《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Third Interregnum


Lady Jaure stood before the Dark Lord, they both silently regarded each other. There was no one else in the room. General Major Dennus and the ambassadors had left and the Ladies who had accompanied her had been told to leave with instructions to close the door when they exited. This had caused gasps of surprise along with some exclamations from the rest of the Ladies, now waiting outside.

The silence was finally broken when Lady Jaure spoke. “You know why I am here. What I have done. I cannot do it anymore.”

“I know.”

“Why do you demand more of me, when I have no more to give?” There was bitterness in her voice.

“Because, you supported me from the beginning so as much as I can trust, I trust you as I trust few others.” The words came levelly, without inflection.

“What do you want of me?” There was now real anguish replacing the bitterness in her voice.

The Dark Lord turned and paced around the room in a manner totally unlike His usual self. A deeply troubled look had appeared on His face. “I will ask nothing at this time. But, at the proper time, I will demand much from you. I will take much from you which will be returned in full when complete. I promise that I will set you free when you are done.”

“Tell me now, I demand it. I have earned it.”

“You have, but it is not time. I will have to pay a heavy price for what I am about to do and more. You will be part of redeeming that price, a large part.” He paused looking to the ceiling. “But it will require much of you and you have my word.” She was clearly puzzled.


Turning to her, He said, “Go back to Tantalus, you can watch from there.” With a wave of his hand, she vanished. He turned to the door which opened on his gaze. The slender Lady with light brown hair entered, she gave him a questioning look.

He nodded. She shook her head and shrugged.

“I am not sure,” she said.

“It will be for the best.”

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