《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》Midnight Mark


The next day staying true to his words. Sin had brought all 6 noble elders out for 'light sparring' and brutally beat them until their eyes looked like pandas.

Often times Sin would shit talk to the elders, the more mad they got, the wider the grin on his face spread. Sins favourite phrase became "Are you that inexperienced with your sword? That's a shame, I feel bad for your wives."

After hearing that single line, all the elders as if enraged bulls spiked with viagra went mad. Which brought even more humiliation their way. "Are you exhausted already? Come on men it has only been 4 minutes. It's no wonder your wife hasn't had an orgasm!"

Having spent all morning 'training' with their Wolf King. The elders were exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. They started talking amongst themselves in passionate fury.

"Mother fucking Wolf King! How dare he treat us nobles like this. If we were back in the capital city, he would have to tread carefully around us. An insignificant little worm like him dares to humiliate all of us? Have any of you thought about how we can exact revenge?"

The other 5 elders sit there in silence, one even began to shake in fright at the thought of doing so. Seeing this the lead elder was infuriated.

"You bunch of fucking pussies! All of you had hard cocks talking shit behind the Wolf Kings back. But when push comes to shove, you go limp. It's no wonder your wives are left unsatisfied!"

Hearing the remark the others grind their teeth in fury. Adonis had finally talked for the group. "It is not that we are pussies. We have truly let the title of nobility go to our minds. You should be thankful our Wolf King hasn't killed us yet. All of us have done many misdeeds since becoming nobles. I'm truly ashamed I had once been apart of your group."

Adonis had walked over to Sin. Seeing Adonis come over and bow to him Sin raised his eyebrows. "Hello esteemed noble, how may this one of insignificant status help you?"

Hearing the ridicule in Sins voice, Adonis replied back to Sin. "Thank you for your mercy Wolf King, I apologize for my rude behavior the other day. I hope you will excuse it, and truly train me in your [Blood Dragon Sword Methods.]

Sin thinks for a couple of seconds to himself before raising his voice. "Are you representing yourself, or the whole group?"

Adonis answers back. "I am representing myself. I have come to understand your mercy, I wish to be like my younger years again. This nobility has plagued my mind making me weak."

Hearing this a smile appears on Sins face. Raising his hand a force had shot out, bringing Adonis back to his feet.

Looking at the man eye to eye, Sin says aloud. "You have indeed made the right decision, if you had truly gone too far down this road. I would have kicked you out of the clan."

Looking over in the direction of noble elders. Sin stares at all of them coldly, radiating a spirit suppression that makes all the elders drop beads of sweat.

"From today onwards, you will be joining the other elders and watch over the children's training excursions. You will also have one hour uninterrupted daily to learn [Blood Dragon Sword Methods] from me."

Seeing this all the other elders grudgingly stare at the shit disturber of the group. "You completely fucked us Aran! We could've been like Adonis, but you had to go and drag us all down. I already told you the power went to your fucking pig head!"


The other 4 elders walked away, leaving Aran alone in fury and indignant cursing to himself. "You brown nosing pussies! Fine since you want to treat me like this, I will get my revenge alone!"

Going to a corner Aran had imbued a ring on his hand with Mana. After feeling a 'connection' appear, Aran excitedly convenes some information.

"Later in the afternoon, the Wolf God Clan is sending the children out on training excursions. How long would it take for you to arrive with men and kill them?"

After a couple of seconds, another voice is transmitted. "We will arrive within four hours. You have done good, make sure you're not sniffed out before we can take control of the capital city. You will be rewarded appropriately."

A cruel smile appears on Arans face "Yes my lord, this subordinate will make sure no one will find out."

The connection was cut, Aran regrouped with the other elders. Sin continued beating the elders until he felt they had enough for one day.

"All of you are dismissed, tomorrow you will have actual lessons."

Relief shot through all elders. But one of them had a creeping suspicion, and then curiously asked. "If we will have actual lessons tomorrow, why were we beat so badly today?"

Sin smiles before replying. "I needed a quick way to sober up." Walking away and whistling with a bounce in his step. Sin leaves the Purgatory Boot Camp with a rumbling stomach. "Man I am starved, who knew beating people could make you so hungry?"

Seeing Sin walk away, the elders stared on in frustration thinking to themselves. "So we amount to nothing else except for a quick way to sober up?"


Sin opened the door to his house, taking off his combat boots before making his way to the kitchen. When entering the kitchen, Sin had been stunned by a table full of food.

Merala was in her chef's apron, this time fully clothed. Seeing the table full of food, Sin appreciates the spread.

