《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Part Six. Blaze. Chapter Fifty.


While she had no idea where the teams were, Nikie di Frim didn’t care. All she knew was that there would be three teams of three men. She did not know them and did not want to know them or anything about them. As long as they did their job, that was all that mattered. Neither did she did know who the spy stationed outside Cheaine Dressiler’s spire was; that the spy knew who they were looking for was enough. Confirmation that the Dressiler’s had left for the festival was all Nikie needed.

The rains had broken for the morning and the sun flooded the city with its white light. This worried Nikie slightly as the cursed patrol would be alert, but conversely the work of identifying the Dressiler’s would be easier and the three squads would be able to operate better without rain. The conservative dress that the people of Ti Lepus customarily wore would assist in hiding their weapons.

Leaving the temporary accommodation she had taken to be close to the festival grounds, Nikie joined the crowd walking there. Her destination was the entrance used by those of high status. Although she had boiled in anger when scouting this entrance before, this time she almost smiled. Today she would see the person she hated most, destroyed.

I only wish that somehow Cheaine knew that it was me who arranged this, Nikie brooded as she walked, but it will be good to watch anyway.

If it had been possible or feasible, she would have been in a building overlooking the entrance to the fairgrounds, but there were no buildings high enough and they were all locked. Besides she wanted to be close as possible to the action so she could see her hated rival die.


The Dressiler’s were in a state of mild chaos.

Both Kapat and Cami had overlooked the clothes that they had selected the night before and were getting dressed and changing clothes at the same time. Back and forth they went, dressing and undressing and redressing, all to Cheaines growing annoyance, while Rentap hide his amusement and Dinis, his frustration.

“Kapat! Cami!” Cheaine spoke more sternly then she usually did. “Enough changes.”

Dinis rolled his eyes, glancing at his father. Rentap was keeping his face covered with as bland a look as he possibly manage.

“Why do they have to be like that?” Dinis hissed to his father, try to keep his voice as low as possible so as to avoid his mother’s wrath. If anyone was going to feel the whip, and it looked like someone would, it wasn’t going to be him.

“We’ll wait in our lobby dear,” Rentap ushered his son to their access at the public elevator which was on the outside of the building.

Arriving, he pointed, “Dinis sit,” he said taking a chair for himself. Moodily, Dinis folded his lean body into the chair. “Patience, son. This is all new to Cami, and Kapat is excited to show her everything. You will have to make some allowances for the two of them today.” He eyed his son. “If you don’t you will be punishing yourself along with all of us and that will not make me happy.” He gave his son an encouraging smile, then continued, “If you want to have some fun, just watch your mother having to deal with both Cami and your sister.” Rentap chuckled. “Personally, I am planning on enjoying the show.”


Dinis stared at his father, then started to laugh, joined by his father.


The pair were still chuckling when the three female members of the family, followed by Jean, arrived in the dwelling’s lobby area. Both Cami and Kapat were wearing dark coloured smocks. Camis was deep blue while Kapats was dark green. Cheaine was wearing an ankle length dress of sunset red. All three, like the two men, were carrying their hats and coats.

“What are you laughing at?” frowned Kapat. Cami looked puzzled, but Cheaine just gave the two men one of her patented looks, the one every husband knows, the one that says; we will discuss this later.

“We should be going, that is, if you don’t want to be late now, dear.” When his wife used that tone and phrasing, Rentap knew to just smile and acquiesce.

Entering the family’s departure code, he called the elevator. “I ordered an extra-large automatic for us today. I think that all of us will need it.” Turning to the housekeeper he told her that they would be eating at the festival grounds so she could have the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon off. Jean bowed and left with a “Yes master,”

“Will it wait for us?” Cheaine was still using that tone.

Rentap took note and answered smoothly. “It is not yet time for its arrival, I set it for period nine point five.”

“Good,” she said abruptly, which revealed Cheaines continued state of annoyance.

Eyeing his wife, Rentap knew that a public display of affection would be rejected, furthermore, it would be inappropriate, which would only make Cheaine even unhappier. Being an astute man, he left his wife well alone.

It was the outside elevator that was being used this day and it arrived on time. Kapat, Cami and Dinis all stood back respectfully as their parents entered. As the three young people entered, Cami gave a gasp and stepped quickly to the front, entranced by the floor to ceiling view of Lepus Mal.

“Have you been in this elevator before Cami?” asked Rentap with the smile he could show as they were still on their private living area.

“No master, never,” she replied awestruck, her eyes glued to the scene in front of her. “I have only used the inside ones.”

