《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Forty Five.


Ti Lepus Imports was quiet, the business humming along. Rentap Dressiler, now part owner with Osterwald ra Tyrrel as junior partner was more than satisfied with his decision to both release him from his contract and to bring him into the company. He had discussed his thoughts with both his wife and his mistress. With a complete lack of surprise on his part, both proclaimed themselves enthusiastic at the idea.

Neither were the staff any less pleased at the idea. All had congratulated Osterwald on his new status and were confident that he would, in time, be elevated to the lower ranks of the high status and be dropping his class designation. This had already started when Cheaine had arranged to meet, for the first time, Sirian, Osterwald’s wife.

This meeting had included an amusing episode when Cheaine had asked if Sirian had considered the question of Osterwald’s mistress or did he already have one?

“A mistress?” Sirian a compact younger woman of the same status as her husband, was from what was considered eastern Ti Lepus and had gyrated between appalled, shocked and curious.

They were sitting in a private booth in the Trigon Club. Sirian had been unable to stop staring around when they entered, although she had done her best to conceal her curiosity and had now settled down, “I had never considered that,” she confessed.

“It will be expected.” Cheaine continued with some sympathy. “I understand that the concept maybe foreign to you, but when you reach the high class it becomes expected.” She smiled. “This is just one more thing that you will have to become accustomed to.”

Sirian had stuttered and turned somewhat pink. When she had first viewed the young girl attendant, dressed as usual in revealing lingerie, her mouth dropped open, even more when Cheaine had suggested that she consider buying the young woman’s contract.

Rentap had laughed when, in the privacy of their bedroom, Cheaine had told him all this and described the stupefied reaction of Sirian when she was informed that they would go clothes shopping that afternoon with the mistress of Rentap!


He was not laughing today.

A knock sounded on his door, which opened immediately. Osterwald entered.

Rentap rose without a smile and beckoned Osterwald in. “Please sit, there is a matter that we must discuss,” he said, sitting behind his desk again.

Osterwald tensed, still uncertain of his position was subconsciously alert for any possible problem. So far, any time they had business matters to discuss, it had been in the informal sitting area and Rentap had been at pains to put him at ease. Now, however, Rentap looked grim and upset, although he was doing his best to hide it. It was a complete change from his earlier mood when he had left to meet Lorena for an infrequent morning meeting.

“You know I met with Lorena this morning?” Rentap began.

“Yes, you mentioned it.”

“I was surprised when she commed me. It is rare for her to do so.” Rentap paused, rubbing his face.

Osterwald became more concerned, such displays were rare for Rentap, indeed for any man of Ti Lepus.

“Sir.” He dropped back into his accustomed manner, then corrected himself. “I mean Rentap, what is causing you so much distress?”

There was a long pause while Rentap gathered his thoughts and composure. “Lorena had a visit from her mother. She wanted to give her a warning.” He fell silent again.

Confusion showed on Osterwald’s face, he was completely at a loss.

“You recall that secret policeman, the Grey?”

“Of course, gen Wattar. I forget his first name.”

“He interviewed Lorena’s mother, Ardine, and it seems she had some information to give him. Lorena said it was family, but would not say exactly what it was. She did tell me that her mother had also met with Markus and he told her about the Dark Lord.” Rentap proceeded to explain further.

“And it is serious enough for her to want to warn you of danger?” Osterwald asked after absorbing the new information.


“Yes.” Rentap fell silent again, Osterwald waiting for him to continue.

After a short silence, Rentap continued. “Leves is behind it all. Lewes was an unwitting martyr, set up to enrage others. In particular the lower status citizens, the ones unhappy with their lot and who want more status.” He gave a short bark of a laugh. “I doubt that he realised how much he was set up. Someone as arrogant as he was. When he was arrested he probably thought that he would just get a fine, I am sure that the death sentence came as a real shock.” There was a silence between the two for a fraction.

“I also find it interesting the timing of the changes in the law regarding the death sentence,” Rentap spoke musingly. “I remember that Leves was one of the Councillors who were in favour of the change.”

“But what does he want? Leves, I mean.”

“Power. He is fanatical, but hides it well. He is pulling all the strings.” Rentap took a breath. “He wants to take over the Council and is halfway there.”

“But what can we do? We are just one small company on the planet. We can’t stop him from doing whatever he wants!”

“Yes, you are correct and both Lorena and Cheaine agree.” Rentap smiled at the look of surprise. “Yes, Cheaine was there as well.” He laughed. “You should not be so surprised. You know that they are close.”

“I was just caught off guard.” Osterwald had a bemused look on his face. “I wonder how Sirian will take all this?”

“Only tell her what she needs to know, there is no need to cause her distress. The real problem that we have to deal with is security, protection of our staff, premises and ourselves. What happens to the goods we import is beyond our control but we may have to talk to our contractors.” Rentap was getting on track, recovering from the shock of being told that he was in actual danger.

“I will talk to our friendly police inspector, oh yes he is a chief inspector now. He may be able to give us some advice.”

“Advice for what?”

“Several things come to mind: Security for the office staff, at least while they are at work; Security for both our families and us; Advice on protecting our imports as well. People who we could hire to protect us. Possibly more ideas about who and what to look for when we are out and about, things like that.”

Rentap stood and started walking backwards and forwards. “We can’t protect all our staff, all the time. But we do have the obligation to protect them here, at our offices. Our families, well that will be more difficult.” Walking over to the counter where refreshments were waiting, he waved at Osterwald to join him.

“After all this I need refreshment, and you?” Rentap asked.

“Yes, please.”

Pouring the drinks, he passed one to Osterwald then waved at the sitting area. “Let’s sit. We might think better now, perhaps.” Laying back in his chair, Rentap looked at the ceiling. “What is the worst feeling is the helplessness. The inability to do something, anything.”

Osterwald sat swirling his drink trying to think of something to say that would not make things worse.

With a sudden laugh, Rentap sat up, startling Osterwald.

“Well, there is something that we can do, we can call our Chief Inspector Nic ra Ptocto.”

Waving at his partner to follow him, Rentap returned to his desk and his comm unit.

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