Turning around with a plate full of desserts. Merala had seen Sin then she lovingly smiled at him. Walking over and giving Sin a kiss on the cheek Merala says. "Come and sit down husband, lunch is ready and still warm."

After eating his fill, Sin pats his stomach in satisfaction. "I couldn't take another bite. Thank you for the meal sweety." Gathering all the plates off the table, Sin walks into the kitchen, placing them into a sink full of water.

Just as he was about to start washing the dishes, Merala hugged Sin from behind. "How was the training with those 'noble' elders you were so pissed off about?"

A smile appears on Sins face. "Truth be told honey, today I actually just beat them all to help with sobering up. Those spirit drinks you made are phenomenal. I could definitely become an alcoholic drinking them every night."

Merala smiles lovingly "I'm glad you enjoy them so much husband. Since there's still some time before the children go out for training, why don't I train your 'Sword' for you?" Merala had already started licking Sins earlobe.

Hearing the seduction in Meralas voice, Sin gulps before replying. "Your still a young woman, why must you feel the need to throw yourself at me?"

"Isn't it a women's duty to pleasure their man?" Merala asked confused.

Scratching his head Sin replies. "While it is one of a women's many duties, you're still underaged."

"Husband you do realize this is [Desolate Kingdom] and not the world you come from right?"


"I realize that however, you're still too young."

Pouting in frustration Merala walks away, angrily thinking to herself. "Why do the men from father's world have to be so damn indecisive."

After Merala left, Midnight Reaper had voiced out for the first time in a long time. "Pussy!"

Later that afternoon all the children had gone out in groups of 25. Each group was a mix of noble, and non noble children. Sin was currently standing at the front, looking at the future of the Wolf God Clans fighters.

"Children listen up. The last couple of weeks that Zenith had been training you all intensively. You have all improved vastly beyond my expectations. I hope you can all remember what Zenith had taught you. No life is above another, and no life is less important than another."

The children nod in agreement, being as young as they are. It was very easy to get rid of the "superiority' mindset, that the noble children had been raised with.

"You will be travelling on foot for 1 hour to the Forest Of Lost Souls. Your first mission will be to bring back 1 dead mutant beast each. And your most important order of all is to come back in one piece."

"Yes great Wolf King Sin!" The children shout in unison, with raging fighting spirit burning within their youthful eyes.

"Very good, now all of you may go for your first training excursion. You have a time limit of 5 hours, excluding the traveling time to bring back 25 dead mutant beasts per group."

The children all move out in perfect unison, all of them had been partnered up with who they were comfortable with. Making it easier in the hopes of less casualties happening, compared to teaming them up with another they had never trained with.

After thirty minutes passed, Sin summoned Arkus, Adonis, Merala, and Rein. "As the children are out on their first excursion. I cannot guarantee their safety alone. I would be appreciative if you could follow the groups, but remain hidden so they don't know there is protection."

The group reassured Sin the children will be protected well. Before leaving Zenith had arrived.

"Sin we need to talk about elder Chrom. He has been acting strange, I feel there is something off about him since Sirius passed."

Patting Zenith on the shoulder as he walks by. "Kill Chrom the moment he leaves the clan." Sin whispered in Zeniths ears, continuing on to catch up with the others.

Four hours passed uneventfully, the children had killed their respective mutant beasts. Many had also taken the initiative to kill more, practicing the combat techniques they've been learning. What surprised Sin the most, many of the children were able to proficiently perform his [Nine Life Steps.]

While Sin was quietly protecting the children, he felt a sudden killing intent erupt 5 miles away. Sin rushed over immediately after running full speed for five minutes he had arrived at the scene.

Seeing the bloody scene in front of his eyes. A black robed women was stepping on the head of a child. "Aren't you just a pathetic little boy, while all the others fought to protect your life. You had run away in terror, It's no wonder you nobles are so pathetically weak."

Unhooking her dagger from her waist, the women twirls it around on her finger tips. "You won't even feel a thing little boy."

The women mercilessly stabs down the dagger into the child's head. Before she had ended the life beneath her, she angrily shouted out "who dare-"

A open palm found its place in the middle of her abdomen. A baleful black flame pillar gushed out of her back.

The child weakly looks up, after seeing Sin he had burst out into tears. "Wolf King I'm sorry I abandoned Ryan, Jack, Ben, Ashton, and everyone else. They fought for their lives, and I let them all die!"

Kneeling down and patting the child on his head. Sin rubs his head before asking. "What is your name young one?"

"Lan" the child was able to get out through his sobs.

"Let me ask you this Lan. Are you willing to redeem yourself?"

Lan looks confused st Sin. "You're not going to kill me?"

