. "Husband you do not have to worry about losing me. I won't let your heart be put through so much pain again. When you rid this world of evil, let's make a great big family together. That way, you will never feel alone."

After Sins emotions cooled off, Merala and Sin then went to bed for the night. Normally when Sin would sleep, he would always have dreams of losing his little sister Jasmine. Or holding Sabrina in his embrace, only to watch her slip away. However, tonight was different. Sin didn't dream, nor did he wake up throughout the night in an emotional mess.

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