The clouds had broken apart and the white light from the system’s hot sun, a class FV, was streaming through in radiant beams. Mists were raising from the drying streets and floating past the towers. Today, Lepus Mal was beautiful in its steaming glory.

As the elevator dropped, the aspect changed. Beams of sunlight bounced off buildings, sometimes dazzling and sometimes throwing cascades of radiance in all the colours of the rainbow. Spread through the clouds, were more beams of light, broken into colours of gold, orange and violet, all spreading their glory over the city.


Cami was delighted and her happiness was infectious. Both Kapat and Dinis followed her to the front pointing out the changing landscape of light. Rentap felt happier than he had for several months. Turning to them, Cami exclaimed “What a lovely view! I can’t believe that we don’t use this elevator every day!”

Cheaine could not help but laugh and Rentap laughed along with her. The two looked at each other. With the look, the previous tension evaporated.

“It is a beautiful sight,” Cheaine murmured.

“Almost as beautiful as you,” Rentap murmured back, the compliment turning Cheaines cheeks a rosy pink.

She gave her husband a smouldering look that promised for later, then asked, “You did say that Lorena was joining us, didn’t you?”

“She commed me from the buildings arrival level a fraction ago. You don’t have second thoughts, do you?”

“No, she can take Cami and Kapat in hand and model for them how to behave in public.”

“Especially Cami.” Rentap smiled, looking at how Cami was almost jumping up and down as she moved to stand on tiptoe at every new blaze of light. Kapat was chattering away and also showing enthusiasm, pointing out different views to her brother and Cami. Even Dinis was affected by the two young girl’s enthusiasm.

“She is delightful, but sometimes her enthusiasm gets the best of her.” He continued.

“And she gets the other two joining in,” Cheaine observed, but she was still smiling.

As the elevator moved lower, Rentap nodded to Cheaine. She sighed, but stepped to Cami and Kapat.

“Calm down now, Kapat, Cami, Dinis. The public will be seeing us soon, so remember your status.”

“Yes mother.”

“Yes mistress.”

All the family were properly dressed from the outing and they quickly checked that every item was correct and in place as the elevator floated slowly to a stop at the ground floor. The doors slid open and the five stepped out into the foyer of the apartment tower. Cheaine and Rentap stepped out first followed by Kapat and Cami. Dinis was the last one off, standing tall and with as dignified a mien as he could manage.

Waiting for them was Lorena Makapet, dressed in a similar conservative style. With a smile, she waved them over, “Was it a good ride down?” She asked the girls with a smile.

“Wonderful, thank you.” Kapat smiled.

“Yes thank you, Madam Makapet.” Even the solemn words could not hid the grin Cami was trying to suppress.

“I have the same elevator in my tower. I take it every chance I get.” As Lorena spoke, she turned and began to move towards the main doors. The door attendant held the door open with a bow to the parents and a nod to the rest.

While both Cheaine and Rentap nodded back, Lorena gave the man a small smile, much to his discomfort. The three children just walked by, each giving a nod of thanks.

Outside, the group of six waited for the automatic conveyance arrival, then boarded with the proper deference for the seniority of Cheaine, Lorena and Rentap. Once in, they settled into their seats.


The spy, seeing the family she was waiting for keyed her comm with the code phrase, “Empire.” Nikie on her way received the phrase a brief fraction later. She did not smile. Inwardly, however, she exalted. The observer’s job completed, she left idly wondering just what she had done. With a mental shrug she put the matter from her mind and left to meet with her husband who had no idea what his wife was involved in. The two, both of high service class, met at a café where they shared a meal before returning to their home. They did not go to the festival grounds.


Now halfway to her destination, Nikie di Frim, glanced idly at the crowds heading in the same direction wondering how many of them were also heading to the festival grounds. Also crossing her mind, was the thought that some of those walking with her may be members of the team. As casually as possible, she looked from left to right, trying not to seem inquisitive. That would only draw attention to herself.


As none of the three teams were in the same area as Nikie, her curiosity was redundant. They had all arrived separately, posing as visitors for the Rains Festival, each staying in the temporary accommodation provided for single travelling men and paying no attention to each other. All this they had learned and practiced in the months since the conviction and death of Wiski Lewes. That unfortunate was a martyr to these men, and they were prepared to die to avenge him. Of Nikie di Frim, they had no knowledge at all.

Arming themselves with the weapons that they were to use, then leaving their separate accommodations, some at about the same time as Nikie, others at slightly different times, but all carefully choreographed, they travelled by foot to the main gates of the festival grounds, their final destination.

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