Smiling Sin replies "Of course not, now answer me this. Are you willing to redeem yourself?"

"Yes Wolf King! They protected me because I am a nobles child. I don't want to feel this weak, and painful feeling of losing friends ever again!"

Telling Lan to jump up onto his back. Sin rushed back at full speed. Every group of children he passed along the way, he would use his Mana to form a bubble and carry them back with their kills.

After 10 minutes Sin had met up with Arkus, Rein, and Adonis. Leaving all the children with them, Sin worriedly asked where Merala was.

Adonis replied "Merala is fighting back a man, protecting her group."

"I want all of you to bring the children back to the clan!" Sins voice echoed out as he was already long gone.

Locking onto Meralas weak aura, Sin pushed his body to the limit of his full 10% combat power. "Hang in there my wife, I will be there shortly!"

Merala had been desperately protecting the children. Multiple deep cuts covered her body, she was just barely keeping her stance, with shaking legs and weak arms.

The assailant looks at Merala lustfully "Hoh that ain't bad for a young woman as yourself. If it weren't for the brats behind you, I wouldn't be able to push you around so easily. It's a shame I would've loved to fuck you, but you must die here."

Merala sheathed her weapon and closed her eyes. Calming her mind she put one hand on her scabbard, and the other on the hilt of her sword. Just as the attacker was about to cut her down. Merala had disappeared using her own version of [Illusionary Sword]

During the past couple of weeks, Sin had been religiously training Merala in [Blood Dragon Sword Methods] and various other combat techniques.

Sheathing her weapon with a "Ssshhhh" a shower of blood shoots out from the assailants right shoulder.

Just as she had let her guard down, a vicious smile appeared on the assailants face. Before the children had a chance to scream out. The man plunged his sword into Meralas back, before twisting it and nearly dismembering her arm. Turning around quickly, Merala held her sword diagonally.

The man followed up kicking her in the abdomen, sending her skidding backwards. "You've really pissed me off now girly!" Cleaving his sword downwards to cut Merala in half, the sword came to a sudden halt. Feeling as if he just hit a mountain full force.

A voice with rich killing intent bellowed "That's my Merala!" Sin grabbed the man's arm tearing it off his body. Dashing forward with his elbow into the man's gut, Sin then followed up with uppercutting the man, launching him into the sky.

Flexing his legs Sin launched himself into the sky. Smashing the man down like a meteor into the earth. Propelling himself towards the ground with his Mana, a black light column appeared behind Sin. Brutally piercing through the man's chest, and the earth shoulder deep. A terrifying aura wave blows the injured Merala, and frightened children away.

Pulling his arm out and rapidly punching down onto the man's body, multiple "kurchaks" and "snaps" are heard as bones are broken into pieces. Digging his fingers into the man's wrists, Sin snaps the tendons in half. Forcing a scream of agony out of the man below him. Which just happened to be enough space for Sin to stab a dagger into the opened mouth.

Hurling the man up into the sky, Sin gathers his Mana into a magnificent cyan coloured ball in his hand. Throwing it at the man's body, it blows up in midair creating a massive cyan coloured cyclone. Flesh, blood, and organs rain down from the sky, painting the ground below a crimson scarlet.

Rummaging through the meaty chunks, Sin comes across a ring. Unsure of what to do, a prompt showed up in front of his eyes.

Storage Ring: Holds up to 250 item slots

Looking through the rings storage space, Sin is interrupted by a buzzing sound. An unknown voice emits from an ear piece, undamaged by Sins previous attack.

"Come in Charles, multiple squads have been eliminated. What is the situation on your end?"

Picking up the ear piece. Sin shifts his vocal cords, perfectly cloning Charles voice.

"The situation is clear on my end, there are a bunch of young children hunting mutant beasts in groups. What do you mean then other squads have been eliminated?"

The voice cuts through again. "Return to the Azure Dragon Clan immediately. We cannot risk the Wolf God Clan finding out about our raid. We have detected a power surpassing old wolf Sirius."

Memorizing the person's spirit mark. Sin activates [Spirit Devouring Blade] from the [Blood Dragon Sword Methods: Spirit Path]

A spiritual blade shoots out of Sins mind, racing to the unknown member of the Azure Dragon Clan. Afterwards Sin crushed the ear piece in the middle of his palm.

Within the Azure Dragon Clan, one of the elders in a clan meeting passed out instantly, a portion of his spirit had been severed. Placing the man into a deep coma.

After the spiritual attack, an overwhelmingly intense Sword Qi graffitied the wall. Creating the image of a death god, in a black robe with only its eyes showing. Next to it, a line of text appeared beside the graffiti. "Marked by Midnight."

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